(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agreement’)
Project: Viet Nam Central Region Transport Networks Project -
Consulting Services for Implementation
Consia Consultants
Contact person: D T Hang
c/o Consia Hanoi office
Telephone: + 84 4 9428 104
Fax: + 84 4 9428 113
- “Consultant”: means the Resident Engineer
- “Client”: means the PMU1
- “Company”: means Consia Consultants
1.1 The Consultant is hereby employed by Consia Consultants, hereinafter referred to as the
Company, for a position as:
Resident Engineer in Quang Binh Province
on the:
Viet Nam Central Region Transport Networks Project –
Consulting Services for Implementation
1.2 The Consultant will provide services as per TOR (Annex 1) and agreed with the Project
Manager/Regional Engineer and Regional Manager of Consia in Hanoi.
With regard to all matters concerning the contract, the Consultant will report to the Project
Manager/Regional Engineer and Regional Manager of Consia in Hanoi (or her assigned person
later on)
For technical matters related to daily duties on the project, as outlined in the TOR, the
Consulant reports directly to the Regional Engineer, or through the Deputy Regional Engineer.
For practical matters the Consultant is welcome to use the facilities at the Consia
Representative Office in Hanoi.
2.1 Subject to the Client’s approval, the assignment is expected to start on: 1 December, 2008.
The mobilisation of the employee will be in agreement with Project Manager and based on the
actual work requirements.
2.2 The Consultant’s assignment for fulfilling and completing tasks satisfactorily to the
Regional Engineer, the Project Manager and the Client’s requirements as agreed on the TOR.
2.3 Subject to the Client’s approval on the VO2 between the Company and Client, the input
period is: 24 months.
2.4 Standard working hours: from 8am to 5pm (one hour for lunch time) from Monday to
Saturday. However, the Consultant may have to work over-time or on the weekend when
required by the Project Manager/Regional Engineer. Such added time will not have any
additional extra payment. Equivalent time off in lieu will be given during a normal work
day, as agreed by Project Manager/Regional Engineer.
Not applicable.
No work on Public and National Holidays
4.1 For the period of this agreement, Viet Nam Central Region Transport Networks
Project will pay for Consultant as follow:
- Gross salary: USD 800 per month (based on 30 calendar days per month).
- The Consultant will have 2 month probation. During this period, the Consultant will
receive 80% of salary rate. After 2 months, the Company will review and sign official
Accommodation, vehicle and Office facilities will be provided by the Project.
4.1. The Consultant will be responsible for all social insurance, medical insurance and
personnel income tax (PIT) during the time to work in the project.
4.2. Payment:
The Company will pay to Consultant by cash or transfer to the bank account which
nominated by the Consultant within 3 weeks since the submission of the timesheet to be
certified by the Project Manager/Regional Engineer.
Monthly Time Sheets shall be completed by the end of each month for the approval of the
Regional Engineer and Project Manager, note if No Monthly time sheet is signed no
payment will be made by the client.
5.1 As stated on clause 4.1
6.1 The Consultant will be paid USD 25/night for perdiem and subsistence allowance for
working outside Quang Binh Province, which will cover for all food, accommodation and
daily travel at site. The Consultant will inform and agree with the Regional Engineer in
advance his/her travel plan of field trip.
6.2 The Consultant is required to submit all appropriate supporting receipts to the project
accountant after the field trip.
7.1 As stated on clause 4.2
7.2 Only fees, per diem and reimbursable agreed upon in this contract or in addenda to the
contract will be accepted for payment.
8.1 In case the consultant is required to travel to field trip for the project purpose by train or
plane, the travel will be made by the most appropriate means of transport and the most
direct, practicable route and shall be based on what corresponds to economy class using any
existing discount schemes (e.g. excursion fare). The Consultant must deliver original ticket
stubs and boarding cards in order for the project to invoice the travel expensive.
8.2 Project-related local travel, which has not been arranged/paid for by the project, will upon
submission of original documentation be reimbursed by the Company within the agreed
amount. Transport to and from airports will be reimbursed by the Company upon presentation
of original documentation.
9.1 During your assignment to work in Quang Binh, the Consultant will be responsible to
cover all such cost from home to the project office daily.
9.2 The project will organise vehicle for consultant for field visit for the project’s purpose
Provided by the project.
11.1. The Consultant certifies that he is in excellent health conditions and has arranged for
necessary vaccinations.
11.2. The working language is English and Vietnamese. Reports shall be sent to the Project
Manager/Regional Engineer and the Company electronically and in English.
11.3 Throughout the duration of the assignment and following its completion, the Consultant
shall maintain the strictest secrecy vis-à-vis third parties (including the press) in respect of
information; data or documents acquired or brought to the notice of the Consultant in
connection with the performance of the work.
11.4 In the course of the assignment, the Consultant shall not in any way participate in any
political activity in the country of assignment if such activity may in any way violate the
laws, ethical standards or public opinion in the country of assignment. Also in other aspects
of life - including religious matters – shall the Consultant make sure that his conduct and
behaviour will in no way be an offence to the population or public opinion in the country of
The Company must approve in writing any change in this agreement prior to commencement
of any additional working days.
13.1 This agreement may be terminated by either party by giving 30 days’ notice in writing.
If the consultant is incapacitated due to illness and cannot carry out the assignment within
deadlines acceptable to the Client, this agreement may be terminated without notice.
However, in the event of the Consultant being in breach of his obligations under this
agreement, the Company may terminate the agreement without notice.
13.2 In the event that the project, or the part of the project to which the consultant is assigned,
is concluded or terminated by the Client prior to this, the employment will cease without
further notice at the date of the conclusion or termination of the project/part of the project to
which the Consultant is assigned.
