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de thi tien giang 2015

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH LỚP 10 NĂM HỌC: 2015- 2016 Mã đề : 209 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH NGÀY THI : 10 / 6 / 2015 I/ PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: ( 8.0 ĐIỂM) Pick out ONE best option to complete each of the following sentences: ( 3.0 pts) 1.Thu Ha is not satisfied with her preparation for Tet………………….she has decorated her house and made plenty of cakes. A. because B. so C. even though D. if 2. Maryam and Lan are penpals and they………………….at least once every two weeks. A. suppose B. respond C. postpone D. correspond 3. Miss Nga said, “ I love these roses”. →Miss Nga said that …………………………………………… A. she loves those roses B. I love these roses. B. she loves these roses. D. she loves those roses. 4. These villagers have never had Internet access before, ………………..? A. hadn’t they B. had they C. have they D. haven’t they 5. Nam wishes there ……………….no more natural disasters in the future. A. would be B. had C. will be D. are 6. In the `1990s the worldwide economic…………..got worse and worse, and the sale of jeans stopped growing. A. demand B. status C. atmosphere D. situation 7. The city of Kobe in Japan…………………by a huge earthquake in 1995. A. was badly damaged B. damaged badly C. badly was damaged D. badly damaged 8/ Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism are among the popular………………….in Malaysia. A. languages B. religions C. customs D. nationalities 9/ In Italy in 1981, a tornado lifted a baby,………………..was asleep in its baby carriage, into the air and put it down safety 100 meter away ! A. whose B. whom C. who D. that th 10/ Workers in the 18 century loved wearing jean cloth because the material was very strong and it did not wear……………….easily. A. out B. off C. up D. on.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 11. If you …………………able to take a space trip, what……………..you do to prepare for the trip? A. are- could B. was – would C. will – can D. were- would 12.Hoa: That’s a great picture that you’ve painted You :…………………………………………… A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Yes, it is very beautiful. C. You are welcome D. You can say that again Pick out ONE best option ( A, B, C or D) to fill in each numbered blank, completing the meaning of the passage( 2.o pts) Kobe is a major commercial port city ( 13)………………..Japan, the capital of Hyogo Prefecture, southwestern Honshu Island, on Osaka Bay , near the city of Osaka. Local ( 14 )………….production includes rice and other grains, fruits and vegetables, and tea. Shipbuilding and production of rubber goods are of primary importance ( 15)…………….the city. Chemicals, machinery, railway cars, electrical equipment, textiles, refinded sugar, flour, and sake are also( 16) ……………..here . Behind the narrow coastal site of the city are the Rokko Mountains, on( 17)………………there are hot springs and suburban residences and hotels. The city did not become important( 18)…………..the 1860s, when Japan was opened to foreign trade. On January 17, 1995, a strong earthquake( 19)…………….below Awaji Island across the bay from Kobe. It was the most deadly earthquake to hit Japan since 1923. The quake( 20)………………..buildings and bridges to collapse and fires broke out throughout the city. In all, about 5,000 people died and more than 21,000 people were injured. More than 30,000 building were damaged by the quake and resulting fires, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless. 13. A. behin B. on C. at D. in 14 A. industrial B. commercial C. agricultural D. financial 15. A. for B. on C. to D. of 16 A. discovered B. produced C. transported D. designed 17. A. that B. which C. what D. where 18. A. during B. as C. until D. when 19. A. carried B. destroyed C. struck D. went 20. A. made B. caused C. let D. helped Pick out the word that is of different topic ( or part of speech) from the others( 0.5pt) 21. A. spasm B. wedsites C. viruses D. magazines 22. A. lively B. friendly C. lovely D. quickly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Pick out the word that has the underlined syllable pronounced differently from the others: ( 0.5pt) 23. A. tool B. balloon C. flood D. typhoon 24. A. stopped B. watched C.talked D. lived Read the passage below and then pick out ONE best option( A, B, C or D) for each of the following sentences or questions: ( 1.5pts) Coral reefs* are found in tropical seas throughout the world and provide shelter for hundreds of different plants and animals. They look like flat beds of rock, but in fact they are formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures. Almost one half of the world’s coral reefs occur in shallow sea, near to the coastline of over one hundred countries. Millions of people depend on these corol reefs for their livehoods. The majority of natural products which come from corol reefs, such as fish, shells and seaweed, can be sold, either locally or in export markets. Not only does the person who collects the products earn money, but also those people who prepare, market or sell them. In some countries, coral reefs are the main natural resource. In the Maldives, for example, 25% of the workforce is employed in fishing. In addition, 56 % of the national economy comes from reef-based tourism. This means that a substantial number of people are employed in tourism-related jobs. Fishing is normally an occupation for adult males, particularly where it involves the use of boats, and other people are often excluded from it. Coral reef fisheries, on the other hand, are usually accessible on foot, so work is not restricted to men. In fact, collecting fish and other products from the reefs is generally the job of women, children and even the elderly.  coral reef: rặng san hô 25/ What is the main idea of this passage? A. The economic importance of coral reefs. B. The structure and location of coral reefs. C. Fish exports for countries with coral reefs. D. Female unemployment in coastal villages. 26/ According to the writer, coral reefs look like……………….. A. flat beds of rock. B. shallow waters near to the coastline. C. shelters for plants and animals. D. skeletons of tiny sea creatures..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 27/ Which of the following is NOT true? A. food B. energy C. home D. safety 28/ Which of the following is NOT true ? A. Many people make a living from coral reefs. B. Women do not normally go fishing on boat. C. Almost fifty percent of coral reefs are in shallow seas D. The only way to make money from coral reefs is to sell the products. 29/ What percentage of workers in the Maldives fish for a living? A. 56% B. 50% C. 25 % D. 60% 30/ It is implied in the passage that reef fisheries…………………. A. are excluded from boat fishing B. are done by people of all ages. C. are done by using boats D. are restricted to men. Pick out the word that has the main stressed syllable syllable pronounced differently from the others: ( 0.5pt) 31/A. situation B. generation C. material D. university 32/ A. wander B. become C. respond D. deny. II/ PHẦN TỰ LUẬN ( 2.0 điểm) Write an essay of 100-120 words about the preparations that should be made for an up-coming typhoon. You may use the expressions and the cues given below: Introduction Body. Typhoon / very destructive In order / minimize/ the damage,/ following preparations/ made Firstly, buy canned food and other essential things( markets/ closed/ no food/ available) Next , fill/ buckets/ water( the water pipes/ damaged/ typhoon). Besides,/ fix/ leaks/ the roof( it/ rain hard) Finally ,/ tie/ house roof/ the ground/ pegs and ropes/ check/ windows and door latches( there/ be/ strong winds.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> blowing) Conclusion. In conclusion, if everyone/ make/ these preparations well, they/ safely survive/ typhoon..

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