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viet lai cau

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>VIẾT LẠI CÂU: 1.My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early (refused) -My teacher ...............................................................early. 2.Jill sang without stopping for an hour (continued) -Jill ...................................................hour without stopping. 3.Jack thinks he is going to do well (expects) -Jack...................................................................well. 4.What are your plans for the summer? (intend) -What ........................................................ for the summer? 5.Clearing up my room is something I dislike! (hate) -I ..............................................................my room. 6.Liz said she’d go to the cinema with me. (agreed) -Liz.........................................................the cinema with me. 7.See you later, I hope. (hope) -I ................................... later. 8.What do you fancy doing this evening? (want) -What ..................................................this evening? 9.I waited for him until 6.30 and then gave up (which) -I waited for him until 6.30 .................................. gave up. 10.We suggested a lot of things which were rejected. (was) -Everything ..................................................rejected. 11.If someone understands this book, they are cleverer than I am. (is) -Anyone ........................ cleverer than I am. 12.I won’t tell you this again, you naughty boy (time) -This ............ tell you, you naughty boy. 13.I don’t really approve of his proposal (what) -I don’t really approve of ....................................proposing. 14.I have read all of her books but one (that) -There is only ...............................................I have not read. 15.I can’t remember the last heavy rain (when) -I can’t remember .................................................... heavily. 16.Do you get on with your next-door neighbour? (who) -Do you get on with ................................ lives next door? 17.We could go to Hanoi by bus, or we could go to Hanoi by train. (either..or)We....................................... 18.Tim enjoys skiing. Mary and John enjoy skiing (not only .... but also) -Not only............................................... 19.John is not in class today. I am not in class today. (Neither ... nor) -Neither .................................................... 20.Mary is fluent in French. Tom is fluent in French, too. (Both ... and) -Both ...................................... 21.They predict that the storm will come today or maybe tomorrow (either ... or) -They....................................... 22.The teacher didn’t come to class, and the students didn’t come to class (neither... nor) -Neither.......................... 23.Lan enjoys listening to music, and she also enjoys reading. ( not only ..but also) -Lan.......................................... 24.Ann doesn’t like this kind of food, I don’t like this kind of food. (Both... and) -Both.......................................... 25.John inflated the tyres of his bike ( blew) - ............................................................ 26.I suffered from obsessive and agonising thought. (prey) - ................................................................. 27.He can hardly read at all (virtually) - ........................................................................................... 28.He can speak French well enough to go to the conference (fluent) - ................................................................ 29.His arrival was completely unexpected (took) - ........................................................ 30.The first sign of the disease is a feeling of faintness (onset) - .......................................................... 31.He began by giving us a summary of his progress so far. (outset) - .................................................... 32.As an antidote to their disappointment, he bought them ice-cream ( offset) - ..................................................... 33.I travel by bus only when I have no alternative (resort) - .......................................... 34.Sarah wore dark glasses so that no one would recognise her (avoid) - ...................................... 35.Anne was afraid the neighbours would despise her for not having a washing machine (look) 36.If only you had tried harder, you might have passed the exam ( effort) - ...................................................... 37. “ I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?” (mind) - ........................................................ 38.It might be better if that paragraph was omitted (leave) - .................................................. 39.Bill reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck (put) -............................................................ 40.Why not tell him the truth and be finished with it? (get) - .................................................. 41.Mark had difficulty in accepting the loss of his money. (hard) - ............................................ 42.It wasn’t my intention to upset you. (mean) - ....................................................... 43.The children pestered us for sweets (kept) - ......................................................................... 44.They don’t mind which film they go to (matter) - ................................................................................ 45.He continued his his story ,even though no one was listening. (went) - ...................................................... 46.If I were left alone, I’d finish the job quickly. (interrupting) - ..................................................................... 47.The notice said that you couldn’t smoke in class (forbidden) - ......................................................................... 48.My mother did not like my new shoes (disapproved) - ................................................................................. 49.She was dismissed because her typing was poor (lost ) - .................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 50.He spoke confidently and that impressed me. (which) - ..................................................................................... 51.She doesn’t know the difference between margarine and butter (tell) - ................................................................... 52.He is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive religion. (authority) - .............................................................. 53.He took no part in the discussion. (contribute) - .................................................................................................. 54.How do you explain the difference between the two witnesses’ stories? (account) - ........................................... 55.He is certainly not stupid. (mean) - .................................................................. 56. “You don’t appreciate me,” she complained. (granted) - ............................................................... 57.After the death of the giant they lived in peace (once) - ................................................................. 58.The man in that painting bears a strong resemblance to my uncle. (remind). - .................................................... 59.Someone has stolen her bicycle. (had) - ........................................................................... 