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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Name: __________________________. 15 MINUTE TEST 2. Class: 8/__ I. Write the opposites of these words. (2pts) 1/ majority >< ___________________ 2/ spoken. >< ___________________. 3/ modern. >< ___________________. >< ___________________. 4/ simple. II. Complete the sentences with the words given in the box. (3pts) heritage site stilt houses terraced fields member ethnic festivals 1/ My Son in quang Nam province has been recognized by UNESCO as a world ______________. 2/ _______________ have been popular among many of Viet Nam’s ethnic groups for a long time. 3/ The ___________________ of Sa Pa have entered in the Top 11 most beautiful terraces in the world, according to Touropia. 4/ Lunar January is the time for important ___________________________ 5/ In our country, it is against the law to discriminate against any ___________ or religious group. 6/ The exhibition building of the Museum of Ethnology was designed by the architect Ha Duc Linh, a ________________ of the Tay ethnic group.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: __________________________. 15 MINUTE TEST 2. Class: 8/__ I. Write the opposites of these words. (2pts) 1/ majority >< ___________________ 2/ spoken. >< ___________________. 3/ modern. >< ___________________. >< ___________________. 4/ simple. II. Complete the sentences with the words given in the box. (3pts) heritage site stilt houses terraced fields member ethnic festivals 1/ My Son in quang Nam province has been recognized by UNESCO as a world ______________. 2/ _______________ have been popular among many of Viet Nam’s ethnic groups for a long time. 3/ The ___________________ of Sa Pa have entered in the Top 11 most beautiful terraces in the world, according to Touropia. 4/ Lunar January is the time for important ___________________________ 5/ In our country, it is against the law to discriminate against any ___________ or religious group. 6/ The exhibition building of the Museum of Ethnology was designed by the architect Ha Duc Linh, a ________________ of the Tay ethnic group..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. (1pt) 1/ The Raglai people have a ( tradition ) _______________________ musical instrument made of bamboo called the chapi 2/ They decide to use ( little ) ________________________ electricity than usual 3/ The Muong in Hoa Binh are well-known for the ( rich ) ______________________ of their folk literature and traditional songs. 4/ The peoples of Viet Nam are (diversity)______________________ but very peaceful. IV. Each sentence has an error. Underline and correct it. (2pts) 1/ In the past, some ethnic groups live a semi-nomadic life. ________________________. 2/ Their cousin runs as fastly as he could because he’s missing the train. _____________________. 3/ All the ethnic peoples in Viet nam have equality in every fields. ________________________. 4/ They travel to a nearest town to go shopping. ________________________. V. Make question for the underlined parts. (2pts) 1/ Mrs Pha goes to the market twice a week. ______________________________________________________________? 2/ They made yellow sticky rice an hour ago. ______________________________________________________________? 3/ Her neighbour made this skirt for her. ______________________________________________________________? 4/ Yes. Vang’s boarding school is far from his house. ______________________________________________________________?. III. Use the correct form of the words in brackets. (1pt) 1/ The Raglai people have a ( tradition ) _______________________ musical instrument made of bamboo called the chapi 2/ They decide to use ( little ) ________________________ electricity than usual 3/ The Muong in Hoa Binh are well-known for the ( rich ) ______________________ of their folk literature and traditional songs. 4/ The peoples of Viet Nam are (diversity)______________________ but very peaceful. IV. Each sentence has an error. Underline and correct it. (2pts) 1/ In the past, some ethnic groups live a semi-nomadic life. ________________________. 2/ Their cousin runs as fastly as he could because he’s missing the train. _____________________. 3/ All the ethnic peoples in Viet nam have equality in every fields. ________________________. 4/ They travel to a nearest town to go shopping. ________________________. V. Make question for the underlined parts. (2pts) 1/ Mrs Pha goes to the market twice a week. ______________________________________________________________? 2/ They made yellow sticky rice an hour ago. ______________________________________________________________? 3/ Her neighbour made this skirt for her. ______________________________________________________________? 4/ Yes. Vang’s boarding school is far from his house. ______________________________________________________________?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 5/ They speak English very good. ________________________. 6/ He could controlled a horse last year. ________________________. 7/ I has moved to the city for ten years. ________________________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span>

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