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Grammar Test

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Open the brackets using the correct tense form, match the pictures to the sentences. 1.. Tony (sit)__________ and (watch TV) ____________when I (come) ______________to help him with his work project. I (not/be)_____________ surprised as he usually (do) ___________things like this on weekend. 2. Samantha (be) _______really overweight but she (can)________ dance well. Last night when we (come)___________ to he show, some people (stand)_____________ and (applaud) ___________during her last dance. 3. This morning I (notice)______________ that my cat was gone. I (be) _______so sad but in few minutes I (hear)_________ some weird sounds that (come)___________ from the tree. I (look) ___________out of my window and (see) ___________my cat that (sit)__________ there. My father (take) ____________a ladder and (climb)_______________ the tree and (save) ____________ my cat. Neighbours (be)_________ so curious that they (watch) _________________my dad all the time. 4. Roy (buy)_____________ a new bike yesterday. Today he (decide)________ to (test)_______ it. But when he (ride)_____________ it the bike (break)______________. Now Roy (have) to return it to the store or (fix) ____________it himself. 5. Yesterday while I (go) ____________ home from the gym I (feel)____________ very thirsty. Luckily, I (see) __________ a little girl that (sell)__________ lemonade. I (come up) _________ to her, (buy)___________some and (drink)__________it. I (feel)__________ very refreshed. 6. A TV reporter announced: “Today there (be) _____________a robbery in Bank Delta. The robbers (take) ______________5 million dollars and (disappear)_____________in unknown direction. They (use)_____________guns during the robbery. They (tell) ________the personal: “(Give) us all the money or we (shoot)____________”. 7. When I (come)__________ to Josh he (paint) ___________ the walls. He (ask) me (not/touch) anything as the paint (be)___________ wet. 8. My father(be)_____ a mechanic and he (work)________ with cars. When I (come) to him yesterday he was (repair) his boss’ car. 9. Every morning Lisa (come)__________ up to her bathroom scales and (weigh)_______ herself. He (hope)_________ she (lose)__________ some kilos soon as she (join)_________ a gym two weeks ago. She (be/already)______________________ there five times. 10. While Joshua (paint)______________ a portrait of his wife for her birthday she (be)______ away. Actually she (finish)__________ her work project at that time. 11. Julia (eat)_______ a big hamburger every morning and (drink)______ a lot of soda. She (put on/recently)__________________ a lot of weigh. If she (continue)____________ this way soon she (not/be able)______________________to fit into any of her favourite dresses. 12. Today as Linda (go)_____________ down the street she (see)___________a boy who (sell) ______________ newspapers. She (buy)___________one and (find)______________out that her favourite actress (just/get divorced)______________________. 13. An unbelievable story (happen)__________ a week ago. My boss (return)_____________ from a business trip and (go)_________ straight to work. He (be)_____ so tired that he (fall)_________ asleep right among all the documents. When his secretary (come)________in the next morning she (see)_________ that her boss (sleep)_____________. The computer (work) ____________ all night while the boss (sleep)__________________ on the keyboard. 14. Look at this woman! She (stand)__________ and( think)____________ about buying this dress. She (not/know)__________________ what to do. I think I (help) ____________ her. 15. Oh my God! It (be)_____ nine o’clock and we (run/still)______________! We (be) __________ late! 16. Last Tuesday as I (return)__________ home I (see)________my neighbour. He (work)__________in the garden and (sing) __________ some melodies. He (not/see)______me. 17. Jimmy’s trainer (be)____ very strict. Look! He (shout)_________ at him right now! He (do) _______ this very often. He(say)______ that Jimmy (not/do)___________ his best. 18. Carla (be)______ very busy today. She (just/finish)_________________ cleaning the bathroom. In few minutes she (tidy) _________her kitchen. She (tidy)____________it every Saturday. 19. Look at Laura! She (to think)__________ about something. (you/know)_________________ what she (think)______________ about? 20. John (be)_____angry yesterday. He (work)________on his report for more than 5 hours and then his computer (break down)___________ and all the information was (lose)_______. John (get)____________ really mad and (break) _____________ it!.

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