60.People knew they were spies. (known) - ........................................................................... 61.I found it when I was looking through some old paper. (came) - ............................................................. 62.We didn’t go in case we were recognised. (fear). - .......................................................................... 63.After two hours the bridegroom still hadn’t appeard (sign) - ...................................................................... 64.We could just discern the buildings through the fog (make) - ......................................................................... 65.It is my strong belief that John was responsible. (suspect) - ........................................................................ 66.He has a good relationship with all his students (gets) - ........................................................................ 67.His rude behaviour is too much for me. (put) - ............................................................................... 68.The meeting was well attended. (turned) - ............................................................................... 69.It was obvious that the old house was past its prime. (days) - ...................................................................... 70.As a boy, he was a regular churchgoer. (used) - ......................................................................... 71.How likely is it she will pass the exam? (chances) - ......................................................................... 72.The film didn’t come up to my expectations. (short) - .................................................................... 73.I can’t stand stand that dreadful noise any longer. (enough) - ......................................................................... 74.I’d rather we started at seven. (preference) -................................................................... 75.There ‘ll be trouble if you do that again. (better) - .................................................................. 76.The accident wasn’t his fault. (blame) - ................................................. 77.Most people know that Britain’s economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil. (common) - ..................................................... 78.I’d be greatful if you would check these accounts for me. (mind) - ............................................................... 79.It’s likely that the contractor will complete the work before February. (take) - ............................................... 80.That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (grown) - ............................................................ 81.He said he was anxious about the plight of the homeless (concern) - ............................................................. 82.Their house has been broken into 3 times this year. (had) - ............................................................................ 83.I would always do what you advised. (advice) - ...................................................................... 84.He did the puzzle in two minutes. (solution) - ............................................................................................... 85.He owed rescue to a passer-by (indebted) - ............................................................................................... 86.There was not a single copy of the new book left in the shops. (sell-out) - ....................................................... 87.You must be on time for your interview. (essential) - ...................................................................................... 88.Only if you work hard now have you any chance of success. (depends) - ......................................................... 89.He will not be put off by their comments (deter) - ........................................................................................... 90.She complains too far often for my liking. (frequent) - .................................................................................... 91.Some people accept that nuclear war is inevitable. (resigned) - ...................................................................... 92.I find his handwriting very hard to read. (difficulty) - ......................................................................................... 93.The fridge is completely empty. (left) - ......................................................................................................... 94.Money is of little value on a desert island. (counts) - ....................................................................................... 95.Can you tell me where the Midland Hotel is? (direct) - ...................................................................................... 96.The Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement. (fit) - ..................................................................... 96.Don’t pay any attention to what she says. (notice) - ........................................................................................... 97.He will have to accept your offer. (option) - .......................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 98.Not many people attendded the meeting (turnout) -................................................................................................ 99.He has definitely agreed to accept the job. (committed) - ..................................................................................... 100.The old lady’s handbag had been slolen. (robbed) - ........................................................................................ 101.There’s an unpleasant odour of sweaty sock in here! (smell) - ............................................................................ 102.Is homework compulsory at that school? (have) - ............................................................................................... 103.It is certain that the new cuts are will worry the staff (bound) - ......................................................................... 104.John is very dependable. (let) - ............................................................................................................................. 105.They accused me of causing the accident. (blame) - ......................................................... 106.They aer likely to come. (doubtful) - .................................................... 107.His favourite breakfast is porridge and kippers. (what) - ............................................................................... 108.After the scandal he was asked to resign. (hand) - ......................................................................................... 109.That’s got nothing to do with you. (business) - ............................................................................ 110.I’d never been to Rome before. (visiting) - ................................................. 111.Be sure to say goodbye to your grandmother bepore you leave. (without) - ........................................................ 112.That sort of behaviour is deplorable, in my opinion. (approve) - ............................................... 113.The new lecturer was unpopular with his students (take) - ............................................................................... 114.The last political scandal of this kind took place 50 years ago. (since) - ............................................................. 