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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ÔN TẬP THÌ I.THÌ HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN: 1. Cách thành lập : a. Khẳng định: S (I,We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều) + VINFINITIVE (Động từ nguyên mẫu) S (He,She,It, danh từ số ít) + VS/ES (Động từ thêm”S” hoặc “ES” ) EX: I always go to school early. He stays up late every night. She does her homework every day. Lưu ý:  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng các chữ: O, X, S, SH, CH ta phải thêm”ES” do does ; fixfixes ; missmisses ; washwashes ; watchwatches … EX: My mother washes the clothes every day. He often goes to work by car.  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ “Y” mà trước nó là một hoặc 2 phụ âm, ta phải đổi chữ “Y”thành chữ”I” rồi thêm”ES” study studies ; carry carries; worry; worries ; marry  marries ; cry cries… EX: This baby often cries when his mother is out. Lan sometimes worries about her tests.  Đối với những động từ còn lại chỉ thêm “S” mà thôi play plays, make  makes; clean cleans…. EX: Nam ussually plays soccer in the afternoon. This boy drinks milk every day. b. Phủ định: S (I,We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều) + don,t + VINFINITIVE (Động từ nguyên mẫu) S (He,She,It, danh từ số ít) + doesn,t + VINFINITIVE EX: I don,t drink coffee. He doesn,t like films c. Nghi vấn: Do + S (I,We, You, They, danh từ số nhiều) + VINFINITIVE ? (Động từ nguyên mẫu) Does + S (He,She,It, danh từ số ít) + VINFINITIVE ? EX: Do you know this student ? Does she like music ? 2. Cách sử dụng:  Dùng để diễn đạt một hành động sự việc thường hay xãy ra (lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần) hay một thói quen ở hiện tại. (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên như: always, frequently, constantly, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every… once twice three aweek / a month / a year… four times ….. EX: We eat rice every day. He oftens get up early.  Diễn đạt một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý EX The Moon goes around the Earth. Fish live in the water. II. THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN 1. Cách thành lập a. Khẳng định: am EX : I am writing a letter now S + is +VING He is sleeping at present Are They are playing in the school-yard at this time b. Phủ định : Thêm “ not” sau am / is / are am EX : I am not writing a letter now S + is + not +VING He isn,t sleeping at present Are They aren,t playing in the school-yard at this time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> c. Nghi vấn : Đảo am / is / are ra trước chủ ngữ Am EX : Are you doing the homework ? Is + S +VING ? Is she watching TV now ? Are Are the students learning English at the moment ? 2. cách sử dụng: -Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đang diễn ra ở hiện tại (Ngay lúc đang nói). (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: still, now, at present, at the moment, at this time, today, tinight, this week… sau các từ tạo sự chú ý như : Look !, Look at him/her/them…, Pay attention! , Be careful !... ) EX: The students are doing the exercises now. He is reading a newspaper at present. Look! The bus is coming here. -Diễn đạt một dự định, một hành động, sự việc đã được sắp xếp làm (xãy ra) trong tương lai gần (Tương đương với (am / is /are going to )) EX: I am going to Binh Chau tomorrow. He is returning home next Sunday. -Dùng với always để diễn đạt một sự phàn nàn về một hành động hay sự việc không tốt thường hay xãy ra hay một thói quen xấu ở hiện tại Ex: He is always watching TV very late. They are always making noise in class. CÁCH THÊM “ING”  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ “E” câm, ta phải bỏ nó đi EX write  writing , practise  practising , raise  raising , ride  riding, drive  driving…  Đối với động từ 1 vần tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm ta phải nhân đôi 2 u phụ âm cuối đó. ( Nguyên âm gồm: a, e, I, o , 3 ) EX:cut  cutting , stop stopping , run  running, sit  sitting, get  getting, rub  rubbing…  Đối với động từ 2 vần , có âm nhấn (Trọng âm) ở vần cuối, tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm ta phải nhân đôi phụ âm cuối đó EX: begin  beginning, prefer  preferring, occur  occurring, admit  admitting…  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng 2 chữ ”ie” thì phải đổi thành chữ “y” EX: tie tying ,lie  lying …  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ “L” mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm, phải nhâ đôi chữ “L” EX: Travel travelling, control  controlling, signal  signalling… III .THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH 1. Cách thành lập a. Khẳng định: v3 EX: We have learnt these lessons VPP = vED He has finshed his work. S + have / has +V pphave /has b. Phủ định: Thêm “not” sau EX: They haven,t done their homework yet. , , Mr Long hasn,t seen that film before. S + haven t / hasn t +Vpp c. Nghi vấn: Đảo have/ has ra trước chủ ngữ. Have / Has +S +Vpp ?. EX: Have you ever eaten durian ? Has he met his friend yet ?. 2. Cách sử dụng:  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra trong quá khứ nhưng không xác định rõ thời gian (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: already, before, many times, several times…) I have already gone to Dalat. He has seen this film before.  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc vừa mới diễn ra. (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ:just, lately, recently…) EX: He has just got married. They have built a house recently.  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại vẫn còn và có thể còn tiếp diễn ở tương lai(Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: since, for, up to now, so far…).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> EX: We have learnt English for 4 years. Mr Baker has lived in London since 1992.  Dùng với NEVER để diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc chưa bao giờ xãy ra tính tới thời điểm hiện tại. EX: I have never travelled by air /plane.  Dùng với YET trong câu phủ định để diễn đạt một hành động sự việc chưa xãy ra và trong câu nghi vấn để hỏi xem một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra hay chưa. (Hành động này vẫn thường hay xãy ra nhưng ở thời điểm hiện tại nó chưa xãy ra hoặc đã xãy ra hay chưa) EX: I haven,t had breakfast yet. Have you emt him yet ?  Dùng với EVER để hỏi xem một hành động, sự việc đã bao giờ xảy ra hay chưa. EX: Have you ever travelled by train ? Have you ever driven a car ?  Dùng sau các cấu trúc: +It /This / That is the first/ second/ third …time… +It / This /That is the only… (/You are/ she is, He is….) +It /This / That is + so sánh nhất …(/You are/ she is, He is….) EX: This is the first time I have ridden a motorcycle. This is the only pen I have here. You are the only girl I have loved. She is the most beautiful girl I have seen. CÁCH THÊM “ED”  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ “E” câm, ta chỉ thêm chữ “D” mà thôi EX: like  liked , practise  practised, raise raised, agree  argreed…  Đối với động từ 1 vần tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm ta phải nhân đôi 2 u phụ âm cuối đó. ( Nguyên âm gồm: a, e, I, o , 3 ) EX:stop stopped, rub  rubbed, …  Đối với động từ 2 vần , có âm nhấn (Trọng âm) ở vần cuối, tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm ta phải nhân đôi phụ âm cuối đó EX: prefer  preferred, occur  occurred, admit  admitted…  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ ”y” mà trước nó là 1 hoặc 2 phụ âm thì phải đổi thành chữ “i” rồi thêm”ED” EX: Carry carried, cry  cried study  studied…  Đối với động từ tận cùng bằng chữ “L” mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm, phải nhâ đôi chữ “L” EX: Travel travelled, control  controlled, signal  signalled… IV. THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN: 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định: EX: We have been studying English since 7 ,S + have /has +been +VING o clock. He has been working for three hours. b. Phủ định: Thêm “Not” sau have /has EX:She hasn,t been working all day. I haven,t been watching TV since he came S + have / has + not +been +VING c. Nghi vấn: Đảo have / has ra trước chủ ngữ Ex: Has he been seeing a film ? Have / Has + S +been +VING ? Have they been playing soccer since three o,clock? 2. Cách sử dụng: -Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra trong quá khứ, kéo dài đến hiện tại vẫn còn và có thể còn tiếp diễn ở tương lai.(Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: since, for…) (Giống thì Hiện tại hoàn thành nhưng nhấn mạnh tính liên tục) I have been tying for three hours. We have been learning since seven o,clock. V.THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN: 1. Cách thành lập :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> a. Khẳng định: S + V2/ VED… b. Phủ dịnh: ,. S + didn t + VINF… c. Nghi vấn:. EX: He went to Hanoi last week. She cleaned the floor yesterday. EX: He didn,t go to Hanoi last week. They didn,t play volleyball yesterday. Ex: Did you meet him last night ? Did the students do the test last Monday ?. Did +S + VINF… ? 2. Cách sử dụng: -Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra tại một thời điểm xác định trong quá khứ. (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: yesterday, last, ago…) I went to Vung Tau two weeks ago. He watched that film last night. * So sánh với thì Hiện tại hoàn thành: I have gone to Dalat. I went to Dalat last year. He has already met her. He met her yesterday. VI. THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN: 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định: EX: We were watching TV at 8 o,clock last night. S +were /was +VING She was cooking at that time. b. Phủ định: Thêm “not” sau were/ was EX: We weren,t watching TV at 8 o,clock last night S +were /was + not + VING She wasn,t cooking at that time c. Nghi vấn: Đảo were /was ra trước chủ ngữ. EX: Were you watching TV at 8 o,clock last night? Were /Was + S + +VING ? Was she cooking at that time ? 2. Cách sử dụng:  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ. (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: at that time, at this time + yesterday/ last… , at one/two/ three… o,clock +yesterday/ last…) EX: The children were sleeping at that time. I was playing the Piano at this time yesterday.  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đang diễn ra tại một thời điểm trong quá khứ thì một hành động sự việc khác diễn ra cắt ngang hành động đó.(Kết hợp với thì Quá Khứ Đơn) Ex: I was taking a bath when the telephone rang. They were watching TV when I came. VII THÌ QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH: 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định EX: I had graduated from the colege before I taught S + had +VPP here. They had bought a house before they got married. b. Phủ định: Thêm “not” sau had EX: He hadn,t finished his work before he went to the S + hadn,t +VPP cinema. We hadn,t done our homework yet. c. Nghi vấn: Đảo had ra trước chủ ngữ : EX: Had you reviewed the lessons before you took the Had +S +VPP ? exam ? Had she learnt English before she went to the USA ? 2. Cách sử dụng: -Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ ( Trong câu thường có: before yesterday/ last…) They had built a house before last Tet holidays. We had finished our work before yesterday. -Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc đã xãy ra trước một hành động, sự việc khác cũng xãy ra trong quá khứ (Kết hợp với thì Quá Khưa Đơn).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> I had done the homework before I went to bed last night. She went to school after she had had breakfast. VIII.THÌ QUÁ KHỨ HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄNPast Perfect Progressive: 1. Cách thành lập: a.Khẳng định: s +Had + Been + V-ing b. Phủ định: s +Hadn,t + Been + V-ing c.Nghi vấn: Had +S + Been + V-ing ? 2. Cách dùng:  Dng giống hệt như Past Perfect duy cĩ điều hoạt động diễn ra lin tục cho đến tận Simple Past. Nĩ thường kết hợp với Simple Past thơng qua phĩ từ Before. Trong cu thường xuyn cĩ since, for + time Lưu ý: Thời ny ngy nay ít dng, người ta thay thế nĩ bằng Past Perfect v chỉ dng khi no cần điễn đạt tính chính xc của hnh động. IX. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN: 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định: EX: I shall visit you next week. S +Will / Shall + VINF The students will stay at home tomorrow. b. Phủ định : Thêm “not” sau will /shall will not = won,t ; shall not = shan,t S +Will / Shall +not + VINF EX: I won,t go to class late I promise. We shan,t have Math tomorrow. c. Nghi vấn : Đảo will / shall ra trước chủ ngữ : Will / Shall + S + VINF ?. EX: Will you go with me tomorrow ? Shall we have meat for lunch ?. 2. Cách sử dụng:  Diễn đạt một hành động, sự việc sẽ xãy ra trong tương lai. (Trong câu thường có các trạng từ : tomorrow, next, in the future…) EX: We will have an exam next month. Lan will go to HCM City tomorrow.  Diễn đạt một lời đề nghị lịch sự ( Đề nghị người khác cùng với mình làm một việc gì, đề nghị người khác giúp mình) , một lời ngỏ ý giúp đỡ, một lời hứa… EX: Shall we play soccer ?= Let,s play soccer. Will you please give me a hand ? Shall I help you ? I promise I will learn harder. X. THÌ TƯƠNG LAI TIẾP DIỄN (Future Progressive:) 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định: S +will/shall + be + verb_ing b. Phủ định: S +will/shall + not + be + verb_ing Will not =won,t ; shall not = shan,t.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> c. Nghi vấn: Will/Shall + S + be + verb_ing ? 2. Cách sử dụng:  Diễn đạt một điều sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai ở vo một thời điểm nhất định x: At 8:00 am tomorrow morning we will be attending the lecture. x: Good luck with the exam! We will be thinking of you.  Dng kết hợp với present progressive khc để diễn đạt hai hnh động đang song song xảy ra. Một ở hiện tại, cịn một ở tương lai. x: Now we are learning English here, but by the time tomorrow we will be attending the meeting at the office.  Được dng để đề cập đến cc sự kiện tương lai đ được xc định hoặc quyết định (khơng mang ý nghĩa tiếp diễn). x: Professor Baxter will be giving another lecture on Roman glass - making at the same time next week.  Hoặc những sự kiện được mong đợi l sẽ xảy ra theo một tiến trình thường lệ (nhưng khơng diễn đạt ý định của c nhn người nĩi). x: You will be hearing from my solicitor. x: I will be seeing you one of these days, I expect.  Dự đốn cho tương lai: x: Don't phone now, they will be having dinner.  Diễn đạt lời đề nghị nh nhặn muốn biết về kế hoạch của người khc x: You will be staying in this evening. (ơng cĩ dự định ở lại đy tối nay chứ ạ) XI THÌ TƯƠNG LAI HOÀN THÀNH( Future Perfect:) 1. Cách thành lập: a. Khẳng định: S+ Will/ Shall + Have +VP P b. Phủ định: S+ Won,t/ Shan,t + Have +VP P c. Nghi vấn: Will/ Shall + S +Have +VPP ? 2. Cách sử dụng:  Chỉ một hnh động sẽ phải được hồn tất ở vo một thời điểm nhất định trong tương lai. Nĩ thường được dng với phĩ tử chỉ thời gian dưới dạng: By the end of....., By the time + sentence x: We will have accomplished the TOEFL test taking skills by the end of next year. By the time Halley's Comet comes racing across the night sky again, most of the people alive today will have passed away. BÀI TẬP 1. He always ……………………………………………….………………….to school on time. (go) 2. The children …………………………………....…………………………at this time yesterday (swim) 3. We ………………………………………………….………..……………… that film (already/ see) 4. She …………………………………………………..…………………. this shirt yesterday. (buy) 5. Look! The students …………………….……………………………………….in the rain. (play) 6. I ……………………………………………………….…… at home tomorrow. (stay) 7. Hoai …………………………………………………….. English every day. (study).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 8. Mr Tien …………………………………………………..a document now. (type) 9. The Pikes …………………………………………………in New York for 20 years. (live) 10. He …………………………………………………….. a letter last week. (send) 11. She ……………………………………………………….the clothes four times a week. (wash) 12. We always ………………………………………………………after dinner. (watch) 13.They ……………………………………………………..their work yet. ( not finish) 14. They …………………………………………………..a car before they got married. (buy) 15. The students …………………………………………………English at present (learn) 16. She …………………………………………………….. the meal at that time. (cook) 17. ………………………….you ever………………………turkey ? (eat) (turkey: gà Tây) 18. He …………………………………………..her last week.(not visit) 19. She ………………………………………………the floor every day. (clean) 20. We ………………………………………………………since 7 o,clock. (learn). 21. Nam …………………………………………………….a letter from his penpal. (just/ receive) 22. This is the most interesting film I ………………………………………………. (see) 23. That boy …………………………………………… at the moment. (sleep) 24. Miss Hoa ……………………………………………………to Phan Thiet two days ago. (go) 25. We ……………………………………………………..our homework every day. (do) 26. They ………………………………………………….their house before last Tet holiday. (decorate) 27. We ………………………………………………each other since last year. ( not see) 28. Mr Long ………………………………………….a house recently. (build) 29. It …………………………………………….. now. ( still/ rain). 30. I ………………………………………………a doctor in the future. (become) 31. They …………………………………………………….soccer at this time. ( play) 32. It is the first time I………………………………..a motorbike. (ride) *THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH HAY THÌ THIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN -Đề cập đến số lượng -Đề cập đến thời gian EX: She has written three letters EX: She has been writing all the morning How many cigerettes have you smoked a day ? How long have you been staying in Dalat ? -Đề cập đến kết quả của hành động.( Hành -Không đề cập đến kết quả của hành động mà đề động đã kết thúc và có kết quả rõ ràng) cập đến sự ảnh hưởng của hành động đó gây ra EX: The room was yellow. It is blue now. He cho chủ ngữ. (Hành động đó có thể kết thúc hoặc has painted the room. chưa kết thúc) His clothes are covered with paint. He has been painting the ceiling. -Đề cập đến khoảng thời gian lớn, thời điểm xa -Đề cập đến khoảng thời gian nhỏ, thời điểm gần hiện tại. hiện tại. EX: They have lived in Tan Thang for 15 years. EX: They have been playing soccer for an hour He has worked for this company since 1992. We have been learning since 7 o,clock Chia động từ ở thì Hiện tại hoàn thành hoặc thì Hiện tại hoàn thành Tiếp Diễn: 1. I …………………………………………………ten exercises today. (do) 2. She …………………………………………….TV all day. (watch) 3. The room was very dirty.It is very clean now. Lan …………………………………………….the room.(sweep) 4. They …………………………………………………. at this school for 4 years . (teach) 5. We ………………………………………………….for two hours. (learn) 6. The children,s clothes are very dirty. They ………………………………………………………..soccer. (play) 7. How many lessons …………………you …………………………… ? (study) 8 How long ……………………………………………you ………………………….. in Hue ?(stay) SỰ HOÀ HỢP GIỮA CÁC THÌ Thì Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn +When /While +Thì Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn EX: He is reading a book while I am watching TV. Thì Tương Lai Đơn + When / Until +Thì Hiện Tại Đơn EX: I will give it to you when I visit you next week. Thì Quá Khứ Đơn +When + Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn +When + Thì Quá Khứ Đơn EX: The milkman came when The Le family was having breakfast. We were doing our homework when he arrived. Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành (already) +When +Thì Quá Khứ Đơn EX:The play had already begun when we came the theatre. Thì Quá Khứ Đơn + While +Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn +While + Thì Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn EX: The telephone rang while I was cooking the meal My parents were watching TV while I was learning my lessons. Thì Quá Khứ Đơn +as soon as/ by the time + Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành EX: He went out as soon as he had eaten dinner. Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành + since + Thì Quá Khứ Đơn Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành Tiếp Diễn EX: They have lived in that house since they got married. We have been working since we came here. Thì Quá Khứ Đơn + after + Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành Thì Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành + before +Thì Quá Khứ Đơn EX: Nam went to bed after he has done his homework . Nam has done his homework before he went to bed. BÀI TẬP CHIA THÌ 1. He …………………………….English every day (study) 2. They …………………………….. their grandparents last Sunday. (visit) 3. I …………………………to Hanoi next week. (go) 4. This boy ………………………………..his teeth three times a day. (brush) 5. She often ………………………………….the clothes in the morning. (wash) 6. We ………………………………………Music at that time.(practise) 7. The children …………………………………..soccer at this time. (play) 8. Lan always ……………………………..up early and goes to school on time. (get) 9. Mr Long ………………………………………back from his farm. (just / come) 10 Pham Duy ……………………………..over one thousand songs up to now. (compose) 11. They …………………………………….their house beautifully before last Christmas. (decorate) 12. Look ! The train ……………………………………….here. (come) 13. The students ……………………………………..the lesson now. (write) 14. She ……………………………………..that film before. (see) 15. My mother …………………………………..this shirt yesterday.(buy) 16. Ba …………………………………….ten exercises since he came here. (do) 17. We ……………………………………swimming twice a week . (go) 18. They ………………………………their work. (already / finish ) 19. The students …………………………….in the school-yard at the moment. (run) 20. I ………………………………..at 10 o,clock last night. (sleep) 21. I promise I …………………………………… harder. (learn) 22. The baby,s eyes are red and wet. She ………………………… (cry) . 23. My father sometimes…………………………….TV in the evening.(watch) 24. My younger sister ………………………………….milk every day.(drink) 25. He ……………………………..her a letter four days ago.(send) 26. Nam and Ba……………………………..a bath yet. (not take) 27. They ……………………………………….a new house recently. (build) 28. We …………………….Math and Literature tomorrow. (have) 29. I ……………………………him when he was riding to school. (see) 30. I will pay it back to you when I ……………………………….tomorrow. (come) 31. My father …………………………………… a magazine while my brothers were watching TV (read) 32. Mr Peter ………………………………..for this company since he moved to London. (work) 33. The match ……………………………when we arrived the stadium. (already/ begin) 34. They ………………………………… dinner after they had taken a bath. (eat) 35. Miss Lan ……………………………………..before she travelled to New York. (study) 36. He has drunk three cup of tea since he ………………………………….here. (sit).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 37. They …………………………………while I am learning my lessons( play) 38. Nam ……………………………..as soon as he had came home. (eat) 39.My Tam always sings Vietnamese songs but tonight she ……………….......... an English song. (sing) 40. The students …………………………………….me while I was talking to Mr Tien. (greet) 41.After I …………………………….my lessons, I …………………………….the exam. (reviewtake) 42. Before he ………………………..to work, he …………………………………breakfast. (gohave) 43. …………………………….you ……………………………………… that work yet ?(finish) 44…………………he …………………..a letter yesterday ? ( receive) 45.I……………………Rock music. (not like) 46……………………...you ever………………..by plane ? (travel) 47. This is the most interesting book I ……………………..(read) 48. It ……………………….now. (still/ rain) @.LƯU Ý: MỘT SỐ ĐỘNG TỪ KHÔNG DÙNG ĐƯỢC Ở CÁC THÌ TIẾP DIỄN  Động từ BE và các động từ tri giác như: see (thấy, gặp), meet (gặp) ,greet (chào) , smell( ngửi), taste(nếm), look (trông có vẻ), sound(nghe có vẻ), understand(hiểu), know(biết), show(chỉ, bảo),come(đến) ,….  Động từ chỉ sở thích , ý muốn: love(yêu), like(thích), hate(ghét), dislike(không thích), want(cần, muốn)=need, prefer (thích hơn),…...  Động tử chỉ sự sở hữu :have(có), own(sở hữu),=possess, belong to (thuộc về), content(chứa đựng)… * Nếu trong câu có các từ nhận biết để chia ở các thì tiếp diễn mà có các động từ trên thì ta chuyển sang các thì Đơn tương đương (Hiện tại Tiếp DiễnHiện Tại Đơn, Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn Quá Khứ Đơn…) EX: Now, I……………………………………..you (understand) (Chữ “Now” là dấu hiệu nhận biết của thì Hiện TạiTiếp Diễn nhưng động từ “understand” không chia được ở các thì tiếp diễn nên ta chuyển sang thì Hiện Tại Đơn)  Now, I understand you. HÌNH THỨC ĐỘNG TỪ I. BARE INFINITIVE (NGUYÊN MẪU KHÔNG “TO”) 1. Sau các Modal verbs: Can, could, will, shall, would, should, ought to, have to, must, may , might, had better, would rather, used to…. Ex: He can swim. You should learn harder for your exam. 2. Sau động từ DARE (dám) NEED(cần) (DAREN,T,NEEDN,T) EX: He dare jump off the tree. I daren,t go out alone at nights. She need buy two kilograms power (bột ngọt) Lưu ý: NEED có thể dùng như một Modal Verb hoặc như một Động Từ Thường do đó câu trên ta có thể nói theo cách khác là: She need to buy two kilograms of power. 3. Sau CAN BUT, CANNOT BUT (Chỉ có thể), DO YOU MIND IF I…..? EX:I can but do my best.= I can only do my best I cannot but think that you want to deceive me (lừa dối) = I must think that you want to deceive me (Tôi bắt buộc phải nghĩ rằng anh muốn lừa dối tôi) Do yiu mind if I turn on the TV? 4. Sau các động từ chỉ giác quan (Verb of Perception): perceive(nhận thấy), feel(cảm thấy), notice(quan sát, thấy, để ý), =mark, observe( nhìn ra, thấy ), see=watch (thấy), hear(nghe), behold(trông thấy), hask at (lắng nghe) =listen to, look at(nhìn), smell(ngửi)…. EX: We saw that boy steal the money. Did you notice anyone come in ? 5. Sau một số động từ : bid (bảo), help(giúp đỡ), let(để), make (làm), know(biết) chỉ dùng được ở các thì đơn và các thì hoàn thành}…(bid-bade-bidden) EX: He bade me sit down. What makes you laugh ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> 6. Dùng trong thể nhờ vả với động từ HAVE (Causative form) I usually have my mother wash the clothes. She had a workman repair her bike. I have never known him behave so badly before 7.Dùng trong câu cầu khiến: EX: Stand up, please -Please, come in. II. FULL INFINITIVE (TO INFINITIVE) “TO” 1. Sau các động từ : Dùng trong cấu trúc: S + V +TO INFINITIVE ) atempt(cố gắng, thử);begin =start (bắt đầu); cease(chấm dứt);come on=continue(tiếp tục); dare(dám); decide= purpose (quyết định); learn(học); like(thích); dislike(không thích); hate(ghét); love(yêu,yêu thích); promise(hứa); propose=intend(dự định, đề nghị);refuse(từ chối); regret(lấy làm tiếc);remember(nhớ); pretend(giả bộ,giả vờ); awear(thề); try(thử,cố gắng); undertake(định làm); want(cần, muốn); wish(mong,mong muốn ); deserve(xứng đáng); mean(có ý); plan(dự định); hope(hy vọng); forget=neglect(quên,phớt lờ);arrange(sắp xếp, thu xếp); prepare(chuẩn bị); agree=cosent(đồng ý); fail(không được,trượt); determine(quyết tâm); manage(xoay xở, thu xếp); hesitate(ngần ngại); offer(tình nguyện); … EX: I want to stay at home tonight. They agree to help me. We hope to see him soon. The students started to learn at seven. 2. Sau các động từ: (Dùng trong cấu trúc : S+ VERB + O + TO INFINITIVE) advise(khuyên); cause(làm cho,buộcphải); command=instruct(ra lệnh); encourage(động viên,khuyến khích); force(cưỡng ép,bắt buộc); get(bảo, nhờ); invite(mời); oblige(bắt buộc); persuate(thuyết phục); teach(dạy); tell(bảo); urge(thúc dục); ask(yêu cầu); permit= allow(cho phép); beg(van xin); entreat(van nài); chalenge(thách, thách thức); implore(thỉnh cầu); presse(thúc dục); request(yêu cầu);tempt(dụ dỗ); trouble(làm phiền); expect(hy vọng, trông đợi); warn(cảnh cáo)… EX: The doctor advised me to drink milk every day. Our parents want us to get high mark on high-school entrance exam. He teaches them to play the piano. * Lưu ý: Một số động từ dùng được cho cả 2 cấu trúc trên: ask, beg, expect, promise want, wish, help…. EX: I want to learn French.( S + V +TO INFINITIVE ) I want you to go with me. ( S+ VERB + O + TO INFINITIVE) 3. Sau hầu hết các tính từ: a. Sau các tính từ:Dùng trong cấu trúc: S+BE+ ADJECTIVE+ TO INFINITIVE) anxious(lo lắng); afraid(e sợ, e ngại);eager(háo hức); worry(lo lắng), nervous(hồi hộp);hard(khó); bold= brave(bạo dạn, can đảm);careful(cẩn thận); careless(bất cẩn);clever(thông minh,khéo léo);happy(sung sướng,hạnh phúc); unhappy(bất hạnh);glad(vui vẻ); sad(buồn); considerate(ân cần,tử tế);inconsiderate(không tử tế); cruel(hung dữ, bạo lực); foolish = silly = stupid(ngu ngốc); good(tốt); grateful(có lòng biết ơn); ungrateful(vong ơn, bội nghĩa); honest(chân thực,thật thà); dishonest(gian trá); kind(tử tế, tốt bụng); unkind(xấu bụng,không tử tế); naughty(ngỗ nghịch); nice (tử tế,dễ thương);polite(lịch sự, lễ phép); impolite(vô lễ); right(đúng, có lý); wrong(sai,vô lý); thoughtful(ân cần, tử tế, hay nghĩ về người khác); thoughtless(vô tâm, không biết nghĩ đến người khác); wicked(tàn nhẫn, độc ác); wise(khôn ngoan);unwise = ill-advised(không khôn ngoan); absurb(vô lý, phi lý); civil(có giáo dục, có đạo đức); decent(đoan trang, trang nhã); ill-treated =iltempered(thô lỗ,cộc cằn); ill-bred(không có giáo dục, mất dạy); ill-timed(không đúng lúc, không hợp lúc); well-bred( có giáo dục); well-behaved(cư xử đúng mực); well-timed(đúng lúc, hợp lúc); rish(liều lĩnh,dại dột); rude(thô lỗ,dã man); saucy(vô lễ,xấc xược)… Các tính từ xuất phát từ QUÁ KHỨ PHÂN TỪ: amazed=surprised(ngạc nhiên); amused(buồn cười); delighted(vui sướng); pleased(vừa lòng, hài lòng) =gratified ; grieved(buồn bã); disappointed(thất vọng); shocked(tức giận), horrified(ghê sợ); thrilled(hồi hôp); excited(hào hứng, phấn khởi); interested(thích, quan tâm); mortified(sĩ nhục)… Ex: Everybody was anxious to kow what had happened. I am afraid to go out alone at night. We are glad to meet you again. I shall be happy to accept your invitation. b. Trong cấu trúc: IT +BE+ADJECTIVE +TO INFINITIVE :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> easy(dễ); difficult(khó); hard(khó,cứng); possible(có thể); impossible(không thể); pleasant(vui vẽ); painful(đau lòng)… EX: It is difficult to learn English. It is pleasant to talk to/with you c.Trong cấu trúc: IT + BE+ ADJECTIVE +OF + O + TO INFINITIVE: kind ; foolidh; wise; unwise; naughty; clever; right; wrong; careful; careless; brave; polite; impolite; nice… EX: It is very kind of you to help me. It is very nice of him to say so. It was very stupid of her to make such a mistake. d. Dùng trong cấu trúc: HOW + ADJECTIVE +OF + O +TO INFINITIVE EX: How kind of you to say so ! How stupid of her to do that ! e. Dùng trong cấu trúc: S+ BE + ADJECTIVE +FOR + O +TO INFINITIVE anxious(lo lắng,nóng lòng);eager(háo hức, nóng lòng); impatient(sốt ruột); keen(hăng hái); willing(sẵn lòng,muốn)…. EX: Everybody is anxious for you to accept the position. Susan was eager for her parents to meet the young man who had asked to marry her. f. Trong các cấu trúc: ….TOO +ADJ / ADV +(FOR +O) + TO INFINITIVE ….ADJ / ADV + ENOUGH + (FOR +O ) + TO INFINITIVE ….ENOUGH + NOUN + (FOR + O ) + TO INFINITIVE IT TAKES/TOOK + O +(A PERIOD OF TIME) + TO INFINITIVE EX: The exercises are easy for us to do. He is strong enough to carry this bag. She has enough money to build a villa. It takes me three hours to do my homework every day g. Sau cụm từ : …IN ORDER…= …SO AS …. Để chỉ mục đích. EX: In order to borrow books , you must have a library card. You have to learn hard so as to pass your exam h. Sau các PERCEPTION VERB ở hình thức bị động: EX: He was seen to steal the money. They were noticed to run away. They are heard to quarrel i. Dùng trong trường hợp động từ làm chủ ngữ: EX: To do these exercises is easy. To make that cake is difficult III VERB-ING (GERUND) 1. Sau tất cả các giới từ :in , on, at, of, for, about, with, without, to… EX: She is tired of learning. You are late in coming. We are fond of reading 2. Sau các động từ: begin=start (bắt đầu) ; stop(dừng, dừng lại; resume(bắt đầu lại); continue(tiếp tục); finish(hoàn thành); avoid (tránh); deny(từ chối); detest(ghét); enjoy(thích, thưởng thức);keep on=go on(tiếp tục); object to (phản đối); consider(xem xét, cứu xét); give up = quit (bỏ, từ bỏ); miss(bỏ lỡ, bỏ sót); imagine(tưởng tượng);appreciate(coi trọng, đánh giá cao); admit(công nhận, thừa nhận); practise(luyện tập); resist(chống lại, cưỡng lại); suggest(đề nghị); escape(thoát khỏi,tránh khỏi); delay=put off (hoãn lại); mind(làm phiền); would you mind…?