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Unit 5 Study habits

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 10 Period: 29 Date: October 4th , 2016. UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS LESSON 5: write. I.AIM: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the sections of the letter. They will develop writing skill. They can write a guiding informal letter to a friend to notice their study results. II. LANGUAGE CONTENT:  New words: result, Lunar New Year, Mid Autumn Festival, Moon festival, enjoyable. . Grammar: Simple tenses (review). III. TECHNIQUES: Brainstorming, ordering/ matching, synonym, antonym, situation, chitchat, teacher’s eliciting, substitution writing. IV. TEACHING AIDS: V. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES . BRAINSTORMING. * Students work in small groups. They think about how they studied in the first mid – term. * These words may be used: - excellent - good - fair - bad - poor - fail - pass. * Ex: - My English was not good.. CONTENT. 1. WARM UP/ Brainstorming My math was fair. How you studied in the first mid - term My English was not good.. My music was not bad. My history was poor..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - My literature was fair. … . Chitchat. - Did you finish your first mid- term? - Yes, I did. - How did you study in the first mid – term? - My math was good. My English was not good. - What did your teacher say? - She said I should work harder for it.  Teacher introduces the lesson: After having your study result, you should tell something about this. You can write a letter to your friend. The lesson today will help you do that.. . Matching. Students have to match the four sections with the parts of a letter: A/ Body of the letter B/ Heading C/ Closing D/ Opening 1/ 12 Tran Hung Dao Street. … 2/ Dear Tim, 3/ Thanks for your letter. … 4/ Regards, * Key: B – 1 D – 2 A–3 C–4 . 2. PRE WRITING Outline of a letter 1/ Heading: address and date 2/ Opening: Dear … 3/ Body of the letter. 4/ Closing: Love, Regards, Best, Your friend,. Teacher’s eliciting:. - How many parts are there in the letter? Notes: - (Four.) - Dear Tim, ( name of a receiver) - What do you call each part? - Thanks for your letter. - (Heading. Opening. Body of the letter. - I am pleased to hear Closing) you had an enjoyable Christmas - What can be written in each part? vacation. (Present and past tenses) - (Heading: writer’s address and the date. enjoyable (a), enjoy (v) - Opening: Dear Tim / name of a receiver The Lunar New Year (1/1) - Body of the letter: Thanks for your letter. Mid Autumn Festival // I am pleased to hear you had … all your news. Moon festival (15/8 Lunar) - Closing: Your friend. Regards, Love.. - Who wrote the letter? … - Who received the letter? …. - Hoa wrote the letter. - Tim received the letter. - What can be mentioned in the letter?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - What can be mentioned in the letter? - Thanks for something, feelings, …  Teacher takes some notes.. - Thanks for something, feelings, grades for subjects, teacher’s advice, intention, asking a friend to reply the letter.. 3. WHILE WRITING  Substitution writing Students’ writing.  Teacher asks the students to help Lan *Cues: write a letter to her pen pal Donna in San - Mother’ Day Francisco. - second semester report/ last month  Students can use the words/ - good grades/ Geography/ Physics/ Math or cues given: - teacher/ tell/ improve English/ History  Students can replace the underlined - in a few weeks/ Mid – Autumn Festival/ parts of the model letter. Moon Festival- Ha Long Bay/ aunt and uncle/ bus/ Ex: I am pleased to hear that you had an this afternoon enjoyable Christmas vacation. - send you/ postcard We received our first semester report a few days ago. … 4. POST WRITING/ Marks (10pts) Tan Chau, November 4th , 2016 Dear Donna,  Students exchange their writings and Thanks for your letter. I’m pleased to hear you had a help their partners find mistakes. happy Mother’s Day.  Teacher gives some students marks I received my second semester report last month. for good writing. I got good grades for geography, physics and math,  Teacher gives them key. but my English and history were poor. My teacher told me to improve them. I think I have to study harder next semester. Next month, we are going to celebrate the Mid – Autumn Festival. That’s a moon festival in Autumn or Fall in Viet Nam. I am going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoon and I am going to stay there with them until after the festival. I’ll send you a postcard from there. Write soon and tell me all your news. Best, Lan. Teacher helps students with their homework. - To develop writing skill.. 5. HOMEWORK a. Write a letter to your former teacher on Teacher’s Day next week. b. Prepare: Language focus 52, 53 Adjectives. Adverbs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - To prepare for the new lesson: Language focus. + To consolidate forms of adjectives and adverbs.. + To consolidate direct and reported speech.. good bad fast hard Examples: …. well. Direct speech. Reported speech. Sit down, please.. She asked me - -. * CHECKING ATTENDANCE. CLASS 8A4: ……… / 42………………………………………… CLASS 8A5: ………/ 42………………………………………… * COMMENTS. …………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………….…………………………………….

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