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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of Preparing:25/09/2021 Date of Teaching: 7B2:29/09/2021 7B3: 27/09/2021 7B4:27/09/2021 Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 4: B1, 3 A. Objectives:. Period 10. 1. Knowledge By the end of this period,ss will be able to talk about dates of the year and the pronunciation. 2. Skill: Listening , speaking , reading , writing 3. Attitudes: Students love works 4. Competence and quality: 4.1. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques : Brainstorming, Matching. D. Contents: I. Organization . 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up: 5’ * Brainstorming. March September April. Months. June.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III. New lesson. 35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities 1. Presentation. 15’ *. Ordinal numbers. Introduce B1 on page 24 and let Ss listen to the tape once. Explain how to form ordinal numbers from cardinal numbers. Give the note. Explain how to read ordinal numbers. Let Ss listen to the tape again and repeat. Call on some Ss to read the ordinal numbers aloud. *. Months. Have Ss review the months in a years through the game “Matching”. Work in pairs. Call on some pairs to give the results. Give feedback.. Contents I. Ordinal number. *. Ordinal number = Cardinal number + “ th” Notes: + first (1st) : thứ 1 , ngày mồng 1 + second (2nd) : thứ 2 , ngày mồng 2 + third (3rd) : thứ 3 , ngày mồng 3 + fifth (5th) : thứ 5, ngày mồng 5 + ninth (9th) : thứ 9 , ngày mồng 9 + twelfth (12th) : thứ 12 , ngày 12 + twentieth (20th) :thứ 20 , ngày 20 *. Matching. A. B. 1. November a. tháng 3 2. May b. tháng 7 3. June c. tháng 12 4. October d. tháng 6 5. March e. tháng 1 6. December f. tháng 11 7. February g. tháng 4 8. January h. tháng 5 9. August i. tháng 9 10. April j. tháng 2 11. July k. tháng 8 12. September l. tháng 10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 2. Practice.10’ *. Write the months in order from first to twelfth. Call on some Ss to read aloud before class (from first to twelfth) Give feedback. *. Listen and write the dates. Introduce B2 and explain the request. (Use a calendar). +What is this? _> It’s a calendar. Let Ss listen to the tape twice to write the dates. Ask Ss to compare their answer with a partner. Call on some Ss to give their answers. Give feedback. Let Ss listen to the tape again and check the answers 3. Further practice.10’ Thao July 19th Sing a song: “Twelve months” Have Ss sing a song “ Twelve months” to consolidate the months. Have Ss repeat the song. Call on Ss to sing a song again. *) Survey. Teacher writes a table on the board: Teacher asks students go around the class to fill in the table like this example:. II.B3:*. Keys. January , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. III.B2*.Keys. _ The first of July The fourteenth _ The nineteenth The seventeenth _ The sixth The thirty- first *. Twelve months. _ January and February sha lá la lá là là. March and April May _ June July and August December ( sha lá lá la lá September and October November and la là)2 _ There are 12 months in a calendar year . Sha la la that make a year. IV. Survey.. Example: S1: When’s your birthday? S2: July 19th Etc.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> IV. Summary.2’ read month of the year V. Homework:3’ - Learn by heart 12 months _ Practice reading and writing ordinal numbers _ Prepare B4. Evaluation. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Date of Preparing:25/09/2021 Date of Teaching: 7B2:30/09/2021 7B3: 29/09/2021 7B4:29/09/2021 Period 11 Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 5: B4 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to listen for factual information. 2. Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3. Attitudes: Students love works 4. Competence and quality: 4.1. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques : word square, open prediction , comprehension questions, write it up D. Contents: I. Organization . 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up:5’ *. Chatting.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 1. What’s your name? 2. Where do you live? 3. What’s your telephone number? 4. When’s your birthday? 5. Who do you live with? III. New lesson:35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities 1. Pre reading.10’ *. Pre teach vocabulary. Elicit some new words and explain them Check: “ Rub out and remember” *. Predictions. Ask Ss to predict what questions Mr Tan ask Hoa and the answers Give feedback.. Contents I. Vocab _ nervous (adj) : bồn chồn, lo lắng _ worry (v) : lo lắng _ on (prep) : vào (ngày, tháng) _ next : …tới. II. Reading: 1. Pre- question: 1. What’s your name? 2.What’s your date of birth? 2. While reading.15’ 3.What’s your address? a. Listen and read. 4.What’s your telephone number? Have Ss listen to the tape twice. *. Keys: Ask Ss to check if their prediction is right 1. Pham thi Hoa or not. 2. June eight Give feedback and correct. 3.12 THD street. Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the 4. 8262019 dialogue. 