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Unit 3 At home

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date: P 15. UNIT3- Lesson 4 : B 3- B 6 I/ Aim: Ss will be able to use ‘ How many…are there ?’ question and further practice in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the living room and the family. II/ Language contents: * Grammar: How many [doors] are there? There’s one. / There’re two. * Vocabulary: a bookcase = a bookshelf III/ Techniques: - Model sentences. - Picture drill - Chain game IV/ Teaching aids: - Pictures - Cassette - Sub-board V/ Procedures:. T’s and Ss’ activity. Contents. 1/ Warm up (5m) * Chain game: S 1: There’s one book. T asks Ss to play the game to check S2: There’s one book and there’re two their revision. pens. T guides . S3: There’s one book, there’re two pens Ss play the game in group of 4. and there’re three rulers. T gives marks. So on 2/ Presentation (7m) * Model sentences: T uses the picture to introduce and to teach the new model sentences. How many doors are there? T elicits ps. Then, T reads the model There’ s one. ones How many windows are there? Ss repeat. There’re two. T presents the model on the board. Ss copy. Reading these once more. T calls a good student, practicing 3/ Practice (15m) Eg: asking and answering the new one with T: How many books are there? him. Next T asks Ss to practice S: There’re 4. *Picture drill: B4( looking at the picture in textbook) Eg: T makes example. T: How many students are there? Ss practice in pairs for some S: There’re 48. minutes. Then they practice speaking loudly. T controls.. Eg: S1: How many teachers are there? S2: There is one. So on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> T prepared B5 on the sub-board B5. Count the items:( 8m) already. Eg: T guides Ss to do the exercises. S1: How many people are there? One asks and one answers; the others S2: There’re 4. number in the boxes. So on T corrects ( in textbook) 4/ Production: (10m) * Write it up: a/ pen/ 3 Eg: T gives Ss more writing exercises. How many pens are there? Ss write on the board. There’re 3. T asks Ss to correct. b/chair/1 T corrects at last. c/ stool/ 15 d/ lamp/5 e/ schoolbag/ 48 5/ Homework: - Learn the words; the model sentences. - Do the exercices in workbook. - Prepare C1- C4. Date P 16 Unit 3 - Lesson 5: C1- C4 I/ Aims: Reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs. II/ Language contents: * Grammar:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> What does he/ she do? He/she is a student. * Vocabulary: (n) An engineer A doctor A nurse III/ Techniques: - model senteces - network - word cue drill - open prediction IV/ Teaching aids. Cassette Pictures. V/ Procedures:. T’s and Ss’ activity T asks Ss to check their knowledge. Ss answer. T gives Ss marks. Then T pastes the picture ( p. 38 ) T elicits Ss and teaches the new words, the new model sentences. T reads, Ss repeat chorally; individually. T presents all on the board. Reading once more. T asks Ss to play games to remember the new language.. Contents 1/ Warm up: (5m) T:How many students are there ? S: answer. So on 2/ Pre-reading:( 10m) *Pre teach: An engineer( n) A doctor A nurse *Model sentences: What does he/ she do? He/she is a student. *Networks:. JOB T introduces something about the text.. *Open prediction: ( 5m) T asks Ss to predict before reading. Ss guess.. Then T lets Ss listen to the tape once. After that, Ss read it silently. T calls some Ss to read it loudly. Next Ss answer the questions. Ss practice in pairs, one asks and one answers. The others write. T tells the others to correct.. Lan’s family How old….>? What does he/she do? Father Mother Brother Lan 3/ While- reading: (15m) * Keys: a/ There’re 4. b/ He’s 40 c/ He’s an engineer. d/ She’s 35. e/ She’s a teacher..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> T at last corrects.. T guides Ss to do word cue drill. Ss practice in groups first, writing and speaking. Then Ss say loudly, and write. T corrects.. f/ He’s 8. g/ He’s a student. h/They’re in the living room. 4/ Post - reading:( 5m) C2. Talk about Song’s family: *Word cue drill: a/ Mr Kien/ doctor/ 42 b/ Mrs Oanh/ nurse/ 39 c/ Lan/ student/ 15 d/ Song/ student/ 12 5/ Homework: -Learn the words; the model sentences. -Read the text again. -Do the exercises in workbook. -Prepare Grammar practice.. Date: P 17. Unit 3 - Lesson 6: REVISION ( grammar practice) I/ Aim: Ss will practice more with to be, imperatives, question words with furniture vocabulary. II/ Language contents: *Grammar *Vocabulary III/ Techniques: - Gap fill( in textbook) - Simon says - pictures drill - Dictation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> IV/ Teaching aids: - books - pictures V/ Procedures:. T’s and Ss’ activity T asks Ss to check their knowledge. Ss answer. T gives Ss marks.. T systemizes all kinds of TO BE nps have been learning. Ss answer. ThenT asks Ss to play the game. Ss pracice in groups in some minutes. Then pairs say the completed sentences. T controlls.. Contents 1/ Warm up: (5m) * Marks: T: how many people are there in your family? Ss: answer T: how old is your father? S: answer T: what does he do? Ss: answer 2/ Activity 1: TO BE ( 10 m) * Gap fill ( in text book) * Keys: 1/ am-am 3/ are-am are-is is-is are is- isn’t 2/ am-is are- aren’t is-are are. Ss play more games. Groups of 8 practice speaking. 3/ Activity 2: Imperatives (10m) * Gap fill (4 a 4e in textbook) * Keys: T asks Ss to complete the sentences in workbook. Ss practice in groups. Then they say the new sentences. T corrects.. T asks Ss to play ‘ simon says’. Ss play onb their onw. Ss look at the pictures in textbook and practice in groups first. Then pairs ask and answer. The others write. T corrects.. a/ in b/ down c/ your d/ your e/ up. * Simon says. (5m) 4/ Activity 3: Question words. ( 5m) * Gap fill:in textbook( 5, 6, 8, 9 ) * Picture drill. * Keys: 5/ There’s 1. There’re 6 There’re 2 There’s 1 6/ what- is Where-live Who-is what- is 8/ hello-how- fine- you- thanks * Picture drill.( 5m) 9/ that-is-yes.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Ss continue doing the exercises in workbook. T controls.. This- is-isn’t * Dictation (5m) 7 a;b 5/ Homework: - Learn the words; the grammar - Redo the exercises - Do the exercises in workbook - Prepare test 45’..

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