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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC TRƯỜNG THPT LIỄN SƠN (ĐỀ LUYỆN 216). ĐỀ THI THỬ THPT QUỐC GIA NĂM 2015 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Thời gian: 90 phút. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: (8 điểm) Mark the letter A, B,C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer in each of the following questions. Question 1. John: “Could I just do it right now?”Jane: “________” A. Yes, you could. B. Why not? Go ahead. C. Not for me. D. Yes, let’s. Question 2. ___________his brother, Mike is active and friendly. A. Liking B. Unlike C. Alike D. Dislike Question 3. The more effect you put in this project, ________________. A. the more satisfying you are B. the more satisfied are the results C. the more satisfied the results are D. the more satisfying the results are Question 4. Inexperienced ________, she can know the way of operating that system. A. even though she is B. as she may be C. she may be though D. as she might Question 5. You’ve got to be _________ certain before you decide. A. deadly B. death C. deathly D. dead Question 6. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ______ in the crash. A. was injured B. are injured C. has been injured D. were injured Question 7. What _______ the smoke and the noise, the party made me feel quite ill. A. because of B. through C. owing to D. with Question 8. Mike: “I have passed all my examinations!” – Joan :” __________ ” A. My dear! B. Well done! C. Best wishes! D. That’s very well! Question 9. I wish Ben worked as hard as Mary __________. A. did B. had C. does D. would Question 10. Mr. Jones gave his sons some money to _______ them up in business. A. get B. set C. put D. make Question 11. _______ comes a time when you have to make a decision and stick to it. A. It B. Therefore C. There D. That Question 12. It is important to check the ___________ print in any contract. A. little B. minute C. tiny D. small Question 13.I am not sure , but _________ I know he has decided to accept a new job in London. A. as far as B. according C. on the whole D. as long as Question 14. Information technology has _______ in the last twenty years. A. come into bloom B. come a long way C. come under fire D. come to light Question 15. Most of his patients _________ Dr. Hickman for his kindness. A. let in on B. get on with C. look up to D. keep up with Question 16. I am afraid we haven’t got a spare bed. Can you _______ with a mattress on the floor? A. make do B. make by C. make over D. make up Question 17. _______ sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up. A. When slowing down instead of B. Instead when slowing down at C. When instead of slowing down D. Instead of slowing down when Question 18. Marta looks great! She’s really dressed to ________. A. kill B. murder C. slaughter D. destroy Question 19. ____________the steps when you go in. A. Consider B. Look C. Mind D. Attend Question 20. You _______ out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold. A. shouldn’t have gone B. haven’t gone C. hadn’t gone D. mustn’t have gone Question 21. Never before _______ in an earnest attempt to resolve their differences. A. have the leaders of these two countries met B. the leaders of these two countries have met C. have the leaders of these two countries meet D. met the leaders of these two countries.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Question 22. With the end of childhood, and the onset of ________ young people experience profound changes. A. adolescence B. teenage C. childhood D. middle age Question 23. The interviewer told her that he would earn $ 45000 a year, ______ she to be offered the job. A. were B. should C. lest D. would Question 24. This man is so arrogant that he is completely _______ to all criticism. A. unaware B. regardless C. unconscious D. impervious Question 25. It’s difficult to _______ luxuries when you are used to having them. A. cut down on B. cut down at C. cut off on D. cut down into Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C ,or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks. Ask anyone over forty to make a comparison (26) between the past and the present and nine (27) out of ten people will tell you that things have been getting (28) steadily worse for as long as they can remember. Take the weather for example, which has been behaving rather strangely lately. Everyone remembers that in their childhood the summers were(29) considerably hotter, and that winter always included abundant falls of snow just when the school holidays had started. Of course, the food in those days was far superior too, as nothing was imported and everything was fresh. Unemployment was negligible, the pound really was worth something, and you could buy a sizeable house even if your means were limited. And above all, people were (30) somehow better in those days, far more friendly, not inclined to crime or violence, and spent their free time making model boats and tending their stamp collections (31) rather than gazing at the television screen for hours on end. As we know that this picture of the past (32) simply cannot be true, and there are plenty of statistics dealing with health and prosperity which prove that it is not true, why is it that we all have a (33) tendency to