(xin vui lòng); leave off(dứt, xong); prefer(thích hơn); excuse = forgive =pardon(tha thứ); mention(đề cập tới) like; dis like … EX: I missed seeing that film last night. We enjoy playing soccer. They put off doing that work. 3. Sau các tính từ : worth(đáng,đáng được); busy(bận ). EX This book is worth reading. I am busy doing the exercises. 4. Sau các động từ tri giác(perception verb): see; watch; observe; notice; perceive; feel; hear; listen to; smell; mark; behold; look at….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> EX: We saw him going out of the house. I heard them quarrelling last night. 5. Sau các thành ngữ : cannot bear(không chịu được); cannot help(tránh, ngừa, ngăn cản); have difficuty = have trouble (gặp khó khăn, gặp rắc rối); spend time/money (lãng phí thời gian/tiền); it is no use(không đáng để); have good time(vui vẽ) to be used to =to be /get accustomed to(quen ); to be opposed to(chống đối với); to look forward to (trông đợi, mong); decide against (quyết định chống lại)… EX: I am used to getting up early. We have difficuties in learning English. 6. Dùng trong trường hợp động từ làm chủ ngữ: EX: Learning English is difficult. Watching TV is interesting. IV. PAST PARTICIPLE (QUÁ KHỨ PHÂN TỪ ) (V3 / VED ) 1. Dùng trong các thì hoàn thành :Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành, Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành, Tương Lai Hoàn Thành EX: I have gone to Dalat. They had finished their work before they played. 2. Trong câu bị động : EX: This cake is made by my mother. He was punished by the teacher. 3. Sau “tobe” và các động từ hình thái(Linking Verb): seem(có vẻ, dường như); look(trông có vẻ); appear(dường như); become =get(trở nên, trở thành); turn(trở, chuyển sang); come(đến)… EX: The chair is broken He seemed surprised *LƯU Ý: - Sau các động từ tri giác(Perception verb) có 2 hình thức là: BARE INFINITIVE và VERB-ING Ex: I saw him run out of the house hoặc I saw him running out of the house. -Sau các động từ : start= begin; like; dislike; love; hate có 2 hình thức là:TO INFINITIVE và VERB-ING EX: I love to watch TV hoặc I love watching TV. - Sau help có 2 hình thức la:BARE INFINITIVE và TO INFINITIVE EX: He helped me do the homework hoặc He helped me to do the homework. -Sau need ta co thể dùng: EX: This shirt needs washing hoặc This shirt needs to be washed. She needs buy rice and fish hoặc She needs to buy rice and fish. BÀI TẬP 1.We are interested in …………………………………….films (watch) 2. The police let the thief………………………………………..away. (go) (thief(n): tên trộm) 3. I am used to …………………………………….up late.(stay) 4. …………………………………..English is important. (learn) 5. I heard the neighbours ………………………………….last night. (cry) 6. This novel was ……………………………………by Mr Anh (write) 7. He often has his wife ………………………….. meals (prepare) 8.The students are fond of ……………………………..books(read) 9. These boys like …………………………………………soccer. (play) 10 . Mr Nam is always busy …………………………………………on the farm.(work) 11. I sometimes make my parents ………………………………….sad. (feel) 12. This room is very dirty. It needs ……………………………………….(clean) 13. He seemed …………………………..to hear that new. (amaze) 14. This film is worth …………………………… It is very interesting (watch) 15.The students are eager…………………………………..their marks. (know) 16. We are glad …………………………………you again here.(meet) 17 . It is very difficult ………………………………..English.(study) 18. Mrs Lien has finished……………………………………….that work. (do) 19. Our parents want us ……………………………………….learn well. (learn) 20. I am looking forward to …………………………………….your letter. (receive) BÀI TẬP TỔNG HỢP VỀ CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ I.Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng (Thì hoặc hình thức).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 1.He ………………………..this shirt yesterday. (buy) 2. The crowd were cheering when Nam ……………………………………… the race. (win) 3. Ba is keen on …………………………………………(paint) 4. Before he ………………………………….England, he …………………………………….English for two years. (travel-study) 5. We are happy …………………………………good marks. (get) 6.The boys ………………………………………….volleyball at this time. (play) 7. The teacher let the students……………………………. their books when they did the test (open) 8.They …………………………………..to London since they ……………………………… married. (move-get) 9. The children …………………………………….in the river at this time last Sunday.(swim) 10. I am very tired. I ……………………………….hard all day. (work) 11. My son ……………………………………a doctor in the future. (become) 12. His father stopped ………………………………………cigerette two years ago. (smoke) 13. Lan is practising …................................English at the moment. (speak) 14. She …………………………………………….Halong Bay before. (already/ visit) 15. I ………………………………fishing twice a week. (go) 16. After they ……………………………………..dinner, they ………………………………………………..TV. (have-watch) 17.Last night, I saw a thief…………………………………..the neighbour,s bike. (steal) 18. These clothes need …………………………………….(wash). They are very dirty. 19. I …………………………………….my homework while my brother and sister …………………………………TV.(do-watch) 20. Look at them! They ……………………………………….on the trees. (climb) 21. Would you mind …………………………………….the door ? .It is very hot. (open) 22.I suggest……………………………….a shower instead of a bath to save water. (take) 23. Miss Hoa …………………………………..a new motorcycle. (just/ buy) 24. Long …………………………………….his girl friend a letter yesterday. (send) 25. The soccer match ……………………………………when we arrived the stadium. (already /begin) 26.It is no use ………………………………that novel. It is boring. (read) 27. My father ……………………………..at that time. (sleep) 28. It is the first time I ………………………………………..a motorcycle. (ride) 29. I …………………………………..him yesterday ( not see) 30. The Pikes …………………………………………in Liverpool since 1990. (live) 31. We …………………………………a bath yet. ( not take) 32 The students …………………………………..the lessons now. (write) 33. You had better…………………………….harder on your exam (learn) 34. The room is very dirty. It needs ……………………………. (clean) 35.It took him an hour …………………………..these exercises yesterday. (do) 36. I suggest……………………………..to school or to work by bikes to save energy. (go) 37. Before they ……………………………………, they ………………………………………a house.(marry-build) 38. I am used to……………………………………up early every morning. II. Rewrite the sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại cc cu sau m ý nghĩa khơng đổi so với cu thứ nhất) 1. He started to learn English four years ago  He has…………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. It took him two hours to review that lesson  He spent…………………………………………………………………………………. 3. We spent a day preparing for the trip  It took……………………………………………………………………………………. 4. I last met him two weeks ago  I haven,t……………………………………………………………………………………. 5. He hasn,t seen her since last week.  He last ……………………………………………………………………………….. CÂU BỊ ĐỘNG.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 1. Thì hiện tại đơn:. Active:. S + VINF /VS/VES + O. (VPP =V3 / VED). Passive: S +am /is/ are + VPP + (by+O) EX1: A: He eats rice every day. (eat-ate-eaten) P: Rice is eaten (by him) every day EX2: A: We often play soccer in the afternoon P: Soccer is often played (by us ) in the afternoon. EX3: A: The teacher sometimes beats me. (beat-beat –beaten ) P: I am sometimes beaten (by the teacher) / Sometimes, I am beaten ( by the teacher). 2. Thì quá khứ đơn: Active: S + V2 /VED + O (We, you, they, dtừ số nhiềuwere) ( I, he, she, it,dtừ số ít  was) Passive: S + were /was + VPP +(by +O ) EX1: A : I made this cake yesterday. (make-made-made) P: This cake was made (by me ) yesterday. EX2:A: They planted the trees in the garden. P: The trees were planted in the garden. 3. Thì tương lai đơn: Active: S + will / shall + VINF + O SUBJECT OBJECT I ME Passive: S + will/shall+ be + VPP +(by +O ) HE HIM EX1: A: I shall see her tomorrow. (see-saw-seen) SHE HER P: She will be seen (by me) tomorrow. IT IT EX2:A: The students will do the test next week. (do-did-done) THEY THEM P: The test will be done (by the students) next week. YOU YOU 4. Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn : WE US Active: S + am /is /are + VING + O ( I  am) (He, she, it dtừ số ít is) Passive: S + am/is/are+ being + VPP +(by +O ) (we, you, they are) EX1:A: She is writing a letter now. (write-wrote-written) P:A letter is being wtitten (by her) now EX2: A: The children are cleaning the room at present. P: The room is being cleaned (by the children ) at present. 5. Thì quá khứ tiếp diễn: Active: S + were/was + VING + O (We, you, they, dtừ số nhiềuwere) ( I, he, she, it,dtừ số ít  was) Passive: S + were/was+ being + VPP +(by +O ) EX1: A: He was doing the exercises at that time. P: The exercises were being done (by him) at that time. EX2: A: We werewatching a film on TV. P: A film on TV was being watched (by us) 6. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành: Active: S + have / has + VPP + O (I,we,you, they, dtừ số nhiềuhave) (He she, it dtừ dố íthas) Passive: S + have/ has+ been + VPP +(by +O ) EX1: A:We have finished our homework. P: Our homework has been finished. EX2: A: Lan has washed the clothes. P: The clothes have been washed (by Lan) 7. Thì Quá khứ hoàn thành: Active: S + had + VPP + O Passive: S + had+ been + VPP +(by +O ) EX1:A: They had built the house before last new year.(build-built-built) P: The house had been built before last new year. 8. Modal verbs: (can, could, may , might, must, dhould, ought to, have/has to , need…).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Active: S + modal verb + VINF + O Passive: S +modal verb + be + VPP +(by +O ) EX1:A: I can do this exercise. P: This exercise can be done (by me) EX2: A:You must learn these lessons. (learn-learnt-learnt) P: These lessons must be leanrt (by you). 9. Causative form( Thể nhờ vả) Active: S +have/has + O + VINF + O / (S+ get +O +Vto Inf +O) (Người) (Vật) Passive: S +have/has + O + VPP + (By +O) (Người) (Vật) EX1:A: I have my mother wash the clothes. P: I have the clothes washed (by my mother) EX2:A: He has his wife cook the meals P: He has the meals cooked (by his wife) Lưu ý: -By+O đứng trước trạng từ chỉ thời gian nhưng sau trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn. EX: The trees were planted in the garden by us yesterday. -Câu chủ động có 2 tân ngữ (O) thì có 2 câu bị động. Ex1: A: He sent her a letter yesterday. P: 1. She was sent a letter (by him) yesterday. 2. A letter was sent to her (by him) yesterday. Ex2:A: She bought him a shirt yesterday. P:1. He was bought a shirt by her yesterday. 2. A shirt was bought for him yesterday. + Các động từ dùng giới từ “for” : do, make, buy… + Các động từ dùng giới từ “to” :send, lend, give, teach, tell, show… BÀI TẬP 1. She bought this shirt yesterday. 2. This baby drinks milk every day. 3. The students have cleaned the room. 4. I can do these exercises. 5. The students are writing the lessons now. 6 We shall visit him tomorrow. 7. He has his wife wash the clothes. 8.The students have done the test. 9. She is writing the letter now. 10. He had decorated the house before last Tet. 11. We eat rice every day. 12.They were watching a film at that time. 13.The children are singing a song now. 14. We have learnt this unit. 15.He sent him a letter yesterday. 16. They planted the trees in the garden. 17. He drank all the water in the bottle. 18.I will do that work for her. 19. We have our mother wash the clothes. 20. Lan has seen that film before. CÂU ƯỚC 1. Ước 1 điều ở hiện tại: Ex: I wish I were at home now. S +wish(es) S +had Veda /V 2 (Thì Quá khứ Đơn nhưng nếu có “to be” thì dùng Were cho mọi chủ ngữ) He wishes+ he computer. Could/ +could VInf learn English well. They wish they learnt 2. Ước 1 điều ở tương lai: Ex: His father wishes he would become a doctor in the S +wish(es) + S + would +V Inf future Could + VInf I wish she would visit me tomorrow..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> 3. Ước 1 điều ở quá khứ : S +wish(es) + S + Had+Vpp(Thì quá khứ hoàn thành) Could +have + Vpp Ex: I wished he had gone camping with us but he didn,t go. I wish they had passed the exam. BÀI TẬP Viết lại các câu dưới đây theo từ gợi ý: 1. I don,t have a computer  I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. They learn English badly.  I wish ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3. He didn,t go with us yesterday.  I wish………………………………………………………………………………… 4. It is very hot now.  We wish …………………………………………………………………………… 5. She will leave tomorrow.  I wish…………………………………………………………………………… 6.They failed in their exam. I wished ………………………………………………………………………… 7. They won,t visit us next Sunday.  We wish…………………………………………………………………………… 8. She doesn,t draw well.  She wishes……………………………………………………………………………………… 9. She doesn,t understand the lessons.  She wishes…………………………………………………………………………… Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng: 1. I wish I ……………………………..at home now. (stay) 2. She studies badly . I wish she ……………………………………….better. (study) 3. They wish they …………………………………..a test tomorrow. (not have) 4. He wishes he …………………………….a teacher at present. (be) 5. Our English is not good. We wish we ………………………………….English well. (speak) 6. We failed the exam . We wish we………………………………the exam. (pass) 7. Nam wishes he ……………………………at school yesterday. 8. Lan wishes her friend …………………………..her some day. (visit) 9. I wish I ……………………………….that film again.(see) .It is very interesting. 10. Iwish I…………………………this film again. It is the most excellent film I have seen. (see) CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN LOẠI MỆNH ĐỀ IF MỆNH ĐỀ CHÍNH CÁCH SỬ DỤNG -Thì hiện tại đơn -Thì tương lai đơn -Diễn đạt 1 điều kiện có (S +VInf /Vs/Ves) -Câu cầu khiến thể xãy ra ở hiện tại hoặc I -Modal verb +VInf tương lai If you get up early, you will be healthy If you see him, please give him my regards -Thì quá khứ đơn Would -Diễn đạt 1 điều kiện (S+Ved/V2) Could không thể xãy ra ở hiện tại (Nếu có “to be” thì dùng Should +VInf hoặc tương lai (Chỉ là 1 II Were cho mọi chủ ngữ) May giả thiết đặt ra(giả sử)) Might If I had a lot of money, I would build a villa If I were rich, I would help the poors -Thì quá khứ hoàn thành Would -Diễn đạt 1 điều kiện (S +had +Vpp) Could không xãy ra ở quá khứ Should + have + Vpp (Chỉ là 1 giả thiết đặt III May ra(giả sử)) Might If he had gone with us, We would have had a lot of funs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> BÀI TẬP Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng: 1. If I ………………………..you, I would do differently. (be) 2. He will learn better if he …………………………………..his homework every day. (do) 3. If we ……………………………………the lessons carefully, we would have done the test well. (review) 4. She ………………………………….a new car if she had enough money. (buy) 5. Please send him the letter if you ………………………………him.(meet) 6. If I had learnt harder, I …………………………………..better. (learn) 7. If we keep on littering, our environment ……………………………..seriously polluted. (be) 8. The vegetables will be poisonous and inedible if we ………………………….much pesticide . (use) 9. If she …………………………milk every day, she will become stronger. (drink) 10. If they …………………………….at home, they wouldn,t know what happened. (stay) 11. We would help him if he ……………………………..for help. (ask) 12. If today ………………………………….Suday, we would stay at home. (be) 13. If we plant more trees along the streets, we …………………………….more shade and fresh air(have) 14. We will live happier and healthier life if we…………………………….our environment clean. (keep) 15. If he ………………………..the new, he will let us know. (get) Lưu ý: Unless …. = If…not…. Viết lại các câu sau theo từ gợi ý mà ý nghĩa không đổi: 1.I am not hungry, so I don,t eat anything.  If I ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2. She learns badly because she never does her homework.  If she …………………………………………………………………………………… 3. He is not thirsty,so he does not drink the water.  If he ………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. We didn,t do the test well because we didn,t review the lesson carefully.  If we………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. If he doesn,t invite me, I will not come.  Unless……………………………………………………………………………………… 6. He would pass the exam if he didn,t spend much time playing video games.  Unless……………………………………………………………………………………… CÁC MẪU CÂU TÍNH TỪ-TRẠNG TỪ Ex: He is strong enough to carry this bag …Adj/Adv +enough +(for+O)+to Infinitive Adj To Inf 1. … đu … (cho ai) để … This shirt is large enough for him to wear For+O To Inf Adj Ex: He is too old to walk alone …too + Adj/Adv +(for+O)+to Infinitive Adj To Inf 2. … quá …đến nổi (ai) không thể… The water is too hot for us to drink 3 Adj For+O To Inf …so +Adj/Adv + that +Clause Ex: This book is so interesting that I read it all day …qua … đến nỗi… He is so tired that he can,t continue to learn 4 …such +(a/an ) +(Adj ) +noun + that +Clause …qua … đến nỗi… Ex: This is such an interesting film that I have seen it many times it many times They are such lazy students that they never do their homework. BÀI TẬP: I) Nối các cặp câu sử dụng “enough” Ex: The boy is tall. He can reach the light The boy is tall enough to reach the light.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> 1. The girl is very weak. She can,t carry this bag. 2. The film was boring. We didn,t watch it. 3. He ran slowly. He couldn,t catch the train. 4. The shoes are very small. I can,t wear them. 5.The test was very difficult. She couldn,t do it 6.The lesson was so long. They couldn,t learn it in one period. III)Nối các cặp câu sử dụng “so…that” Ex: She is very nice. Everybody likes her  She is so nice that everybody like her 1.The film was very interesting. We wanted to see it again 2. He spoke very quickly. Nobody could hear what he said 3.The room was very dark. I could see nothing IV)Nối các cặp câu sử dụng “such…that” Ex:They are bad students .They can,t do any exercises They are such bad students that they can,t do any exercises 1. He is a rich man. He has many villas. 2.The girl is very beautiful. Many boys follow her 3. It was a difficult lesson. They didn,t understand it. BÀI TẬP Viết lại các câu sau theo từ gợi ý mà ý nghĩa không đổi: 1. The shirt is too small for me to wear.  The shirt is not……………………………………………… ……………………………  The shirt is so ………………………………………………… …………………………  It is such ………………………………………………… …………………………………… 2. The exercises are so difficult that we can,t do them.  The exercises are too……………………………………………… ………………………….  The exercises are not ………………………………………………… …………………………  They are such…………………………………………… …………………………………… 3. It was such hot water that he couldn,t drink it.  The water was too……………………………………………… ………………………  The water was not……………………………………………… …………………………  The water was so……………………………………………… ………………………… 4. He is not strong enough to carry this table.  He is too ………………………………………………… …………………………………  He is so ………………………………………………… …………………………………  He is such ………………………………………………… …………………………… 5.She is too foolish to understand the lessons  She is not ………………………………………………… ………………………………  She is such ………………………………………………… …………………………………… 6. She is such an impolite girl that no one likes her.  She is too……………………………………………… …………………………………  She is not ………………………………………………… …………………………………  She is so……………………………………………… ………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> small >< big /large ; easy >< difficult ; hot >< cold (cool) ; strong>< weak ; foolish >< clever /smart/ intelligent ; polite >< impolite SO SÁNH TÍNH TỪ /TRẠNG TỪ * Tính từ ngắn: Là tính từ 1 vần và tính từ 2 vần tận cùng bằng các chữ : “er” ; “le” ; “ow” và “y”. Ex: clever, simple, narrow; pretty… * Tính từ dài :Là tính từ 2 vần không tận cùng bằng các chữ trên và 3 vần trở lên. Ex: handsome; homesick, beautiful, important, independent… * Trạng từ ngắn: Là trạng từ 1 vần. Ex: fast, hard… *Trạng từ dài: Là trạng từ 2 vần trở lên. Ex: quickly, slowly, beautifully… * Tính từ –Trạng từ bất quy tắc:. 2.3. Tính tư bất quy tắc, trạng từ bất quy tắc: Ex: Mai … +adj 2 / adv2 + than… learns better than Hai Hanoi is farther than HCM City 3. So sánh nhất (Supperative) 3. 1 Tính từ ngắn, trạng từ ngắn: …the + adj / adv + est… is the tallest boy in our class. Ex: Long Tra. is the biggest student of us * Lưu ý:  Đối với tính từ , trạng từ tận cùng bằng chữ “e” thì ta chỉ thêm chữ “st” mà thôi. Ex: large largest  Đối với tính từ , trạng từ 1 vần mà tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm và trước nó là 1 nguyên âm thì ta phải nhân đôi phụ âm cuối.  Đối với tính từ, trạng từ tận cùng bằng chữ Infinitive adjective /adv (1) Comparative (2) “Y” phải đổi thành chữ “I” rồi thêm “est” Ex: Pretty prettiest, busybusiest Good / well Better EX: thinthinnest, bigbiggest Bad / badly Worse 3.2. Tính từ dài, trạng từ dài: Much / many More Ex: Little Less …the + most + adj / adv ... Bao Hoan is the most intelligent student in our Far Farther /further school. 1. 1.So sánh bằng (comparision) Ex: Nam is She is the most beautiful girl of them. …as + adj / adv +as as tall as Ba 3.3 Tính từ bất quy tắc, trạng từ bất quy tắc: He Ex: runs as fast as his friends do. … the + adj / adv … 3 3 An is the best student in our class 1.2. So sánh không bằng: Ex: Lan is …not as / so + adj / adv +as Camau is the farthest area in Vietnam from not so big as Hoa Nam Hanoi. BÀI TẬP is not as strong as Ba Cho hình thức đúng của tính từ trong ngoặc: 2. So sánh hơn: (Comparative) Ex: Ba is …………………………………….as 2.1. Tính từ ngắn, trạng từ ngắn: Nam.(strong) Ex: Ha is Ba is as strong as Nam …adj / adv + er + than… taller than Hong 1. Lan is ………………………………….as her Song sister (tall) is bigger than An 2. This exercise is * Lưu ý:  Đối với tính từ , trạng từ tận cùng bằng chữ ……………………………………...than that one. (simple) “e” thì ta chỉ thêm chữ “r” mà thôi. 3. Hoan is the Ex: large larger  Đối với tính từ , trạng từ 1 vần mà tận cùng …………………………………….student in our school.(intelligent) bằng 1 phụ âm và trước nó là 1 nguyên âm 4. An learns English thì ta phải nhân đôi phụ âm cuối. …………………………….than Nhu (well) EX: thinthinner, bigbigger  Đối với tính từ, trạng từ tận cùng bằng chữ 5. John is the ……………………………….boy of them (bad) “Y” phải đổi thành chữ “I” rồi thêm “er” 6.This lesson is Ex: Pretty prettier, busybusier …………………………………………as that 2.2. Tính từ dài, trạng từ dài: Ex: This one.(important) …more +adj / adv + than… 7. Thao is ………………………………….than lesson is more important than that one. She Nhi(big) is more intelligent than her friends..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> 8. My room is ………………………………………than hers. (large) 9. She is the …………………………………..girl in her class. (pretty) 10 . This picture is ………………………………….than that one. (beautiful) SO SÁNH DANH TỪ @ So sánh bằng danh từ: Ngoài so sánh tính từ, trạng từ ta còn so sánh danh tư nhưng trước hết phải xem danh từ đó đếm được hay không đếm được : * Đếm được:. @@@ So sánh khác nhau: book …isdifferent different from his book. from…. Ex: My This. ruler is different from that one. BÀI TẬP Viết lại câu sau theo từ gợi ý nhưng ý nghĩa không đồi so với câu thứ nhất: 1. Tom is not as tall as Peter.  Peter is………………………………………………… …………………………… 2. My school-bag is different from his schoolbag  My schol-bag is not the……………………………………………… …as many / few+noun +as + noun / pronoun…………………………… 3. Lan is bigger than Hoa , but Mai is bigger than Ex: Lan has as many books as Hoa has. Lan. I do as many exercises as he does.  Mai is *Không đếm được: ………………………………………………… ……………………………………… …as much / little+noun +as + noun / pronoun… 4. An learns better than Nhu. Ex:. He earns as much money as his father.  Nhu She has as much free time as her friends. learns…………………………………………… @@. So sánh hơn danh từ: ………………………………… * Đếm được: 5. Mary is as heavy as Susan.  Mary is the …more / fewer+noun +than + noun / pronoun… ………………………………………………… Ex: Frebruary has fewer days tha March ………………………………… *Không đếm được: 6. Nam has ten notebooks. Ba has ten notebooks.  Nam has …more / less+noun +than + noun / pronoun… as……………………………………………… Ex: Their jobs allow them less freedom than ours …………………………… does 7. I am as old as you  You and I are @@. So sánh giống nhau: Danh từ cũng có the……………………………………………… thể được so sánh trong trường hợp này,nhưng nên nhớ trước khi so sánh phải cần …………………………… 8. She is not as beautiful as her sister. nhớ đến các danh từ đó có tính từ tương Her sister is đương: ………………………………………………… Adjectives …………………………… heavy,light weight 9. My pen is not the same colour as yours wide, narrow with  My pen is deep, shallow depthdifferent………………………………………… ……………………………… long, short length big, small size 10.Lan is bigger than Hoa. Hoa is bigger than Hong. tall/ high, short height Hong is old age the……………………………………………… ……………………………… … the same + (noun) + as +noun /prnoun… 11. No one in our class is taller than Nam Nam Ex: My pen is the same as your pen ………………………………………………… Lan,s school-bad is the same colour as Hoa,s …………………………………………. My house is the same height as his. 12. None of us is as intelligent as her. You are the same age as me= You and I are the same age=I am as old as you.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span>  She……………………………………………… ……………………………………. 13. You and I are the same age  I am as……………………………………………… …………… 14. He is as tall as her.  He and she are……………………………………………… …… MỆNH ĐỀ TÍNH TỪ (MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ ) (ADJECTIVE CLAUSE (RELATIVE CLAUSE) I)Khái niệm: Mệnh đề quan hệ là mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng các đại từ quan hệ: who, whom, which, that, whose và các trạng từ quan hệ: where, when , đứng ngay sau danh từ để bỗ nghĩa cho danh từ đó được rõ ràng hơn Ex: Mr Hung is very handsome (Chúng ta không biết ông Hùng nào ) Mr Hung who teaches us Literature is very ADJ clause handsomeN(Chúng ta biết đó là thầy Hung dạy văn ). ( Đại từ which thay thế cho đại từ chủ ngữ It và làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề tính từ “ which was made by Miss Thu last week” ) b) Làm tân ngữ : Ex: The book is interesting  The book which you gave to me last week is interestingN You gave it to me last week (Đại từ “which” thay thế cho đại từ tân ngữ it trong mệnh đề tính từ “ Which you gave to me last week”. 4) Đại từ quan hệ “That” :Dùng để chỉ người hoặc con vật , đồ vật;có thể làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ (Nó có thể thay thế cho “who”, “whom” hoặc “which” ) a.1) Chỉ người và làm chủ ngữ :(có thể thay thế cho “Who” ) Ex: Do you know the boy ?  Do you know the boy that /who helped me yesterday ? He helped me yesterday. a.2) Chỉ người và làm tân ngữ : (có thể thay thế cho “whom” ) Ex: The girl is very nice  The girl that/whom my brother loves is very nice My brother loves her b.1) Chỉ con vật, đồ vật và làm chủ ngữ ; (có (Như vậy mệnh đề tính từ :” who teaches us thể thay thế cho “which” ) Literature” bỗ nghĩa cho danh từ”Mr Hung” Ex: The dog is very fierce  The dog được rõ ràng hơn, chúng biết rõ là ông Hung nào that /which was brought from Japan is very ) fierce II) Các đại từ quan hệ và cáctrạng từ quan hệ It was brought from Japan (Relative pronouns and Relative adverbs) b.2) Chỉ con vật, đồ vật và làm tân ngữ : (có 1) Đại từ quan hệ who: Dùng để chỉ người và thể thay thế cho “which” ) làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề. Ex: The man is my form teacher  The man Ex: The hotel is very modern and splended.The N ADJthat/which clause they built last year is very who is sitting at that desk is my form teacher hotel He is sitting at that desk They built it last year . ( Đại từ who thay thế cho đại từ chủ ngữ He làm modern and splended S V chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề tính từ “who is sitting at Lưu ý: that desk“) * Không được dùng “ that” ngay sau giới 2) Đại từ quan hệ whom: Dùng để chỉ ngưòi và từ(on,in,of,with,about..) làm tân ngữ (túc từ ) trong mệnh đề. Ex: The girl to (that) whom you talked last night Ex: The girl is beautiful  The is my friend N * Không ADJ clause girl whom we met at school yesterday is được dùng “ that” trong mệnh đề beautiful khơng xc định We met her at school yesterday Ex: Ba, who (that) likes playing soccer, is my ( Đại từ whom thay thế cho đại từ tân ngữ her friend S hợp V làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề tính từ “whom we * Bắt buộc dùng “that” trong cácOtrường met at school yesterday” sau: 3) Đại từ quan hệ which : Dùng để chỉ con vật, -Sau 1 hỗn hợp từ vừa chỉ người vừa chỉ con vật: đồ vật, sự việc, có thể làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ Ex: The man and two dogs that (who/which) (túc từ) passed my house yesterday made much noise Ex: a) Làm chủ ngữ : -Sau các từ : all, some, any, a few, much, many, The shirt is beautiful. The shirt little,only,who,what,so sánh nhất, số thứ tự… N Ex: She isADJ clause the only girl that(whom) I love which was made by Miss Thu last week is 5) Đại từ quan hệ “Whose” : Dùng để chỉ sự sở beautiful hữu, có thể làm chủ ngữ hoặc tân ngữ It was made by Miss Thu last week a) Làm chủ ngữ :. ADJ cla O V S.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Ex: That is the woman  That is the woman whose house is burnt last week Her house was burnt last week ( đại từ quan hệ “whose” thay thế cho đại từ sở hữu “her” và làm “whose house” làm chủ ngữ trong mệnh đề “ whose house is burnt last week “) b) Làm tân ngữ : Ex: The student writes very well  The student whose composition I have read writes very well I have read his composition ( Đại từ quan hệ “whose “ thay thế cho đại từ sở hữu “his” và làm tân ngữ trong mệnh đề “whose composition I have read”) Lưu ý : Có thể dùng “of which để thay thế cho “ whose” Ex: The writer whose/of which novels I am reading is Nguyen Nhat Anh. 6) Trạng từ quan hệ “when” : Dùng để chỉ thời gian (nó thay thế cho các trạng từ chỉ thời gian) Ex: The day was fine and warm  The day when we went on a pinic was fine and warm We went on a pinic on that day ( Trạng từ quan hệ “when” thay thế cho cụm trạng từ thời gian “on that day” ) 7) ) Trạng từ quan hệ “where” : Dùng để chỉ thời gian (nó thay thế cho các trạng từ chỉ nơi chốn) Ex: Do you know the place ?  Do you know the place where they are staying ? They are staying there ( Trạng từ quan hệ “where” thay thế cho trạng từ “there” ) Lưu ý : Có thể dùng at which; on which; in which thay thế cho when và where The day on which we went on a pinic was fine Do you know the place in which they are staying ? The seaside at which we went camping is very beautiful BÀI TẬP: Nối các cặp câu, sử dụng who, whom ,which, whose, when, where 1) The woman is my aunt. She is sitting at that desk. 2) That is the girl. I like her very much. 3) The clothes are old. She is wearing them. 4) The student is very kind. I borrowed his bike yesterday. 