Utilizing a plug-and-play
architecture to drive down
network construction costs
Utilizing a plug-and-play architecture to drive down
network construction costs
The goal for bringing the promise of fiber to residential subscribers is to install
flexible and reliable fiber-to-the-premise (FTTP) architectures at the lowest
possible cost. Plug-and-play architectures provide significant advantages,
such as reducing the need for highly-skilled technicians to perform installation
tasks and enabling easy access to facilitate maintenance and troubleshooting.
This paper will explore plug-and-play technology improvements for FTTP
networks – from the central office (CO), through the outside plant (OSP),
and into the structure. Today, many service providers are also focused on
multiple dwelling units (MDUs) because of their potential for high revenues.
Still, unique circumstances inherent in any FTTP situation will dictate
exactly what methodology and equipment will be the best fit. Installing
a plug-and-play architecture will provide very cost-effective bandwidth
delivery by reducing the number of splices, splice technicians, and splice
crews required to turn up services.
This paper explains the benefits of implementing plug-and-play techniques,
beginning at the CO and working through the OSP and into the subscriber
premise. Using plug-and-play architectures throughout the FTTP architecture
will streamline the connection process by simplifying the logistics, enabling
fast and reliable deployments – and, more importantly, a faster return-on-
investment for providers.
From the CO
A key plug-and-play feature within the CO is the multi-fiber push-on (MPO)
connector. These connectors are an industry standard defined by Telcordia
GR-1435, and this document defines the baseline requirements for performance
levels. The MPO connector enables multiple fibers to be terminated with one
connection, as opposed to individual SC connectors for each individual fiber.
Although the MPO connector has existed for several years, its plug-and-play
application was typically found in data centers where it was used in multimode
fiber applications. However, its use within the CO environment is relatively new,
partly because of higher initial costs. Still, these higher up-front costs may be
mitigated during the operation by reducing the number of splices and creating
the capability to make multiple connections using one MPO connector on the
back of a panel.
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For the CO environment, where singlemode applications
are required, a small form factor footprint is very
desirable. Typically, eight-fiber and 12-fiber MPOs are
enabling high performance connectorization for much
of the active equipment emerging for today’s market.
Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are using
these MPO connectors in several ways – such as inside
the passive panel used for fiber management or in a
termination panel on a large frame containing a large
switch or router.
ADC is involved in MPO applications at both ends of
the CO. Large MPO connectors are used in distribution
type cables to house higher fiber counts. Meanwhile, the
interconnect cables typically contain eight or 12 fibers
and act as single-ribbon patch cords.
Another plug-and-play resource in the CO involves a
“breakout style” assembly. This is a more rugged cable
that plugs directly into the active equipment on one
side with the frame on the other side. It resembles a
patch cord, but with a fiber count up to 24 fibers. The
advantage of plugging directly into a transceiver, such as
with video equipment, is easy configuration, as only one
cable is required to each shelf.
As always, even with plug-and-play architectures
simplifying applications within the CO, proper fiber
cable management is an important consideration. The
need for clear cable routing and slack storage is not
always high on the lists of active equipment providers,
so solid management practices may become the sole
responsibility of the installation technician.
Through the OSP
In the outside plant, plug and play strategies are key
to reducing initial construction costs and new customer
turn up expenditures.
Efficient distribution plant construction is vital to
maintaining adequate return on capital ratios and
reducing the capital expenditures (CAPEX) required
for making the network subscriber-ready. Hardened
connectors and adapters not only allow for cost savings
in terms of labor, but also enable faster installation of
the distribution plant.
The original methods used for distribution at the FTTP
serving area involved splicing drop cables at drop points
at the time of construction. Through the adoption of
hardened connectors and adapters in the outside plant,
the number of splicing hours required to turn up a
new serving area can be greatly reduced. This results
in significant savings when deploying FTTP services.
These hardened connectors are specifically designed
and tested for use in the OSP environment. They are
capable of meeting higher performance standards
and manufacturing improvements that result in lower
insertion and return loss.
Hardened adapters are integrated into environmentally
sealed, preterminated multiport service terminals.
The terminals are factory preterminated with 50- to
2000-feet of outside plant cable in configurations of
2-, 4-, 6-, 8-, or 12- fibers. Each terminal tail is returned
to a centralized splicing point. At the centralized splice
point, splicing efficiencies are realized as splicing crews
reduce the number of hours necessary to perform the
same number of splices.
In addition to reduced splicing expenditures, the
multiport service terminal provides quick and simple
mounting options, also increasing the rate of FTTP
deployment. Each terminal is shipped with a bracket
or adapter that is specifically designed for the OSP
environment and can be installed in hand-holes or
pedestals, mounted on utility poles or overhead cable,
or simply secured to any convenient flat surface.