idealize the past ? Is this simply nostalgia? Or is it rather that we need to believe in an image of the world which is (34) quite the opposite of what we see around us? Whichever it is, at least it leaves us with a nagging feeling that the present could be better, and perhaps (35) encourages us to be a little more critical about the way we live. Question 26 . A. between B. from C. with D. in Question 27. A. to B. out of C. or D. from Question 28. A. virtually B. so C. steadily D. out Question 29. A. considerably B. at least C. rarely D. not only Question 30. A. more B. somehow C. whatsoever D. as Question 31. A. usually B. different C. other D. rather Question 32. A. especially B. hardly C. simply D. specifically Question 33. A. tendency B. custom C. habit D. practice Question 34. A. utterly B. widely C. quite D. rather Question 35. A. makes B. encourages C. reassures D. supports Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions Question36: Follow vaporisation, a reduction in temperature will result in condensation. FOLLOWING A B C D Question 37: Ms magazine, which began in 1972, has long been considered one of the led publications of the feminist movement. A B C LEADING D Question 38: After the rain had let out, the Mitchells continued their hike up the mountain. A B LAID C D Question 39 : Living in big cities, housing is always a big problem for all city dwellers. A B C D Question 40.The president refused to accept either of the four new proposals made by the contractors. A B NEITHER C D Choose the answer that is the best combination of the sentences in each question. Then mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet. Question 41. Societies doubted about women’s intellectual ability. Therefore, they could not get access to education. A. Women’s intellectual ability was doubted about due to their lack of education. B. Not getting access to education, societies showed their uncertainty to women’s intellectual ability..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> C. The denial of education to women was caused by societies’ doubt about their intellectual ability. D. Failure to get access to education resulted in the doubt about women’s intellectual ability. Question 42. Humans must be directly involved in saving endangered species. Or else, they will immediately die out. A. Endangered species are at immediate risk of extinction unless there is direct human intervention. B. In case humans are involved in protecting endangered species, they will immediately die out. C. Humans’ direct involvement will probably make it possible for endangered animals to die out. D. Had humans been not involved in protecting endangered species, they would have immediately disappeared. Question 43. It is popularly known that smoking is a real danger to people’s health. However, getting rid of it seems a big challenge for addicts. A. However hard it is to give up smoking, people know that smoking is really dangerous for smokers’ health. B. Addicts find it difficult to stop smoking despite the fact that it is really dangerous for people’s health. C. The danger from smoking is popularly understood though addicts find it impossible to give it up. D. Much as most people are aware of the real danger of smoking, heavy smokers cannot get rid of it easily. Question 44. Influenza broke out last week. As a result, half of the children were away from school then. A. Half of the children have been away from school since influenza broke out. B. Due to an outbreak of influenza, half of the children were absent from school last week. C. That half of the children were away from school last week was a cause to spread out influenza. D. Because influenza broke out last week so half of the children were absent from school. Question 45. The confidential documents were locked carefully in the safe by the manager. No one is allowed to have access to it without his permission. A. The confidential documents were locked carefully in the safe so as that no one can have access to it. B. The manager locked the confidential documents carefully in the safe to avoid people’s access to it without his permission. C. The documents were too confidential to keep carefully in the safe, so the manager allows no one to have access to it without his permission. D. Without the manager’s allowance, no one can take a look at the confidential documents locked carefully in the safe. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Etymologically- TỪ NGUYÊN, anthropology- NHÂN LOẠI HỌC is the science of humans. In fact, however, it is only one of the sciences of humans, bringing together those disciplines the common aims of which are to describe human beings and explain them on the basis of the biological and cultural characteristics of the populations among which they are distributed and to emphasize, through time, the differences and variations of these populations. The concept of race, on the one hand, and that of culture, on the other, have received special attention; and although their meaning is still subject to debate, these terms are doubtless the most common of those in the anthropologist's vocabulary. Anthropology, which is concerned with the study of human differences, was born after the Age of Discovery had opened up societies that had remained outside the technological civilization of