5) I like the story. You gave it to me last week. 6) The film is very interesting. It is being showed on TV now. 7) Seven o,clock is the time. We start to learn at that time.. 8) The house is old and small. We are living in S V that house. 9) The house is old and small. It was bought two months ago. 10) The man is very strict. His boy is my friend. 11) Do you know the name of the boy? He has just received the prize. 12) The man is very rich. His house was burnt last week. S V met her at O 13) The woman is beautiful. We school yesterday. 14) The day was fine and warm. We went on a picnic then. 15) That is a student. I want to meet him. Chọn 1 từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống: 1. The woman ……………………………………daughter is my friend is very kind. 2. The girl……………………………….I love is very pretty. 3. The book …………………………….I am reading is very interesting. 4. The hotel ………………………………we were staying is very modern and splendid. 5. This is the most interesting film …………………………………I have seen. 6. The person of ……………………………….I always think is my father. 7. The room ……………………………..was built last month is new. 8. The man …………………………….is standing at the gate is my brother. 9. The girl with two cats……………………………………are at that bench look tired. 10.The boy …………………………….we talked to three days ago is a student. 11. Winter is the time ……………………………….it is often cold. 12. The house ………………………….he sold last year is very old. 13. The teacher ………………………………I like best is Mr Truyen. 14.He has read all the book ………………………………….I lent him last month. 15. The actor to ………………………….they are talking is very famous. Viết lại câu sau theo từ gợi ý mà ý nghĩa không đổi so với câu thứ nhất 1. She is wearing a beautiful shirt. The shirt……………………………………………… …………………………………. 2. We are living in a pretty house..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span>  The house…………………………………………… ………………… 3. They have just bought a new house.  The house…………………………………………… …………… 4. He is talking to an old woman.  The woman………………………………………… …………………………… 5. He is driving an expensive car.  The car……………………………………………… …………………. MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ NGUYÊN NHÂN,LÝ DO (ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF REASON) I. Định nghĩa: Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nguyên nhân(MĐTNCNNLD) , lý do là mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng các từ :”because”, “since” và “as” dùng để giải thích nguyên nhân, lý do cho hành động, sự việc xãy ra ở mệnh đề chính. + Mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng”because” có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu EX:Because he was sick, he stayed at home yesterday. Hoặc : He stayed at home yesterday because he was sick. +Mệnh đề bằng “since” và “as” chỉ được ở đầu câu mà thôi. EX : Since /As it is raining, I can,t go to school. Ta không viết được: I can,t go to scgool since /as it is raining. Lưu ý: Khi làm bài tập nối các cặp câu sử dụng MĐTNCNNLD, ta phải đảm bảo danh từ luôn luôn đứng trước đại từ. EX: We don,t help Nam. We don,t like him. As we don,t like Nam, we don,t help him. (danh từ “ Nam” đứng trước đại từ “him”) Because + Clause = Because of + Noun phrase / Due to + Noun phrase Ex: Because she was ill, she didn,t go to class = Because of her illness, she didn,t go to class BÀI TẬP I.Nối các cặp câu, sử dụng “because” ,” as” hoặc “since” EX: I didn,t see the film. It was very boring.  I didn,t see the film because it was very boring.. Hoặc: Because / As / Since the film was very boring, I didn,t see it . 1. I can,t help you. I am very busy now. 2. He stayed at home last Friday. It rained heavily. 3.It is very hot. We turn on all the fans. 4. The students learn English badly. It is very difficult. 5. Miss Dung is very kind. Many people like her. 6. We can do the exercises quickly. They are very easy. 7. They didn,t review the lessons carefully. They didn,t do the test well. 8. They are in a hurry. They can,t wait for you. 9. Nam didn,t go to school on time. He got up late. 10. Her clothes are old. She has to buy some new ones. 11. Your shoes are very dirty. You should put them in the corner of the room. 12. We went to the seaside for the weekend. The air in the city was not fresh. 13. These pupils often get bad marks. They are very lazy. 14. The play was very long. We went home before the end. II. Rewrite the following sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại cc cu sau m ý nghĩa khơng đổi) 1. Because he was lazy, he failed in the exam  Because of ………………………………………………… …………………. 2. Because it rained heavily, we couldn,t go on a pinic.  Because of ………………………………………………… ………………… 3. Because she is weak, she can,t go alone  Because of……………………………………………… …………………………… 4. Because of the bad weather, we didn,t go to school.  Because the weather………………………………………… …………… 5. Because of his sickness, he didn,t prepare the well.  Because he ………………………………………………… …………….. MỆNH ĐỀ TRẠNG NGỮ CHỈ SỰ NHƯỢNG BỘ. (ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF CONCESSION) Định nghĩa: Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự nhượng bộ (MĐTNCSNB) là mệnh đề bắt đầu bằng các từ: “ though”, although” và” even though”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> (mặc dù, mặc dầu) dùng để chỉ sự tương phản, trái ngược với mệnh đề chính. EX: They lost the match though / although /even though they played beautifully. Lưu ý: Although / Even though / Though + clause = Despite / In spite of + Noun phrase Ex: Although they are poor, they live happily= Despite their poverty, they live happily BÀI TẬP I.Nối các cặp câu sử dụng “although” 1. Peter sat at the table for lunch. He was not hungry. 2. We all felt tired. We were very happy. 3. They live happily. They are very poor. 4. Nam did not pass the exam. He learnt very hard. 5. It begins to rain. The students do not stop playing soccer. 6. He was very thirdty. He did not drink anything. 7. I help Lan . I don,t like her. 8. No one did the test well. It was very easy. 9. Trang is thin. She is very strong. 10. The film was interesting. There were few people came to see it. 11.An is very intelligent and learns well. She is very modest(modest(adj): khiêm tốn) 12.She did the test very well. It was very difficult. 13. The lesson was long. We could learn it in one period. 14.Lan was sick yesterday. She tried to go to school. II. Rewrite the following sentences that do not change the meaning(Viết lại cc cu sau m ý nghĩa khơng đổi) 1. Although the test was long, he finished the test on time  Despite the ………………………………………………… ……………………………………… 2. Although they are friendly, I don,t like them  In spite of ………………………………………………… ………………….. 3. Although she was careful, she did the exercise with mistakes.  Although the question ………………………………………………… ………………………….. CÂU NÓI GIÁN TIẾP (INDIRECT SPEECH / REPORTED SPEECH) Câu trực tiếp là câu gồm những từ do chính người nói dùng.Khi câu nói này được thuật lại ch người khác nghe thì ta gọi câu nói đó là câu nói gián tiếp. Khi đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp ta phải dấu hai chấm(:) và dấu ngoặc kép (“”)mà thay bằng từ liên từ THAT I .ĐỔI MỘT CÂU KHẲNG ĐỊNH-PHỦ ĐỊNH SANG GIÁN TIẾP A. ĐỘNG TỪ KHÔNG ĐỔI: -Nếu động từ tường thuật (Reporting verbs): say (nói);tell(bảo); ask(hỏi); inquire(hòi); ask (yêu cầu); beg(cầu khẩn); request(yêu cầu); declare(tuyên bố); affirm(xác nhận); inform(thông báo); complain(than phiền); warn(cảnh cáo); report(tường thuật, báo cáo)… ở thì HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN thì ta không đổi động từ mà chỉ đổi NGÔI 1.Ta không thay đổi động từ mà chỉ thay đổi đại từ NGÔI THỨ NHẤT(I) SANG NGÔI THỨ BA (III) Personal pronoun Posses Subject Object Adjective I He, She Me Him, her my His;her m we They us them Our Their o EX1: Direct: He says: “ I have not found my keys” Indirect: He says that he has not found his keys Ex2: Direct: She says: “I shall go with my father tomorrow” Indirect: She says that she will go with her father tomorrow. 2.Đổi NGÔI THỨ NHÌ (II) ra một ngôi nào đó để cùng một ngôi với đại từ tân ngữ trong mệnh đề chính. EX1:Direct: She says to me: “ You are late today” Indirect: She tells me that I am late today. EX2:Direct: He says to her: “ I want to go with you” Indirect: He tells her that he wanted to go with her.  Lưu ý: -Nếu câu trực tiếp dùng “say to” thì câu Despite………………………………………… gián tiếp đổi thành”tell” ………………………………………………….. 3. Ngôi thứ ba không đổi : 4. Despite the heaviness of the suitcase, he could Ex: Direct: She says: “He is lazy” carry it Indirect: She says that he is lazy.  Although the B. ĐỘNG TỪ THAY ĐỔI: suitcase………………………………………… Nếu động từ tường thuật ở thì Quá Khứ Đơn ………………………………….. thì ta phải thay đổi 3 yếu tố là NGÔI,ĐỘNG 5. In spite of the difficulty of the question, she TỪ và TRẠNG TỪ could answer it right. 1. Đổi NGÔI : (Giống phần A).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> 2.Đổi ĐỘNG TỪ: DIRECT Hiện Tại Đơn Hiện Tại Tiếp Diễn Quá Khứ Đơn. EX1: Direct: The techer asked us:”What are you doing now ?” INDIRECT Indirect: The teacher asked us what we Quá Khứ Đơn were doing then. Quá Khứ Tiếp Diễn Quá Khứ Hoàn Thành EX2: Direct: He asked him: “When will you go?” Indirect: He asked him when he would go. * - Should / would + VINF  Should /Would have III.ĐỔI CÂU CẦU KHIẾN, CÂU ĐỀ NGHỊ +VPP LỊCH SỰ (Đề nghị người khác giúp mình) -Musthad to EX1: Direct: He said: “I drink milk every day” SANG GIÁN TIẾP: Indirect: He said that he drank milk every -Muốn đổi câu một câu cầu khiến(Imperative) trực tiếp sang gián tiếp ,ta cũng thay đổi 3 yếu tố day. về: NGÔI,ĐỘNG TỪ và TRẠNG TỪ .Ngoài ra EX2: Direct: She said:”I have met him” ta phải áp dụng công thức sau: Indirect: She said that she had met him. 3. Đổi TRẠNG TỪ: (Trạng từ nơi chốn và He ASKED thời gian) She COMMANDED DIRECT INDIRECT They + TOLD + OBJECT Today That day We REQUESTED Tonight That night You BEGGED Yesterday The day before/the previous day (A ý: noun) ORDERED Lưu -Told ở trong trường hợp này có nghĩa là Last night The night before bảo, asked trong trường hợp này có nghĩa là yêu Last week The week before cầu Last month The month before EX1: Direct: The teacher said to us:” Stand Last year The year before up” Tomorrow The following day/ The next day Indirect: The teacher asked us to stand up. Ago Before EX2: Direct: He asked us: “ Don,t make noise II. ĐỔI CÂU NGHI VẤN SANG GIÁN TIẾP: in class” -Muốn đổi câu một câu hỏi trực tiếp sang gián Indirect: He asked us not to make noise in tiếp ,ta cũng thay đổi 3 yếu tố về: NGÔI,ĐỘNG class. TỪ và TRẠNG TỪ .Ngoài ra ta phải áp dụng EX3: Direct: She said to me: “Can you lend me công thức sau: your pen ?” 1. Câu hỏi phải không (Yes/No-Question): Indirect: She asked me to lend her my pen. IV. ĐỔI MỘT CÂU KHUYÊN NHỦ RA He ASKED GIÁN TIẾP: She INQUIRED -Muốn đổi một câu khuyên nhủ ra gián tiếp ta có They + WANTED TO KNOW + / WHETHER + đây SUBJECT 2IF cách, xem ví dụ dưới để hiểu: + VERB EX1: Direct: My mother said to me: “You We WONDERED should learn harder on your exam” You Indirect: a. My mother said that I (should (A noun) Ex1: Direct: She asked me:”Do you like him?” learn )/ should have learnt harder on my exam. Indirect: She asked me if / whether I liked b.My mother told me that I should him have learnt harder in my exam. Ex2: Direct: He said to her: “ Did you go out c. My mother advised me to learn last night ?” harder on my exam. Indirect: He asked her if /whether she had Ex2: Direct: The doctor said to him:”You , gone out the night before. shouldn t stay up late” 2. Câu hỏi dùng vấn từ (Wh-Question) Indirect: a. The doctor said that he (shouldn,t stay )/ shouldn,t have stayed up late. b.The doctor told him that he He ASKED QUESTION WORD , shouldn t have stayed up late She INQUIRED (Who,Whom,Which, c.The doctor advised him not to They + WANTED TO KNOW + Where,When,How, + SUBJECT + VERB stay up late. We WONDERED What,Why…) V.ĐỔI CÂU CẢM THÁN SANG GIÁN TIẾP: You -Khi đổi câu cảm thán(exclaimation) ra câu gián (A noun) tiếp ta thường dùng các động từ tường thuật sau:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> greet(chào); cry out( thet lên); sigh(thở dài); complain(than phiền); remark(nhận xét); exclaim(thet lên vì đau đớn, giận dữ, ngạc nhiên) … Ta xem các ví dụ dưới đây: EX1: Direct: She said:” What a lovely house!” Indirect: She exclaimed that the house was lovely. Ex2: Direct: He said to me: “Hello!. How is work?” Indirect: He greeted me and asked me how work was. Ex3: Direct: The little boy cried out: “Help me! Help me!” Indirect: The little boy cried out for help. Ex4: Direct: She said: “ My toothache is getting worse!” Indirect: She complained that her toothache was getting worse. BÀI TẬP Chuyển các câu dưới đây sang câu nói gián tiếp: 1. He said:”I am going to town with my sister” 20. He says: “ I have gone to Dalat” 2. They said: “We are students in this school” 21 . “ I love you” Hai said to Trang. 3. She said: “We have finished our work” 4. She said to me: “ I want to speak with you” 5. He said: “ I like my uncle” 6. Lan asked Nam” Where do you live?” 7. The teacher asked us: “ What are you doing now?” 8. He said to me: “I shall be here with you tomorrow” 9. I asked her” Do you drink coffee ?” 10. Ba said to his friends:”When will we go fishing?” 11. The plumber said to Mrs Thu: “ You must pay me ten thousand dong” 12. Marry said: “Do you feel well, John ?” 13. “ Would you please lend me your pen? , Trang asked Nam. 14. My mother said to me:”You should do your homework every day” 15. The teacher asked us: “ Sit down, please” 16. The doctor said to him : “Don,t smoke cigarrette here” 17. He said to her: “ How beautiful your shirt is !” 18. She asked them” Did you go to school yesterday ?” 19. She said to her: “ I want you to go with me next week” SỐ NHIỀU CỦA DANH TỪ (PLURAL OF NOUNS) 1. a Các danh từ tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm + “O”  thêm “ES” và được đọc là “/z/”. -tomato  tomatoes /z/ (cà chua) -potato potatoes /z/ (khoai tây) * Ngoại lệ: ( Chỉ thêm”S” và đọc là “/z/” ) -photo photos /z/ (ảnh) -piano pianos /z/ (dương cầm) -kilo kilos /z/ (cân/ kílô) -dyamo dyamos (bộ phận phát điện ) 1b.Các danh từ tận cùng bằng 1 nguyên âm + “O”  thêm “S” và được đọc là “/z/” -cuckoo  cuckoos /z/ (chim cúc cu) -coo coos /z/ (tiếng bồ câu gù) -moo moos /z/ (tiếng bò rống) -studio studios /z/ (xưởng phim ) -radio radios /z/ (máy thu thanh) 2. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng các chữ :”S”, “X”,”Z” “CH”, “SH” Thêm “ES” và được đọc là “/iz/” - a class  classes (lớp) - a box  boxes (hộp) -a dish dishes (dĩa) -a watch watches (đồng hồ đeo tay) -a waltz  waltzes (điệu nhảy) *Ngoại lệ: a monarch monarch (quốc vương) / 'mɔnək/ (vì chữ “ch” cuối đọc là “/ k /” ) 3. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng các chữ “CE”, “SE”, “GE” thêm “S” va“ES”cuối đọc là“/ iz /” -a piece pieces / 'pi:siz/ (miếng) -an exercise exercises (bài tập) -a house  houses (nhà) -an orange oranges (cam) 4.a.Các danh từ tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm +”Y” thì phải đổi “Y” thành “I” rồi thêm “ES” và chữ “S” cuối đọc là “/ z /” -a family families (gia đình) -a secretary  secretaies (thư ký) -an activity  activities (hoạt động) 4b. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng 1 nguyên âm +”Y” thì chỉ thêm “S” và chữ “S” cuối đọc là“/ z /” - a boyboys (con trai) -a play plays (vở kịch) 5. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng các chữ “F” và “FE” (Chữ “E” câm) thì phải đổi thành “VES” và đọc là “/vz/” - a leaf  leaves (lá) -a loaf  loaves (ổ, mẩu) -a knife knives (con dao) -a calf calves (con bê) -a scarf scarves (khăn quàng) * Ngoại lệ: (chỉ thêm “S” và đọc ”/ fs /”) -a chief chiefs (giám đốc) -a handkerchief  handkerchiefs (khăn tay) -a roof roofs (mái nhà) -a proof proofs (bằng chứng) 6. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng các chữ “P”, “T”, “K”, “GH” (được đọc “/ f /”) thì ta thêm “S” và đọc là “/ s /”.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - a map maps (bản đồ) -a light spirits surroundings stairs ethics mathematics physics  lights (đèn) 3.8. Unchange the names of creatures: -a book  books (sách) -a date deer, sheep,carf, cod, pike, plaice,  dates (ngày) salmon, squid, trout, turbot (these -laugh laughs / la:f / (tiếng cười) nouns can take either singular or 7. Các danh từ tận cùng bằng các chữ còn lại plural verbs) (khác với tất cả các chữ vừa nêu từ 1 đến 6)thì 3.9. Plural form but singular verb-noun: ta thêm “S” và đọc là “/ z /” news, mumps (bƯnh sng quai hµm), - a banana bananas (chuối) -a key billiards, bowls  keys (chìa khoá ) 4. Uncount-nouns: -a yard  yards (sân) -a table  tables (bàn) 4.1. Substances: 1. Plural forms: bread beer Cloth dust gin Glass 1.1. Adding “s” to almost count-nouns: jam oil paper singular plural soap stone water a table tables a student students 4.2. Abstract nouns: a house houses advice beauty courage a cat cats fear help Hope a dog dogs knowledge mercy Pity 3.2. Adding “es” to the count-nouns that 4.3. Others: baggage camping damage end in “ s, ss, sh, ch, o, x ” with /iz/ sound: parking shopping Work singular plural a bus buses a dish dishes a watch watches a potato potatoes a box boxes 3.3. Adding “ies” to the count-nouns that end in “y” with its preceding consonants: 3.4. singular plural singular plural a lorry lorries a lady ladies a story stories. 3.5.. 3.6.. 3.7.. Adding “ves” to the count-nouns that end in “f, fe”: singular plural a wife wives a knife knives Irregular changes: singular plural a man men a child children a tooth teeth a louse lice a medium media Collective noun: crew, family, group, team,…(either singular or plural form, either singular or plural verb) Always plural form-nouns: clothes police trousers scissors scales shears (kÐo c¾t c) goods greens (vegetable).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> mình n IT(nó,t YOU(các bạn,các em, THEY các con, các cháu, các lên khô anh,các em…)Dùng về họ h để chỉ những người người, nghe.. WE (Chúng tôi, chúng ta, chúng con, chúng cháu, các anh, các chị …)Dùng để chỉ những người nói hoặc những người nói và nghe(Chúng ta)  Thường đứng đầu câu và trước động từ trong câu để làm chủ ngư Ex: I am a teacher. She wants to buy some cakes. II.ĐẠI TỪ TÂN NGỮ:  Chỉ người nhận hành động, đứng ngay sau động từ để làm tân ngữ cho động từ. Ex: He talked to me last night. III .TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU  Thường có 1 danh từ kèm theo, có thể đứng đầu câu và trước động từ để làm chủ ngữ hoặc có thể đứng sau động từ để làm tân ngữ (TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU + Danh từ) Ex:My books are new She gave me her pen IV. ĐẠI TỪ SỞ HỮU  Dùng để thay thế cho TÍNH TỪ SỞ HỮU + Danh từ trong trường hợp danh từ đó đã được nhắc tới trước, có thể đứng trước động từ để làm chủ ngữ trong 1 mệnh đề hoặc đứng sau động từ để làm tân ngữ) Ex: Your pen is new but mine is old. (Mine =my pen) This is my notebook and that is hers CÁC LOẠI ĐẠI TỪ NHÂN XƯNG Trong Tiếng Anh có các loại đại từ nhân xưng V. ĐẠI TỪ PHẢN THÂN  Dùng để chỉ chính ai làm việc gì, thường dưới đây: đứng sau danh từ làm tân ngữ trong câu hoặc ĐẠI TỪ ĐẠI TỪ TÍNH TỪ SỞ ngay sau đại từ chủ ngữ nếu muốn nhấn mạnh. CHỦ NGỮ TÂN NGỮ HỮU(POSSESIVE Ex: I did this exercise myself (I myself did this (SUBJECT (OBJECT ADJECTIVEexercise) ) PRONOUN) PRONOUN) BÀI TẬP I ME MY (Của tôi…) Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc: YOU YOU YOUR (Của bạn…) YOU YOU YOUR (Của các 1. What is your name ?………………………………… name is Lan. bạn…) (Your, My, Yours, Our) HE HIM HIS (Của ông ấy…) 2. How old are …………………………….? – I SHE HER HER (Của bà ấy…) IT IT ITS (Của nó…) am eleven years old. (I, My, You, They) 3. Where does his sister live?_ THEY THEM THEIR (Của họ…) ...........................lives in Hanoi. (His, He, She,It) WE US OUR (Của chúng 4. tôi,He……………………………….drew that của chúng ta…) picture. (him, his,himself,her) 5. His books are older than ………………………..( her, your, his, ours) I. ĐẠI TỪ CHỦ NGỮ 6. What does her father do?_ NGÔI THỨ I NGÔI THỨ II …………………………….is a doctor. (Her, I (Tôi,em, cháu, con, cô, YOU(bạn, em, con, She, He, Himself) chú, anh, chị…) Dùng cháu, anh, em,cô, Đứng trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng “uni” university/ uniform/ a union…) Whendng will“a”(a the children do thea test ?_ chú, bà…)Dùng để 7. phải để chỉ người nói. ……………… will do it next Tuesday. (He, She, chỉ người nghe. They, We).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> 8. What do you think about the test ?_ I think ………………….is long and difficult. (he, she, it, its) 9. What is his mother,s name? _......................name is Nam. (Her, His, My, Hers) 10. What did she give her son yesterday ?_ She gave…………….. a dictionary. (her, him, me,you) 11. She is wearing a beautiful dress. She made it …………………………. (her, hers, herself, itself) 12. Let………………………………play soccer, shall we? (us, them, you, me) GIỚI TỪ. .        . In time for = In good time for = Đúng giờ (thường kịp làm gì, hơi sớm hơn giờ đã định một chút) In the street = dưới lòng đường In the morning / afternoon/ evening In the past/future = trước kia, trong quá khứ/ trong tương lai In future = from now on = từ nay trở đi In the begining/ end = at first/ last = thoạt đầu/ rốt cuộc In the way = đỗ ngang lối, chắn lối Once in a while = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng In no time at all = trong nháy mắt, một thoáng In the mean time = meanwhile = cùng lúc In the middle of (địa điểm)= ở giữa In the army/ airforce/ navy In + the + STT + row = hàng thứ... In the event that = trong trường hợp mà In case = để phòng khi, ngộ nhỡ Get/ be in touch/ contact with Sb = liên lạc, tiếp xúc với ai.   1.During = trong suốt (hoạt động diễn ra liên  tục)   1. From = từ >< to = đến   From ... to ...= từ ... đến... (dùng cho thời  gian và nơi chốn)  From time to time = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng 7.On = trên bề mặt: 3. Between …and : vào khoảng giữa  On + thứ trong tuần/ ngày trong tháng 4.Out of=ra khỏi><into=vào trong  On the farm : tại nông trại  Out of + noun = hết, không còn  On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông =  Out of town = đi vắng trên chuyến/ đã lên chuyến...  Out of date=cũ, lạc hậu >< up to date =  On + phố = địa chỉ... (như B.E : in + phố) mới, cập nhật  On the + STT + floor = ở tầng thứ...  Out of work = thất nghiệp, mất việc  On time = vừa đúng giờ (bất chấp điều  Out of the question = không thể kiện bên ngoài, nghĩa mạnh hơn in time)  Out of order = hỏng, không hoạt động  On the corner of = ở góc phố (giữa hai phố) 5.By  Chú ý:  In the corner = ở góc trong  động từ chỉ chuyển động + by = đi ngang  At the corner = ở góc ngoài/ qua (walk by the library) tại góc phố  động từ tĩnh + by = ở gần (your books  On the sidewalk = pavement = trên vỉa hè are by the window)  Chú ý:  by + thời gian cụ thể = trước lúc, cho đến  On the pavement (A.E.)= trên lúc (hành động cho đến lúc đó phải xảy mặt đường nhựa (Don’t brake ra) quickly on the pavement or  by + phương tiện giao thông = đi bằng you can slice into another  by then = cho đến lúc đó (dùng cho cả car) QK và TL)  On the way to: trên đường đến >< on the  by way of= theo đường... = via way back to: trên đường trở về  by the way = một cách tình cờ, ngẫu  On the right/left nhiên  On T.V./ on the radio  by the way = by the by = nhân đây, nhân  On the phone/ telephone = gọi điện thoại, tiện nói chuyện điện thoại  by far + so sánh (thường là so sánh bậc  On the phone = nhà có mắc điện thoại nhất)=>dùng để nhấn mạnh (Are you on the phone?)  by accident = by mistake = tình cờ, ngẫu  On the whole= nói chung, về đại thể nhiên >< on purose  On the other hand = tuy nhiên= however 6.In = bên trong  Chú ý:  On the one hand =  In + month /season / year một mặt thì => on the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> other hand = mặt khác thì (On the one hand, we must learn the basic grammar, and on the other hand, we must combine it with listening comprehension) on sale = for sale = có bán, để bán on sale (A.E.)= bán hạ giá = at a discount (B.E) on foot = đi bộ. . 8.At = ở tại  At + số nhà  At + thời gian cụ thể  At home/ school/ work  At night/noon (A.E : at noon = at twelve = giữa trưa (she was invited to the party at noon, but she was 15 minutes late))  At least = chí ít, tối thiểu >< at most = tối đa  At once =ngay lập tức  At present/ the moment = now  Chú ý: 2 thành ngữ trên tương đương với presently nhưng presently se khác nhau về nghĩa nếu nó đứng ở các vị trí khác nhau trong câu:  Sentence + presently (= soon): ngay tức thì ( She will be here presently/soon)  Presently + sentence (= Afterward/ and then) : ngay sau đó (Presently, I heard her leave the room)  S + to be + presently + Ving = at present/ at the moment ( He is presently working toward his Ph.D. degree)  At times = đôi khi, thỉnh thoảng  At first = thoạt đầu >< at last = cuối cùng  At the beginning of / at the end of... = ở đầu/ ở cuối (dùng cho thời gian và địa điểm).  At + tên các ngày lễ : at Christmas, at Thanks Giving... Nhưng on + tên các ngày lễ + day = on Christmas day ... Trong dạng informal E., on trước các thứ trong tuần đôi khi bị lược bỏ: She is going to see her boss (on) Sunday morning. At/in/on thường được không dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ thời gian khi có mặt: next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some, all  At + địa điểm : at the center of the building. .   . .  . At + những địa điểm lớn (khi xem nó như một nơi trung chuyển hoặc gặp gỡ): The plane stopped 1 hour at Washington D.C. before continuing on to Atlanta. At + tên các toà nhà lớn (khi xem như 1 hành động sẽ xảy ra ở đó chứ không đề cập đến toà nhà) : There is a good movie at the Center Theater. At + tên riêng các tổ chức: She works at Legal & General Insurence. At + tên riêng nơi các trường sở hoặc khu vực đại học: She is studying at the London school of Economics. At + tên các hoạt động qui tụ thành nhóm: at a party/ lecture.... 9.Một số các thành ngữ dùng với giới từ  On the beach: trên bờ biển  Along the beach: dọc theo bờ biển  In place of = Instead of: thay cho, thay vì.  For the most part: chính là, chủ yếu là = mainly.  In hope of + V-ing = Hoping to + V = Hoping that + sentence = với hi vọng là.  off and on: dai dẳng, tái hồi  all of a sudden= suddenly = bỗng nhiên  for good = forever: vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi. BÀI TẬP Cho giới từ đúng vào chổ trống: 1. He will have a meeting …………………..8 o,clock tomorrow. 2. We always go to school …………………..the morning. 3. Her birthday is ……………………May 25th. 4. There were a football match on TV ………………9pm to 10: 45 pm last night. 5. Last month, I visited my uncle and I was staying ………………….the farm for a month. 6. We always go to class …………….time. 7. Children often receive lucky money from their parents and relative ……………Tet holidays. 8. Mr Baker often watches TV ……………..the evenings. 9. He wishes he will become a doctor ……………..the future. 10. ……………Christmas, good children often receive presents from the Santa Claus. 11. I am afraid to go out alone ……………night. 12. He was born ………………….1994. 13. I will go to the market. …………………….., I will buy you some candies. 14. We heard that news ……………………TV last night. 15. There was a bussiness meeting …………………..7am and 11am last Friday. 16. I always finish the tests …………time. 17. we brought along a raincoat just …………….case it rained..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 18.He is …………of work now and he is looking for another job. 19.This shirt is ………….of date. I have to buy another. 20.The people shouted “rubber! rubber!” and the police came…………..once. 21…………first we didn,t know who he was but after that we knew he was a famous singer. 22.I saw him ……………the way to the movies . 23. I am going to the market . ………………the way, I will buy you some candies. 24.They heard that news ………… the radio last night. NGữ ĐộNG Từ Đó là những động từ kết hợp với 1, 2 hoặc đôi khi 3 giới từ, khi kết hợp ở dạng như vậy ngữ nghĩa của chúng thay đổi hẳn so với nghĩa ban đầu.  To break off: chấm dứt, cắt đứt, đoạn tuyệt.  To bring up: nêu ra, đưa lên một vấn đề  To call on: yêu cầu / đến thăm  To care for: thích / trông nom, săn sóc (look after)  To check out (of/from) a library: mượn sách ở thư viện về  To check out: điều tra, xem xét.  To check out (of): làm thủ tục để ra (khách sạn, sân bay) <> check in.  To check (up) on: điều tra, xem xét.  To close in (on): tiến lại gần, chạy lại gần  To come along with: đi cùng với  To count on = depend on = rely on  To come down with: mắc phải một căn bệnh  Do away with = get rid of: tống khứ, loại bỏ, trừ khử  To daw up = to draft: soạn thảo (một kế hoạch, một hợp đồng)  To drop out of = to withdraw from: bỏ (đặc biệt là bỏ học giữa chừng)  To figure out: Hình dung ra được, hiểu được.  To find out: khám phá ra, phát hiện ra.  To get by: Lần hồi qua ngày, sống sót qua được  To get through with: kết thúc  To get through to: thông tin được cho ai, gọi được cho (điện thoại), tìm cách làm cho hiểu  To get up: dậy/ tổ chức.  To give up: bỏ, từ bỏ  To go along with: đồng ý với  To hold on to: vẫn giữ vững, duy trì  To hold up: cướp / vẫn giữ vững, vẫn duy trì, vẫn sống bình thường, vẫn dùng được (bất chấp sức ép bên ngoài hoặc sử dụng lâu)  To keep on doing smt=To go on doing smt: vẫn tiếp tục không ngừng làm gì  To look at: nhìn  To look up: tra, nhiên cứu. To look for= find: tìm kiếm To look after: trông nom, săn sóc To look into: điều tra, xem xét To pass out = to faint: ngất (nội động từ, không dùng bị động)  To pick out: chọn ra, lựa ra, nhặt ra  To point out: chỉ ra, vạch ra  To put off: trì hoãn, đình hoãn  To run across: khám phá, phát hiện ra (tình cờ)  To run into sb: gặp ai bất ngờ  To see about to: lo lắng, săn sóc, chạy vạy  To think of /about: nghĩ về  To take off: cất cánh <> to land  To take over for: thay thế cho  To take part in: tham gia vào  To take a bath/ a shower : tắm  To take a photo: chụp ảnh  To take some medicine/ apirins: uống thuốc  To take somebody to somewhere : dẫn ai đi đâu  To take care of somebody= to look after: chăm sóc, săn sóc ai  To talk over: bàn soạn, thảo luận về  To try out: thử nghiệm, dùng thử (sản phẩm)  to try out for: thử vai, thử giọng (1 vở kịch, buổi biểu diễn)  To turn in: giao nộp, đệ trình / đi ngủ  To watch out for: cảnh giác, để mắt, trông chừng (cả nghĩa đen lẫn nghĩa bóng) ĐỘNG TỪ + GIỚI TỪ  Apply (to somebody ) for something: Xin (ai) việc gì Do you think I should apply for that job ?  Believe in somebody/ something: Tin tưởng vào người nào đó/ việc gì Do you believe in God / I think you should believe in his story  Belong to somebody: Thuộc về người nào đó Does this book belong to him ? Who does this expensive motorbike belong to ?  Care about something: Lo lắng , quan tâm điều gì The youth should care about the future of the country. She doesn,t care much about her social life.  Care for , look after / take care of somebody: Chăm lo, săn sóc người nào đó Who will care for the sick ? She always takes great care of her cgildren. She can,t come because she has look after her mother.  Complain to somebody about something: Kêu ca, phàn nàn với người nào về việc gì    .