New technologies are being introduced to further
increase the speed and ease of network deployment.
Factory spliced outside plant cables, or advanced
termination systems, consist of standard outside plant
fiber cables with factory spliced drops or access points.
Each access point consists of a connectorized multi-
fiber tether factory-spliced mid-span to the distribution
cable. A key benefit to factory pre-engineered plug-and-
play connectorization is the highly repeatable splicing
capabilities made possible by controlled conditions within
the factory environment. Advanced termination systems
expedite the speed of network installation and defer the
costs of the hardened terminal until revenue is realized,
i.e. subscriber turn-up.
The operational savings of plug-and-play architectures
are realized at subscriber turn up. In spliced architectures,
splice crews may be dispatched to turn up new
customers or the drop cable may have been installed
at initial plant construction. The drop cable can now
be installed without splice labor by simply inserting the
factory connectorized cable into adapter ports at the
multiport service terminal and at the ONT on the home.
Hardened drop cables are factory-connectorized
assemblies with hardened connectors on each end.
These cables are also pre-tested and certified at
the factory to meet performance requirements.
Each hardened connector and adapter is further
protected by a protective cap or plug until they
are put into service.
Once the connector is engaged with the adapter,
it is sealed with a watertight O-ring. Simplified
cleaning techniques add to the ease of connecting
and maintaining the OSP portion of the network.
An additional feature of the plug-and-play hardened
connector system is the arrow on the connector that
aligns with a notch on the adapter for precise
alignment into the optical port.
Utilizing a plug-and-play architecture to drive down network construction costs
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Specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document. Because we are continuously
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Into the MDU
As in the other portions of the FTTP network, the significant advantage to a plug-and-play system is the
speed of installation. But that advantage is amplified when it comes to bringing fiber into new MDUs.
If the fiber network installers can be in and out of the building as quickly as the construction workers,
it creates a huge incentive for the building owner to decide on FTTP architecture.
To see how plug-and-play can speed up the installation process, let’s look at an example from a mid-rise
or high-rise building. An indoor FDH is located on the lower level with a couple of 144-fiber stubs. Fiber
distribution terminals (FDTs) reside on each floor of the building that route 12 or 24 fibers down to the
indoor FDH where they are typically spliced in. In this example, 288 fibers would be spliced between
the FDH and the FDTs. Fiber drop cables would then run from the FDTs to the optical network terminals
ONTs, creating another splice point since it is not possible to predict the exact length of each drop.
Now, let’s create the same infrastructure using plug-and-play architecture. In this case, an FDT again
resides on each floor, but an MPO connector is mounted on the stub of each. The fiber is deployed
from each FDT to the indoor FDH, also with built-in 12-fiber MPO connectors. Each connection is easily
plugged into the FDH from every floor. Basically, to install fiber into an MDU is a simple matter of
mounting the enclosures and making plug-and-play connections with the cables.
Since distances vary from each FDT to the FDH, a built-in fiber spool is designed on the FDT. The spool
holds up to 500 feet of fiber cable. Therefore, the cable is easily spooled out to the FDH and plugged in,
while any extra cable remains on the spool. The box containing the spool is small – about 9 x 6 x 3.5 –
and can be locked down with a shroud to cover and protect the excess fiber.
In the end, not only time is saved for getting in and out of the building in about half a day, but splices
are also traded for connections. A major headache throughout the FTTP network is the amount of
time and money consumed by splicing operations, but it’s particularly true in the MDU environment.
Although estimates vary, it typically takes an hour to splice 12 fibers, with labor costs as high as $100
per hour. That’s not even taking into consideration the capital equipment costs involved with splicing,
such as purchasing splice machines (up to $30k per unit), cleaving machines, and stripping equipment.
Adding up time of installation, labor, and capital equipment costs makes it obvious that plug-and-play
connectivity offers a tremendous advantage.
Advantage: plug-and-play
The plug-and-play approach to an FTTP infrastructure is made possible by new advances in hardened
connector technology, factory-connectorized MSTs, and hardened drop cables. When compared with
traditional spliced architectures, plug-and-play provides tremendous cost savings advantages, as well
as savings in time and manpower.
Plug-and-play architectures, from the CO to the subscriber premise, including MDUs, will enable
cost-effective, easy-to-manage, reliable FTTP networks. ADC is on the forefront of these new
solutions – providing an end-to-end solution that will meet the unique challenges of bringing
fiber directly to every subscriber.