115.Women are not allowed to enter the inner temple (let) - ............................................................... 116.They’ll have to take the dog on holiday with them. (behind) - .................................................. 117.Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy. (conclusion) - ...................................................... 118.You must drive more slowly in town. (reduce) - .............................................................. 119.The girl’s behaviour was incomprehensible to the Head Teacher. (loss) - ........................................................ 120.They will think your nephew slote the money. (suspected) - ............................................. 121.Fred tried hard to start the car, but without succes. (matter) - .............................................................. 122.The Arnolds consider Henry a good friend. (look) - ............................................. 123.Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer (succeeded) - .................................. 124.The new ambassador is well-informed about current affairs. (wide) - ........................................ 125.They were brought up in a conventional, middle-class way. (theirs) - ............................................... 126.That United will beat City is a foregone conclusion. (bound). - .................................................................... 127.The rate of inflation has fallen steadily during recent months. (decline). - .................................... 128.It was Jill who pointed the mistakes out to me. (attention) - .................................. 129.They were on the point of cancelling the match when the opposition arrived. (call). - ................................................. 130.Not many people attended the concert. (poorly) - ................................................................................... 131.The train is 5 minutes in leaving (due) - ........................... 132.This licence is valid until December 31st (expiry) - ................................................. 133.One essay is just as bad as the other. (choose) - ........................................................ 134.Most doctors agree that smoking is bad for your health. (harm) - ............................................................... 135.There is less chance that Olsen will become champion after his recent defeat. (blow) - ................................... 136.It’s a waste of time to tyr and explain anything to Tony. (worth). - ..................................................... 137.Most people consider that slealing is wrong. (everybody) - .................................................. 138.Give in to and you’ll regret it. (stand). - ................................................................. 139.Final year students don’t have to attend lectures. (optional) - .............................................................. 140.Please would you send me further details of the job advertised? (grateful) - ...................................................... 141.The critic had a low opinion of the new play. (much) -........................................................................... 142.I doubt if Mary will want to see Christopher in the circumstances. (hardly) - ................................................ 143.Dicken’s last novel was unfinished when he died. (without) - ............................................................................ 144.All the hostages were released yesterday by the kidnappers. (let) - ...................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 145.John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (came) .......................................... 146.He said he disapproved of people who smoked. (expressed) - ................................................................. 147.He is very likely to come. (probability) - .......................................... 147.The cause of the explosion is still unknown. (caused) - .................................................................. 148.The judge sentenced the defendant to 6 months in prison. (jailed) - ........................................................... 149.I never thought of going by train. (occurred) - ....................................................... 150.We’d better leave them a note, because it’s possible they’ll arrive later. (case) -........................................... 151.Before he came here he worked for Mr. Smith. (previous) - ......................................................................... 152.He speaks German extremely well. (command) - .................................................................... 153.His criticisms are quite unfair. (justification) - ..................................................................................... 154.I can’t understand why they are reluctant to sign the contract (baffled) - ........................................................ 155.I always find chess problems like that quite impossible (defeat) - ................................................................... 156.This must be kept secret. (know) - ................................................................. 157.I can’t afford a new dress: that old blue one will have to do. (make) - ........................................................... 158.You can’t possibly expect me to have supper ready by 8 o’clock. (question) - ................................................. 159.It is my opinion that there is no advantage in further discussion. (see) - ........................................................... 160.Please excuse Jane’s poor typing; she’s only been learning for a month. (allowances) . - ..................................................... 161.Ther is no way that yuong man can achieve success in this test. (bound). - ......................................................... 162.Although the dog appeared harnless, it was, in fact, quite dangerous. (contrary) - ......................................................................... 163.If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played for England. ( represented). - ......................................................................... 164.This hotel is inaccessible in winter. (possible) -...................................................................... 165.As far as I know he is still working in Bristol. (knowledge) - .............................................................................. 166.I don’t think there will be any applicants for this post. (likelihood) - .................................................................... 167.It was difficult for Susan to believe the good news. (hardly) - ........................................................... 168.You must make allowance for this inexperience. (account) - ............................................................................ 169.This contract is not binding until we both sign it. (bound) - .......................................................................... 170.He wasn’t blame for the accident. (fault) - ....................................................................................................... 171.You shouldn’t take his help for granted. (assume) - .................................................................. 172.Mr. Bill managed to repair the garage roof only because his neighbour helped him. (without) - ............................................................................ 