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> He complained to the hotel manager about the service. Anncoplained to the chef about the meal  Concentrate / focus on something: Tập trung vào việc gì You should concentrate in your lesson. I,m too tired to focus on these problems.  Crash into simething: Va đụng vào vật gì Unfortunately, the plane crashed into the mountain. I saw a car crash into the supermarket.  Depend on something / somebody: Tuỳ thuộc vào việc gì/ ai Agriculture usually depends on weather. To go or not depends on my parents  Laugh at somebody/ something: Cười nhạo ai /việc gì All of the children laughed at the clown. Why did you laugh at Tom when he said he believed in God ?  Listen to somebody / something: Lắng nghe người nào đó/ cái gì Are you listen to me ? He often listen to the news on the radio.  Rely on / upon somebody / something: Trông mong vào người nào đó / cái gì Don,t worry. You can rely on me. Do you think that we rely much on computers ?  Search for somebody / something : Lục soát, tìm kiếm người nào đó/ vật gì đó The police are searching for two escaped prisoners. She has been searching for her driving licence for an hour.  Shout at somebody: La mắng, quát tháo người nào đó It was rude of you to shout at that old man. Don,t shout at the child.  Speak / talk to /with somebody about somebody / something: Nói với người nào đó về ai / việc gì I spoke to my friends about the film last night. Are they talking to the teacher about the examination ?  Wait for somebody / something: Chờ đợi người nào đó /việc gì How long have you waiting for me ? We are waiting for the rain to stop . BÀI TẬP 1.Don,t worry so much, my friend ! You should care ……………….your health. 2. He never stops complaining to his boss …………….the working conditions at the factory.. 3. If you want to pass the examination successfully, you should concentrate more …………these grammar lessons. 4. Do you think that our plan will depend much……………….the weather? 5. I have just seen a terrible accident. A car crashed ……………… motorbike right at the corner of the street. 6. Have you read the newspaper ? The police are searching …………….the driver who caused the accident. 7. Don,t shout ……………me like that. Am I doing comething wrong ? 8. Let,s go ! We have waited……………Tom for an hour. 9. One of the good ways to practise English is to listen …………the programme “ News in English” on the radio. 10. Who will take care ………your grandparents when you have to go to Italy on bussiness? ĐỘNG TỪ + TÂN NGỮ + GIỚI TỪ  Accuse , suspect somebody of (doing) something: Buộc tội, nghi ngờ người nào đó về việc gì The police have acused that young man of theft. The police suspected him of the crime Did they suspect that woman of being a spy ?  Blame something on somebody, blame somebody for something: Đổ lỗi việc gì cho người nào đó, khiển trách người nào đó về việc gì They blamed the failure of the bussiness on the director Don ,t blame the result of the match on the referee They blamed the director for the failure of the bussiness Don,t blame the referee for the result of the match.  Borrow something from somebody: Mượn vật gì từ người nào. She borrowed the umbrella from her friend Could I borrow a dictionary from the librarian ?  Explain something to somebody: Giải thích điều gì cho người nào He explained the rules of the game to the children. Can you explain the lesson to us again ?  Forgive somebody for(doing) something: Tha thứ cho người nào đó về việc gì Please forgive me for interrupting you..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> Prevent, stop somebody from doing something: Ngăn chặn, ngăn cản người nào đó làm việc gì Nobody can prevent us from taking part in the competition. The police stopped everyone from getting in the building.  Remind somebody of something: Làm người nào nhớ về việc gì This place reminds me of my hometown. This poem reminds me of the wonderful time in Hanoi.  Tell somebody about somebody/something:Nói,kể với người nào đó về người nào/việc gì Did he tell you about his journey ? She told us about her teachers. BÀI TẬP 1. Was the man accused ………………..stealing three million dollars from the bank?. 2.Do not blame me ………….the failure of the whole team. We are all responsible for it. 3. I forgot my grammar book . Can I borrow one …………….the library ? 4. Will you explain it …….Nam again?I think that he doesn,t know exactly what you mean. 5. She sings so beautifully ,and her songs remind me ……………..my friends. 6. He wanted to establish his own company, but his parents stopped him ………doing that. 7. Will the boss forgive his secretary ……………..not sending the document on time ? 8. Do you tell the manager …………my lateness thí morning ? 9. The police are trying to prevent the panicstricken people ……….jumping out their flats. 10. They arrested the man because they suspected him …………..causing the explosion . GIỚI TỪ CỦA TÍNH TỪ  Interested in something: thích, quan tâm tới việc gì  Nice; kind ; polite ; rude ;stupid of somebody: Người nào đó ân cần, tử tế; tử tế, tốt bụng; lịch sự ; thô lỗ; ngớ ngẩn.  Angry ; annoyed ; nervous; worried about something: Tức giận; khó chịu; sợ hãi; lo lắng về việc gì  Good ; bad at something: Giỏi; không giỏi về việc gì  Amazed; astonished; shocked; surprised at/by something: lấy làm lạ; ngạc nhiên; sửng sốt; kinh ngạcvề / bởi việc gì  Famous / well-know; responsible for something:nổi tiếng ;chịu trách nhiệm về việc gì  Afraid ; ashamed; aware; capable;fond; jealous; proud; surpicious, tired of . something: sợ hãi; xấu hổ về;có ý thức về; có năng lực để làm; rất thích; đố kỵ với; tự hào; nghi ngờ; nhàm chán về/với việc gì  Keen on something: say mê việc gì  Engaged; married to somebody: đính hôn; kết hôn với ai  Similar to something: tương tự, giống cái gì  Nice; kind; polite; rude to somebody: ân cần, tử tế; tử tế; lịch sự thô lổ với người nào  Pleased; bored; disappointed; happy with something/ somebody: hài lòng; chán nản; thất vọng; hạnh phúc về việc gì/ người nào BÀI TẬP 1.They were angry ……………the delay. 2. I think France is best famous ………… its wine. 3. He is interested …………collecting stamps. 4. Let,s go home. I,m really bored………….this film. 5.That bussinesman got married …………..a famous singer. 6. L ook ! Her handbag is similar ………..to mine. 7.She is really keen …………..fashion. 8.The shop assistant shouldn,t be so rude ………..the customers. 9.Do you feel nervous ……………the examination? 10. She really nervous …………..her son,s schoolwork. 11. Are you responsible ……………this project ? 12. She felt ashamed ………………her behaviour at the meeting. 13. We are fond …………..reading picture books. 14. Tom is afraid……………staying alone at night. 15. She was disappointed ………….the result of the examination. 16.These children have been taught to be proud ………..their national history. 17.That famous singer has just been engaged …………one of the richest men in the world. 18.She is worried …………h er daught ers bec ause theyb haven,t come home yet. 19. Jack is not good ………….history although h is father teaches history at university. 20. Don,t you know that Dalat is famous ………..these waterfalls ? 21. He was surprised……………..your failure in the final examination in English. 22.The police are looking for the man who is responsible ……….the safety of the products. 23.Those little girls seem to be afraid ……………darkness..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> 24. It was so nice ………him to send these greeting cards at Christmas. 25. The manager told me to find a person who was capable …………..management DANH TỪ +GIỚI TỪ  Different from A and B: Sự khác nhau giữa A và B.  Relationship between A and B / Relationship of A to/ with B: Mối quan hệ giữa A và B.  Demand, need for something: Sự đòi hỏi về việc gì, nhu cầu về việc gì.  Reson for something: lí do về việc gì  Increase/ Rise ><decrease, fall in something :Sự gia tăng >< sự sụt giảm trong việc gì.  Difficulty in doing comething; dificulty with something: Khó khăn trong khi làm việc gì; khó khăn với việc gì.  Example; cause; picture; photograph of something: Ví dụ về; nguyên nhân của; bức tranh vẽ; bức ảnh chụp cái gì.  Answer; reply; solution reaction to something: Câu trả lời cho; hành động đáp lại; giải pháp cho; phản ứng lại việc gì.  Attitude to / towards something: Thái độ, quan điểm về việc gì. BÀI TẬP 1. There is only one difference ……………… my watch and yours. 2. The relationship………..my company and his is very good. 3. Tell me the reason……………..leaving this company . 4. We have difficulty ………..learning English. 5. What is the cause ……………the accident ? 6. I asked him a question, but he made no reply ……………it. 7. What is her attitude ……………his proposal ? 8. There is a great need ……………….new books in this library. 9. There has been a decrease …………….the prices of motorbikes. 10. She got an answer to her application for the job. 11. Anna is really kind; she has a good relationship ………….her employees. 12. The secretary is typing the reply ………….his letter. 13. There is a need………….more trees in our city. 14. He can,t find the solution ………..the problem. 15. Did the secretary give you the answer ……………my question ? 16. He had much difficulty ………….his bussiness. 17. Do you think that smoking is one of the main cause …………….heart disease ?. 18. The report says that there has been an increase…………..unemployment during the last four months. 19. You shouldn,t have such a negative attitude…………the project. 20. The newcomers are often have much difficulty …………making friends. 21. Our teacher gave us some good examples ………………the modern technology. 22. Nobody knows the reason …………..her return to our company. GIỚI TỪ + DANH TỪ  By accident; chance; mistake : Do tình cờ; ngẫu nhiên; sơ suất  (To pay) by cheque; credict card ; in cash: trả bằng séc; bằng thẻ tín dụng, bằng tiền mặt  A book; film; play; painting…by somebody: Một cuốn sách; bộ phim; vở kịch; bức tranh do người nào đó viết, dựng; vẽ  (To go) for a drink; meal; walk; swim: (Đi ) uống; ăn; dạo; bơi  (To have something) for breakfast; lunch; dinner: (Dùng món gì) cho bữa ăn sáng; trưa; tối  For example: (Lấy) ví dụ (như)  In somebody,s opinion: Theo ý kiến người nào đó  (To go) on bussiness; holiday: (Đi) công tác; nghỉ mát  On television; the radio: Trên truyền hình; đài phát thanh(radio) BÀI TẬP 1. He found the solution ……………accident. 2. I met that famous singer once ………… chance. 3. Is there anything interesting ………..television tonight ? 4. Most students have bread …………..breakfast. 5. He has to travel a lot ……………bussiness. 6. It is so hot. I wish I could go …………..a swim. 7.I broke the vase ……………..mistake. 8. Have you ever seen any paintings ……………..Van Gogh ? 9. We ưatched “Hamlet” ……………..Shakespeare last month. 10. Do you want to pay …………..cheque or ………….credict card ? 11. …………………my opinion, you should appologize him. 12. I would like to go somewhere interesting tonight, ……….example a cinema or a theatre. 13. Did you know that Tonny has gone to California twice …………bussiness ? 14. You say that they have already had rice ………..dinner, don,t you?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> 15. I know that they are ……………..holiday next week. 16. Did you say that you had read “The old man and the sea” ………..Ernest Hemingway ? 17. There is an interesting football match ………….. television tonight. 18. When I left the party, I took my brother,s expensive coat…………….mistake. 19. My teacher said that some of these things were found ……………chance. 20. Last night he asked us to go out …………..a meal in Italian restaurant. 21. I used to think that only rich people can pay ………..cheque, but I was wrong. 22. ………….my opinion, learers of English should avoid translating word by word when practising English. QUÁN TỪ KHÔNG XÁC ĐịNH "A" VÀ "AN"  Dùng "an" trước một danh từ bắt đầu bằng: -4 nguyên âm A, E, I, O. - Bán nguyên âm U: (uncle, unnatural, umbrella)  Những danh từ bắt đầu bằng "h" câm (an heir/ hour/ herbal (Adj: thảo mộc)/ honor)  Những từ mở đầu bằng một chữ viết tắt (an S.O.S/ an M.P) Lưu ý: Đứng trước một danh từ mở đầu bằng "uni..." phải dùng "a" (a university/ a uniform/ universal/ union) (Europe, eulogy (lời ca ngợi), euphemism (lối nói trại), eucalyptus (cây khuynh diệp) )  Dùng "a" trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một phụ âm.  Được dùng trước một danh từ không xác định về mặt vị trí/ tính chất/ đặc điểm hoặc được nhắc đến lần đầu tiên trong câu.  Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ số lượng nhất định như: a lot of/a great deal of/a couple/a dozen.  Dùng trước những số đếm nhất định thường là hàng ngàn, hàng trăm như a/one hundred a/one thousand.  Dùng trước "half" (một nửa) khi nó theo sau một đơn vị nguyên vẹn: a kilo and a half, hay khi nó đi ghép với một danh từ khác để chỉ nửa phần (khi viết có dấu gạch nối): a half share, a half - holiday (ngày lễ chỉ nghỉ nửa ngày).  Dùng với các đơn vị phân số như 1/3 a/one third - 1/5 a /one fifth.  Dùng trong các thành ngữ chỉ giá cả, tốc độ, tỉ lệ: $5 a kilo, 60 kilometers an hour, 4 times a day.  Dùng trước các danh từ số ít đếm được. trong các thán từ what a nice day/ such a long life. A + Mr/ Mrs/ Ms + family name = một ông/ bà/ cô nào đó (không quen biết). QUÁN TỪ XÁC ĐỊNH "THE" (MẠO TỪ)  Dùng trước một danh từ đã được xác định cụ thể về mặt tính chất, đặc điểm, vị trí hoặc được nhắc đến lần thứ hai trong câu.  The + danh từ + giới từ + danh từ x: The girl in blue, the Gulf of Mexico.  Dùng trước những tính từ so sánh bậc nhất hoặc only. x: The only way, the best day.  Dùng cho những khoảng thời gian xác định (thập niên): In the 1990s  The + danh từ + đại từ quan hệ + mệnh đề phụ x: The man /to whom you have just spoken /is the chairman  Trước một danh từ ngụ ý chỉ một vật riêng biệt x: She is in the (= her) garden  The + danh từ số ít tượng trưng cho một nhóm thú vật hoặc đồ vật x: The whale = whales (loài cá voi), the deepfreeze (thức ăn đông lạnh) Lưu ý: Nhưng đối với man khi mang nghĩa "loài người" tuyệt đối không được dùng the. x: Since man lived on the earth (kể từ khi loài người sinh sống trên trái đất này)  Dùng trước một danh từ số ít để chỉ một nhóm, một hạng người nhất định trong xã hội. x: The small shopkeeper: Giới chủ tiệm nhỏ/ The top offcial: Giới quan chức cao cấp  The + adj: Tượng trưng cho một nhóm người, chúng không bao giờ được phép ở số nhiều nhưng được xem là các danh từ số nhiều. Do vậy động từ và đại từ đi cùng với chúng phải ở ngôi thứ 3 số nhiều. x: The old = The old people/ The unemployed/ The disabled are often very hard in their moving  The + tên các vùng/ khu vực đã nổi tiếng về mặt địa lý hoặc lịch sử x: The Sahara (desert)/ The Siberia (tundra)/ The Normandic  The + East/ West/ South/ North + Danh từ used as adjective x: The North/ South Pole (Bắc/ Nam Cực), The East End of London (Khu đông Lôn Đôn) Lưu ý: Nhưng không được dùng THE trước các từ này nếu nó đi liền với tên châu lục hoặc quốc gia: West Germany, North America....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span>  The + tên gọi các đội hợp xướng/ dàn nhạc Bảng sử dụng "the" và không sử dụng "the" cổ điển/ ban nhạc phổ thông trong một số trường hợp điển hình x: The Back Choir/ The Philharmonique Philadelphia Orchestra/ The Beatles. Có "The"  The + tên gọi các tờ báo (không tạp chí)/  Dùng trước tên các đại dương, sông ngòi, biển, vịnh và các hồ (ở số nhiều) tàu biển/ các khinh khí cầu. The Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gufl, x: The Times/ The Titanic/ The Hindenberg the Great Lakes  The + họ một gia đình ở số nhiều = gia  Trước tên các dãy núi đình nhà The Rocky Mountains x: The Smiths = Mr/ Mrs Smith and children x: Dùng trước tên họ của một người để xác định  Trước tên những vật thể duy nhất trong vũ người đó trong số những người trùng tên. trụ hoặc trên thế giới The earth, the moon  Không được dùng "the" trước các danh từ.  T Lake.  T Moun.  T sa Venu. chỉ bữa ăn trong ngày trừ các trường hợp đặc  The schools, colleges, universities + of + danh  T biệt. từ riêng m x: We ate breakfast at 8 am this morning The University of Florida Stets x: The dinner that you invited me last week were  the + số thứ tự + danh từ  T delecious. The third chapter. đ  Trước tên các cuộc chiến tranh khu vực với Chap  Không được dùng "the" trước một số danh điều kiện tên khu vực đó phải được tính từ từ như home, bed, church, court, jail, hoá prison, hospital, school, class, college, The Korean War (=> The Vietnamese economy) univercity v.v... khi nó đi với các động từ và  Trước tên các nước có hai từ trở lên (ngoại  T giới từ chỉ chuyển động chỉ đi đến đó là mục trừ Great Britain) m đích chính hoặc ra khỏi đó cũng vì mục đích The United States New chính.  Trước tên các nước được coi là một quần  T x: Students go to school everyday. đảo hoặc một quần đảo x: The patient was released from hospital. th The Philipines, The Virgin Islands, The Hawaii Euro  Nhưng nếu đến đó hoặc ra khỏi đó không vì  Trước tên các tài liệu hoặc sự kiện lịch sử mục đích chính bắt buộc phải dùng "the".  T The Constitution, The Magna Carta x: Students go to the school for a class party. baseb x: The doctor left the hospital afterwork  Trước tên các nhóm dân tộc thiểu số  T the Indians Lưu ý: Trong American English, “Hospital” số và “University” bắt buộc phải dùng với the freed  Trước tên các môn học cụ thể x: He was in the hospital (in hospital as a The Solid matter Physics patient)  Trước tên các nhạc cụ khi đề cập đến các x: She was unhappy at the University (At nhạc cụ đó nói chung hoặc chơi các nhạc cụ  T math University as a student) đó. The violin is difficult to play  T *Một số trường hợp đặc biệt: Who is that on the piano Chris  Go to work = Go to the office.  To be at work  T  To be hard at work (làm việc chăm chỉ) h  To be in office (đương nhiệm) <> To be c out of office (Đã mãn nhiệm) To pe  Go to sea = đi biển (như những thủy thủ) 1. Long is ………………university  Go to the sea = ra biển, thường để nghỉ students. He is………………first  To be at the sea: ở gần biển university student in my village.  To be at sea (ở trên biển) trong một 2. How fast does your car do? ~ It does chuyến hải hành. eighty kilometers ………..hour.  go to town: Đi vào trung tâm/ Đi phố - To 3. What…………nice radio! be in town (ở trung tâm) khi town là của 4. She is ……………..interesting woman. người nói. 5. These two shirts are………………same. 6. I can’t speak louder because I’m having ……………sore throat..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> 7. She is……………….selfish girl so she has…………little friends. 8. …………..Mr. Smith called you this morning. He said he is ………..new customer. 9. …………..coffee is not good for children. 10. ………….coffee in my cup is too weak. 11. ………….man in a new suit is Mr. Dinh. 12. ………….black sea is very deep. 13. Which car do you like?~ I like……………red one. But I prefer……………black because it is cheaper. 14. She will collect you at ……………………station. 15. How far is it from here to …………………park? 16. There is ………………park near my school. 17. We all realize ……………..usefulness of ………………..computer. 18. I want to buy ………………one-way ticket. 19. ……………….France is …………… European country. 20. Look! There’s …………..SOS signal on the screen. 21. Listen to English programs on the radio is……………..useful method of learning English. 22. Don’t forget to buy me …………… newspaper on your way home. Is ……………Times ok? ~ Yes, I read it and……………News every day. 23. He is ………….one-eyed man. 24. I have…………….two cars. …………..white one was made in Japan and …………….black one is………………American car. 25. ……………..bike next to mine is Mrs. Smith’s. 26. ……………..man sitting under this tree tomorrow will show you what to do next. 27. …………….teacher that will give lectures tomorrow is Mrs. Ann. 28. …………….book which you gave me on my 22 rd birthday is really interesting. 29. It’s so hot here. Please switch on………………..air-conditioner, Mai. 30. Do you think that there is life on………………moon. 31. We wish there were no war anymore on……………….earth. 32. Look! There is……………..strange object on …………….sky. 33. Oh! ………………..object looks like…………………egg.. 34. ……………….hot weather makes all of us tired. 35. Last Sunday our class went on a picnic to……………..countryside. 36. He usually watches………………. TV and listen to………………radio in the evening. 37. Yesterday I bought…………….radio for my father. 38. Would you like to go to ……………….movies with me tonight? ~ But I prefer to go to ……………… concert. 39. Can you play……………….piano? ~ Yes, and I can also play…………….flute. I think that I will buy……………..guitar next week. 40. There is……………..river near my house. 41. ………….Thames River is……………..very clean one. 42. She is…………..good student. She is……………..best student in my class. 43. This is …………..most difficult exercise I’ve ever met. 44. Mrs. Mai is …………….poor woman. 45. I think that the government should help ……………….poor to improve their living condition. 46. ………………Red river flows into the East sea. 47. ………………Truong son mountain is in Vietnam. 48. ………………older he gets, …………… stronger he becomes. 49. He lives in ……………United States of America. 50. ……………Philippines is located in Southeast Asia. 51. Have you ever heard about……………… Beatles? ~ 52. Oh, yes it is one of ………….most famous music groups in the world. 53. ……………..farmer is ………….person who works in ………..farm. 54. These students are from……………….South of Vietnam. 55. Yesterday there was …………….accident at…………..school gate . …………..injured were sent to…………….hospital immediately in …………….taxi. ……………..taxi is now at ……………..car-park over there. 56. Where is your mother, John? ~ She is not at…………… home. She is at ……………..church. She often goes to ……………….church on Sunday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> 57. We often take our children to …………….church to play in the afternoon. 58. Whenever he leaves…………….university, he buys something for his daughter. 59. After leaving …………….university, he will apply for a job in Hanoi. 60. Mrs. Van is a doctor at…………… Bach Mai Hospital. She often goes to …………hospital on weekdays. 61. Lan goes to ……………….school six days a week. Yesterday her father went to……………school to meet her form teacher. 62. Xuan went to …………….prison to visit her brother. He was sent to…………….prison for murdering his neighbor with a hammer. 63. Let’s ask him for help. I think only him can help us now because he is in ………..office. 64. Where is your father, Nam? ~ I think he is in …………….office. Mot so bai tap ve mao tu trong de thi tuyen sinh dai hoc Dai hoc Ngoai Thuong nam 2000-2001 65. He is ……………….honest person. 66. My father went to………………..sea when he was 14. 67. When do you hope to go to………………………university. 68. There’s a strike at……………….hospital. 69. He is ………………one-eyed man. 70. There’s ………………….onion left in the fridge. 71. This is ……………………useful method of learning English. 72. I’ve got …………………..uncle. 73. Your shoes are under ……………bed. 74. There’s a…………………splendid view of…………………..Lake Geneva from his hotel. Dai hoc Ngoai Thuong nam 2001- 2002 75. I have ……………………. big supper, I can’t sleep at………………………night. 76. Summer is ………………..warmest season but ……………………summer of 1971 was unusual cool. 77. Love of money is …………………root of evil. 78. ……………Statute of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France to………………United States. 79. …………….big book on ……………….table are for my history class.. 80. Tung’s father bought him …………………….bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday. Hoc Vien Ngan Hang 2001-2002 81. I have just received (1)………………… letter from my old school informing me that my former headmaster, Mr. Nguyen Manh Hung will be retiring (2) ………………….next week. Pupils of (3)………………school, old and new, will be sending him (4) …………….present to mark (5) …………….occasion. All those have contributed toward (6) ………………….gift will sign their names in (7)……………..large album which will be sent to (8) …………….former headmaster’s home. We shall remember Mr. Hung for his patience and understanding and for (9) ………………….kindly encouragement he gave us when we went unwillingly to (10)………………school. Dai hoc An Giang 2001- 2002 82. Let’s go by………………… underground. 83. My aunt Millie was well-known all over ……………….town. 84. He is in………………..hospital and his condition is reported as being serious. 85. Outside ……………….church we met several neighbors. 86. Next day I saw………………….Smith off at ……………..airport. CÁCH SỬ DỤNG ANOTHER VÀ OTHER. Hai từ này tuy giống nhau về mặt nghĩa nhưng khác nhau về mặt ngữ pháp. Dùng với danh từ đếm được  another + danh từ đếm được số ít = một cái nữa, một cái khác, một người nữa, một người khác.  the other + danh từ đếm được số ít = cái còn lại (của một bộ), người còn lại (của một nhóm).  another + danh từ đếm được số nhiều = mấy cái nữa, mấy cái khác, mấy người nữa, mấy người khác.  The other + danh từ đếm được số nhiều = những cái còn lại (của một bộ), những người còn lại (của một nhóm).. Dùng với. . anothe chút n. . The ot còn só. I don't want this book. Please give me another. (another = any other book - not specific) I don't want this book. Please give me the other. (the other = the other book, specific)  Another và other là không xác định trong khi The other là xác định, nếu chủ ngữ hoặc.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> You have a sister, haven,t you?  Nếu phần câu trần thuật sử dụng các động từ thường thì phần hỏi đuôi sử dụng các trợ động từ của các thì trong tiếng Anh (do, does,don,t, doesn,t, did, didn,t….) Ex: You know this boy, don,t you ? They didn,t play soccer yesterday, did they ? Lan has done the exercises, hasn,t she? The children aren,t learning, are they ?  Bắt buộc phải dùng đại từ ở phần hỏi đuôi. (Không được dùng danh từ) Ex: The children were playing in the garden at that time, weren,t they?(weren,t the children?) Nam studies English well, doesn,t he? (doesn,t Nam ?) CÁCH SỬ DỤNG LITTLE, A LITTLE,  Bắt buộc phải dùng dạng viết tắt của động từ, FEW, A FEW trợ động từ phủ định ở phần hỏi đuôi.  Little + danh từ không đếm được: rất ít, Ex: You like music, don,t you? ( do not you?) không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định) He went to Dalat last summer, didn,t he? I have little money, not enough to buy (did not he?) groceries. He is a teacher, isn,t he? (is not he? )  A little + danh từ không đếm được: có một  Vì “am not “ không có dạng viết tắt nên ta chút, đủ để phải dùng “aren,t I?” ở phần hỏi đuôi. I have a little money, enough to buy groceries  Few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có rất ít, Ex: I am right, aren,t I ? (Không dùng được “am không đủ để (có khuynh hướng phủ định) not I?” vì bắt buộc phải dùng dạng viết tắt của động từ, trợ động từ phủ định ở phần hỏi đuôi) I have few books, not enough for reference Lưu ý: reading  A few + danh từ đếm được số nhiều: có một  Nếu ta đã biết rõ thông tin mà chỉ cần xác định lại cho chắc chắn hơn lần nữa thì ta xuống giọng chút, đủ để ở phần hỏi đuôi. I have a few records, enough for listening.  Nếu ta chưa biết thông tin gì cả mà cần hỏi để  Trong một số trường hợp khi danh từ ở trên đã được nhắc đến thì ở phía dưới chỉ biết thì ta lên giọng ở phần hỏi đuôi. cần dùng little hoặc few như một đại từ là  Câu trả lời dựa vào thực tế chứ chứ không dịch nghĩa câu hỏi đuôi để trả lời: đủ. Ví dụ: Nếu bạn là 1 học sinh thì khi có người Are you ready in money. Yes, a little. hỏi: “ You are a student, aren,t you?” hoặc “You  Quite a few (đếm được) = Quite a bit (không đếm được) = Quite a lot (cả hai) = aren,t a student, are you?” bạn đều phải trả lời là :”Yes, I am”. Nếu bạn không uống cà phê thì rất nhiều. khi có người hỏi: You drink coffee, don,t you?” hoặc” You don,t drink coffee, do you?” bạn đều CÂU HỎI ĐUÔI ( TAG-QUESTION) phải trả lời là: “No, I don,t”. Câu hỏi đuôi là dạng câu hỏi dùng để xác nhận thông tin đúng hay sai(câu trả lời bằngYes/No).  “Let,s …” l câu đề nghị lịch sự tương đương với”Shall we…” nên phần hỏi Câu hỏi đuôi thường có 2 phần: phần câu trần đuôi là “shall we? thuật và phần hỏi đuôi ,  Nếu phần câu trần thuật ở thể khẳng định EX; Let s play soccer, shall we ?  Câu cầu khiến khẳng định thì phần hỏi đuôi ở thể phủ định. và phủ định, phần hỏi đuôi luôn luôn là “  Nếu phần câu trần thuật ở thể phủ định Will you?” thì phần hỏi đuôi ở thể khẳng định. , Ex: Do the homework, will you ? Ex: You are a student, aren t you? , Don,t talk in class, will you? He doesn t drink coffee, does he ?  Nếu phần câu trần thuật sử dụng các động từ BÀI TẬP đặc biệt như “To Be” ; “Modal Verb” (can, Điền vào chỗ trống phần hỏi đuôi cho đúng: could, may, might, will, would, shall,should, 1. She is watching TV, ……………….. must, ought to…), “To Have” (có)thì phần hỏi ………………..? đuôi sử dụng lại những động từ này. , 2.This boy doesn,t like milk, Ex: She can swim, can t she? ……………………..…………….? They aren,t students of our school, are they ? danh từ đã được nhắc đến ở trên thì ở dưới chỉ cần dùng Another hoặc other như một đại từ là đủ.  Nếu danh từ được thay thế bằng số nhiều: Other à Others. Không bao giờ được dùng Others + danh từ số nhiều. Chỉ được dùng một trong hai. Trong một số trường hợp người ta dùng đại từ thay thế one hoặc ones đằng sau another hoặc other. Lưu ý: This hoặc that có thể dùng với one nhưng these và those không được dùng với ones..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> 3. Mr Baker and Mr Brown are workers, ……………..……………..? 4. You can speak French, …………………….. …………….? 5. I am wrong, …………………..………….? 6. We won,t go to school tomorrow, ……………………….…………..? 7.They have leanrt that lesson, ………………………………....……? 8. Hoa was cooking dinner at that time, ……………………………………..? 9. I must do that work, ……………………………..? 10. The students didn,t play soccer yesterday, …………………………………..? 11. Let,s go swimming, ...........................? 12. Don,t make noise in class, …………………? MỘT SỐ ĐIỂM NGỮ PHÁP CẦN LƯU Ý 1. If only = Wish : Ex: If only Nam were here now = I wish Nam were here now If only the Sun were shining at the moment = I wish the sun were shining at the moment. 1.1a Ta thường dùng Past simple tense hoặc Could + VInf cho Present wish 1.1b. Ta có thể dùng Past continuous tense in Present wish: Ex: If only he were helping us now = I wish he were helping us now. 1.2a Ta thường dùng Past perfect hoặc Coul + have + VPP ở Past wish: Ex: If only he had been there yesterday =I wished he had been there yesterday 1.2b. Ta còn có thể dùng Past perfect continuous ở Past wish: Ex: If only we had been travelling yesterday when the weather was fine. = We wish we had been travelling yesterday when the weather was fine. 1.3. Ta thường dùng Woul +VInf hoặc Could +VInf ở Future Wish: Ex: If only you would be quiet = I wish you would be quiet * Không được dùng Would sau I và We Ex I wish we could visit you some day ( Không dùng I wish we would visit you some day) - Ta có thể dùng để diễn đạt 1 lời đề nghị lịch sự, trong trường hợp này ta dùng Wish chứ không dùng If only: Ex: I wish you wouldn,t make much noise (Lịch sự hơn: “Don,t make much noise, please”)  Vị trí của Only sau If : Ex: -Ngay sau If : If only he were here now -Sau to be: If he were only here now - Trước Quá khứ phân từ: If I had only known him.. -Sau Modal Verb: If you would only try harder ! 2. It is time… và It is about time …để đề cập đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai: - Ta dùng Past simple tense nhưng nếu có “to be” thì dùng “were” cho mọi chủ ngữ Ex:It,s time he were taught a lesson It,s time she went to school - Không dùng được thể phủ định sau “It,s time…” và “It is about time…” -So sánh với “It,s time (for me/us/him/her/you/them) + To Infinitive Ex:We have enjoyed the evening , but it,s time for us to go (Đã đến giờ cho chúng tôi đi) We have enjoyed the evening , but it,s time we went (Chúng tôi đáng lẽ phải đi từ trước) 2. Câu bị động với dạng nói “It is said that…” người ta đồn rằng…) Active: People said that he is a thief. Passive: It was said that he is a thief. hoặc He was said to be a thief. 3.Unless = If…not EX: I won,t come unless he invite me = I won,t come if he doesn,t invite me. 4. Because of + Noun phrase (Ngữ danh từ) =Because + Clause EX: Because of the rain, we couldn,t go to school = Because it rained, we couldn,t go to school. 5. In spite of / Despite + Noun phrase = Although / Even though / Though + clause EX :Mr. Clark bought a new car although we advised him against it = Despite of our advice against it, Mr. Clark bought a new car. 6. It take / took + O + a period of time + to Infinitive = S + spend(s) / spent + a period of time +VING EX: It took me two hour to do this exsercise = I spent two hours doing this exercise. It takes her an hour to go to school every day = She spends an hour going to school every day. CHIA ĐỘNG TỪ TRONG NGOẶC CHO ĐÚNG THÌ HOẶC HÌNH THỨC 1. when the police arrived, their car (go) ………………………. 2. They (send)…………………………..the money before they leave. 3. I wish my family(be)…………………at the seaside last summer holidays. 4. What you (do) ……………….if I hadn,t lent you money ? 5. someone (make)…………………..coffee when I walked into the kitchen. 6. A football match (devide)………………… into two equal part of forty-five minutes each..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> 7. If only I (have) …………………money, I (lend)……………………you some. 8. Although we (be)………………….in this village for a year so far, we (not know) ……………...........many people yet, but my next door neighbours (be)………………..very helpful when we first (move)……………………..in. 9. I,m sorry, I forgot (post)………………….your letter. It is still here, in my pocket. 10. He is going to have his house (rebuild) …………………… 11. Lan (visit) ……………..Sai Gon Water Park if she (live)…………….in Ho Chi Minh City. 12. A: Your new dress (look)………………… very nice. B: Thank you. The trouble is it (not fit) ……….properly. I (not know)…..why I bought it really. 13. When Miss Brown (look)…………… out, she (see) ……….the children (play) …………..near the pool. 14. If you (not smoke)……………………so much, you wouldn,t have such a bad cought. 15. A lot of people (kill)……….by AIDS recently. And I wish nobody (die)…………any more. 16. Mary wishes she (not punish) …………………..yesterday. 17. They (listen)………………….to some music since 7.30. 18. It (take)……………...me thirty minutes (walk)………………to school every day last year. 19. Yesterday he (go)……………..to the cinema after he (finish)……..………his homework. 20.It (be)…………….such a difficult question that they (not answer)……………..it yesterday. 21. I (not come)…………………….to this school if I had known what it was like. 22. What you (do)………………….if you found a burglar in your house ? 23. Mrs Baker always (talk)………………….to her children as if they (be)……………….adults. 24. He wishes he (live)………………….nearer the school. 25. I didn,t feel like (talk)…………………to him after what (happen)………………….. 26. I (never hear)……………………..you talking like this about him. 27. By the time you (finish)……………. ….work, I (be)…………….…..at the cinema for hours. 28. This is one of the city churches that (destroy) …………………..by bombing during the war. 29. He (have)……………………an English test tomorrow from 9 to 11 am. 30. Some of the movie about the creatures from outer space (be)……………surprisingly funny.. 31.I enjoy (go)……………to the park on summer evenings. 32. I might have enough time tonight . If I (have) ………………….enough time, I (write) ……………….a letter to my parents. 33. She (visit)……………you in the hospital if she (know)……………you were there last night. 34. He (break)………………….his leg, so he cannot play football. 35. This house (finish)………………..by next Christmas. 36. Mona Lisa (paint)…………………..by Leonardo da Vinci. 37. If you (not leave)……………………me alone, I (call)…………………the police. 38. I (not know)…………………….the man who (talk)…………………to Mary. 39. Smoking (not allow)……………………in here. 40. The government (not change) …………………….that regulation yet. 41. I didn,t know you were asleep. Otherwise, I (not make)………..so much noise when I came. 42. If he (fail)……….……….the final examination, he (not able) …….……………to graduate. 43. I really miss (play)…………..……..tennis like I used to. 44. Hardly I (finish)…………………speaking when the door (open)………………….. 45. If she wins the prize, it (be) ……………………because she (write) ………………..very well 46. he now (study)………..………in the USA as an exchange student. 47. Energy (can collect)……………………by solar pannels on cloudy days. 48. You needn,t (write)…………………..to them because I sent them a telegram. 49. He (return)………………….to his hometown since he left in 2000. 50. Let me (introduce)……………………our company,s latest fashion for the summer. 51.I (not sleep)……………………very well lately because of the noisy traffic. 52. She (tell)…………………you about it if she (be) …………………..here. 53. I (realize )…………….that I (overwork) …………….so I decided to take two days off work. 54. Mariana (clean)……………..the flat tomorrow. She always (do)………………it on Sundays. 55. The last time I (go) …………………….to London, I (not have)…………………..time to visit some places I (want)…………………to see..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 56. When Tom (arrive)………………..at the party, Paul (go) …………………..home. 57. You look very thoughtful. What you (think) …………………..about ? 58. Please don,t make so much noise. We (discuss)………………… an important matter. 59. When we came, the film (show) ………………………….for 20 minutes. 60. Now she (sit)…………………in class and (learn)………………….English. This time tomorrow she (sit)…………………and (learn) …………………… English, too. 61. After (leave) …………………school, John (find)………………..it very difficult to get a job. 62. Do you feel like (go)……………..to a film or would you rather (stay)……………..at home ? 63. It,s really difficult. Each of them (understand)………………the question in a different way. 64. They had had the school gate (paint) ………………….before the new school year began. 65. She asked me (not sit)…………………..near the window. 66. Are they going to have that tree (cut) ………………..down? 67. Some boys are used to (have) ………………..breakfast very early. 68. Before she graduated last May, Susan (already /offer)……………a position with a law firm. 69. When you (arrive)……………….at the airport tomorrow, you (meet)………………by a friend of mine. He (wear)………………a red shirt and blue jeans. He (be)……………fairly tall and (have)……………….dark hair. He (stand)……………near the main entrance. I,m sure you,ll be able to find him. 70. It,s essential that he (arrive) …………………….before seven. 