the modern West. In fact, the field of research was at first restricted to those societies that had been given one unsatisfactory label after another, "savageHOANG," "primitive," "tribal," "traditional," or even "preliterate- TIỀN VĂN TỰ," "pre-historical," and so on. What such societies had in common, above all, was being the most "different" or the most foreign to the anthropologist; and in the early phases of anthropology, the anthropologists were always European or North American. The distance between the researcher and the object of his study has been a characteristic of anthropological research; it has been said of the anthropologist that he was the "astronomer of the sciences of man." Anthropologists today study more than just primitive societies. Their research extends not only to village communities within modern societies but also to cities, even to industrial enterprises. Nevertheless, anthropology's first field of research, and the one that perhaps remains the most important, shaped its specific point of view with regard to the other sciences of man and defined its theme. If, in particular, it is concerned with generalizing about patterns of human behavior seen in all their dimensions and with achieving a total description of social and cultural phenomena, this is because anthropology has observed small-scale societies, which are simpler or at least more homogeneous than modern societies and which change at a slower pace. Thus they are easier to see whole. What has just been said refers especially to the branch of anthropology concerned with the cultural characteristics of man? Anthropology has, in fact, gradually divided itself into two major spheres, the study of man's biological characteristics and the study of his cultural characteristics. The reasons for this split are manifold,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> one being the rejection of the initial mistakes regarding correlations between race and culture. More generally speaking, the vast field of 19th century anthropology was subdivided into a series of increasingly specialized disciplines, using their own methods and techniques, that were given different labels according to national traditions. Question 46: According to the passage, anthropology is most likely defined as the study of____. A. one of the sciences of humans B. the biological and cultural characteristics of human beings C. the lives of peoples all over the world D. the distribution of human beings the world over Question 47: Which of the following is NOT stated in the passage? A. Anthropology has been subdivided into specialized disciplines B. Anthropology gives special attention to the concept of race. C. Anthropology is concerned with the study of human differences. D. Anthropologists are agreed on the meaning of race and culture. Question 48: It is implied in the passage that the early anthropologists did research only on _____. A. large societies B. modern groups C. racial minorities D. civilized societies Question 49: It can be inferred from the passage that anthropology was first developed in _____. A. Europe and North America B. some primitive societies C. some tribal societies D. some prehistoric societies Question 50: Anthropologists of the early phases were regarded as the "astronomers of the sciences of man" because ____. A. they also studied the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. B. they also studied our planets as the sciences of man C. they did not belong to the societies into which they did research D. they applied the sciences of man to astronomy Question 51: According to the passage, modern anthropologists study _____. A. only primitive and tribal societies B. both communities and modern societies C. only modern industrial enterprises D. both primitive and modern societies Question 52: The phrase "first field of research" in paragraph 3 most likely refers to the study of ____. A. modern societies B. primitive societies C. large societies D. industrial societies Question 53: Small societies are preferable to anthropological research because they are____. A. simple, homogeneous, and change slowly B. small, isolated, and easy to study C. ancient, exotic, and interesting D. similar to primitive societies Question 54: It is mentioned in the passage that the split of anthropology into two major areas is partly due to ____. A. more knowledge to be gained B. the development of the sciences of humans C. the interpretation of race and culture D. the development of modern anthropology Question 55: It is mentioned in the passage that anthropology began to divide into various disciplines in _____. A. prehistoric times B. the Age of Discovery C. the 20th century D. the 19th century Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 56. A. personify 2 B. reproductive 3 C. phenomenon 2 D. phonology 2 Question57. A. symbolize 1 B. tournament 1 C. compensate 1 D. surrender 2 Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each of the following questions. Question 58. A. learned B. baked C. naked D. blessed Question 59. A. bury B. lettuce C. busy D. minute Question 60. A .exempt B. exist C. example D. luxury Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the sentence given in each of the following questions. Question 61 : Because it was pouring down so intensely, I had to pull over the car and wait for the rain to get lighter. A. The rain intensified just as I was about to start the journey, so I decided to wait until it got lighter. B. I had to pull the car to the side of the road for some reason, but just then, the rain started to get more and more intense..