173.Nobody is infallible. (mistakes) - ........................................................................................................................ 174.The last Olympic Games were held in Seoul. (took) - ...................................................................................... 175.He talked about nothing except the weather. (sole) - .................................................................................... 176.In the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrets) - ....................................................................... 177.It is stupid of you to refuse Richard’s offer of a loan. (idiot) - .................................................................... 178.The company has decided to replace this model. (intention) - ..................................................................... 179.In the next few years we’ll probably hear a lot more about enviromental pollution. (likely) - ........................................................ 180.Their problems are all self-inflicted. (making) - .................................................................................... 181.The travel agent was able to offer a 50% reduction on holidays to the Costa Brava. (half). - ............................................................................................................ 182.If you take that job, you’ll have to get up at 6 a.m every morning. (mean). - .................................................................................. 183.The only thing they could do was to look for a new flat. (alternative) - ...................................................... 184.His last letter to me was written 3 years ago. (heard) - ................................................................................ 185.If only one could rely on what she says. (pity) - ......................................................................................... 186.An open fire can’t be compared to central heating. (comparison) - ..............................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 187.I remember very few things about my childhood. (scarcely) - ..................................................................... 188.Some people say that Tsiolovsky invented the space rocket. (credited) - ..................................................... 189.I daren’t turn on the television because the baby might wake up (fear) - ...................................................... 190.Some people will do anything to lose weight. (lengths) - .............................................................................. 191.The two theories appear to be completely different. (common) - ............................................................... 192.Several members of the committee said they were worried about the chairman’s proposals. (concern). - ....................................................................................... 193.The river Volta overflowed last year. (burst) - ................................................................................. 194.He doesn’t appreciate his wife. (granted) - ............................................................................................. 195.The number of people out of work has been going down little by little. (gradual). - ........................................................................................ 196.Bill never had enough to live on until he married that rich businesswoman. (short). - ............................................................... 197.William decided that an actor’s life was not for him (cut) - .............................................................. 198.The President arranged for me to use his chauffer-driven car whenever Iliked (disposal) - ....................................................................................................... 199.My car has lost its appetite. (off) - ..................................................................................... 200.The children made every effort to please their father. (best) - ............................................................... 201.His behaviour was rather a shock to me. (aback) - .................................................................................... 202.They decided not to go by boat because they thought it would be seasick. (fear). - ............................................................................................. 203.The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (getaway). - .......................................................................... 204.People don’t want to buy car with large engine any more. (call) - ............................................................ 205.Twenty years ago this region produced twice as much coal as it does now. (halved). - ........................................................................................................ 206. Prime Minister is unlikely tocall an early general election. (likelihood) - ........................................................... 207.Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (beyond). - ..................................................................... 208.The project received the unanimous approval of the committee. (favour) - ...................................................... 209.Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. (blame) - ............................................................. 210.His reactions are quite unpredictable. (knows) - .......................................................................................... 211.There are several categories of people who donot have to pay the new tax. (exempt) - ............................................................................................................. USE THE WORDS OR PHRASES GIVEN TO MAKE COMPLETE SENTENCES. YOU CAN ADD MORE WORDS IF NECESSARY. 1.I/enjoy/ listen/ classical music/ night.  ................................................................ 2.He/ accused/ me/ have stolen/ money.  ................................................................ 3.Be/ Australia/ many times/ she/ know a lot/ this country.  .................................................................. 4.Have heard/ news/ she/ fainted.  ....................................................................................... 5.We/ object/ work/ Sundays.  ................................................................................. 6.After / have looked/ this toy/ she decide/ buy/ it.  ........................................................... 7.too tired/ I/ go home/ bit earlier.  ........................................................................................ 8.Be careful/ when/ cross/ road.  .................................................................................... 9.many volunteer students/ spend/ summer holidays/ work/ volunteer hospitals.  ........................................... 10.many people/ choose/ spend/ 12 months/ work/ poor countries.  ................................................................ 11.more and more/ young people/ doing voluntary work/ abroad.  ................................................................... 12.we/ happy/ receive/ donation/ £500/ your company.  ........................................................................ 13.they/ raising/ funds/ help/ homeless children.  ............................................................................................. 14.handicapped people/ always need/ help/ overcome/ difficulties.  ..............................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 15.I/ thinking/ study/ abroad.  ......................................................... 16.read/ comic strips/ be / my son/ hobby.  .................................................... 17.she/ thank/ me/ lend her/ my literature book.  ............................................................ 18.two boys/ admit/ steal/ my pocket calculator.  ......................................................................... 19.leading actor/ confess/ nervous.  ............................................................................. 20.Jim/ suggest go/ Italy/ summer vacation.  ....................................................................... 21.I/ keen/ listen/ claasical music.  ....................................................................... 22.Tom/ apologise/ late/ the meeting.  ......................................... 23.Manager/ get along well with/ employees  ....................................................................... 24.Jane / promise/ keep in touch/ us/ Australia.  ......................................................................... 25.Time of year/ workers/ laid off/ lack of work.  .................................................................. 26.Mr Smith/ fired/ laid off?  .......................................................... 27.My brother / work at a bank/ for the time being/ later/ try to find / job/ airport.  ............................................. 28.I/ feel like/ have breakfast/ this morning/ because / headache  .................................................................... 29.In the long run/ this vase/ great value.  ......................................................................... 30.When / buy a new motorbike/ take/ petrol consumption/ account.  ...................................................... 31.Hat/ way?  ............................................. 32.Thong Nhat Park/ name/ Lenin.  ........................................................ 33.Her coming back /take/ surprise.  ................................................................ 34.His father’s death/ no choice/ drop out of school/ job.  ................................................ 35.Factory / close down/ account/ economic depression.  ........................................................ 36.He / retire/ daughter/ carry on/ business.  ............................................................................. 37.Book / interesting/ put down.  .................................................................................. 38.New machinary/ put in/ this year/ with a view / increase output.  ............................................ 39.Regard/ your application/ regret to inform/ vacancy/ already/ fill.  ................................................... 40.Regard/ complaints/ afraid/ nothing/ say.  ....................................................................................... 41.Addition/ have/ considerable experience/ new secretary/ bilingual.  ............................................ 42.Stand to reason/ apply for a job/ person/ use a computer/ advantages/ those/ cannot.  ..................................................................... 43.Parents / once/ well-off/ go out of business.  ............................................................ 44.Keep/ eye/ baby/ while/ buy /milk.  ........................................................................... 45.Speak/ louder/ he / hard of hearing  ...................................................................... 46.Sorry/ slip/ tongue.  .............................................................................................. 47.Wait/ tip/ tongue.  ......................................................... 48.He/ cannot afford/ small flat/ suburb/ let alone/ big house/ city centre.  ........................................................... 49.They / advantage/ hospitality/ stay/ whole week/ without/ pay.  ...................................................................... 50.I/be used / get up early/ don’t mind/ leave/ 5 o’clock/ morning.  .............................................................. 51.He / used to/ go hunting/ forests/ younger.  ............................................................... 52.Hardly/ I/ water/ garden/ begin/ rain.  ................................................................................... 53.Who/ take/ minutes/ last meeting?  .............................................................................. 54.Permanent members/ United Nations/ Security Council/ have a veto/ proposal.  .............................................................. 55.I/ take / granted/ she/ take shorthand. ................................................. 56.Male students/ Hanoi University of Foreign Studies/ minority/ female students/ majority.  ........................................................................................... 57.She / furious/ he/ take/ notice/ her.  ....................................................... 58.No point/ join/ club/ full of eccentrics ........................................................... 59.She/ never/ fail/ word/ so far.  ........................................................ 60.His account/ far/ true. ................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 61.He/ mortgage/ house/ start/ business. .................................................... 62.Not easy/ get a mortgage/ old house.  ...................................................... 63.We/ buy/ car/ hire-purchase.  ......................................... 64.They/ pay/ house/ monthly installments.  .......................................................... 65.I/call/ police/ resort. ........................................................ 66.Standard practice/ pay a deposit / order. ............................................... 67.Very deep freezer/ I / look for. ............................................................... 68.Castle/ date/ 9th century  69.Steps/ make/ wine/ follow  70.How old/ be/ vote/ your country?  71.Privatization/ think/ benefical/ in that/ promote competition.  72.They argue/ sake/ argue.  73.He / torn/ love /duty.  74.We/ coffee/ his expense.  75.It /being/ holiday/ few shops/ open.  76.Sheep/ outnumber/ people/ New Zealand/ twenty to one.  77.His plans/ a recipe/ failure.  78.German and Italian courses/ hold/ Munich and Rome / respectively.  79.He/ not /sense of humour.  80.Novel/ adapt/ radio/ English original.  81.Needless/ say/ you /must/ have a driving licence/ drive a card.  82.Queenland/ second largest state/ Australia.  83.Your spoken English/ better/ your written E/ vice-versa?  84.Her writing/ better/ her reading/ other way round?  85.Government/ try/ wipe out/ drug trafficking. 86.Gone /days/ when/ you/ buy/ three-course meal/ under £1.00.  87.Firms/ interested/ employ people/ over 40/let alone/ over 50.  88.My E/ not good/ read novels/ original.  89.She/ never/ read book/ translation.  90.He/ die/ glass of beer.  91.London/ five hours/ ahead/ New York.  92.Hanoi/ one hour/ ahead/ behind Bangkok?  93.Recent developments/ have far-reaching consequences/ country’s economy. 94.Two sides/ fail/ agreement.  95.Difficult/ feel/ home/ foreign language.  96.You/ entitled/ drive a car/without your driver’s licence. .

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