71. When we (take)………………our exam, we (have)………………a holiday. 72. I don,t think he (change)…………………… in the thirty years I (know)………………..him. 73. My uncle (fight)……………….for four years in the last war. 74. I (take)……………..my daughter out tonight. She (not have)……………fun for a long time. 75.On arrival at home I (find)………………that she just (leave)……………..a few minutes ago. 76. What you (do)……………….if you (be) ……………….in my situation ? 77. He never fails (arrive)………………..in time to help me.. 78. After the guest (leave)………………….she (go)………………….back into the living-room and (switch)…………………..off the lights. 79. I (give)…………………. Lan your letter when I (see)……………………her tomorrow. 80. We (not see)…………………….him since last Sunday. 81. He (sleep)………………….so he didn,t understand what you said. 82. Will you wait a minute while I (look) …………………..through the text ? Tom was very tired because he (run) ………………….for an hour. 83. Where you(be)…………………all this morning ? It,s nearly midday now. 84. Hoa, it,s time you (go)…………………..to bed or you (be)…………………tired. 85. My friend suggest (go)……………….to the movie tonight, but I can,t go because I (be) ……………busy (work)…………..on the homework (give)…………..by my maths teacher. 86. Several languages (speak) …………………..here. 87. We would rather (not go)…………………… to that club again. 88. The boy had his bike (repair) …………………..yesterday. 89. I used to (walk)…………………..to school everyday. 90. Stop (talk)……………..about our chance of (deceive)…………… I trust them completely. 91. These workers were made (work) ………………..eight hours a day. 92. that English course (end) …………………..by the end of 2004. 93. It was essential that the union(moderate) …………….its demand for a shorter working week. 94.were I (know)…………………..the answer, I would tell you right away. 95. I visit a new country every year. By the time I am sixty, I(visit)…………………all the most interesting countries. 96. I think his book will become a best seller when it (publish)…………………. 97.we will meet Alice at the corner of the road, She( wait)………………… when we arrive. 98. Several languages (speak) ………………….here. 99. We would (not go)………………….to that club again. 100. The boy has his bike (repair)……………… yesterday. 101.I get used to (walk)…………………..to school every day. 102. The principal (talk) ……………….to us when our teacher arrived..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> 103. what would the teacher do if a student (catch)…………………cheating in the exam room ? 104. Stop (talk)……………about our chance of (deceive)……………… I trust them completely. 105. I am not interested in Jazz, nor I (enjoy) ………………….listening to Rock & Roll. 106. The monotor suggests (go)………………… to the movies today, but I cannot go because I,m busy (work)………………… on my assignment (give) …………………..by Professor Smith. 107. I (walk)………………in the garden when a bird (perch)……………on my shoulder. 108. It is advisable that Sue (apply) ……………….for that national scholarship to study abroad. 109. I remember (play)…………hide and seek with my playmates when I (be)…………..a child. 110.Don,t risk (cross)…………………the street alone or you may (crash)……………… 111. Hurry up! I, afraid by the time we (get) ………….to the airport, the plane (take)……..… off. 112. There were a robbery near my school yesterday.The police (come)……………… immediately, it was too late. The robbers (go) ……………….. They (shoot) a man and (take) …………………..his motorbike. Curious people (stand) there to look. The police (call) ……………….an ambulance and (take) ……………..the man to the hospital. The police then (ask)………………….people who (stand) around there up to then to find those who (withness)…………………the robbery. 113. Tonny intends (open)……………….his own bussiness next year. 114. I wish I (can)………………help you. 115. Her father is said (be)………………..very good at cooking. 116.I would buy these books if they (be) …………………cheaper. 117. Jane is trying to avoid (meet) …………………him. upload.123doc.net.This work used to (do) ……………….. by hand. 119.I once (stay)………………..here for two weeks. 120. What have you done since we last (meet) …………………..? 121. I regret (not come)…………………..with you yesterday. 122. She is not used to (take )………………..of by other people. 123. You will get the book if you (come) …………………..back tomorrow. 124. he keep on (ask)………………me the same personal question.. 125. I wouldn,t come even if he (invite) ………………me. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 1.If you (be)……………in, I would give it to you 2.If you (go)………………..away, please write to me 3.If he (eat)………….another cake, he will be sick 4.If men were more reasonable, there (be) ……………..no more wars 5.I (not do)…………………….that If I (be) ………….you 6.If he (take)…………..my advices, everything will go well 7.If you (play)……………..for us, we could win 8.What…………you (do)…………..if she refuses you invitation? 9.If today (be)…………….Sunday, we would do to the beach 10.They (make)…………..fewer mistakes if they were more careful 11.If they (not pass)……………………the exam, they would join the army 12.You (be)……………ill if you drink that water 13.If Nam went to bed earlier, he (not be) …………………so tired 14.If it is raining heavily, I (not go) …………………….for a walk 15.If he (try)…………….hard, he will pass the exam 16.I could understand her if she (speak) ………………….more slowly 17.If we (invite)……………..her, she might go dancing with us 18.These plants will die if you (not water) …………………them regularly 19.If she (not be)……………….busy, she would come to the party 20.I wouldn’t get wet if I (wear) …………………a raincoat 21.My dog always wakes me up if he (hear) ………………..a strange noise 22.I (accept)……………….if they invite me to the party 23.If Tam tried harder, he (win)…………….the contest 24.If I (have)…………….time, I would help the poor children 25.If you (not know)……………………how to swim, you will have to be careful 26.If it (be)………..fine tomorrow, we will plant some flowers 27.I (observe)……………………….the Earth from the moon if I were an astronaut 28.There (not be)…………………….accidents if the road were repaired.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> 29.We will take a trip to Hanoi if we (have) ………………enough money 30.If people destroy the rain forest, rare animals (be)…………….killed 31.We (not eat)……………vegetables if there are poisonous 32.If he (study)……………..hard, he will get the scholarship 33.If I (see)…………..a UFO, I wouldn’t be surprised 34.What………….you (do)……………..if you met an alien 35.If Hoa (call)…………..home, she will tell her parents about the results WISH SENTENCE 1.I wish I (be)…………………a lion tamer 2.I wish I (know)……………………her address now 3.I wish I (can play)……………………the piano 4.I wish our team (play)………………..better next time 5.He wishes he (become)…………………a pilot when he grows up 6.She wishes she (be)………………in London next year 7.I wish you (write)………………more carefully in the future 8.I wish he (not visit)……………………me so often 9.I wish we (buy)…………………that house 10.I wish she (not be)……………………late for school 11.We wish he (invite)……………….us to the party 12.I wish I (can answer)…………………..his questions 13.I wish my cousin (tell)………………..me the truth 14.I wish they (come)…………………with me tonight 15.I wish the children (not play) ……………………….soccer in the street RELATIVE PRONOUNS 1.The woman is my sweetheart. I understand her the best ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 2.The friends went to Canada. I worked with them last year ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 3.The professor is excellent. I am taking her course ………………………………………………… ……………………………………................ 4.The things are strange to me. He is talking about them ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 5.Viet Nam is the country. I was born there ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 6.That is the boy. He broke my window ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 7.April Fool’s Day is a day. People play tricks on friends on that day ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 8.We visited the factory. Many modern cars were painted in that factory ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 9.The boy will be punished. He threw that stone ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 10.My sister wants to speak to you. You met her yesterday ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 11.The flowers were roses. I bought the flowers for my sister ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 12.The girl is beautiful. Her dress is red ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 13.Do you know the man? He sat next to me at the dinner last night ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 14.The car was very modern. Mr Green was driving the car ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 15.The woman is a nurse. We saw the woman’s daughter last week ………………………………………………… …………………………………….............. 16.The house was built 20 years ago. We are living in the house ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 17.We went away in August. The children were on holiday from school at that time ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 18.Mrs Jackson died yesterday. She had been ill for a long time ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 19.My English teacher is an American. He speaks Vietnamese very well.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 20.That is the singer. I was telling you about her ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 21.The boy is a friend of mine. You are using his dictionary ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 22.The people were nice. We visited their houses yesterday ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 23.I like the house. Its walls were made of glass ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 24.My sister is trying to get a job. Her children are at school all day ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 25.I read about the child. His life was saved by her pet dog ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 26.The man is an architect We bought his house ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 27.The scientist is famous for his research. He met you yesterday ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 28.The students are from Canada. They are standing over there ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 29.The river is not safe for swimming. The river is polluted ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 30.Tom got into the car. The car was parked behind the house ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 31.The woman is Miss Van. She is carrying the red umbrella ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 32.Is this the man? You are waiting for him ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 33.The book was very good. I read it yesterday ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 34.Who is the woman? We met her here yesterday ………………………………………………… ……………………………………………. 35.The office is on the 22nd floor. I work in that office ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 36.The man was very kind. I talked to him yesterday ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 37.The meeting was interested. I went to it ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 38.The children were playing soccer. I saw them at the park ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… 39.The day is so boring to me. We don’t meet each other on that day ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... 40.The time is over. We love each other very much on that time ………………………………………………… ……………………………………............... SUPPLY THE CORRECT VERBS FORMS 1.The stadium (build)…………………..at the end of this street 2 years ago 2.When he came, the children (play) ………………………an interesting game 3.I wish Lan (not go)……………….to class late every morning 4.We’ll have a good time (sunbathe) …………………on the beach 5.Trees (plant)………………….since it began to rain 6.We (listen)……………….to the radio when it stopped (work)…………….. 7.I (not hear)…………………..of him since we last met 8.May Day (celebrate)………………………in almost every country around the world 9.Paper money (use)……………….for a thousand years 10.He (serve)…………..in the army from 1960 to 1969 11.It started to rain while you (sleep) ……………………. 12.They are eager (take)………………..the trip to France 13.The doctor (be)………………..here since 7 o’clock 14.Four films (make)…………….by Michael so far 15.The weather (turn)………………..hot in April 16.Are they used to (swim)…………………..in the sea?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> 17.Someone made the boy (stay)…………..in that room 18.If I lived here, I (visit)……………..you more often 19.The postman (come)………………..when I was working in the garden 20.He (not be)………………here since Christmas, I wonder where he (live) ………………since then 21.The door bell rang while I (read) ……………………….a book 22.When I came, the house (paint) ……………………….. 23.When the accident happened, we (sit) ………………….in a café 24.We cant break past records without (train) ……………..hard 25.That book (write)………………….in 1980 26.This book must (return)………………….to the library tomorrow 27.It takes me ten minutes (drive) …………………….to work 28.It sometimes may be difficult (get) ………………..a taxi during rush hour 29.Where’s Mai? We (wait)……………….for her for 2 hours now 30.Our school (build)………………….here next year 31.Tam is not good at (repair) …………………….things 32.When we got to the hospital, she (wait) …………………..in the waiting room 33.If he (know)…………………..what you are doing, he would be very surprised 34.The boy stopped (play) …………………….because of the sudden rain 35.He (join)………………….us if he finished his report 36.Nga’s father had her bike (repair) …………………. 37.They got the boy (take)……………the box upstairs 38.They advised us (not go)……………..out alone at night 39.We will have her (clean) …………………..the room tomorrow 40We had our house (repaint)……………….last month 41.I was really amazed (see) ………………….that she failed the exam 42.Would you mind (help)………………me with this work? 43.Do you smell something (burn) ……………………in the kitchen? 44.Did the film make you (cry) …………………? 45.Tourists could see fish (swim) ……………..along the brook. 46.The lady wants the waiter (bring) ……………….her some sugar 47.I (play)………………….soccer since I (be) …………….a child 48.He (feel)……………..happy when he heard the news 49.yesterday the storm (not make) ………………..the tourists (delay) ………………their journey 50.They (discuss)………………..the use of paper when we got into 51.That story (translate)………………………… in English 2 years ago 52.Milk (use)……………………..to make butter and cheese 53…………….you ever (hear) ……………………such a story? 54.My mother asked me (not drive) …………….so fast 55.She was afraid of (tell)……………her parents the truth 56.The question was too hard for him (answer) ……………….. 57.Nothing could prevent him from (go) ………………….there 58.They have finished (paint) ……………………our apartment at last 59.Books used to (write)…………………..by hands 60.A new film (show)…………………on TV last night 61.I really hate (be)………………late for the appointment 62.Mother requested her daughter (not come) ………………….back home late 63.Why don’t you have your eyes (test) …………………. 64.This room (paint)……………………….since I (be)…………….here 65.She (give)………………..a lot of money by her father recently 66.My uncle was watering the flowers when I (arrive)…………………. 67.I am tired of (meet)……………………..the same people everyday 68.Could you go swimming if you (have) ……………..time? 69.The children often spend much time (watch) …………………..TV 70.They saw the mother bird (feed) ……………….her baby 71.Rivers usually (flow)…………….to the sea 72.Do you know that man who (smoke) ………………..there? 73.When the alarm rang, Minh (jump) …………….out of bed quickly 74.I saw a bad accident while I (wait) ………………..for you on this corner.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> 75.At 4 PM yesterday Well, I (work) …………………………..in my office 76.When we (see)……………..Mr Phong tomorrow, I (remind)………………..him of that 77.The war (break)…………….out 3 years ago 78.Up to the present, Minh (do) ………………………good work in this class 79.At present, that author (write) ……………………………..a historical novel 80.Light (travel)………………….faster than sound 81.The children were frightened because it (get) …………………………dark 82.I (find)…………………..this old photo when I was looking for my passport 83.If I spoke English well, my job (be) …………….easier 84.What (happen)………………………if there (not be)………………..gravity? 85.I will buy a small house if it (cost) ……………too much 86.Excuse me,…………you (speak) …………….English? 87.What…………Tom (do)…………when you saw him? 88.The boys (break)………………..the windows when they (play)……………………soccer 89.What time………..you (go)………………to bed last night? 90.They (not let)………………..you in if you come late 91.While I (go)………………………to school yesterday, I (meet)………………him 92.I (give)………………..it to them when they (visit)……………..us 93.He (finish)………………………his work before you (leave)…………………here tomorrow 94.I (talk)……………………..about him when he suddenly (come)…………………in 95.Wait here until I (come) …………………….back 96.Don’t make noise. My mother (talk) …………………….on the phone 97.She used (visit)……………………many interesting places when she (be)…………in England 98.Yesterday when I (see)……………him, he (sit)…………………..asleep in an armchair 99.As he (drive)……………………….on a highway, he (meet)…………………a terrible accident 100.My father (feel)…………………well again since last summer 101.Where’s your key? – I don’t know. I (lose) ……………………..it 102.When he (be)…………..a child, he (want) ……………..to be a doc tor. 103…………..it (rain)……………………when you (go)…………out? 104.I (not send)………………………the parcel until I hear from you 105.George (see) ……………………………..this movie three times 106.Food, air and clothes (be)………………… necessary for life 107.He (pay)…………………a visit to Ha Long Bay in 1985 108.This morning while I (wait) …………………..for the bus, the rain (stop) …………. 109.He doesn’t smoke while he (drive) ……………………… 110.How long………………you (read) ………………..that story? 111.The teacher (give)………………………our class 5 tests so far 112.He is tired because he (work) …………………..all day 113.I (get)………up early this morning. I (wash) ………, (dress)……… and then I (have) …………..breakfast 114.My father sometimes (return)……………… home late 115.Excuse me, but you (sit)…………………..in my place 116.Minh (meet)……………….Mai in 1986 and they (be)……………………..good friend since then 117.The leaves (fall)……………….from the trees when the autumn (come)……………… upload.123doc.net.We decide (spend) …………………….our holiday at Dalat 119.We expect (treat)…………………….like human beings 120.We want (pay)………………….better wages 121.He thinks that it (rain) ………………..tonight 122.If she (not hurry)…………………, she’ll be late 123.I wish you (write) ………………………..more carefully in the future 124.He (lose)………………his job last month and he (be)………………..out of work since then 125.She kept me (wait)…………………out side for two hours 126.The teacher ordered us (keep) ……………………silent 128.The girl (sit)……………………next to me is the best student in my class 129……………..you (finish) …………………..your report yet?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> 130.The World Festival of Youth and Student (hold)…………………in Moscow in 1985 131.I’ll read the book when I (have) …………………..time 132.Thank you for (invite)…………………me to the party 133.If yesterday (be)…………………Sunday, he (go)………………......................to the cinema 134.The heavy rain kept us from (go) ………………..to class on time 135.His knowledge (develop) ……………………………since he (get) ……………..habit of (read)………….. 136.This is the worst storm I (ever have) ………………… 137.I (receive)…………………..twenty cards so far 138.Nga is busy with (do) …………………….her homework 139.They (work)………………..in the library when the alarm (go)……………….off 140.My car (break)……………….down this morning on the way to work 141.What’s the problem? You (not speak) ……………………..a word since you (come) ………….home 142.At 7 o’clock last night I (listen) ……………………to the radio 143.Exercise (improve)…………………..your body and your mind 144.While Doris (walk)……………………..into the garden, the dog suddenly (bite) …………….her 145.We (not try)………………………..our best to study 146.I think she (leave)………………………as soon as she hears the news 147.last night the fire (break)………………..out while everybody (sleep)……………………… 148.The house is dirty because they (not clean) ………………………..it for a week 149.I turned ofg the record player and (go) ………………out 150…………..you (look)…………for Nam? I think he (read)……………………..int he library. .............................................................................................. 5.the air / now / polluted / heavily / traffic fumes .............................................................................................. 6.these math problems / difficult / us / find / answer .............................................................................................. 7.this / house / I / born .............................................................................................. 8.I / interested / learn / English / and want / improve / speaking skill .............................................................................................. 9.Millions / cards / send / Christmas .............................................................................................. 10.This dictionary was / expensive / we / expect .............................................................................................. 11.The car / expensive / nobody / afford it .............................................................................................. 12.While I / dinner / phone / ring .............................................................................................. 13.You / pass / examination / unless / work / harder .............................................................................................. 14.We / really / enjoy / trip / mountain / last weekend / though / it / rain / heavy .............................................................................................. 15.candidates / not allow / use / dictionaries / exam .............................................................................................. 16.we / go swimming / if / weather / enough / warm .............................................................................................. 17.I / wish / have / more time / take / pen pal / many beauty spots / city .............................................................................................. 18.My father / used / take / zoo / when I / be / child .............................................................................................. 19.I / live / small / house / near / the coast / since 1990 .............................................................................................. 20.She / just / come back / holiday .............................................................................................. 21.It / most expensive / hotel / I / ever / stay .............................................................................................. WRITE COMPLETE SENTENCES USING 22.In the 18th century / jean cloth / completely / THE SUGGESTED WORDS make / cotton 1.We / not see / Martin / since / we / leave / .............................................................................................. college 23.Sandra / work / the company / three years / now ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2.Minh / wish / can speak / English / fluent / as / .............................................................................................. native speaker 24.This kind of jacket / consider / very / fashionable / these days ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3.We really / enjoy / fireworks / which / display / .............................................................................................. New Year’s Eve / last year 25.A new style of jeans / just / introduced / the USA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 26.She / work / this bank / since / leave / 46.The children / not see / that show / TV / last university week .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 27.I / enjoy / surf / net / but / not have / much 47.Hoa / visit / her aunt and uncle / this summer time / it ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 48.She / not go / work / in time / because of / 28.How many / hour / you / spend / watch TV / traffic jams everyday? ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 49.Phong’s father / catch / a train / Hai Phong / 29.We / have /interactive TV / soon / aren’t? last night .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 30.Students must / avoid / waste / so much time / 50.These pictures / take / famous photographer / wander / the website last year .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 31.you / read / article / the storm / today’s 51.This school / build / 10 years ago edition / Viet Nam news? ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 52.This / be / best / movie / I / see 32.your father / like / watch / football matches / ....................................................................................................... TV? 53.The teacher / tell / the students / what / do / .................................................................................................................................................................................... evening 33.Tuoi tre / one / most popular / Viet Nam ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 54.The little girl / try / wear /her shoes / herself / 34.How about / take / a shower / instead / a now bath / save / water ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 55.I wish / it / not / rain / today 35.If we / go / litter / environment / become / ....................................................................................................... seriously / polluted 56.They / not see / one another / long time .................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 36.I think / we / turn / all / lights / fans / before / 57.The boys / keep / talk / the animal shows / last leave / the classroom week .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 37.The solar energy / get / the earth / not provide 58.Tam / not be able / join / trip / UK / enough / power / the world’s population ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 59.The children / reach / the top / mountain / 38.You / reduce / amount / electricity / your 11am yesterday family / use ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 60.These cartoons / make / Walt Disney 39.Energy-saving bulbs / should / use / save / ....................................................................................................... electricity 61.I / not see / Jane / since / we / leave / high .................................................................................................................................................................................... school 40.It / necessary / use / energy-saving bulbs / ....................................................................................................... instead / ordinary bulbs 62.If / I / have / a million pounds / I / buy / a .................................................................................................................................................................................... yatch / and / sail / around / world 41.I / suggest / not turn / lights / when / the room ....................................................................................................... / light / enough 63.We / really / enjoy / the firework / display / .................................................................................................................................................................................... New Year Eve 42.This dog / name / Lucky ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... 64.The children / look forward / travel / the 43.Thu / wish / she / have / a new bike countryside .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... 44.They / be / in Ha Noi / twice 65.Scientists / think / how / use / rise / fall / tide / .................................................................................................................................................................................... produce / electricity 45.We / used to / go / picnic / weekends / last ....................................................................................................... year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 66.You / not pass / coming exam / unless / 8.I’m…………………………………sorry, work / hard madam, but we don’t have those shoes in your size(terrible) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9.The volcano had 67.James Watt / Scottish scientist / invent / been…………………………………for 500 steam engine years when it erupted(act) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10.My opinion is that ghost 68.I / very / interested / his articles / global are…………………………………There are no warming / the Times ghosts in this world (exist) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11.They…………………………………at least 69.Although / weather forecast / predict / there / once every two weeks(correspondence) be / heavy rain / it / sunny / this morning 12.There was a conference to promote ............................................................................................................................................................................... international………………………………… 70.Watch / TV / may discourage / people / take (friend) exercise / play sports 13.How…………………………………of you ............................................................................................................................................................................... to break that cup (care) 71.Christmas Day / celebrate / Christians / as the 14.We find it…………………………………to day / which / Jesus Christ / bear study here (excite) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 15.What can be done to minimize the damage of 72.Thousands / people / save / because / the…………………………………flood? scientists / warn / them / eruption (destroy) 16.They are meeting to find ways to protect the .............................................................................................................................................................................. forests from………………………………… 73.I / not familiar / Chinese music (destroy) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 17.The…………………of computers is one of 74.We / interested / cooperate / each other / the recent…………………in our time reach new knowledge (invent/achieve) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 75.All of us / accustomed / work / 8 hours a day 18.The…………………to the problem will be difficult to find (solve) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 19.The news has caused…………………among 76.She / not / capable / pay / debts scientists (excite) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 20.Thanks a lot for your…………………help 77.I / fond / read / books / science (value) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21.Fuel…………………can be cut down by 78.Old people / tired / live / big city having fewer cars on the roads (consume) 22.Many chemicals have a………………… ............................................................................................................................................................................... effect on the environment (disaster) 79.Nam / good / play / chess 23. …………………,the typhoon didn’t cause ............................................................................................................................................................................... any damage to the village (lucky) 80.Her mother / interested /natural beauty 24.The next stage in the…………………of ............................................................................................................................................................................... television is interactive TV (develop) SUPPLY THE CORRECT WORDS FORM 25.The band performed very…………………in 1.Solid fuel would be more………………………………… (economy) the concert last night (impress) 26.Teenagers always try to be………………… 2.Cinema is a medium of mass…………………………………(entertain) of their parents (depend) 27.Her boring essay is the…………………one 3.The advantage of living in the countryside is that I have ever read (length) that the air is………………………………… 28.The internet has helped students study (pollute) more…………………(effect) 4.We find advertising on the radio 29.I am thankful to my teacher who always gives very…………………………………(effect) me lots of………………to better my knowledge 5.Naturally, I was eager to make a good (courage) list…………………………………(impress) 30.If you need any help, you can ask Tom. He’s 6.His mistake was due to youth and…………………………………(experience) very……………… (help) 31.I have a………………to talk a lot whenever I 7.The shoes were nice, but they am nervous (tend) were…………………………………(comfort) 32.Gas and oil………………always increases in cold weather (consume).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> 33.We find advertising on TV very………………….………(effect) 34.The students wear their school uniforms with………………(proud) 35.Enery-saving bulbs make………………use of electricity (efficiency) 36.For many employees, job………………is more important than making money (satisfy) 37.People fled from the earthquake area in ……………… (terrify) 38.Pompeii was completely destroyed in AD79 by an………………of Mount Vesuvius (erupt) 39.The talk was both………………and entertaining (inform) 40.Our school is sending three……………………..……to the meeting (represent) 41.This singer is not very pretty but she sings very………………….…………(beautiful) 42.Mel Gibson is a………………actor (talent) 43.There are significant………………between American English and British English (differ) 44.Japan is an………………country (industry) 45.Kate’s………………has kept her away from school for a week (ill) 46.This knife is ………………It doesn’t cut at all (use) 47.Some students in my class are starting to learn another language and they find it………………(enjoy) 48.The news causes great……………… among her friend (excite) 49.Many scientists do not believe in the………………of UFOs (exist) 50.Although they are very rich, they are living……………… (happy) 51.Fluoride………………your teeth, thus preventing tooth decay (strong) 52.Only the very………………could afford to travel overseas (wealth) 53.She gained international………………as a tennis player (famous) 54.You can’t work all the time. You need some rest and………………(relax) 55.The kids were………………about the holiday (excite) 56.She is so busy with………………activities that she has no time for entertainment(society) 57.Many rivers have been found……………… with filthy waste from factories(pollute) 58.A helmet affords the cyclist some degree of………………against injury(protect) 59.The house is large but it is in need of………………(modern) 60.I’d like to help you but………………there’s nothing I can do (fortunate) 61.She would have to get her mother’s………………to take the trip (permit). 62.I don’t believe what he has just said. It is very………………(reason) 63.Cigarette………………should be banned (advertise) 64.I have a number of………………about the service in this hotel. (complain) 65.Various kinds of colorful flowers……………… this garden. (beautiful) 66.The weather today was………………hot. (extreme) 67.The teaching staff today are all highly……………… (qualify) 68.Three hundred people were made………………by the earthquake (home) 69.The new building looks most……………… with its huge tower. (impress) 70.You should have basic………………on using the internet (instruct) 71.The next stage in the………………of television is interactive TV (develop) 72.He is very………………to everyone, so he has got few friends (friend) 73.People must have………………for the air pollution (responsible) 74.He was injured in the first game and………………missed the final (lucky) 75.He failed the exam because he didn’t make any………………for it (lucky) 76.My first………………of him was favorable (impress) 77.Please listen to my words……………… (care) 78.Some………………want more information about the food they buy (consume) 79.Regular exercise is just………………as eating the right type of food (importance) 80.Farmers often………………their soil by adding fertilizers (rich) 81.My parents live………………at the age of 70 (health) 82. ………………made different styles of jeans to match the 1960’s fashion (design) 83.It was………………of him to let the door open (care) 84.It would be more………………to switch the machine off at night (economy) 85.Do you feel………………and relaxed at the party? (comfort) 86.The plane landed………………after a violent storm (safe) 87.He has a wide………………of painting and music (know) 88.It is………………for all motorcyclists to wear helmets (compel) 89.Jane is the most………………girl in my class (attract) 90.Air……………… makes our health worse and worse (pollute).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> 91.We are going to have a ……………… to see who can swim the furthest (compete) 92.Cinema is a medium of mass……………… (entertain) 93.With a bit of………………, she could do really well (courage) 94.She was very………………of her achievement (pride) 95.We kept up a………………for many years (correspond) 96.Global communication was transformed by the………………of the Internet (invent) 97.Big students aren’t………………intelligent students (necessity) 98.He spent most of his………………in Egypt (child) 99.Alexander G. Bell was one of the greatest………………. He invented the telephone (invent) 100.The flood caused widespread……………… (destroy). Through television, viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands. Television widens our knowledge by introducing us to new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations. In addition to the new, television provides us with a variety of programmmes that can satisfy every taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching television. It is more convenient for them to sit at home watching television than to go out for amusements elsewhere. 