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> C. The heavy downpour made it impossible for me to continue driving, so I had to stop and wait until it became less intense. D. I shouldn't have kept driving ignoring the heavy downpour, as the vision was poor and I very nearly drove off the road. Question 62 Generous people prefer giving to receiving. A. People who are generous would rather give than receive. B. People in general should give more and receive less. C. More people ought to buy things for other people as well as for themselves. D. Generous people feel that they have to think of others as well as themselves. Question 63: It was only towards the end of the sixth month in her swimming course that she could swim across the pool. A. She'd been taking swimming lessons for almost six months by the time she was able to swim across the pool. B. She found it difficult to swim across the pool even after six months of swimming lessons. C. She should never have expected to learn how to swim across the pool in a period of less than six months. D. Because she had only taken swimming lessons for six months, she had difficulty swimming across the pool. Question 64 : He can't have read the report prior to the meeting because he didn’t know anything about the project. A. He needn't have read the report because he didn't know they were going to talk about the new project. B. It was clear that he hadn't read the report before the meeting as he knew nothing about the project. C. They didn't talk about the project in the meeting, so he needn't have read the report anyway. D. He had to read the report carefully before the meeting because he knew nothing about the project. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: (2 điểm) I. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that the original meaning is exactly the same as the provided one. 1. I get to work in 20 minutes. It _________________________________________ 2. It is necessary that this work be finished by Monday. This work_________________________________________ 3. It’s a pity I didn’t take my doctor’s advice. I wish_________________________________________ 4. The bread is so tale we can’t eat it. The bread isn’t_________________________________________ 5. Who does this bag belong to? Whose_________________________________________ II. TOPIC: In today’s competitive world, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the traditional income, others feel they lack support because of their parents’ absence. Discuss both these views and give your own opinions. In the business-driven culture nowadays, in order to adopt all of the so-called symbols of advanced life, in many families; both parents have to work hard all day long for their children to enjoy the best. It’s true that those children benefit from the joint income and the same, those grew up lacking parental support, and this practice is creating a negative feedback loop. On the first note, one of the external influences on a child’s development is economic status; children in impoverished or low-income families are, often times, more prone to emotional difficulties than other children because parents have limited resources to address the children’s needs as an asset to a child’s overall development. Therein, the income of parents is directly influential in the quality of care as well as of life a child has. So out of the love for their children, willy-nilly, both parents have no choice but work outside. However, gaining higher economic status does not guarantee better child development, in return to this, something must be lost. Parents with the help of close emotional bonds with children will be able to enhance a child’s motivation to comply with rules and requests and is associated with positive long term-outcomes so that they will grow up more independent, emphatic, and socially competent. Secure attachments to parents will.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> underpin a child for positive, self-fulfilling expectations about other people which he will take into future relationships. In an evolving culture where parents spend more time working and less time with their child, the child’s overall development is the one to suffer- the long-term implications of which not yet fully realized. Yet, it is important to step back and consider the quality of the current cultural environment and the ill-developed children it may produce, obviously this leads to the disability to handle relationships and the child fail to function better both socially and professionally, and this may impact generation after generation. Children need their parents to be affectionate, caring beings, whether working parent or stay-home parent; it doesn’t matter much. What really counts is that the parent loves the child, fosters secure attachments with her child and fathoms of what the child’s needs are. Otherwise, it is society that bears the consequences; its citizens are all ill- developed ones. ---Good luck ---.

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