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Unit 15 Space conquest

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLANS     . PREPARED DAY: March 6th, 2017 TEACHING DATE: March 8th,2017 PERIOD: CLASS: 11A7 MATERIAL: Tieng Anh 11 Textbook Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST LESSON “ SECTION A. READING (p. 166, 167, 168).  OBJECTIVES: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to know and remember well some vocabulary about the lesson and read the text to scan and skim information about the text.  AIMS o LANGUAGE FOCUS  Grammar: past simple tense  Vocabulary: relating to some main points about space consquest. o Language skills: listening, speaking, reading.  TEACHING AIDS: Students’ book, notebook, projector, chalk, board, laptop.  PROCEDURE: next page.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TIM E. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES Teacher asks students to pay attention.. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Students pay attention to the teacher.. -. Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and guess name of the people.. Students look at the pictures and guess name of the people.. -. Teacher gives feedbacks. Students take note if necessary.. -. Teacher asks students to answer some questions. Students answer some questions. -. Teacher corrects and gives feedbacks. -. Students take note if necessary. Teacher shares more information about four people.. -. Students pay attention to the teacher.. CONTENT PRE- READING ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP. Guess name of the people in the pictures and answer some questions.. Yuri Gagarin. Pham Tuan. Neil Armstrong. Buzz Aldrin. -. QUESTION 1. Who was the first human to fly into space? 2. Who were the first humans to set foot on the moon? 3. Who was the first Vietnamese to fly into space? ASNWER 1. Yuri Gagarin was the first human to fly into space. 2. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to set foot on the moon. 3. Pham Tuan was the first Vietnamese to fly into space.. -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> NEW VOCABULARY. -. Students open their books page 133.. 1. 2. 3. 4.. Teacher asks students to open their books page 133.. -. Teacher introduces some new vocabulary and asks students to take note.. Students listen to the teacher and take note. -. Teacher pronounces and asks class to repeat the new vocabulary. Pay attention to the teacher. -. Teacher calls some students to reads aloud the new vocabulary.. Students read aloud the vocabulary.. -. Teacher corrects their pronunciation. Students attention teacher. -. Teacher asks students to focus on the text. Students focus on the text. -. Teacher plays the audio (1 time) and asks students read the text silently.. Students listen to the audio and read the text silently.. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.. Lift off: phóng lên Orbit: quỹ đạo Cosmonaut = Astronaut: phi hành gia Weightlessness: trạng thái không trọng lượng Precisely = clearly, exactly = rõ ràng Psychological tension: trạng thái tâm lý Satisfaction: thỏa mãn, đáp ứng Tragic: bi kịch, thảm họa Deal with = solve: giải quyết. WHILE- READING ACTIVITY 2: Read the text in textbook carefully. QUESTION 1. How many paragraphs are there in the text? 2. What the first/ second/ third/ fourth/ fifth paragraph in about?. -. ANSWER 1. There are five paragraphs in the text 2. The first paragraph is about the lift- off - The second paragraph is about a view on the Earth - The third is about uncertainties. to. pay the. Teacher reads the text again. Students attention teacher.. Teacher calls some students to translate into Vietnamese. Students translate into Vietnamese.. to. pay the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> -. The fourth paragraph is about congratulations The fifth paragraph is about the tragic accident.. ACTIVITY 3: Work in pairs. Read the text again and answer the question. QUESTION 1. When did Yuri Gagarin lift off into space aboard the Vostok 1? 2. How old was Gagarin when he became the first human being in space? 3. How long was he in space? 4. What questions were raised before Gagarin’s space light? 5. What was the speed of his spacecraft in orbit around the Earth? 6. Why couldn’t Gagarin make a new space light? 7. What was done after Gagarin’s death to honour this national hero?. -. Teacher asks students some questions and calls some students to answer.. Students answer the questions.. -. Teacher asks students if they have other answer.. Students show their ideas. -. Teacher corrects the answers and give feedbacks. Students pay attention to the teacher.. -. Teacher asks studetns to look at task 2 page 168.. Students look at task 2 page 168. -. Teacher asks students to work in pairs to read the text again and answer the questions. Students work in pairs to read the text again and answer the questions.. -. Teacher goes around for help.. Students do groups work. -. Teacher call some students to present and explain their answer.. Students present and explain their answer.. Teacher lets the whole class correct. Class correct their friends’ answers.. Teacher feedback corrects.. Students pay attetion to the teacher.. ANSWER 1. Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space abroad the Vostok 1 on 12th April, 1961. 2. He was 27 then. 3. He was in space for 108 minutes. 4. They were what would happen to a human being in a space or how the body would react to the extreme changes in temperature or how the mind would deal. gives and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> with the psychological tension. 5. It was more than 17,000 miles per hour. Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. 6. Because he died in a plane crash on a routine training flight in March 1968. 7. After his death, his hometown of Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin, and the Cosmonaut Training Center at Star City, Russia, was given the name of this national hero. POST- READING ACTIVITY 4: Choose True or False.. -. 1. Yuri Gagarin is an American 2. He lifted off into space abroad the Vostok 1 on 7th April, 1961 3. His flight lasted 108 minutes 4. Nguyen Tuan is the first person to eat and drink in weightlessness. 5. He dead in March 1968 because a tragic accident. ANSWER: 1. F => He is a Russian 2. F => He lifted off into space abroad the Vostok 1 on 12th April, 1961 3. T 4. F => Yuri Gagarin is the first person to eat and drink in weightlessness. 5. T. HOMEWORK - Learn by heart new words and structures. - Teacher asks students to prepare the new lesson, part B.Speaking. -. -. Teacher asks studetns to close their books. Students close their books. Teacher reads aloud these sentences for students to decide whether the statements are T or F. Students decide whether the statements are T or F. Teacher corrects and give feedbacks. Students attention teacher.. Teacher reviews the lesson.. Students attention teacher.. Teacher asks students if they have any. - Students ask teacher if they have any. to. pay the. to. pay the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> questions. questions..

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