1. What can viewers see and learn through television ?  ………………………………………………. ……………………………… 2. How does television widen our knowledge ? ………………………………………………… ………………………..………… 3. Can television programmes satisfy very taste, according to the text ? MỘT SỐ ĐỀ THI VÀO LỚP 10 ………………………………………………… …………………………………… ĐỀ 2 4. Why do most people now seem to like I. Find 4 words which are pronounced /i/ in spending their evenings watching television ? these words below: ( 1 mark ) great teacher seat already meat bread ………………………………………………… ………..………………………... bear mean V. Rewrite these sentences so that it has the III. Find one mistake in each sentence below and same meaning as the first one. ( 2 marks ) 1.She last wore that dress at her sister’s correct: 2 marks( Tìm một lỗi sai và chữa ) wedding . 1. Are you interested of learning English?  She hasn’t =>…………………………………………. …………………………………………… ……………………… …………………… 2. He is tallest student in his class. =>……………………………………………… 2. The woman is very kind. She lives next door to me. …….…………...  The woman 3. If I have 20,000 dollars, I would buy a new ………………………………………………… house. In fact, I have 10,000 dollars. =>……………………………………………… ………..…………. 3. Marconi invented the radio about one hundred ……………………… years ago. 4. She asked me how I go to school everyday.  The =>…………………………………………. radio…………………………………………… ………………. …………………………… IV. Give the correct forms of the verbs in 4. It's a pity your friend isn't at the party. brackets: ( 2 marks )  I wish 1. Don't make noise! My mother ( sleep ) ………………………………………………… ……………………… 2. Peter ( catch )………………………. the bus …………………. VI.Make sentences from the words and phrases. to school everyday. 3. I wish she (be) ……………………on the ( 1 mark ) 1. Although / rain /heavily / go / school / on beach with us now. time. 4. The students in grade 9 ( study ) ......................................................................... ……………………..English since 2005. ......................................................... VI. Reading the text then answer the questions 2.The teacher / teach us / last year / Mrs Green. below: ( 2 marks ) ............................................................................... Television is a major means of ......................................................... communication. It brings pictures and sounds ĐỀ 3 from around the world into millions of home..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> KỲ THI THỬ VÀO LỚP 10 THPT2.NĂM Mr. Thach HỌC 2011-2012 who sing English songs very well Môn thi: TIẾNG isANH my teacher of English. Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (không kể3.thời giao nhậnusđề) Ourgian father asked not to spending too much I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác với time playing computer games. những từ còn lại.(1,2) 4. Ba can play the piano well than his friends 1. A. find B. while can. C. arrive D. increasingly 5. We can save nature resources by using solar 2. A. increased B. developed energy. C. painted D. looked 6.Tom used to going to school by bus. Now he 3. A. Thursday B. without goes by bike. C. throw D. think 7. The Chinese build the Great Wall over two 4. A. instead B. increase thousand years ago. C. easily D. teach 8. A meeting will held next week by the 5. A. buildings B. theaters committee. C. students D. uniforms 6. A. solar B. solid V. Em hãy đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau, rồi trả lời các C. coast D. locate c©u hái bªn díi.(1,2) 7. A. thank B.thin William Shakespeare, the great playwright and C.threat D.then poet, was born on April 23, 1564 in the small 8. A. deny B. benefit town of Stratford-upon-avon about seventy miles C. ethnic D. from London. When he was small boy, he when depend to Stratford Grammar School, where he learnt II. Chia động từ trong ngoặc(1,6) Latin and Greek. He lived in Stratford-upon1: They enjoy (play) soccer after school. avon until he was 21. He left for London. He was 2: They used to (travel) to the countryside last married and had three children. In London, he year. worked as an actor and a playwright.He wrote a 3: We suggest (save) money for the poor people lot of famous plays like Hamlet, Prince of in our neighborhood. Denmark, Twelfth Night and King Lear, etc. In 4: If we (not leave) in the next five minutes, 1613, Shakespeare left London and returned to we’ll be late for the train. his home town of Stratford-upon-avon. Three 5: He (work) in this factory for three years. years later, on April 23, 1616, he died and was 6: She wishes she (learn)French well. buried there. 7: Jeans (sell) all over the world. 1) When and where was William Shakespeare 8-How long you (learn) English? born? III. Đọc đoạn văn và tìm từ thích hợp được cho ............................................................................... sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống (1,6) ....................................................................... prepare celebrated late wear from known dinner 2) Howsticky many children did he have? Vietnamese’s New Year is (1)...........according ............................................................................... to the Lunar calendar. It is officially (2)........... as ....................................................................... the Lunar New Year or Tet. It occurs in 3) Did he return to his home town of Stratford(3)..........January or early February. The exact upon-avon in 1913? date changes (4)............year to year. Vietnamese ............................................................................... people usually (5)............. for Tet holiday ....................................................................... several weeks beforehand. They clean and 4) When did he die? decorate their homes, cook special food such as ............................................................................... (6)...........rice cakes, and make offerings on the ....................................................................... family altars. On the New Year’s Eve, the whole VI. Viết lại các câu sau cho nghĩa của câu thứ hai family get together for the reunion (7)........ in tương đương với nghĩa của câu đã cho (2,0) which many different kinds of dishes are served. 1. We have invited all the students in the school. On Tet, people usually (8)........their new clothes, All the give one another the Tet season’s greetings, and students.................................................................. pay mutual visits. ............................................ IV. Tìm và sửa một lỗi trong mỗi câu dưới đây. 2. “Are you having a birthday party next (1,6) Sunday?”, Mary asked Tom. 1. My sister enjoys read about wild animals and Mary asked natural mysteries. Tom....................................................................... ...................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 3. We can’t visit you very often because you don’t live near us. If........................................................................ .................................................................. 4. She spends half an hour getting to school everyday. It takes...................................................................... ........................................................... 5.They suggested banning advertisements on TV. They suggested that ..................................................................... ............................ 6.Mr.Brown's team has lost the game.He looks very sad. Mr. Brown whose.................................................................... ............................................. 7.My mother used to make us clean the house. We used....................................................................... .................................................. 8."I'm working in a restaurant, and don't care much for it." she said. She said........................................................................ ................................................ 9.It’s two years since I last spoke to her. I haven’t................................................................... ..................................................... 10.Going swimming in the river in the summer is interesting. It........................................................................ ............................................................. VII.Sử dụng các từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh(0,8) 1. He / be / fond / watch / advertisements / TV ............................................................................... ..................................................................... 2. They / suggest / speak / English / class. ............................................................................... ..................................................................... 3. She / want / leave / now. ............................................................................... ................................................................ 4. Nam / have / test of Maths / tomorrow morning. ............................................................................... .................................................................... ............................................................................... ................................................................ 7. I / live / Bac Giang / for 15 years. ............................................................................... ................................................................... 8. She / ask / me / if / I / speak / English ............................................................................... ....................................................................... Đề 4 Câu 1 (1,0 điểm) . Chọn 4 từ có phần gạch chân phát âm /s/ trong các từ sau: lakes changes buses roofs steps washes Cõu 2 (1,5 điểm). Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn thiện các câu sau: 1. Our yard (clean) __________ every morning. 2. Mrs. Parker (be) __________ __________ an English teacher for twenty-nine years 3. Last night, I (do) __________ English exercises on the Internet when the electricity went out. 4. What a pity! I am poor. I wish I( be)) __________ rich to help you. 5. If he (eat) __________another cake, he will be sick. 6. Don’t forget (do)__________ your homework tonight Câu 3 (1,5 điểm). Mỗi câu dưới đây có một lỗi saii. Tìm và sửa lỗi đó cho đúng. 1.Your sister loves the food and the beaches in Vietnam, isn’t she?.............................. 2.Our environment becomes polluted because we have to do something to protect it. 3.The man who I spoke to at the party last night was Mr. Jones. .............................. 4.Jane used to living with her grandparents when she was a child. .............. 5.She went to the market, bought some meat, fish or potatoes. .............. 6.Of the three girls, Helen, Susan, and Alicer, Susan is more beautiful........................ Câu 4 (1,0 điểm). Chọn một từ thích hợp trong để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống của đoạn văn sau: book learning are Learning a language is, in some way, like (1) __________________ how to fly or play the piano. There (2) _________________ important 5. Although / Long / take / taxi / he / still / differences, but there is a very important arrive / at / meeting / late. similarity. It is this: learning how to do such ............................................................................... things needs lots (3) ___________ practice. It is ................................................................. never simply to “know” something. You must be 6. She / fail / exam / because / laziness.. of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> able to “do” things with what (4) ___________ know. Cõu 5 (2,0 điểm). Đọc đoạn văn sau và trả lời cỏc cõu hỏi: Tropical rain forests are found in Amazon region of south America, Central America, Africa, and South and South East Asia. Rain forests are very important to the world’s climate. The Amazon rain forest alone receives about 30 to 40 percent of the total rainfall on the earth and produces about the same percentage of the world’s oxygen. Some scientists believe that the decreasing size of rain forests will affect the climate on the earth, making it uncomfortable or even dangerous for life. Saving our rain forests is an international problem. One country, or even a few countries can not solve the problem alone. The nations of the world must work together to find a solution before it is too late. 1. How are rain forests to the world’s climate?................................................................. ............... 2. How much percent of the world’s oxygen do Amazon rain forests produce? ………………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …… 3. According to some scientists, what will affect the climate on the earth? ………………………………………………… …………………………………………….. 4. Is saving our rain forests only a national problem?............................................................... ... leather dream weather ahead eat mean teach II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc để hoàn chỉnh các câu sau. 1. My father ……………… in the field at the moment. (work) 2. The Sun ………………….. in the East. (rise) 3. We …………………….. Canada by air last summer. (go) 4. He ………………… in the hospital since 1993. (work) 5. If I ………… you I would buy that flat. (be) 6. Nam likes ……………. On the Internet in his free time. (chat) 7. Two new schools ………………. next year. (build) 8. He doesn’t know her address. He wishes he ………….. her address. (know) III. Mỗi câu sau có một lỗi sai. Tìm và sữa lại cho đúng. 1. This is the pen who my father bought yesterday. ………………………………….. 2. You didn’t watch TV last night, don’t you? ……………………………………….. 3. I have lost my pen. Can you help me to look at it? ………………………………… 4. When he was a child. He used to crying. …………………………………………. 5. He is a good taxi driver. He always drives careful. Câu 6 (2,0 điểm). Viết lại mỗi câu sau sao cho ………………………………… IV Đoc đoạn văn sau và trả lời các câu hỏi nghĩa không đổi so với câu trước: Million of people around the world want to learn 1. . “Let’s go to the swimming pool” Nick said English. Many of them go to the US and other 2. “Please turn down the radio for me” said my father. English speaking countries to study at language 3. We began to study English four years ago. schools, especially in the summer. There are thousands of different schools. They offer 4. An earthquake has destroyed the whole city. courses for children, teenagers and adults. If you go to a language school, you should try to speak Câu 7 (1,0 điểm). Dùng các từ gợi ý để viết English as much as possible. Students can stay thành câuu hoàn chỉnh: 1. John / become/ professional footballer / age / with a local family. This is a good opportunity to improve your English and to learn a lot about 15. everyday life. You should try to talk to students ………………………………………………… from other countries. This will help you with your English and will also how important ………………………………. 2. We / used / wear / uniforms / when / we / be / English is for international. 1.What do million of people around the world school. ………………………………………………… want to do? 2.Do they go to US and other English speaking ……………………………………….. countries to study at language school? ĐỀ 5 I. Tìm bốn từ có phân gạch chân được phát âm /i/ trong các từ sau. - ............................................................................ ..........................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> 3. What should you do if you go to a language school? ............................................................................... ........................................................................ 4.Should you try to talk English to students from other countries?. 3. he ………………………… that car since I knew him. (drive) 4. I wish I …………………….. the question. (answer) 5. she ………………….. to study Chinese 2 years ago. (start) 6. Lan ………………………….. to work everyday by car. (go) - ............................................................................ III. Mỗi câu có một lỗi sai tìm và sữa lại. ............................................................................... 1. I have lived here for last week. V. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay ………………………………………. đổi. 2. I wish I can go to the cinema with you. 1. “I can speak English” said Na ……………………………………. - Na said 3. she was watching TV when someone ………………………………………………… knocks at the door ……………………………….. …………………………………. 2. This is a car. My father bought it last week 4. Nga suggested open the window. - This is a car which ………………………………………… ………………………………………………… ……………. …………………….. 3. They built this house last year. IV. Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau sử dụng từ cho - This house sẵn ………………………………………………… ……………………………. 2. many to understanding 4. He is a small boy, but he is intelligent. English is a very useful language. If we - Although (1)............................... English, we can go to any ………………………………………………… countries we like. We will not find hard to make ……………………………… people understand (2)................................ we VI. Sắp xếp các từ thành câu hoàn chỉnh. want to say. English also helps us to learn all 1. school/ from/ how/ it/ to/ far/ house/ is/ kinds of (3).................................. hundreds books your/ ? are (4).................................... in English every - ………………………………………… day in (5)................................ countries. English ………………………………………… has also helped to spread ideas and knowledge …… (6)................................. all corners of the would. 2. you/ if/ I/ would / the police / tell/ the Therefore, the English language has helped to accident/ about / were / I/. spread better (7).................................... and - ………………………………………… friendship among countries of the world. ………………………………………… V. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời câu hỏi sau. ………. On Sunday, Ba invited Liz to join his family VII. Dùng từ gợi ý để hoàn thành các câu sau. on a day trip to his home village. The journey to 1. The teacher / wanted / students / listen / the village was very interesting. They crossed the news / careful. green paddy fields and a small bamboo forest - ………………………………………… before they reached a big old banyan tree at the ………………………………………… entrance to the village. Then, they walked up the …….. mountain to visit the shrine of a Vietnamese hero 2. Nam / use / live / farm / when / he / small and enjoyed the fresh air there. In the afternoon, boy. they went boating in the river and had a picnic on the river bank. Liz took a lot of photos to ……………………………………………… show the trip to her parents. …………………………………………….. 1/ Where did they see a big old banyan tree? ĐỀ 6 I. Tìm bốn từ có phần gạch chân được phát 2/ How did they feel about the journey? âm /id/ trong các từ sau 3/ What did they do in the afternoon? Loved Wanted Played Added II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc 4/ How long did Liz and Ba’s family take the trip 1. if I find a comfortable flat, I ………………….. it (buy) to his home village? 2. she ……………………… TV when VI. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu bị động Nam arrived last night. (watch). what.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> 1. They will build a new bridge next month. - A new bridge ………………………………………………… ……………. 2. They took their children to the park last Sunday. - Their children ………………………………………………… ……… 3. He grows rice in the field. - Rice ………………………………………………… ………………….. VII. Chuyển các câu sau sang câu gián tiếp 1. “I can swim across the river”. Na said. - Na said ………………………………………… ……………… 2. “ Where does your father work?” the teacher asked Nga - The teacher asked Nga ………………………………………… … 3. “Do you enjoy reading books?” Nam asked me - Nam asked me ………………………………………… ………… VIII. Dùng các từ gợi ý sau viết thành các câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. He/ work/ factory/ since/ last year. - ………………………………………… ………………………………. 2. A big school / build/ next month. - ………………………………………… ……………………………….. The end ĐỀ 7 I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ còn lại. 1. a. find b. visit c. with d. worship 2. a. washed b. looked c. stopped d. played II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 1. Nga ……………… to work by bike everyday. (not go) 2. My father ………………. Me to the park last Sunday. (take) 3. He ………………. his house when I arrived. (paint) 4. They …………………… this school since last year. (build) 5. I wish I ………………… in the city. (live) 6. ………………….. too much TV is not good for our eyes. (watch). III. Mỗi câu có một lỗi sai. Tìm và sữa lại cho đúng. 1. He lived here for 1995. ………………………………………… …….. 2. The teacher which taught us English last year is Miss Nga. …………………. …….. 3. The teacher suggested speak English in class. ………………………………….. 4. How much times a week do you wash your motorbike? ……………………….. 5. If I am you, I would ask a lawyer for some advice. ………………………………. IV. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi. The radio is one of the wonders of modern inventions. It is a novel system of sending news like telephone or telegraph but without wires. Marconi, an Italian scientist invented the radio . In 1896, the first wireless message was sent Perish and Weston through an apparatus he invented. The receiving sets catch the sounds, which are then, broadcast. The more powerful a receiving set is, the greater it can catch broadcast sounds from a long distance. The invention of wireless or the radio is a wonder in this world. One can know everything instantly through a radio set. Programs from distant countries can be heard promptly. The radio is also a source of cheap amusement and entertainment. Besides news and messages, there are entertainment programs like music, dialogues and educational items for children. 1. Is radio one of the wonders of modern invention? - ............................................................................ ............................................................................. 2. Who invented the radio? - ............................................................................ ............................................................................. 3. What can the radio do from a long distance? .............................................................................. ......................................................................... 4. What are there for children? ............................................................................... .............................................................................. V. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay đổi. 1. “When will you visit HaNoi?” Ha asked Nga - Ha asked Nga ………………………………………………… ………………… 2. People speak English all over the world..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> - English ………………………………………………… ……………………. 3. I am going to sell my old car. - My old car ………………………………………………… …………………. 4. She is the teacher. She teaches us English. - She is the teacher ………………………………………………… …………. 5. He didn’t break the window. - The window ………………………………………………… ……………… VI. Dùng từ gợi ý dể viết câu hoàn chỉnh. 1. If / Nam / rich / he / travel / around / would. ……………………………………………… ………………………………. 2. Unless/ weather/ fine/ tomorrow / we/ not play soccer/ ……………………………………………… …………………………… The end. IV.Mỗi câu có một lỗi sai. Tìm và sửa lại cho đúng. 1. If he was taller, he would be able to join the police. …………………………………. 2. I haven’t written any letters home for I came here. ……………………………………. 3. I wish my father will take me to Ha long bay this summer. …………………………….. 4. The new computer didn’t work because Tom took it back to the shop. ………………………… 5. Lan used to watching cartoon when she was a little girl. ………………………………………… VI. Hoàn thành đoàn văn sau dùng từ cho sẵn. around put. Earthquake. If you live in an earthquake ......1........, you should take some time to look .....2...........your house. Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of your bookshelves. Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine to .........3..........from moving. Put hanging potted plants in plastic containers. ........4........ the ĐỀ 8 mirrors in your bathroom and bedroom. Make sure they can't move. Don't .........5............ your I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm bed next to a window. Planning where you are khác với từ còn lại. going to be during an earthquake is very 1) A. cat B. hat important. The first thing to remember is to stay C. that D. hate inside. Then you should sit under a strong table 2) A. worked B. cleaned or doorway, or stand in the corner of a room. C. asked D. helped VI. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không 3) A. window B. tidy thay đổi. C. fine D. mind 1. “I may visit my parents this summer” II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. Phong said. 1. When my mother cane home from work, - Phong said I …………….. dinner. (cook) ………………………………………… 2. Jane ………………….. to school by bike ………………………………………. everyday. (go) 2. Alexander Graham Bell invented the 3. The children ………………. Badminton telephone. in the stadium now. (play) - The telephone 4. You ………….. to London last month. ………………………………………… (go) ……………………………………… 5. The film was very sad. It made her 3. “How many people are there in your ……………………. (cry) family?” she asked Nga. 6. London ……………… an underground - She asked Nga train system since the nineteenth century. ………………………………………… (have) ……………………………………….. III. Điền giới từ vào chổ trống cho thích hợp. 4. Can you open the door? 1. The passage is written ................. English. - Do you mind 2. She was very proud ................... her son. ………………………………………… 3. This suit is different .................... the one I ………………………………….. saw yesterday. VII. Viết lại các câu sau dùng từ gợi ý.. zo.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> 1) Minh / not go / swimming / yesterday afternoon. ................................................................... ................................. 2) We / sometimes / play marbles / recess. ................................................................... ................................. 3) Phong / play / computer games / now ................................................................... ................................. 4) We / often / not play catch. ................................................................... .................................. 5) They / eat and drinks / at the canteen / last night/ ? ................................................................... ................................... 1. His parents are very.............of him because he studies very well. (pride) 2. Our main .....................to export are rice, coffee and rubber. (produce) 3. Passover of the Jewish people is a festival which celebrates.......................from slavery. (free) 4 .He got a terrible accident because he drove so................................. (care) IV. Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi. Every year, students from many countries learn English. Some of these students are young children. Others are teenagers. Many are adults some learn at school, others study by themselves. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and mathematics...and English. Many adults ĐÊ 9 learn English because it is useful for their work. Teenagers often learn English for their higher I. Chọn từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm studies because some of their books are in khác với từ còn lại. English at college or university. Other people 1 a. house b. hour c. learn English for their hobby because they want to read newspapers or magazines in English or hundred d. head listen to English songs. 2.a. worked b. stopped c. 1. Who want to learn English? forced d. wanted ........................................................................ 3.a. after b. advice c. 2. Why do many people learn English? agree d. alone ................................................................ II. Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. 3. Do all people have to go to school to learn 1. If the weather is fine, we English? Why or Why not? (have) ............................................... a party outside. ............................................................................... 2. The huge earthquake in Kobe in 1995 (cause) ........................................ ......................................severe damage. 4. Why is English necessary for higher 3. I suggest education? (use).........................................energy-saving ............................................................................. bulbs to save electricity.. V. Viết lại các câu sau sao cho nghĩa không thay 4. He (go)……………………..…..to the đổi. English club at school tomorrow. 1. Why don’t you have your hair cut? 5. Thuy's grandmother never trusts weather - She suggests forecasts, but she likes I……………………………………………… (watch)................................... them. …………………...... 6. She enjoys studying English. She (study) 2. She doesn’t buy the dictionary because she …………………..it since 2006. doesn’t have enough money. 7. If I became rich, I - If she (travel) .............................................. around the ………………………………………………… world. ………………………...... 8. Minh is a doctor. He (work) 3. Mr. Brown is still an active man. He is old. ……………………...............in a hospital for ten - Although …. years. ………………………………………………… 9. She wishes she …………….. (celebrate)..........................................a Mother's 4. They built this school 5 years ago. for her mom. - This 10.The teacher suggests that we school.................................................................... (work)..............................................harder. ............................... III. Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc 5. She went home. She was tired. (Because).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span> - ............................................................................ .............................................. 6. He asked: “Mary, can I borrow your pocket calculator?” - He asked Mary ………………………………………………… ….......………… The end ĐỀ 10. .4- She look up at the stars . They were twinkling in the sky. .=>She look up at the stars which..................................................................... ........ V/ Hãy chọn từ đã cho để điền vào chỗ trống: ( 1 điểm ) members, day, food, prepare, together, celebration, clean , relatives . Tet, the lunar new year holiday, is the most important (1) ……………………..for Vietnamese people. It is a time for families to (2) ……………………and decorate their homes and enjoy special(3)…………………… such as sticky rice cakes. That is also a special occasion for family (4)………………………..living apart to have free time to get (5) ……………………..or visit their ( 6 ) ………………………..and friends ,who they can not see all the year round because of their business. VI / Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi sau : (2 điểm ) Life in the space is very different from life on the earth. Here’s a typical day in an austronaut’s life in space.Annie usually wakes up to the sound of music. Sometime she can music she hears. She always look out of the window in the morning to see the sun. There isn’t a shower on the space shuttle, so she washes with a cloth. After that she does exercises. The austronauts usually work eight hours a day. Then they play video gamesor card, talk to family menbers on the phone, read a book or look uot of the window and relax. Annie sleep on the main part of the shuttle, not in one of the bed, because sometimes other people on the shuttle are very noisy. She doen’t live on the space of shuttle all year. She only lives there for a short time. 1. What does Annie do? 2. What do the astronauts do after they finish work? 3. Where does Annie sleep? 4. Does Annie live on the space shuttle all year? VII/ Dùng từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh ( 1 điểm): 1. It/ take/ me/ fifteen/ minutes/ get/ to school/ foot. 2. She/ used/ wear/ Ao dai/ when/ she/ be/ student/.. I/ Tìm 5 từ có phần gạch chân được đọc là / d/: appeared stayed finished visited worked opened remembered called II/ Mỗi câu sau có một lỗi. Em hãy tìm và chữa lỗi để có câu đúng: ( 1 điểm ) 1- . Poor children often give new clothes on Tet holidays. 2- Lan sings so beautiful that everyone wants to listen to her. 3- If I knew her address, I will write to her. 4- The man asked us not play near the lake. 5- Mr. Smith is going to buy a new Japanese car, doesn’t he?. 6- I think I’ve lost new pen. I’ve looked after it every where and I can’t find it . III/ Sử dụng đúng dạng động từ trong ngoặc: ( 2 điểm ) 1 - I(not/ meet)………………………. …………Nam since he left school. 2 - Ba is short. He wishes he (be) taller.. 3 - Traditionally, the ao dai (wear) by both men and women.. 4- If we don’t protect the environmet, it ( be ) ……………………………..polluted. 5.I'm busy at the moment. I (clean) the floor. 6. I saw Nam while I (go) to school yesterday IV / Viết lại mỗi câu sau sao cho nghĩa khồng thay đổi so với câu trước, bắt đầu bằng những từ đã cho: ( 2 điểm ) 1- . He didn`t go to the party because he was busy. => He was busy…………………………………………… ………………… 2- . It`s a pity. We can`t speak English well. => We wish ………………………………………………… ……………….. ĐỀ 11 3- “Do you like to go with us tomorrow ?" I/ Tìm 6 từ có phần gạch chân được đọc là / s/: She asked me. tanks jackets loans => She asked me computers desks ………………………………………………… lamps sticks rewards ………………. walls mumps.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> II/ Mỗi câu sau có một lỗi. Em hãy tìm và chữa new job, too, on a science programme on lỗi để có câu đúng: television. 1. Ba wihes he can have a new bike Rebecca is known today and she more money, 2. I used to watching TV alot when I was a but she still lives in the little flat in South little boy London among her pictures and books about 3. This excercise is much more easier than mountain. the others 1. Was Rebecca a journalist before she 4. Nam suggest pracice English in class as reached the top of Mount Everest? much as possible. 2. How did she find life on Mount Everest? 5. This is a difficult question for all 3. When did she reach the top of Mount students, isnt’t this? Everest? 6. The children laughed happy when they 4. Why was she famous? played with the toys. IV / Viết lại mỗi câu sau sao cho nghĩa khồng III/ Sử dụng đúng dạng động từ trong ngoặc: thay đổi so với câu trước, bắt đầu bằng những từ 1. The last time she(go)............... to HCM đã cho: city was in Nobember 2000. 1. “ What is your name?” the teacher asked 2. If I find a comfortable house, I me (buy)............. it  The teacher asked 3. She(play)...............the piano when the me.................................................. guests arrived last night. 2. I spent three hours to complete my 4. Common cold (be)............... a popular homework last night disease worldwide  It 5. We ( study) ..........English for nearly four took............................................................ years ............... 6. My bike( just/ fix)............. by my father 3. People often give a book as presents V/ Hãy chọn từ đã cho để điền vào chỗ trống:  I am.............................................................. Children /is /living / on /farm/ listening ............... 4. The film was sad . It was shown on TV A Vietnamese girl named Lan is living with the last night. Smith family in the American state of Michigan. =>The Mr. Smith (1) ........................ a farmer, and Mrs. film.................................................................. Smith works part-time at a grocery store in a .... nearby town. They have two (2) .......................... VII/ Dùng từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh , Tom and Mary. Lan often does choresafter school. Sometimes, she also helps Mr. Smith on ( 1 điểm): 1. You /know / who/ invent/ ballpoint pen/? the farm. The family relaxes 2. Travelling/ train/slower/but/ (3) ............................ Sunday evenings and they interesting/travellingp/lane/. watch Tom play soccer. Lan enjoys (4) ........................... with the Smith very much. VI / Đọc kỹ đoạn văn và trả lời các câu hỏi sau : ĐỀ 12 đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiếng Rebecca Stevens was the first woman to climb anh Mount Everest. Before she went up the highest Thêi gian: 60 phót moutian in the world, she was a journalist and I.Rewrite these sentences,and complete the lives in a small flat in South London. second sentence with the same meaning(2p). In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and 1. Ba can’t stay in Hue. He trevel to Asia with some other climbers. She found that life on the Everest is hard “ you must wishes he………… carry everything on her back”. she explained “ so 2.He asked: “Where do they live?” you can only take things that you will need. You He asked me……….. can’t wash on the moutian, and in the end I 3.They grow trees in the garden. did’nt even take a toothbrush. I am usually Trees………….. clearn a person but there is no water, only snow. 4. “ Can you play soccer?” He asked me. Water is very heavy so you only enough to drink. He asked me………... When Rebecca reach the top of Mount Everest 5 He is ill, so he isn’t here. I wish he on 17 May 1993, it was the best moment of her ……….... life . Suddenly she became famous. 6.They have built a new supermarket here. Now she has written a book about the trip and people often asked her to talk about it . She has a A new supermarket.............