14.1 In the event of non-fulfilment of this agreement on the part of the Consultant or gross
negligence in carrying out the services under this agreement, the Consultant may be
discharged without notice and claimed for any damages. The same may be the case if the
Consultant during the period of assignment:
a) Gives interviews to mass media without prior permission;
b) Takes paid or unpaid employment for a third party without prior permission from the
c) Fails to appear at work repeatedly without reason;
d) Appears intoxicated during working hours;
e) Shows provoking or improper behaviour;
f) Violates safety regulations;
g) Reveals Company secrets to outsiders;
h) Fails to produce correct information on his health condition;
i) Is expelled due to justified demand by Client or Recipient;
j) Violates local legislation;
k) Violates the ethical policy of the Company.
The above items (a-k) do not necessarily cover all relevant issues of this nature.
14.2 If the Company terminates the agreement as a consequence of the above, the
Consultant will not be eligible to paid homeward travel from the Country of Assignment
back to the Country of Residence.
15.1 The parties will make all reasonable efforts to resolve any dispute arising under the
terms of this agreement or its implementation.
15.2 Failing such resolution, such disputes between the Consultant and the Company or
between the Consultant’s estate and the Company in respect of this Agreement shall be
settled finally and with binding effect according to the "Rules of Procedure of the Danish
Institute of Arbitration (Copenhagen Arbitration)". Each party shall appoint an arbitrator
while the president of the court of arbitration shall be appointed by the Institute . In case a
party has not within thirty (30) days of giving or receiving information that arbitration has
been requested appointed an arbitrator, his/her arbitrator shall likewise be appointed by the
Institute in accordance with the aforesaid rules. In case arbitration is requested by the
Company, the Company shall provide the whole of the required security for the costs of the
court. In case arbitration is requested by the Consultant, he shall provide a portion of the
required security equaling court and scheduling fees for the claim, had the matter been
brought before an ordinary court of justice. The remainder of the security shall be provided
by the Company. The costs and the distribution thereof shall be finally determined by the
court of arbitration, provided that the Consultant can never be required to defray arbitration
costs exceeding court and scheduling fees plus legal costs corresponding to those that would
have been imposed upon the Consultant by an ordinary court of justice.
This Agreement is signed in two copies, one of which is held by the Consultant and the other
by the Company.
Date: Date: 2008
Dinh Thanh Hang
Regional Manager (Signature, Consultant)
Consia Consultants
Annex 1: Terms of Reference of project and Detail Task Assigned
Annex 2: Timesheet
Annex 1: Terms of Reference of project and Detail Task Assigned
1. TOR of project: a copy Term of Reference of Project will be given to the Consultants
2. Detail Task for Resident Engineer:
1. Review and verifying the design of all work items presented in the working drawings
and contract documents, and keep the Regional Engineer informed about any error
in the documents
2. Ensure that all communication between the Contractors and the Supervisor
Consultant’s Office of the Regional Engineer are routed through the RE first for
review and comments. This also includes working drawings.
3. Ensure that Formats per the Supervision Manual are followed, and that official
communication is issued in English. All transmittals to be submitted with a Standatd
Transmittal Form
4. Record progress of work
5. Keep a Filing System as standard for the RO1 Office and agreed with Regional
Engineer and admin staff
6. Issue Site Instructions as required.
7. Final Approval of works should be routed through the Regional Engineer.
8. If work must be stopped, for violation of quality, safety or other violation of Contract
Documents or Specifications, Final Stop Order will be issued or directed by Regional
Engineer after REs’ briefing.
9. Check and approve the setting out.
10. Follow up the contractor’s mobilization of field laboratory, including test equipment,
stone crusher and asphalt mixing plant to ensure that the specified requirements for
such equipment are fulfilled.
11. Supervise all laboratory and field tests.
12. Ensure that all material received on site has appropriate Quality Certificates, factory
tests, Mill Certificates, etc and that date of arrival and quantities are recorded for
further reference.
13. Supervise all earth work, sub base, base and asphalt work.
14. Prepare detailed quantity records together with the Contractor’s representative.
15. Check and approve “Minutes of acceptance of completed items”, see Supervision
16. Report to the Regional Engineer about Safety measures taken by the Contractor
17. He must keep the Regional Engineer informed in detail about any difficulties on Site
or with the construction works in general.
18. Report all failed tests and recommend corrective actions.
19. When RE receives copies of letters/faxes to the contractors, they are responsible to
follow up on it; i.e. confirm receipt and ensure that action is taken by the contractor
and report back to REE’s office.
20. The Resident Engineer shall coordinate in writing with the Regional Engineer all
decisions which are made.
21. Provide continuous on-site supervision of all approved day work.
22. Manage and coordinate Inspectors work on a daily basis
23. Keep a daily Log and ensure that Inspectors and Contractors maintain daily logs.
24. Review and make recommendations to the Contractor’s initial and revised work
programs as required.
25. Collect relevant data regarding the contractor’s claims and variations.
26. Keep monthly site meetings with the Contractor’s in his Province.
27. Keep photo records of progress at site (see Supervision Manual).
28. Prepare Weekly Reports to the Regional Engineer.
29. Maintain monthly reports and ensure contractors are updating progress charts, cash
flows, productivity reports, work programs etc on a monthly basis.
30. Ensure that all back up data for IPCs (Interim Payment Certificates) are checked and
approved in compliance with the Contract Documents prior to cosigning and
submitting to Regional Engineer for review.
Annex 2: Timesheet format
Use the project ‘s standard timesheet
File: Contracts & Standards; Draft Contract RE