2.comprehension questions. Call on some pairs to practice the dialogue 1. L. N before class. 2. How old is Hoa now.? Correct pronunciation. 3. How old will she be on her next b. Lucky numbers. birthday? Ask Ss to work in group (2 groups) to 4. L.N answer the comprehension questions 5. When is her birthday? though the game. 6. Who does Hoa live with? If Ss choose a lucky number, Ss will not 7. L.N answer. 8. L.N If Ss choose a question, Ss will answer that 9. Why is Hoa worried? question. *. Keys: *. “Lucky number” 2. Hoa is 13 years old. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3. She’ll be 14 on her next Give feedback. birthday..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 3. Post Reading.10’ 1. Ask and answer by themselves. Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about them. Call on some pairs to practice before class. Give feedback and correct. 2. Fill in the gap. Ask Ss to use the information from the dialogue to fill in the student registration form in B5 / 26. Have Ss work in groups ( Book close) Collect the registration form from Ss Remark. Ask Ss to do the requests. 5. Her birthday is on June eighth 6. She lives with her uncle and aunt 9. Because she doesn’t have any friends. *.Keys: 1. I’ll be ………on my next birthday. 2. I live with……….. 3. I live in / at ………. *. Keys: Name: Pham Thi Hoa Date of birth: June eighth Address : 12 THD street Telephone : 8262019. IV. Summary.2’ ? What do we learn today? V. Homework.3’ - Learn new words. - Do exercise3,4 /11 - Prepare B6,7, Evaluation. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ______________________________________________________ Date of Preparing:25/09/2021 Date of Teaching: 7B2:2/10/2021 7B3: 2/10/2021 7B4:2/10/2021 Period 12 Unit 2: Personal information Lesson 6: B6,7 A. Objectives: 1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to write an invitation birthday card. 2. Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing 3. Attitudes: Students love works 4. Competence and quality:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 4.1. Competence: - General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to use language, cooperation capacity,… - Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,.. 4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities, live humanty, cooperate with people around,… B. Teaching aids: a. T: Textbook, picture,cards, cassette, board, chalk b. S: books, workbook. C. Techniques : lucky number, What and Where, comprehension questions, gap fill, D. Contents: I. Organization . 7B2:....................................... 7B3: ...................................... 7B4: ...................................... II. Warm up:5’ * Lucky numbers. 1. What’s your name? 2. What’s your date of birth? 3. Lucky number. 4. Lucky number 5. Where do you live? 6. Lucky number. 7. What’s your telephone number? 8. How old will you be on your next birthday? III. New lesson:35’ Teacher’s & Students’ activities Contents 1. Pre reading.12’’ I. Vocab Pre teach vocabulary. - party (n) : bữa tiệc Elicit some new words. - invite (v): mời Check “What and Where” . -> invitation(n): lời mời -> invitation card : thiệp mời - join (v) : tham dự Give a poster with questions on the board. - fun (n) : niềm vui Ask Ss to read the questions and guess II.Reading. the answers. 1. Pre questions: Call on some Ss to give their answers 1. What’s her name? Give feedback. 2. How old is she now? 3. Where does she live? 2. While reading.13’ 4. When is her birthday?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 1. Listen and read. Have Ss listen to the tape once. Ask Ss to read the text silently. Compare with their answers. 2. Checking for pre-questions. Ask Ss to read the text again and answer pre questions. Call on some Ss to give the answers Give feedback and correct. Ask Ss to read the text again and complete the invitation card. Guide Ss do the task. Call on some Ss to give their answers Give feedback and correct. 3. Post reading.10’ Ask Ss to work in groups to discus what they will do when they’re guests at Lan’s birthday. Call on some Ss to give their answers. Give feedback and correct.. 5. When will the party start and finish? *. Keys: 1. She is Lan 2. She is 12 now 3. She lives at 24 Ly thuong kiet street. 4. Her birthday is on May 25th 5. The party will start at 5 o’clock in the evening and finish at 9.00. 2. Gap filling. *. Keys: Dear……., Sunday, May 25th at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet street 5.00 – 9.00 Lan . *. Keys. a. I’ll give Lan ( a present) b. I’ll get to her home by( bike / motorbike / walk…) c. I’ll sing the songs….. d. I’ll eat cakes and candy, fruits e. I’ll drink coca cola, soft drink. f. I’ll leave at about 8 /…. IV. Summary. 2’ ? What do we learn today? V. Homework. 3’ - Write an invitation to your birthday party. - Do exercise 5 /12. - Prepare Unit 3 (A1) - Speaking: Can you tell me some things about yourself? Can you introduce yourself? Evaluation. ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… _________________________________________________.

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