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> II. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences (2p). 1.Let’s (to play/ playing/ play/ played) soccer. 2.She asked me where I ( coming/ come/ came/ to come) from. 3.They learn English ( in/ on/ at/ from) Monday. 4. I wish I ( can/ wouldn’t/ can’t/ could ) sing English well. 5.I have a trip ( in/ at/ on / into) June 6.I saw your school’s ( advertisement/ advertise / advertiser / advertised) on television. 7.I enjoy (learn/ learnt/ to learn/ learning) English. 8.They said that they ( live/ lived/ to live/ living) in Hanoi city there. 9.If I want to watch tV, I must ( doing/ do/ did/ to do ) all homework. 10.I asked him If he (learn/ learnt/ learning/ to learn) English well. III. Give the correct form of verbs in the brackets(2,5p) . 1.I used to (get)……………..up late, when I was a child. 2.The car (make)………………….in Japan. 3.They (visit) ……………….Da Lat last summer. 4.We (learn) .............................English since 2003. 5.My father enjoys (play).......................... tennis. IV.Reading the passage then choose the suitable word to fill in the blank (1p).. that are designed to entertain, in fact, TV provides more entertainment programs than any other kind. The programs include action packed dramas, light comedies sport (4)...........and motion pictures. V.Give the correct form of words (2,5p). 1.The Great pyramid of Giza is one of the seven........... of the ancient world. WONDERFUL 2.Scientists estimate that the world.......... will double in ten year' time. POPULATE 3.My favorite form of .................. is playing the guitar. ENTERTAIN 4.The bus is late again. It's............... for me to be there before 8.00 a.m . POSSIBILITY 5.These shoes look quite smart but they are terribly............. COMFOR ĐỀ 13 đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I. Choose the best option to complete each sentences(2p). 1 . I don’t know how to drive a car . I wish I (can / couldn't/ could /can’t) driver. 2. Peter isn’t here . I wish he ( is/ were/ was/ weren't ) here . 3. I ( has known/ know/ knew/ have known ) him since 1990 . 4. Rice ( grow/ aren't grown/ is grown/ grows ) in tropical country . 5. The weaher ( is/ will be/ was/ has been ) nice yesterday. 6.I wish I ( am/ were/ was/ will be) a teacher. 7.I used to (worked/ working/ work/ to work ) at night last year. viewers - events - communication - world 8.I have finished this work ( since/ in/ for/ at ) three months. Television is one of man’s most important 9.I ( have built/ built/ build/ has built ) this means of (1)....... It brings events and sounds house since 2008. from around the world into millions of homes. 10. I wish Susan (come/ coming/ to come/ A person with a television set can sit in his came ) here early. house and watch the president making a speech II.Give the correct form of the verbs in the or visit a foreign country.He can see a war brackets(2,5p) . being fought and watch stastemen try to bring 1.My grandmother (live) on a farm when she about peace.Through television home (2)....... was young. ........................................ can see and learn about people, places, and 2.She just (make) that birthday cake. things all over the (3)........ TV even takes it’s ......................................... viewers out of this world. It brings them 3.He hates (wash) the clothes. coverage of America’s astronauts as the ......................................... astronauts explore outer space. 4.Many trees (plant) in the school garden In addition to all these things, television yesterday. ......................................... brings it’s viewers a steady stream of programs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> 5.I (watch) TV at 9p.m last night. ......................................... III- Read the passage and answer the questions (2,5p). John Brown is a lecturer . He went to university in 1982 , and was one of the best students at that time . In 1990 , he became a professor . He has been a senior lecturer since then . He is a very well known in his teaching career . He has written five books about education , including a book “ How to teach deaf children” in 1995 . He is married to his assistant , Linda . They have two children . Questions 1- What does he do ? 2- Is he a very well-known in his teaching career ? 3- How many books about education has he written ? 4- Who is he married to ? 5-Has he got any children ? IV . Give the correct form of words (1p) . 1. Peter's........... as director came as no surprise. APPOINT 2. We can see some strange......... on his face. EXPRESS 3. You must be........ when you open that door. CARE 4.His sudden............ is a great shock to his family. DIE 5.You must be........ of yourself for behaving so badly. SHAME V. Dïng tõ gîi ý s¾p xÕp l¹i råi viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (1p). 1.You/ turn off/ remember/ the fan/ when/ the classroom/ leave/ you/to. 2.He/ laughing/ people/ doesn't/ at/ him/ like. 3.If/ run/ money/ you/ out of/ can/ I/ $20/ lend/ you. 4.A large/ were killed / number of people/ when/ struck the city/ earthquake/ a huge. 5.The storm/ had been expecting/ nobody/ which/ a lot of damage/ caused. VI. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi (1p). 1."Would you like to have dinner with me ?" Laura said to Johnny. Laura invited......... 2. I spend one hour going to work by bicycle. It took............. 3. He can't speak because he is so angry. He is.......... 4.They believed that thirteen was an unlucky number. Thirteen.............. 5.It hasn't rained for two months. It is............... ĐỀ 14. đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I. Give the correct form of verbs (2p): 1. She (eat) a lot of fruit yesterday. 2.Thu (look) after her little brother next week. 3. We (live) here since 2004. 4.Some people (drink) coffee everyday. 5.If he (be) taller, he would be able to join the polce. 6.The children enjoy (allow) to stay up late when there is something special on TV. II. Choose the best answer to complete these sentence (2p): 1.Lan wishes she…… a doctor. ( was/ were/ is) 2.They have learnt English ….. many years. (in/ from/ for) 3.The students in grade 9 worked hard,……… they passed the exam easily. (and/ so / but) 4.He went to school late……….. he got up late yesterday. ( so/ because/ but) 5.If Nga…… to lose some weight, she must do more exercise. ( wants/ wanted/ want) 6.Ba said he….. some good marks last semester. (gets/ got/ getting) III. Read this passage then answer the questions below (2p): Last weekend, Mr and Mrs Lam took their children back to their home village about 10 kilometers from Dalat. Mr Lam's parents have lived there for nearly 50 years. Their house is in the centre of the village.It's a nice house built of brick, located in the middle of a large garden. Their bedrooms look out over the yard behind the house where various kinds of flowers are in full bloom all year around. Mr Lam's children were very interested in the visit.They got up early in the morning .They followed their grandfather going up to the hill to see the landscape at drawn.Then they went back home for breakfast. After breakfast, they visited the fields where their relatives were working.In the afternoon,they went fishing with their cousins..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> Mr Lam's family stayed in their home village for 2 days.The children enjoyed the trip very much. Questions: 1.Where did Mr Lam's family go last weekend?........................................................... .. 2.Where is their home village?............................................................... .......................... 3.How long have Mr Lam's parents lived there?.............................................................. 4.What did children do in the early morning?............................................................. ..... 5.What did they do in the afternoon?.......................................................... ..................... 6.Did they enjoy the trip?.................................................................... ............................. IV. Rewrite these sentences (2p): 1.Linh said:"I will be very busy tomorrow" (ChuyÓn sang gi¸n tiÕp) 2.Phong doesn't have a computer at home. Phong wishes....... 3.He has finished his test. (ChuyÓn sang thÓ bÞ động) 4.I was sick yesterday. I couldn't go to school . (KÕt hîp c©u dïng: So ) 5."Why don't we go there on foot?" He suggests........... 6.It was raining heavily. We went out without a raincoat. ( KÕt hîp c©u dïng: Although) V.Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (2p): 1.If/ he/ not/ drive/ fast/ he/ avoid/ terrible accident. 2.The man/ stand/ in front of/ my uncle/ is/ shopkeeper. 3.I/ put/ each/ documents/ the correct place. 4.Why/ Peter/ keep/ talk/ his mother ? 5.The teacher/ let/ Jane/ leave/ school/ early.. 5.New York is one of the largest cities in the USA. My sister is living there. 6.The couple has got married again. Their divorce was in the newspapers. II.Choose the best answer.(2p) 1- Nga is very tired ( however/ and/ therefore) she still tried to finish her work. 2- Where is my pen? I have looked ( for/ to/ after) it for an hour. 3.The old man walked ( slow/ slowly/ quick) to the park. 4.I suggest that you ( will/ had better/ should ) do your homework before going to class. 5." Turn ( on/ off/ for ) the T.V for me, will you? I want to sleep”. 6.She ( has lived/ have lived/ lived ) in Bac Giang for 15 years. III.Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets . (2p) 1- We suggest (save) energy. ……............................................ 2- If it rains , I ( stay) at home. ……. .............................................. 3- I (not write) any letters home since I (come) here. ....................................................... 4- I remember (pay) him. I gave him $5. ....................................................... 5- She (take) a shower when the phone (ring). ....................................................... 6- I wish I (listen) to him. Now it's too late. ....................................................... IV.Combine the following sentences, using the words in brackets (2p) 1-Hoa failed her math test. She has to do the test again. (so) 2-Ba studied every subject very hard. He was not happy with his results.(but) 3-I was tired. I stayed up late. ( because) 4.Lan is good at English. Mai is good at ĐỀ 15 đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: English. (and) tiÕng anh 5. “ Don’t forget to turn off the lights before Thêi gian: 60 phót you come upstairs, Bill”. Said Tom. I.Combine the following sentences , using “who/ -> Tom told whose/ which/where” (2p) Bill ..................................................................... 1.She is my best friend. She sings very well. ................................................ 2.I really enjoyed the film. It was about 6. “ Why don’t you put an advertisement in the Titanic. local paper? “they suggested to me. 3.It’s Mr Hung. He helped me repair my -> They suggested bicycle. that .......................................................... .......... 4.we will give him a present. You bought it ....................................... yesterday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span> V.Read the following text, then answer the questions (1p) On January 17, 1995, a strong earthquake struck below Awaji Island across the bay from Kobe.It was the most deadly earthquake to hit Japan since 1923. The quake caused buildings and bridges to collapse an fires broke out throughout the city.In all ,about 5000 people died and more than 21,000 people injured.More than 30,000 buildings were damaged by the quake and resulting fires, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. Questions: 1-what happened in Japan on January 17, 1995? ............................................................................ ......................................................................... 2-How strong was the earthquake? ............................................................................ ......................................................................... VI. Cho dạng đúng của từ loại (1p). 1.A succesful business needs good................ ORGANIZE 2.The government is very concerned about the .......... of the rain forest. DESTROY 3.She has a good.......... with the children. RELATE 4.Many people believe that smoking is............. HARM 5.The number of ........... people increases daily. HOME ĐỀ 16. đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2p). 1. She ( just/ finish ) her work. 2.They enjoy ( play ) soccer. 3.If you study hard, you ( pass ) the coming exam. 4.I wish I ( be ) a doctor. II.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ cho s½n (2p). 1.The weather was very bad. They had to cancel the life show. ( so ) 2.Nam is tired. He stayed up late watching TV. ( because ) 3.He has a broken leg. He goes to school on time everyday. ( however ) 4.This is a new pen. My Mum bought it for me yesterday. ( which ) 5.He tried hard. He couldn't set up a new word record. ( although ). 6.If someone doesn't put the coal in, the fire will go out. ( unless) III.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu (2p). 1.We should turn ( on/ to/ off/ down ) the lights when we are out. 2.She suggests ( walking/ walked/ walk/ have walk ) to school. 3.He told his Mum that he ( loves/ loved/ love/ loving ) her. 4.Would you mind if I ( open/ opening/ opened/ to open ) the door? 5.If I were you, I ( would/ had/ will/ would have) phone and tell her you are going to be late. 6.What's the name of the man (he/ which/ who/ whose) gave us a lift ? 7.The librarian asked us (not to make/ nomake/ not making/ don't make) so much noise. 8.I really enjoy the disco. It was great, (isn't it/ is it/ wasn't it/ weren't it) ? 9.We have lived in this flat (ago/ for/ since/ already) five years. 10.When I looked round the door, the baby (is sleeping/ was sleeping/ slept/ were sleeping) quietly. IV. Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng(1p). 1. I know her since 1998. ................................................... 2.He wishes he can visit the USA. ..................................................... 3.Mrs Hoa which teaches us English is very beautiful. ............................................ 4.His house has been repaint. ............................................................. ........... V.Đọc kỹ đọan văn rồi trả lời câu hỏi bên dới (2p). Christmas is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain.Celebrations start on 24 December, Christmas Eve, although there have been several weeks of preparation boforehand. The Chistmas tree and all the presents, food, drinks, and decorations have been bought. Christmas cards have already been sent to friends and relations. On Christmas morning, children open the presents that were in their socks. Some families go to church. The traditional Christmas dinner consists of roasts turkey with potatoes and various other vegetables. Questions :.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> 1.What is the biggest festival of the year in most of Britain ? 2.When do celebrations start ? 3.What do children do on Christmas morning ? 4.What does the traditional Christmas dinner consist of ? VI. Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1p). 1.If you have any........ about the TV set you bought, take it back to the store. COMPLAIN 2.It was very.... of you to interrupt your teacher when he was speaking. POLITE 3.He was very....... of the work you had done. PRIDE 4.During his....... his family lived in the country. CHILD 5.John's ...... made it hard for him to speak in public. SHY. 1.Why don't we go swimming ? I suggest that…… 2.I can't speak English. I wish…… 3.I don't have much money so I can't buy a new house. If I……… 4.They pay designers a lot of money. Designers…….... IV.Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (1p). 1.He / say / that / he / like / chiken. 2.I / not / see / him / for 5 years. 3.She / clean / the / floor / everyday. 4.The traffic / be / bad / yesterday /however/ I / arrive / at / meeting / on / time. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2p). The big storm passed across the north of England last night.The River Ribble burst its banks after heavy rain. Many people were rescued from the floods by the firemen, who received numerous calls for Đấ 17 đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: help . Wind speeds reached 90 miles an tiÕng anh hour in some places . Roads were blocked Thêi gian: 60 phót I.Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu(2p). by fallen trees and electricity lines were 1. People nowadays are interested in (saved/ brought down , leaving thousands of homes saving/ save/ to save) money and natural without electricity . resources. Questions : 2.Many children wish they (can go/ will go/ 1.When did the storm happen ? could go/ going) to Disneyland. 2.What happened to the River Ribble ? 3.I like living in the countryside (therefore/ 3.Who rescued many people from the floods ? because/ although/ so) the air is fresh. 4.What speed did the wind reach ? VI. Cho dạnh đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc(1p). 4.What is the name of the man ( who/ whose/ 1............... are trying to find out new stars. whom/ which) gave us a gift. SCIENCE 5.This monument (has been built/ was built/ 2.The boy tried to repair the clock, but he has built/ is built) in the 17th century. was.......... SUCCESS 6.She adviced me (not go out/ don't go out/ 3.AIDS is a .......... disease. didn't go out/ not to go out) after dark. 7.Students have to go to school (at / on / into / DANGER 4.Butter and chesse are made from milk. They by) time. are milk .......... PRODUCE 8.Radium was discovered (by/ from/ to/ on) VII.Kết hợp các cặp câu sau dùng đại từ quan hệ Marie Curie. hoÆc tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ(1p). II.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc(2p) . 1.Nam is very intelligent. He learns in our 1.A new school ( build ) near our house next class. year. .............................................................. 2.The new stadium will be opened next week. 2.Our teacher ( arrive ) 5 minutes late It can hold 120,000 people. yesterday. .................................................. 3.Mai is one of my best friends. I have known .......... her since we were at school. 3. He enjoys ( read ) newspapers in the 4.His book became the best seller. It was morning. ..................................................... published last year. ....... 5.Neil Armstrong lived in the USA. He walked 4.I used to ( play ) soccer in the afternoon last on the moon. year. .............................................................. 6.Ha Long has grown into a big city over the III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý(1p). past few years. I visited the city last week..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> ĐỀ 18. đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I.Nối câu dùng đại từ quan hệ(1đ). 1.The man is very tall . He helped me drive my car.................................................................. 2.The film is very interesting. It is about Titanic. ............................................................. ....... 3.This is Nam. He visited me in hospital 2 days ago. ............................................................... 4.His book became the best seller . It was published last year. ................................................. II.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành c©u(2®). 1.Who will(look for/ look after/ look at/look on)the children when you are away from home? 2.Hoa failed her exam, (however/ because/ therefore) she has to take the exam again. 3. I suggest that you (must/ should/ had to/will) save water. 4. If I had much time , I (would visit/ will visit/ visited/visit) my grandparents. 5.The policeman warned us (not to go/ to not go/ not to going/ not go) there. 6.She is going to finish her work, (is she/ isn't she/ will she/ doesn't she) ? 7.Computer is one of the most important (inventions/ invent/ inventor/ to invent) of the 20th century. 8.We should (turn on/ turn of/ to turn/ turn off) the lights before going out. III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý(1®). 1. We have learnt an English song. An English song……… 2.” I will fly to Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow” he said. He said………..... 3. I can play the piano well. The piano…….. 4. “ Will you repair my bike ? ” Ba asked his father. Ba asked his father……... IV.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc(2đ). 1.I ( live ) in Bac Giang since 1993. 2.You like ( watch ) cartoon, don’t you ? 3. If she is careful, she ( not/ drop ) the cup. 4.She asked me where I ( live ). 5.The last train (leave) the station at 5.00 yesterday afternoon. 6.I wish I (be) a fomous singer. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái (2®). The spaceship flew around the new planet several times. The planet was blue and green.. The two astronauts put on their spacesuits, opened the door, climbed carefully down the ladder, and stepped onto the planet. They looked at everything carefully. All the plants and animals looked new and strange . They couldn’t find any intelligent life. Questions: 1.What did the spaceship fly around ? 2.What was the new planet like ? 3.How did the astronauts look at everything ? 4.Did all the plants and animals look new and strange ? VI. Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1.Smoking is ….. to your health. DAMAGE 2……….., the typhoon didn’t cause any damage on the village. LUCKY 3.I hope you will join in the Christmas…….. . CELEBRATE 4.She needed only one more stamp to complete her ……. COLLECT V.Sử dụng từ hoặc cụm từ gợi ý dới đây để viết c©u hoµn chØnh (1®): 1.We / used/ go/ to/ school/ the morning/ last year. 2.He/ wish/ he/ have/ new bicycle. 3.I/ not/ see/ my parents/ for/ 5 months. 4.She/ say/ she/ play/ badminton/ every day. ĐỀ 19. đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ) . 1.We suggest ( go ) on foot. 2.If it ( rain ), he will stay at home. 3.I couldn’t ( reach ) the summit of the Mount Everest. 4.Kanguroo (can/see) everywhere in Australia. II.Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu (2®). 1.He is tall enough (reach/ to reach/ reaching/ reached) the ceiling. 2.Boys like (to play/ played/ playing/ play) soccer better than girls. 3.You visited your grandmother last week, (didn't you/ did you/ don't you/ do you) ? 4.Cotton cloth is a material ( where/ which/ who/ when) is thick and strong. 5.We have lived in this town (in/ for/ since/ ago) 1998. 6.The boy looks very proud (on/ to/ from/ of) his success at school. 7.The teacher let me (go/ going/ went/ to go) home early because I felt ill..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> 8.I used to (wearing/ wear/ wore/ to wear) jeans when I was a child. III.ViÕt l¹i c©u sö dông tõ trong ngoÆc (1®). 1.She doesn’t have a bike. ( wish ) 2.I didn’t have money. I couldn’t buy that car. ( enough ) 3. The film is very interesting. I watched twice. ( so… that ) 4.The water is very hot. I can’t drink it. ( too ) IV.§äc ®o¹n v¨n råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). The world’s first computer was made at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Computers were sold commercially for the first time in the 1950s, and a lot of progress has been made since then. Computers are used in many fieldsin business, science, medicine, education and so on. However, people know more about computers than they used to . Computers help us much in our work and they are playing a big part in our lives. Questions : 1.When and where was the world’s first computer made ? 2.When were computers commercially sold for the first time ? 3.In what fields can computers be used ? 4.Why are computers very useful nowadays ? V.ViÕt c©u dïng tõ ,côm tõ gîi ý(1®) . 1.Bill/ ask/ me/ if/ I/ want / buy /any/ secondhand books. 2.It / be / difficult / learn / English . 3.The first jeans / be / made / in / USA / in the 18th century. 4.They / be / going to / build / new bridge / next month. VI.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1.The show brought ........ to millions of viewers. ENJOY 2.Most of the ...... have lived here all their lives. VILLAGE 3.She listens to classical music for ........ RELAX 4.He made a .......... of Roman coins and medals. COLLECT VII. §äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi chän tõ thÝch hîp cho trong khung ®iÒn vµo mçi chç trèng (1®). Vietnamese people. Tet is a festival which (2)....... in late January or early Febraury. It is a time for families to clean and decorate their (3)........., and enjoy special food such as sticky rice cakes. Family members who (4)........ apart try to be together at Tet. ĐỀ 20. đề thi thử vào lớp 10- môn: tiÕng anh Thêi gian: 60 phót I.Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu(2đ). 1.My sister studies hard, (although/ because/ so/ and) she completed her exam successfully. 2.She advised me (not go out/ not to go out/ don't go out/ not going out) after dark. 3.He said that it (were/ was/ is/ are) so foggy that day. 4.Nga is good at (learn/ learning/ to learn/ learned) English. 5.Easter happens (on/ in/ at/ of) around the same time as Passover. 6.Ba ate alot (although/ as/ because/ however) he wasn't hungry. 7.Jeans (sell/ sold/ is sold/ are sold) all over the world. 8.He asked me where I (go/ went/ will go/ have gone) the previous day. II.ViÕt c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (1®). 1. “ Will you have time to play regularly ?” Tom asked me. Tom asked me…….. 2.I can’t play chess. I wish……… 3.They built this house in the 17th century. This house…… 4.She likes to watch cartoon. She enjoys……… III.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc(2đ). 1.When she came, I ( watch ) TV. 2.If I ( be ) you, I would not do that. 3.We ( start ) our new school year last month. 4.He suggested ( go ) fishing. 5.What you (do) at 8 o'clock yesterday? 6.I remember (pay) him. I (gave) him $5. IV.KÕt hîp nh÷ng c©u sau sö dông tõ trong ngoÆc(1®). 1.Our bike broke down. We are late . ( so ) 2.Is that the friend ? The friend went with you. ( who ) 3.She was tired. She couldn’t go to work. ( so….. that ) occurs - live - celebration - homes 4.He is handsome. He is intelligent. ( not only…. but also ). Although there ar many celebrations V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). throughout the year, Tet or Lunar New Year holiday is the most important (1)........ for.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> My name is Nam. I am a student of a secondary . I am in grade 9. I always wear school uniform on school days : a white shirt and dark blue trousers. But on weekends, I usually wear casual clothes, such as an openneck shirt or a T- shirt, jeans and sport shoes because they are very comfortable and convenient and I can play football, ride a bicycle or go somewhere with my friends easily. 1.What does Nam do ? 2.Which grade is he in ? 3.What does he always wear on school days? 4.What does he usually wear on weekends? VI.Dïng tõ hoÆc côm tõ gîi ý viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (1®). 1.Sandra/ work/ this company/ for/ three years. 2.I/ go/ cinema/ last Sunday. 3.My father/ like/ watch/ football matches/ TV. 4.She/ wish/ she/ have/ many/ new friends. VII. Cho dạng đúng của từ loại (1đ). 1.Fax machine were a wonderful ..... at the time. INVENT 2.Fashion ........... have done a lot to modernize the traditional Ao Dai. DESIGN 3.People must learn about keeping the environment........... POLLUTE 4.It was very .... of you to leave the medicine where the children could get it. CARE. ĐỀ 21. 1. I haven’t seen my parents since a quarter of a year. 2. Would you like going to the cinema with us tonight? 3. Linh wishes that she were given a teddy bear on her next birthday. 4. I suggest that you writing to them to accept their offer. IV. Read the passage and answer the questions. ( 2 marks) Energy is very important in modern life. People use energy to run machines, heat and cool their homes , cook, give light… Most energy nowadays comes from fossil fuel- petroleum, coal and natural gas. However, burning fossil fuel causes pollution. If we don’t find new kinds of energy , we will use up all the fossil fuel in 21st century. Scientists are working to find other kinds of energy for future. What might be these sources be? When water moves from a high place to a lower place ,it makes energy .Water power gives energy without pollution. However, people have to build dams to use this energy, which cost a lot of money. 1. What do people use energy for ? 2. Does most energy come from fossil fuelpetroleum, coal and natural gas nowadays ? 3. What are scientists doing ? 4. What does water make when it moves from a high place to a lower place ? V .Rewrite these sentences started with the given words. ( 2 marks) 1. She doesn’t have enough money so she can’t buy the computer .. I. Choose 4 words which have underlined part pronounced / i : / ( 1 mark) great please instead beach dear keep seem hear If............................................................................ II. Put the verbs in the blankets into the correct forms. ( 2 marks) .................................. 1. I am sorry, I can’t go out with you because I 2. Lan is going to invite her friends to her ( do)...................my homework now. birthday party next week. 2. If you don't read it carefully, you (make) Lan’s …………………… mistakes. friends.................................................................... 3.They (paint)…………….the house since 2 ........................... o’clock. 3. The film was sad. It was shown on TV last 4.She asked me where I(come) night. …………..from. The film 5. This is the first time I (read) .................such which..................................................................... an interesting book. .................... 6. She ( do).......................her homework when 4. We last visited Hue citadel five years ago. her mother arrived home. We 7. Where you (go)....................if you had a lot haven’t................................................................... of money ? ................. ........... 8. Something ( must do )…………….to save VI. Use the given words to make meaningful our environment now. sentences. ( 1 mark) III. Each sentence has ONE mistake. Find and 1. It / raining / I / can / not / go / beach. correct it. ( 2 marks) 2. Tom / use / take / school /when / he / be / small / boy..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> Michanel went to a talk by Humphry Davy , England’s greastest scientist of the time . He liked Davy’s talk very much and a few months ĐỀ 22 later he became Davy’s laboratory assistant . I.Cho đúng dạng thức của từ loại trong ngoặc (1®). Like Davy , he became interested in eletricity 1.Dickens was a……................ writer. which could be made by a machine . He died in success 1867. 2.Ronando is the…................... football player 1. Where and when was Michanel Faraday in the world. good born ? 3.She can sing…… ................... 2. What did he do when he was fourteen ? beautiful 3. Who became Davy’s laboratory assistant a 4.Her father is a ……...................... farm II.KÕt hîp nh÷ng c©u sau sö dông tõ trong ngoÆc few months later ? 4. How could electricity be made ? (1®). VI.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ). 1.He was very busy. He came to see us. 1.Listen!What languages they (speak)? ( Although ) 2.She didn’t learn his lesson. She got bad mark. 2.When I (come) home, my uncle (cook) dinner. ( Because ) 3.Rice (export) to Europe by Vietnam every 3. The film was short. We enjoyed it. year. ( However ) 4.She asked us (not make) so much noise. 4.Lan is clever. She can do everything by VII. VÕt l¹i c©u sao cho nghÜa c©u kh«ng thay hershelf. ( Enough ) đổi.(1đ) III.Chộn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu 1.The children couldn't go swimming because (2®). the sea was rough. → The sea was too....... 1.(Had you have/ Have you had/ Did you 2.The last time I saw Rose three years ago. → have/Do you have) breakfast yet ? I haven't...... 2.Jact (collected/ has collected/ is collected/ 3. The factory is producing more and more collects) a lot of stamps last year. 3.She is a famous singer. She sings (beautiful/ pollution. → More and more pollution.......... 4."How old is your little girl now?" said the beautifully/ very good/ beauty). doctor. 4.Which one is (good/ well/ better/ the best) →The doctor aked me.......... coffee or milk ? 5.Jonh works (more hard/ hardly/ hard/ harder) ĐỀ 23 than Tom. I.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu (2đ). 6.If I were him , I would (tell/ ask/ speak/ told) 1.He (was visiting/ visits/ has visited) his them the truth. grandparents every Sunday. 7.He is a strict (exam/ examiner/ examination/ 2.If the weather (gets/ got/ would get/ getting) examine). worse, we won’t go to the beach. 8.Do you mind ( taking/ take/ took/ to take) me 3.They are living in a house which (is built/ home? will built/ was built/ were built) in 1973. IV.Dïng tõ gîi ý viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (1®). 1. It / start / rain / so / we / stop / play / tennis. 4. I told him (not to smoke/ not smoke/ don’t 2.A new school / build / our village / last year. smoke) in that room. 5.I am not very tall. I wish I ( am/ were/ will 3. It / most expensive / hotel / I / ever / stay. 4. You / not pass / coming exam / unless / work be / would be ) tall. 6.Rice ( are grow/ is grow / are grown / is / hard. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n, tr¶ lêi c¸c c©u hái bªn díi grown ) in the tropical country. (2®). 7.Nga got up late ( because/ so / however/ but) Michael Faraday , the great English physicist, she couldn’t catch the first train. was born in 1791 in London. His family was 8.He is used to (get/ getting/ got) up early. very poor and he didn’t learn much . When he II.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc để hoàn was fourteen , he worked in a bookshop where thµnh c©u (1®). he had a good chance to read books . He used 1.Many women are frond of..... football. play to go to some talks about science . One day …The end….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> 2.Doctors have tried to stop people from..,but they haven’t been very.... smoke- success 3.Overeating is ..... to our health . harm 4.Mary is interested in....... Vietnamese. learn III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (1®). 1.Your house is bigger than mine. My house............................................................ 2.A spaceship from another planet took them away. They................................................................... ... 3. I don’t know the answer , so I can’t tell you. If......................................................................... 4.People in the South work much harder than people in the North. People in the North do not ................................................................ IV.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n , tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). Marie Curie was born in Marsaw in 1867. She studied maths and physics in Paris. There she met and married a scientist- Pierre Curie. She had two children but continued her “ radium” , which was important because doctors could see it to help people with cancer.They were awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for physics .They continued to work hard and made new discoveries. Marie even continued her reseach after her husband’s death in 1906. She became a professor of physics of the Sorbornne. In 1911 she was awarded a second Nobel Prize for chemistry. She died in 1934. 1.Where and when was Marie Curie born ? 2.Where did she meet Pierre ? 3.Why was their discovery important ? 4.When was she awarded a second Nobel Prize ? V.Dùng thì thích hợp của động từ trong ngoặc để hoµn thµnh ®o¹n v¨n (2®). My name is Mai .I (1.be)…… a jounalist.I (2.be)…… born in Hanoi but I (3.live)... in Bac Ninh when I was a child.I (4.finish)…… seconery school there.Then I (5.study)………… at Hanoi university.I (6.work) ………for a newspaper since I left there. Vi.Dùng từ gợi ý để viết câu hoàn chỉnh (2đ). 1.If/ I/ be/ rich/ I/ travel/ around the world. 2.The students/ play/ games/ when/ the teacher/ arrive.. 3.Eva/ like/ read/ stories/ about Greek heroes. 4.She/ be used to/ work/ late/ in the office. ĐỀ 24 I.Cho dạng thích hợp của từ trong ngoặc để hòan thµnh c©u (1®). 1.My uncle is a ..................................... science . He often does reseach in his laboratory. 2.Jean speaks Vietnamese.................................... bad . 3.His wife is interested in ............................... swim . 4.John is a bad driver.He usually drives very.............................. care . 5.His children are fond of.................................( play ) football. II.Hoµn thµnh c©u dïng 1 tõ hoÆc 1 côm tõ (1®). 1.This is the house......................... Uncle Ho used to live. 2.If Lan spoke English well, she ................................the job. 3.It is ordinary people....................... can do something to prevent diseases. 4.He wishes he.....................a good doctor. III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (2®). 1.They will change the date of the meeting again. The date............. 2.There will be a shortage of water unless it rains. If....... 3. They built this house last year. This house......... 4.My kitchen is smaller than yours. Your kitchen............ IV.§äc ®o¹n v¨n sau, tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). English is an international language. One thousand million people speak Enlish in the world. It is the first language of 400 million people. It is the socond language or first foreign language of 600 million people. Four fifths of the world’s computers use programs in English. Three quaters of all international correspondence is in English. Does English have the most speakers? No, it doesn’t surprisingly. Twice many people speak Chinese as their first language. *Questions: 1. Is English an international language ? 2.How many people speak English in the world ? 3.Which language has the most speakers ? 4.Is Chinese an international language ? V.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> a/ When I (1.come)...............to see Jean yesterday, she (2. cook )............................. in the kitchen. Her husband (3. be) ............. in the garage.He (4. clean).......... his car.Their children (5. play)........................... games. b/ A: .....you.....( 6. see )...............this film ? B: Yes, I have. A: When.............you......( 7. see ) ..........it ? B: I.............. (8. see ) it last week. VI.Dùng từ gợi ý viết câu đầy đủ (1đ). 1.I/ not see/ Jane/ since/ we/ leave/ high school. 2. If / I/ have/ a million dollars/ I/ buy/ a yatch/ and/ sail/ aroud/ world. 3.The children/ look/ forward/ travel/ the countryside. 4.She / ask/ me/ where/ I/ come/ from. VII.Chọn đáp án phù hợp để hoàn thành câu (1®). 1……. a letter to Lan yet? ( Have you write/ Have you written / Did you write ) 2.This is a machine which…. to wash clothes. ( used / using / is used /uses ) 3. My mother showed me how …. clothes. ( to make / making / made / make ) 4.We…. friends for ten years. ( has been / have been / was / were ) 5.They arrived early….. order to get good seats. ( on / at / in /out ) ĐỀ 25 I.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau (2®). 1.A dictionary (used/ uses/ are used/ is used) for reference. 2.She advised me (not to go out/ don’t go out/ didn’t go out/ do not go out) after dark. 3.She was (enough/ so/ too/ very) busy to go to the party. 4.I hope you (will/ are/ will/ are going) successful in future. 5.Solar energy doesn’t cause polluted, pollute, pollutant).. (pollution,. 6. All the classes were (bad, badly, worse, good) painted. 7. She doesn’t know the man (which, who, whom, whose) sent her this letter. 8. Tornadoes and funnel-shaped storms can suck up anything (who, whom, that, whose) is in their path. II.Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc (1®).. 1.Mr Hung is a very…….............neighbour. help 2.We are fond of our ………................ friend 3.The 22nd Sea Games were…….................. succeed 4.The book was so….......................that I couldn’t finish it. bore III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn , trả lời câu hỏi bên dưới (2®). Enland is not a large country. No town in England is very far from the sea, and many English families spend their summer holidays at the seaside.There are no high mountains in England, no very long rivers, and no very large forests.The English countryside between the towns is like a carpet of many colours. In spring summer, the fields, meadows and forests are light green and dark green, red blue, yellow and white with flowers. 1.Is England a large country ? ............................................................................ ........................................................................ 2.Where do many English people spend their summer holidays? ............................................................................ ......................................................................... 3.What does the English countryside look like ? ............................................................................ ......................................................................... 4.How are the garden in spring? ............................................................................ ......................................................................... IV.Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng (2 ®). 1.He ( play ) soccer yesterday. .................................... 2.They ( build ) a house recently. .................................... 3.Ba ( plant ) some trees tomorrow. ....................................... 4.While I ( play ) tennis, she ( read ) newspapers. ............................................ V.Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (1®). 1. “I am doing homework now”. He said……………. 2.Mrs Hoa doesn’t go to Hanoi today. She wishes………. 3.Duy was tired. He stayed at home. (so ) 4.You must do your homework everyday. Your homework………… VI.Dïng tõ gî ý viÕt c©u hoµn chØnh (2®). 1.I/ wish/ I/ can/ play/ the guitar/ well..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> 2.He/ enjoy/ read/ newspapers / the morning. 3.We/ not/ meet/ our grandparents/ for/ two years. 4.It/ take/ my mother/ an hour/ go/ to work/ every day. 5.His dog/ call/ Tony. 6.She/ used / go/ hunting/ when/ she/ be/ in Africa. ĐỀ 26 I.Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng (1®). 1. What are you doing now? – We (watch ) a film on TV . 2.When he ( come ) home, his mother was sitting in the living room. 3.My father ( stop ) smoking for 10 years. 4.The cup ( break ) by the cat yesterday. II.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu (2®). 1.She usually has braed and milk (in/ with/ for/ on) her breakfast. 2.The lesson is (so hard/ too hard/ hard enough/ very hard) for me to understand. 3.Do you remember Mr Paul (who/ whom/ which/ whose) taught French at our old school? 4.A new film (shown/ is shown/ was shown/ show) at Song Thuong last night. 5.The boy wishes he (has/ had/ have/ having) his teacher's address. 6.I told him (turn off/ turning off/ to turn off/ turned off) TV. 7.I'll give you a call if I (need/ will need/ would need/ needed) some help. 8.People use the Internet for many purposes, (do they/ don't they/ does it/ doesn't it) ? III.Viết lại các câu sau dùng từ gợi ý (1®). 1. We can’t go on a picnic this afternoon because the weather is too bad now. If…….... 2.They are going to build a new bicycle factory in our town. A new bicycle factory…… 3.This grammar exercise is too difficult for me to finish in only 10 minutes. It is such...... 4.I can’t do the housework now. I wish…… IV.Hãy điền một mạo từ ( a / an / the ) vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành câu (1®). 1.They are going to vissit Japan and …..... United States. 2.It is….... pleasure to have… talk with such….... intelligent woman.. 3.At….... moment, she study English at.....… university in England. 4.This is ….... first time I’ve had to answered such…....... difficult questions. 5.As she was in such….......hurry to get to the station that she had…...... accident. V.Tìm lỗi sai và sửa lại cho đúng (2®). 1.They have played soccer since two hours. 2.I don’t work in Sunday morning. 3.He can play the piano when he was ten years old. 4.Because she was tired, she came to class on time. 5.Your room needs clear up ; It’s untidy. 6.He asked me what I am doing then. 7.If she had much money, she will visit Paris. 8.The boy whom I met him at the party last night is Lan’s brother. VI.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (1®). 1.Linh/ just/ come back/ from/ Paris. 2.She/ be/ interested in/ learn/ English. 3.If/ he/ not/ hurry,/ he/ miss / the last train. 4.He/ wish/ he/ live/ in/ big flat. VI.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). Jane is twenty-six years old. She lives with her family in an apartment in London. There are four people in her family. Her parents work in a hospital. Her brother is a student at university. Jane works as a travel writer for a magazine. She goes abroad five or six times a year. Every evening she writes notes about people and places. *Questions: 1.How old is Jane ? 2.Where does she live? 3.What does she do ? 4.How many times does she go abroad a year ? ĐỀ 27 I.Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu(2đ). 1.You should have a (mechanic/ plumber/ worker/ teacher) check the cracks on the pipes. 2.I suggest (recycle/ to recycle/ recycling/ should recycle) as much paper as possible to save trees. 3.The chldren are playing (happy/ happily/ happiness/ happiliness) in the school yard. 4.I wish they (would come/ will come/ come/ came ) here tomorrow. 5.The newspaper is (publishing/ published/ to publish/ publish) every day. It's a daily newspaper..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> 6.Auld Langsyne is a song (which/ who/ whom/ when) is sung on New Year's Eve. 7.He shouted and looked (angry/ angrier/ angrily/ angrilly) at me when I broke the vase. 8.If I (was/ were/ is / are) a bird, I would be a dove. II.Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống để hoàn thµnh c©u (1®). after - so - for - however 1.Ha missed the bus,.......... she was late for school. 2.What are you looking...... ..? Why are you under the desk ? 3.It's raining very hard; ............, he went to work on time. 4.Sorry. I can't go with you. I have to look............ my baby sister. III.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1.Plastic bags are very hard to dissolve, so they will cause ............ POLLUTE 2.What we can do to prevent............ ? LITTER 3.I would suggest that local authorities should prohibit and fine ........ anyone catching fish by using electricity. HEAVY 4.There are many .......... festivals in our country. TRADITION IV.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ). 1.They (live) in ths town for 20 years. 2.The paper mill (produce) 2 tons of paper a day. 3.We (not go) to the cinema last Sunday because of the rain. 3.This dictionary (use) very often. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). Hanoi is a really interesting city. There are many things that a tourist can do there. There are several museums which tourists can visit. The History museum is on Pham Ngu Lao street and the War museum is on Dien Bien Phu street. Tourists can see stories about Vietnam's past in both museums. The War museum is full of old weapons and tourists can take photos of them. It's also possible to organize a tour and tourists can hire a small bus or a taxi and go to several villages nearby. There is a village where you can see people making noodles and another where they make silk. Lastly there is Snake village, where tourists can see live snakes. 1.Are there many museums in Ha Noi ?. 2.Where can tourists see stories about Vietnam's past ? 3.What can they see in the War museum ? 4.Is there anything special in Snake village ? If yes, What is it ? VI.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (2®). 1."Can you play the piano?" he asked the girl. He asked the girl ............... 2.Someone has stolen my bike. My bike ............... 3.Hurry up or we'll be late for the concert. If we don't............. 4.I'm sorry, I can't help you. I wish................. 5.John smoked a lot last year, but now he doesn't smoke any more. John used....... 6.We started learning English 4 years ago. We have............... ĐỀ 28 I.Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu(2đ). 1.I can't hear what you are saying. Can you (turn on/ turn off/ turn up/ turn over) the radio? 2.The men and the elephants (who/ whom/ which/ that) you saw on TV last night are from Africa. 3.She has come here (in / since/ for/ on) yesterday. 4.He asked where I (come/ came/ to come/ coming) from? 5.My village is about 100km (in/ at/ to/ for) Hanoi capital. 6.Can you tell me who (invented/ invent/ invention/ inventor) this kind of machine? 7.Millions of Chistmas cards (send/ sent/ was sent/ were sent) last month. 8.I wish you(would come/ coming/ came/ to come) here tomorrow. II.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1.Tet is a ...... festival of the Vietnamese people. JOY 2.I'm very ...... of my father. PRIDE 3.We often go to the ........ house. CULTURE 4.She isn't happy with her ......... for Tet. PREPARE III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (2®). 1." I'm leaving here for Hue tomorrow." She said. She said.......... 2.People have used The Internet all over the world. The Internet..............

