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Unit 6 Future jobs

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Warm up:. Score A. B. Write down a list of jobs you know in 2 minutes. teacher, doctor, engineer, farmer, student, president, worker, driver, lawyer, secretary, builder, writer, singer, pilot, police, air hostess…. 1. Would you like to be ……….? 2. What job would you like to be in the future? =>I would like to be _______ in the future..

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> interviewee (n). interview / 'intəvju/ (n/v) She is having a job interview. They are interviewing.. interviewer (n).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Saturday, November 12th, 2016. UNIT 6: FUTURE JOBS Lesson 1: Reading a passage about the interview. I) Pre-Reading: 1) Discuss the questions.. What factors do you think would help you succeed in a job interview? -wearing casual clothes -feeling nervous -giving clear, honest answers -having a good sense of humour -feeling self-confident -avoiding difficult questions ->I think ______ would help me succeed in a job interview. What should you do before/during/after the interview?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 2) New words - résumé (n):. a short written account of someone’s education and previous jobs : bản lý lịch - jot down (v) : to note down : ghi lại tóm tắt EX: Let me jot down their phone numbers and I’ll call them later. -keenness (n) sự say mê, sở thích keen (adj) on + sth/ doing sth -vacancy /'veikənsi/(n) a job that is available for someone to start doing: một vị trí hay chức vụ còn bỏ trống vacant (a) - make an effort = try (v) Nỗ lực cố gắng -qualifications (n) bằng cấp, trình độ, tiêu chuẩn chuyên môn -create a good impression on sb: gây ấn tượng tốt với ai You should create a good impression ____ your teacher. A. to. B. of. C. on. D. about.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3) Rub out and remember new words - résumé (n):. bản lý lịch. - jot down (v). ghi lại tóm tắt. -keenness (n). sự say mê, sở thích. -vacancy /'veikənsi/(n) - make an effort = try (v) -qualifications (n). một vị trí hay chức vụ còn bỏ trống Nỗ lực cố gắng. bằng cấp, trình độ, tiêu chuẩn chuyên môn. - create a good impression on sb:. gây ấn tượng tốt với ai.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> II) While – Reading: Read the passage and do the tasks that follow. Preparing for a job interview can be stressful, particularly when you are called for the first interview. Below are some pieces of advice that can help you reduce the feeling of pressure and create a good impression on your interviewer. Before interview You should finding out as much as possible about the job and vacancy. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumés to the company to express your interest in the job and to show that you might be the most suitable candidate for the position. When you come to the interview, remember to bring with you your schoo certificates and letters of recommendation from your teachers or your previous employers. In addition, you may jot down your qualifications and experience that can relate to the job and prepare for the questions that Are often asked during the interview. Make sure you know where the interview is and how to get there. Be on time or a few minutes early. Don’t forget to dress neatly and formally..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> II) While-Reading: During interview You should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interview asks. Be clear, polite and honest. If you do not know something about the more technical aspects of the job, admit it and stress that you are willing to learn. Show enthusiasm when the job is explained to you. Always show your best side, your keenness to work and your sense of responsibility. Don’t forget to say goodbye to the interviewer before leaving the office. After interview If you are offered the position, congratulations! If you do not get the job, try not to be too disappointed. Think about the interviewer's comments. Because they may help you prepare better when you are called for the next job interview. Good luck!.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Interview Before the interview. During the interview. After the interview. -think about the -finding out about -always showing interviewer's best side, keenness comments. What should do the job andyou vacancy before the interview? -bringing school -dressing neatly -shouldn’t be too What should you do certificates & letters disappointed and formally during the interview? -sending a letter of of recommendation What should you do without getting -answering all the application and after the interview? the job questions clearly, your résumés -preparing for the politely, and honestly -saying goodbye questions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Task 2: Role play Student 1: You are going to have a Student 2: You are an job interview next week. Ask your experienced expert. Give some friend for some advice advice to your friend. Example: S1: I’m going to have an interview next week. Would you please give me some advice? S2: Sure, There’re some advices you should follow before, during and after the interview. S1: What should I do before the interview? S2: You should…………………………… S1: Do I need to………./ Should I………….. ? S2: Yes, ………/ No, ……………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> UNIT 6: FUTURE Lesson 1: Reading JOBS Homework: 1.Learning new words by heart. 2. Writing a short paragraph (within 100 words) about some advices you may succeed in a job interview..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4) Complete the following sentences with the words in the box. keenness keen jot down résumé interview interviewer vacancies interviewee 1. Scientists have established that …………. . declines with age, particularly after the late fifties. 2. The boss had an .…………….. with all the applicants yesterday. 3. There are over 3 million people unemployed and only 400,000 …………………… 4. The ……………. can ask the …………. about the company and. the position he is applying for. 5.Please attach a copy of your …………… and a photograph. 6.Remember to ..………some ideas before practising writing an essay..

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