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> 3.I'm not rich, so I can't buy that house. If I............... 4.Tom lives in a small flat and he doesn't like it. He wishes .......... 5.Spending the weekend in the countryside is very wonderful. It's ....... 6. Lan is taller than Hoa. Hoa is not .......... 7.Have you ever spoken to the people? They live here. (Nèi c©u dïng §TQH) 8.Shall we go by bus instead of a taxi? I suggest .......... IV.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ). 1.The phone (ring) when my mother was cooking dinner. 2.It's glad (see) you again. 3.If you (go) now, you would meet her. 4.They (finish) their homework for two hours. 5.We should stop (throw) trast along the street. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). Christel Thames is an English woman. She was born in England in 1971. She studied forneign language at Oxford University. In 1977 she came to Vetnam to teach English. She likes travelling, swimming and she is also interested in learning Vietnamese. So now she can speak German and Vietnamese. At the moment, she is working for an English Centre in Hanoi. She works very hard. she likes her job very much. 1.When was Christel Thames born ? 2.What did she do at Oxford University ? 3.What's her job in Vietnam ? 4.What does she like ? 5. Where is she working now ? VI.Dùng từ hoặc cụm từ gợi ý dới đây để viết thµnh c¸c c©u hoµn chØnh(1®). 1.I / not see/ Mai/ since/ we/ leave/ school. 2.The children/ look/ forward/ travel/ the countryside. 3.The story/ which/ my father/ tell/ last week/ is/ very interesting. 4.If / I/ be/ you/ I/ study/ harder.. 3.What have they done to............. their own country ? MODERN 4.Lan wants to be a fashion ............. when she grows up. DESIGN 5.Students should be ........ to be proud of their uniforms. ENCOURAGE II.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ). 1.He has the car (make) in Japan. 2.She first (teach) English eight years ago. 3.They (be) in Hanoi since last Sunday. 4.When he came home, his mother (sit) in the living room. III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (1®). 1.We can't go on a picnic this afternoon because the weather is too bad now. If the weather........... 2.They are building a new bicycle factory in our town. A new bicycle factory ............ 3.This grammar exercise is too difficult for me to finish in only ten minutes. It is such....... 4.She is not a famous singer. She wishes ............ IV.Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu(2đ). 1.The test must be done (care/ careful/ carefully). 2.He is a famous (poetry/ poem/ poet). 3.Malaysian unit of currency is the (bath/ riggit/ yen). 4.Lan told her friends not (take/ taking/ to take) reference books out of the library. 5.The class discussion is short; (however/ morever/ besides) we learn a lot from it. 6.Jack was talking (in/ to/ about) the next Olympic Games. 7.Do you know the man (who/ whom/ which) you met yesterday ? 8.I suggest (save/ to save/ saving) for poor people in our neighborhood. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). Shakespeare, the famous English playwright, was born in central England in 1564. He married Anne Hathaway when he was eighteen and had three children. He wrote about thirty seven plays of all kinds comedies, tragedies and histories. Shakespeare is known all over the world as the greatest name in ĐỀ 29 English literature. He died in 1616 and was I.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1.The dress is too long for me. I want to........ it. burried in his hometown. 1.Who was Shakespeare ? SHORT 2.When and where was he born ? 2.Their ......... lasted for a lifetime. 3.How many plays did he write ? FRIEND 4.Where was Shakespeare burried ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> 3.The final examination will be held (in/ at/ on/ to) June 1st, 2010. 4.Flowers should (be keep/ kept/ be kept/ be keeping) in warm places. 5.It's very kind (in/ to/ for/ of) you to say so ! 6.What would you do if you (have/ has/ had/ having) a car ? 7.He didn't work hard (however/ therefore/ because), he failed his exam. 8.She suggested that we (will/ should/ had better) walk to school. V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi (2®). One of the reasons why so many children start smoking is that they see the adults smoking. They think that it is a "grown-up" thing to do. They smoke in order to impress their friends and also because they don't really believe that cigarettes will do them any harm. Quite reasonablely, they are not impressed ĐỀ 30 when adults warn them about the danger of I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2đ). smoking. If smoking is so danerous why do so 1.I (post) this letter to her 2 days ago but she many adults do it ? ( not/ reply ) yet. 1.What do so many children see ? 2.These students enjoy (play) soccer. 2.Why do children smoke ? 3. You (ever/ read ) that novel ? 3.Do you think smoking is useful for your 4.What about (play ) video games? health ? 5.What you (do) if you were me? 4.Smoking causes lung and throat cancer, 6.This bridge (build) a long time ago. doesn't it ? 7.He wishes he (have) a sister. VI.Dùng từ hoặc cụm từ gợi ý dới đây để viết II.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). thµnh c¸c c©u hoµn chØnh(1®). 1.That's........! I'm pleased that you work very 1.When my father/ come/ back/ home/ hard. WONDER yesterday/ we/ watch/ TV. 2.He wants to ....... his room. 2.She/ suggest/ stay/ at home/ in the evening. DECORATION 3.What/ should/ we/ do/ save/ energy ? 3.She is ..... reading picture books. 4.My brother/ speak/ English/ very well. VII.Tìm lỗi sai rồi sửa lại cho đúng (1đ). INTEREST 1.I have passed my driving test six months ago. 4.There are many ........ throughou the year. 2.I'm looking forward to work with you. CELEBRATE III.ViÕt l¹i c©u dïng tõ gîi ý (1®). 3.She wishes she know the answer to this 1.She hasn’t finished the letter yet. The question. letter……..... 4.If it rains, I would stay at home. 2. “ I will have a test tomorrow.” Ba 5.We were used to live next door to each other said……... a long time ago. 3. “Please don’t talk in class.” Kien told ĐỀ 31 I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc us……... 4.I get up late so I don’t have enough time for (2®). 1.He suggests that we ( save ) our natural breakfast. If………... IV.Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu(2đ). resourses. 1.Your teacher writes poems or stories, (don't/ 2.You would rather ( work ) harder. won't/ doesn't/ didn't) she ? 3.The milk is warm enough for me ( drink ). 2.He got wet (because/ but/ and/ so) he forgot 4.At the moment, they ( ride ) their car. his umbrella. 5.Where you ( visit ) next Sunday? VI.Dùng từ hoặc cụm từ gợi ý dới đây để viết thµnh c¸c c©u hoµn chØnh(1®). 1.Sister/ wear/ new Aodai/ only twice/ since/ she/ buy/ it. 2.Liz/ wish/ she/ be/ going/ Hanoi/ parents/ next Sunday. 3.Wear/ uniforms/ encourage/ students/ proud/ school. 4.Students/ say/ they/ not/ happy/ hear/ news. 5.She/ be/ late/ work/ because/ miss/ the bus. VII.Nối các cặp câu sau dùng đại từ quan hệ (1®). 1.This morning I missed the train. I usually catch this train. 2.He is a person. He is trusted by all his friends. 3.My father works for the company. The company makes cars. 4.Mrs Ha is my best friend. Her son is one of my best students..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> 6.I wouldn’t mind ( do ) homework. II. Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (3®). 1.I can’t play badminton. I wish……… 2.He has sent a letter to his friend. A letter......... 3. “ I am a student.” He said……… 4. “ Do you meet Hoa here?” She asked me……… 5. “ What kind of sport do you like playing.” He asked her……….. 6. To learn English is exciting. It’s……... III. Điền từ, cụm từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống (1®). 1.Was the plane……….........you traveled on? 2.The city……….........my parents live now is well known for its beauty. 3.Librarian is a person…..........…..takes care of books in a library. 4.I would tell the truth if I …............….you. 5.Do you remember the day….........…… we first met each other ? 6.You …........... the coming exam if you study hard. IV.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu (1®). 1.It’s so hot today.I wish we (have/ are having/ had/ will have) some fresh air. 2.My father used to (take/ taking/ to take/ taken) bicycle trips to the countryside when he was young. 3.A new film ( is shown/ shown/ was shown/ showing) here last Sunday. 4.She asked me why I (learn/ learned/ am learning/ to learn) English. V. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau , điền vào mỗi chỗ trống 1 từ thích hợp (1®).. Yerville. Mr Bruce lives in France, but he works in England. Every Monday he leaves home at 2.30 in the morning and drives 101 miles from his village to Boulogne, where he leaves his car and catches the ferry to Folkestone. Then he catches the train to Maidstone in Kent and arrives at 8.25. He teaches French from 9.00 in the morning to 3.30 in the afternoon, and the leaves school. He stays in Maidstone and only comes home on Friday every week. 1.How old is Mr Bruce ? 2.Where does he work ? 3.What time does he leave home to work on Monday ? 4.How does he travel to Boulogne ? 5.What does he teach ? 6.When does he come home ? ĐỀ 32 I.Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng (2®). 1.My dirty shirt (wash) yesterday. ...................................... 2.I wish I ( visit ) in Nha Trang next summer. ......................................... 3.He (teach ) English at our school since 1999. ............................................ 4.What you ( do) at 8 o’clock yesterday evening ? ................................................... II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống (1®) . 1.A pilot is a person……............. flies a plane. 2.If he liked sports, he……............come. 3.A supermaket is a place……...............all kinds of food and goods are sold. 4.She wishes she……............a good teacher. III.Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (2®). 1.She was ill. She went to school. ( Although ) 2. Lan is going to be in a play. She has to learn enjoy - at - celebration - tothe story. late ( So ) Although there are many celebrations 3.They have just sold that old house. throughout the year, Tet or Lunar new year That old house………… holiday is the most important (1)……................ 4. “ Let’s play soccer” He suggested……. for Vietnamese people.Tet is a festival which 5.Linh is a better cook than Hoa. Hoa occors in (2)….. ......January or early February. can’t………. It’s the time for families (3)….. ...............clean 6.We don’t have enough money, so we can’t and decorate their homes, wear new clothes buy that house. If………. and (4)……........ special food such as sticky rice 7."Turn off the lights when you go to bed." cakes. Even if family members live apart, they Tom said to Jerry. Tom try to be together (5)……............. Tet. asked................. VI.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi 8.It's two years since I last met her. I (2®). haven't .................... Mr Bruce is forty-five years old. He is IV.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu English, but he lives in France, in a village of (2®)..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> 1.You have never been to Ha Long Bay, (have you/ haven't you/ you have/ you haven't) ? 2.The little girl plays the piano (very good/ beautiful/ very nice/ beautifully). 3.The library is open to the pupils (who/ which/ where/ whom) come there to read. 4.The road is (enough/ too/ so/ very) narrow for me to park a car. 5.We are so proud (in/ of/ with/ at) her for telling the truth. 6.On Easter Day, people crowd the street to watch colorful (shows/ parades/ paradises/ contests). 7.It was raining (too/ so/ very/ as) hard that I couldn't go outside. 8.A new market (is going to build/ is going to be built/ is going be build) here next month. V. Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời câu hỏi (1®). Jane visited a lot of places in Hue. She had a week for meeting her old friends. She love “Ao dai” .She said that she loved “jeans” too.She thought she would like to eat Vietnamese food and drinks. She wishes she had a long vacation in Hue. She used to wish that. 1.Did Jane meet a lot of friends in Hue?................................................................... ... 2.What did she like? ........................................................... .............................. 3.What did she wish ? .......................................................... .............................. VI.Viết câu hoàn chỉnh , dùng từ hoặc cụm từ gợi ý (1®). 1. He / wish / he /can / play /tennis. 2.The boy / be /intelligent /enough / answer / all my questions. 3. If you / study / harder / pass / the coming exam. 4.The girl / met /at the party/ last night/ be /my older sister. VII.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1............., the typhoon didn't cause any damage on the village. LUCKY 2.Everybody at the party was........ dressed. COLOR 3.I enjoy working there, everyone is so ......... FRIEND. 4.The show brought ........ to millions of viewers. ENJOY ĐỀ 33 I.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2®). 1.Columbus ( discover ) America in 1492. ......................................... 2.He would pass the exam if he ( get ) one more mark. ..................................... 3.When he came to my house, I ( watch ) a football match on TV. ........................... 4.We ( learn ) English since 1995. ............................................... II.Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (1®). 1. She introduced me to her brother. I………… 2. “ Don’t cross the streets outside the zebra crossing, Mai” – said Hoa. Hoa told …….. 3.He can’t use computers. He wishes ……. 4.The boy is so intelligent that he can answer all my questions. It’s such……...... III. Điền đại từ quan hệ thích hợp (1®). 1.This is the house………......... my father used to live and work. 2.Sunday is the day………......... most pupils do not have to go to school. 3.A biography is a book…. ......... tells the story of a person’s life. 4.That is a naughty boy……….... leg was broken yesterday. IV. Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi trong ngoặc (2®). My name is Quang. I am a pupil of the 9th form. Yesterday was Sunday, so I did not go to school. I stayed at home and did a lot of things.I helped my mother to prepare breakfast. After breakfast I cleaned the floor and watered the flowers in the garden. In the afternoon I went to the zoo with my brother. There I saw a lot of animals. In the evening, I prepared my lessons for Monday. 1.Was yesterday Tuesday or Sunday ? 2.What did Quang do to help his mother in the morning ? 3. And what about his afternoon ? 4. Did he go to the cinema in the evening ? Why ? V.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng để hoàn thành câu (2®). 1. He wasn’t experienced (to enough/ enough/ enough to/ very enough) do a good job..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> 2.You (should/ would/ had/ did) better be careful not to miss the train. 3.He didn’t get up (until/ since/ for/ on) 9 o’clock. 4.Everyone felt tired and hungry, (because/ although/ so/ but) they sat down and took a rest. 5.You really saw a UFO, Mr Brown, (weren't you/ didn't you/ don't you/ aren't you) ? 6.Viet (used to/ is used to/ has used to/ was used to) go fishing when he lived in the countryside. 7.We haven't seen Liz (since/ for/ until/ before) two months. 8.He worked (more careful/ as carefully/ carefullier/ more carefully) than his workmates. VI.Viết câu hoàn chỉnh dùng từ gợi ý (1®). 1.Homework / must / done / by us /everyday. 2.She / say / that /she / can / drive / car. 3.Neil Amstrong / the first man / walked / on / moon. 4.I / wish / I / be / a / good doctor. VII.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong ngoặc (1đ). 1. I have a brother. He is a ........ POLICE 2. Our roads are ..... places. DANGER 3.We must be .......... when we cross the road. CARE 4.A......... is working on his farm. FARM. 4.She isn’t English. ……..........…., she speaks English perfectly. 5.They went to town ……….........… bought a lot of clothes. 6.The air is polluted……….........……there’s too much traffic. 7.I haven’t got a car………...........….. I’ve got a motorbike. 8.Which color do you want- red, green, yellow, ……............. blue ? III.Chia động từ trong ngoặc cho đúng (2®). 1.If people ( use ) public transport, there will be less pollution. .............................. 2.Are you enjoy ( cycle ) to the countryside on weekends ? .................................. 3. “Where is he now?” “ I only wish I (know )” . ............................................... 4.She advised me ( take ) the job. ................................................ 5.A new house ( build ) next to ours next month. ............................................. 6.When ( your bike / steal ) ? – Two days ago ..................................................... IV. Dùng từ, cụm từ đã cho viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh (1®). 1.I / live / small house / near the coast / since 1989. 2.It / most expensive / hotel / I /ever / stay. 3.He / work / hard / so / pass / all his exams. 4.My grandmother / use to / live / Hue / when / she / be / young. V. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn rồi làm bài tập T / F bên dưới (2®). ĐỀ 34 I live in a small village called Henfield. I.Cho dạng đúng của từ loại trong There are about 500 people here. The village ngoặc(1®). is quiet and life hereis slow and easy. You 1. We find advertising on TV very………. .......... never have to queue in shops or banks. People ( effect ) never trow their rubbish in the streets, so the 2.I watched the light off to save……………........... village is always clean. The air is also very (electric ) clean because there’s not much heavy traffic. 3.Enery- saving bulbs help………….. ...save It’s much more friendly here than in a city. money. ( consume ) Everyone knows everyone and if someone has 4.She needed only one more stamp to complete a problem, there are always people who can her……………........... ( collect ) help. However, there are some things I don’t II.§iÒn liªn tõ sau vµo chç trèng(2®) : but, so, like about Henfield .One thing is that there’s and, because, or, however, therefore, not much to do in the evening. We haven’t got 1.Lan’s watch was broken……................... She any cinemas or theatres. Another problem is borrowed mine. that people always talk about each other and 2. My family went to Africa……….............. We everyone knows what everyone is doing. But I want to study the wild animals. 3.Nam tried to read the book ………...............she still prefer village life to life in a big city. couldn’t understand it..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(81)</span> ........ 1.The writer’s village life has a small population. ........ 2.The air is unpolluted because there is no traffic here. ........ 3.Villagers are very friendly and helpful. ........ 4.There is a good nightlife in the village. ........ 5.There isn’t much privacy in the village. ........ 6.The writer wishes to live in a big city. VI.Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không thay đổi (2®). 1.Nga loves to write letters to her friends . Nga enjoys…….. 2.You must return this book to the library within 5 days. This book…… 3.She can’t play the piano. She wishes……….. 4.He would go hunting when he was in Africa. He used………… 5.Learning English is difficult. It’s……… 6. “Please don’t talk in class.” Kien told us… ĐỀ 35 I.Chọn 1 đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu (2®). 1.She wishes she….. around the world. ( can travel / could travel / travel ) 2.A new hospital…… next year. ( will build / is build / will be built ) 3.We will go ….. a picnic tomorrow. ( in /at /on/ with ) 4.Nam used to… full time, but now he is a part time worker.(work/ working/worke/ to work) 5.They told their parents that they… their best to do the test. (try / would try / will try/tried) 6.Ba said he…. Some good marks last semester. ( gets/ got / getting/ to get ) 7.The environment in my area is.... with dust from ciment factory.(polluting/polluted/pollute) 8.If I could speak Chinese, I ...... for that job. (will apply/ would apply/ applied/ to apply) II. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống (2®).. ideas and knowledge (6)…................. all corners of the world. Therefore, The English language has helped to spread better (7) …................ And (8)…................. Among countries of the world. III.Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc (2®). 1.They ( leave ) Hanoi for Ho Chi Minh city yesterday. 2.I wish I ( not/ be ) punished by the teacher now. 3.Nam ( do / not ) his homework yet. 4.Rice ( grow ) in tropical countries. IV.Viết lại câu dùng từ gợi ý (2®). 1. Our team doesn’t play well today. I wish……… 2.They are building a new house. A new house……….. 3. “ Can you speak Chinese ?” Mai asked. Mai asked me…………. 4.Today isn’t Sunday. We can’t go for a picnic. If today…… 5.The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was rough. The sea was too….. 6.Nam is taller than I. I am………..... V.Đọc đoạn văn rồi trả lời câu hỏi bên dưới (2®). Tom is going to spend a year in China soon. He will study Chinese language and history at the university. He will live in the university. He will share the room with a Chinese student. Days starts very early, he will have to get up at about 6 o’clock, he will have breakfast at about 6.30. His classes will be in both English and Chinese, and they will start at 7.30. Luch is at 12 and then there’s a rest. He will continues learning until 6 p.m . After that he come back his room in the dormitory in the campus. He thinks it is difficult for him but he likes this course.. 1. Where going to in, spend what a know, understand, things, subjects, written, many, tois, Tom friendship, year ?.................................................................. English is a very useful language.If we (1) .................. …..........English, we can go to any countries we 2.What will he study ? ............................................................... like. We will not find it hard to make people .............................................. understand (2)…................. we want to say.English also help us to learn all kinds of (3) 3. Where will he live in China ? .............................................................. ….................. Hundereds of books are (4) .................................. …............. In English everyday in (5)….. countries. English is also helped to spread.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(82)</span> 4.What time will he have to get up in the morning ?............................................................ ....... 5.What languages will he be taught in his classes ?.............................................................. ....... 5.Would you like ( drink ) tea ? ................................................ 6.He suggested that we should ( save ) energy. ............................................. IV. Choose the best answer (2p): 1. Why don’t we go to the park (in the car/ with a car/ with car/ by the car)? 2. The two cars for sale were in poor condition, so I didn’t buy (either / both/ neither/ each) of ĐỀ 36 them. I.Fill in the blank with a suitable relative 3. From now on, we won’t be able to go out as pronoun(2p): who, which, whom, when much as we (were/ had/ used to/ will). where. 4. Pat was caught by the police, but Martin 1.I don’t like the people…......... ..tell joks all (gave in/ gave up/ got away/ held up). the time. 5. Answer the phone for me, (will you/ do you/ 2.The subjects…............. we talk about in class don’t you)? are interesting. 6. (For example/ In conclusion/ On the other 3.The person ….............. Hai spoke could not hand/ Thus), I would like to propose a toast. answer her question. 7. Please help yourselves to (whoever/ nothing/ 4.I love my hometown…............ I was born and everywhere/ anything) you like. grew up. 8. Nobody’s got to stay late this evening, (is it/ 5.Do you remember the day…............ we got have they/ isn’t it/ don’t they)? married ? 9. I don’t want a pattern. I prefer just a/an 6.The teacher…….......... I like most is Mr Lam. (plain/ simple/ clear/ only) color. II.Rewrite sentences using the given 10. I went shopping today and bought a new words(2p). winter (costume/ outfit/ suit/ clothing). 1.It was such good weather that we went for a V.§äc kü ®o¹n v¨n sau råi tr¶ lêi c©u hái bªn díi ride in the countryside. The weather…... (2®). 2.Somebody repaired his car yesterday. Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1874, He had……… but when he was a young man of twenty three 3. “ How do you go to school everyday , he moved with his parents to Canada. Before Nam?”she asked. She wanted to the year was over, young Graham had left his know………. family and gone to Boston. Though Bell was a 4.Unless you start at once, you’ll be late. dreamer, he was also a practical thinker and a If………… man of action. In Boston, where he worked by 5.To find a house in this city is difficult. day as a teacher of the deaf, he worked far into It’s…………. the night experimenting with the electrical 6.He spoke too quickly for me to understand. transmission of sound."You can't make an owl He spoke so………… sleep at night", he once wrote in a letter. The 7.I think we should speak English in class. more explore this wonderful subject of I suggest................ electricity, the more boundless seems the 8.Mr Pke played soccer after school when he prospect before me". was a school boy. Mr Pike used to....... 1.When ans where was G.Bell born ? III.Give the correct form of verbs(2p) . 2.What did he do when he was 23 years old ? 1.He must study hard if he ( want ) to pass the 3.What did he do in Boston by day ? entrance exam. .......................................... 4.What subject of electricity did he explore ? 2.I wish I ( have ) a new bicycle ĐỀ 37 now. ................................................. I. Choose the word that has a different 3.She asked me if I (like ) pop pronunciation from the others of each group music. ................................................ 1. a. find b. visit c. 4.We ( study ) English for 4 with d. worship years. ................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span> 2. a. washed b. looked c. surfing Internet for communic stopped d. played secondary sent therefore have 3. a. with b. without c. thing d. think Nowadays, computers (1)…….become 4. a. read b. ready c. important in the business and in everyday life. reach d. teach In my life as a (2) …….student , computer help 5. a. buildings b. theaters c. me a lot . Every day, I check my e-mail. I often students d. uniforms receive the messages from my friends or my II. Choose the best word or phrase to complete family. E-mail is really convenient (3)………..me. the following sentences: It saves my time and my money. I don’t need 1. A new stadium (will build/ will be built/ will to wait for letters or buy stamps at the (4)………. have built / built ) in the area. Through the (5) …………, I can know a lot of 2. I wish I (visit/ visited/ will visit/ would visit) things by ( 6) ……the webs that I need . There your country next summer holiday. are a lot of useful webs that help you a lot in 3. The internet has (increasing/ increasingly/ learning. In my school, computer help me (7) increase/ increased) developed and become a ……… with my teachers. When I finish my part of our life. assignments, I often send them to my teachers 4. Would you mind if I (open/ opening/ opened/ by e-mail. And I also like to have a have opened) the door ? conversation with my teachers (8)……… I can 5. Let’s go to the mosque, (do we/ don't we/ have lots of their opinions on my assignments. will we/ shall we) ? VI. Rewrite these sentences without changing 6. The woman (who/ which/whom/ whose) we the meaning of the first sentences met at the party was headmaster 1. He said to them “Don’t be late tomorrow” 7. The smaller the room is, (the fewer/ the  He told them …… more/ the smaller/ the less) furniture it needs. 2. Tom has been playing the piano for four 8. Nobody was in the room, (were they/ was years  Tom began …… nobody/ weren't they/ wasn't nobody) ? 3. He couldn’t come because of his serious 9. Their house – roof is leaking. They must illness  Because…… have it (fix/ to fix/ fixing/ fixed). 4. They are going to build a new hotel near my 10. I couldn’t marry her ( even though/ so/ house.  A new hotel…… however/ besides) I loved her very much. 5. The garden is too small to play football in. III . Fill in each blank with a suitable  The garden isn’t …… preposition. 1. Mrs. Brown is very proud ………………….. her son . IRREGULAR VEBS (Bảng Động từ bất quy tắc) 2. What did the little boy do ……………………living. 3. I met him…………………… my way to school. abode/abided abode / abided lưu trú, lưu lại 4. The alarm goes ………………… at 4. 30. arose arisen phát sinh 5. They arrived at the station ………………………… awoke awoken đánh thức, thức midnight. IV. Supply the correct form of verbs in was/were been thì, là, bị. ở brackets bore borne mang, chịu dựng 1. My sister (be) seventeen now. become trở nên 2. I would have sent you a postcard if I (have) became your address. befell befallen xảy đến 3. I suggested (invite) Miss Hoa to our wedding began begun bắt đầu party. 4. She looks very lovely when she (smile). beheld beheld ngắm nhìn 5. You ever (see) an animal like an elephant? bent bent bẻ cong V . Read the passage and complete it with beset beset bao quanh provided words:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span> t. bespoke. bespoken. chứng tỏ flung. flung. tung; quang. bid. bid. trả giá flew. flown. bay. bound. bound. buộc, trói forbore. forborne. nhịn. bled. bled. chảy máu forbade/ forbad. forbidden. cấm đoán; cấm. blew. blown. thổi. broke. broken. đập vỡ foresaw. forseen. thấy trước. bred. bred. nuôi, dạy foretold dỗ. foretold. đoán trước. brought. brought. mang đến forgot. forgotten. quên. broadcast. broadcast. phát thanh forgave. forgiven. tha thứ. built. built. xây dựng forsook. forsaken. ruồng bỏ. burnt/burned. burnt/burned. đốt, cháy froze. frozen. (làm) đông lại. bought. bought. mua. got. got/ gotten. có được. cast. cast. ném, tung gilt/ gilded. gilt/ gilded. mạ vàng. caught. caught. bắt, chụp girt/ girded. girt/ girded. đeo vào. chid/ chided. chid/ chidden/ chided mắng chửi gave. given. cho. chose. chosen. gone. đi. clove/ cleft/ cleaved cloven/ cleft/ cleaved chẻ, tách ground hai. ground. nghiền; xay. clave. cleaved. dính chặt grew. grown. mọc; trồng. came. come. đến, đi hung đến. hung. móc lên; treo lên. cost. cost. có giá làheard. heard. nghe. crew/crewed. crowed. gáy (gà)hove/ heaved. hove/ heaved. trục lên. cut. cut. cắt, chặthid. hidden. giấu; trốn; nấp. dealt. dealt. giao thiệp hit. hit. đụng. dug. dug. dào. hurt. làm đau. dove/ dived. dived. lặn; laoinlaid xuống. inlaid. cẩn; khảm. drew. drawn. vẽ; kéo input. input. đưa vào (máy điện toán. dreamt/ dreamed. dreamt/ dreamed. mơ thấyinset. inset. dát; ghép. drank. drunk. uống kept. kept. giữ. drove. driven. lái xe knelt/ kneeled. knelt/ kneeled. quỳ. dwelt. dwelt. trú ngụ,knit/ ở knitted. knit/ knitted. đan. ate. eaten. ăn. known. biết; quen biết. fell. fallen. ngã; rơilaid. laid. đặt; để. fed. fed. cho ăn; led ăn; nuôi;. led. dẫn dắt; lãnh đạo. felt. felt. cảm thấy leapt. leapt. nhảy; nhảy qua. fought. fought. chiến đấu learnt/ learned. learnt/ learned. học; được biết. found. found. tìm thấy; leftthấy. left. ra đi; để lại. fled. fled. chạy trốn lent. lent. cho mượn (vay). forecast/ forecasted forecast/ forecasted. chọn, lựa went. hurt. knew. tiên đoán.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span> let. let. cho phép; redid để cho. redone. làm lại. lay. lain. nằm. remade. làm lại; chế tạo lạ. ht. lit/ lighted. lit/ lighted. thắp sáng rent. rent. toạc ra; xé. e. lost. lost. làm mất; repaid mất. repaid. hoàn tiền lại. ke. made. made. chế tạo;retold sản xuất. retold. bán lại. an. meant. meant. có nghĩaretook là. retaken. chiếm lại; tái chiế. et. met. met. gặp mặtrewrote. rewritten. viết lại. slay. mislaid. mislaid. để lạc mất rid. rid. giải thoát. sread. misread. misread. đọc sai rode. ridden. cưỡi. sspell. misspelt. misspelt. viết sai rang chính tả. rung. rung chuông. stake. mistook. mistaken. phạm lỗi, rose lầm lẫn. risen. đứng dậy; mọc. sunderstand misunderstood. misunderstood. hiểu lầm ran. run. chạy. w. mowed. mown/ mowed. cắt cỏ sawed. sawn. cưa. bid. outbid. outbid. trả hơn said giá. said. nói. do. outdid. outdone. làm giỏisaw hơn. seen. nhìn thấy. grow. outgrew. outgrown. lớn nhanh sought hơn. sought. tìm kiếm. put. output. output. cho ra (dữ soldkiện). sold. bán. run. outran. outrun. chạy nhanh sent hơn; vượt quá sent. gửi. sell. outsold. outsold. bán nhanh sewed hơn. sewn/sewed. may. ercome. overcame. overcome. khắc phục shook. shaken. lay; lắc. ereat. overate. overeaten. ăn quá nhiều sheared. shorn. xén lông cừu. erfly. overflew. overflown. bay quashed. shed. rơi; rụng. erhang. overhung. overhung. nhô lênshone trên, treo lơ lửng. shone. chiếu sáng. erhear. overheard. overheard. nghe trộm shot. shot. bắn. erlay. overlaid. overlaid. phủ lênshowed. shown/ showed. cho xem. erpay. overpaid. overpaid. trả quá shrank tiền. shrunk. co rút. errun. overran. overrun. tràn ngập shut. shut. đóng lại. ersee. oversaw. overseen. trông nom sang. sung. ca hát. ershoot. overshot. overshot. đi quá đích sank. sunk. chìm; lặn. ersleep. overslept. overslept. ngủ quên sat. sat. ngồi. ertake. overtook. overtaken. đuổi bắtslew kịp. slain. sát hại; giết hại. erthrow. overthrew. overthrown. lật đổ slept. slept. ngủ. y. paid. paid. trả (tiền)slid. slid. trượt; lướt. proved. proven/proved. chứng minh(tỏ) slung. slung. ném mạnh. put. put. đặt; để slunk. slunk. lẻn đi. d. read. read. đọc. smelt. ngửi. uild. rebuilt. rebuilt. xây dựng smote lại. smitten. đập mạnh. ve. remade. smelt.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(86)</span> sowed. sown/ sewed. gieo; rảiunderwent. undergone. kinh qua. spoke. spoken. nói. underlay. underlain. nằm dưới. sped/ speeded. sped/ speeded. chạy vụtundercut. undercut. trả lương thấp. spelt/ spelled. spelt/ spelled. đánh vần undersold. undersold. bán rẻ hơn. spent. spent. tiêu sài understood. understood. hiểu. spilt/ spilled. spilt/ spilled. tràn đổ undertook ra. undertaken. đảm nhận. spun/ span. spun. quay sợiunderwrote. underwritten. bảo hiểm. spat. spat. khạc nhổ undid. undone. tháo ra. spoilt/ spoiled. spoilt/ spoiled. làm hỏng unfroze. unfrozen. làm tan đông. spread. spread. lan truyền unwound. unwound. tháo ra. sprang. sprung. nhảy. upheld. ủng hộ. stood. stood. đứng upset. upset. đánh đổ; lật đổ. stove/ staved. stove/ staved. đâm thủng woke/ waked. woken/ waked. thức giấc. stole. stolen. đánh cắp waylaid. waylaid. mai phục. stuck. stuck. ghim vào; wore đính. worn. mặc. stung. stung. châm ; chích; wove/ đốt weaved. woven/ weaved. dệt. stunk/ stank. stunk. bốc muìi wed/ hôi wedded. wed/ wedded. kết hôn. strewed. strewn/ strewed. rắc , rảiwept. wept. khóc. strode. stridden. bước sảiwet / wetted. wet / wetted. làm ướt. struck. struck. đánh đập won. won. thắng ; chiến thắng. strung. strung. gắn dâywound vào. wound. quấn. strove. striven. cố sức withdrew. withdrawn. rút lui. swore. sworn. tuyên thệ withheld. withheld. từ khước. swept. swept. quét. withstood. cầm cự. swelled. swollen/ swelled. phồng ;wrought sưng / worked. wrought / worked. rèn (sắt). swam. swum. bơi; lội wrung. wrung. vặn ; siết chặt. swung. swung. đong đưa wrote. written. viết. took. taken. cầm ; lấy. taught. taught. dạy ; giảng dạy. tore. torn. xé; rách. told. told. kể ; bảo. thought. thought. suy nghĩ. threw. thrown. ném ; liệng. thrust. thrust. thọc ;nhấn. trod. trodden/ trod. giẫm ; đạp. unbent. unbent. làm thẳng lại. undercut. undercut. ra giá rẻ hơn. upheld. withstood.

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