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Prepositions 1trucch

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>PREPOSITIONS 1 1. I live … Tan Chau, Tay Ninh. 2. She lives …. Nguyen Hue Street. 3. He lives ... 12 Tran Phu Street. 4. We are … the school yard. 5. They are … the house. 6. I am not late … school every day. 7. I am getting ready … school. 8. We are usually … time. 9. I get up … six every morning. 10. Which grade are you … ? 11. His classroom is … the second floor. 12. I have classes … seven .. eleven. 13. What does she have … Monday? 14. What do you do .. … dinner? 15. Are you busy … the morning? 16. Are you tired ….. working hard? 17. There are trees and flowers … the park. 18. Minh’s house is next … a store. 19. He works … the factory. 20. Minh lives … his parents. 21. The restaurant is … the museum and the stadium. 22. There is a big yard … front of the house. 23. Is there a well … the left of the house? 24. We go home … foot. 25. They come back home … bus. 26. He is going to visit Hue … a car. 27. A farmer arrives … the farm. 28. We arrive … Ha Noi by train. 29. He is taking the vegetables … the market. 30. You cannot go … that street. 31. What is … lunch? 32. I’d like a box … chocolates. 33. I like reading books … English. 34. I listen to music … my free time. 35. I am going to stay … a hotel. 36. I am going to stay … my aunt. 37. They are going to stay … their grandpa’s house. 38. I am going stay in Hue … a week. 39. I stay at home … Saturday morning. 40. What are you going to do … the weekend? 41. Everest is the highest mountain … the world. 42. I am going … vacation this summer. 43. What are you going to do … the vacation? 44. What is the weather like … the spring? 45. I am … France. 46. We are … Australia. 47. We have lots … beautiful mountains.. KEY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.. in on at in in for for on at in on from … to on after in of in to in with between in to on by in at in to into for of in in in with at For on on/ at in on KEY: 42. on 43. in 44. in 45. from 46. from.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 48. They produce a lot … rice. 49. We should put it … you bag. 50. They work … the field/ …. the farm. 51. Why do these Asian animals … danger? 52. The Mekong River flows … the Bien Dong. 53. Write the exercise … your notebook. 54. Keep … the grass. 55. The tower … London is beautiful. 56. How far is it … here … the post office? 57. We learn about past and present events … history class. 58. I am not ashamed ……anything I’ve done. 59. He has always behaved ……a perfect gentle man. 60. His meeting was call … b/c the chairman was ill (call off=cancel) 61. His answers … our questions were not entirely satisfactory. 62. He is married … an ambitious woman. 63. His reports are always based … considerable research. 64. That proposal is not acceptable … our company. 65. If we don’t understand the lesson, we ask our teacher for help. 66. His word is very difficult. Please explain … me what it means. 67. I remember he mentioned …… something about that subject. 68. I am annoyed when people talk … the concert. 69. I’ve been searching … the place to start a new life. 70. She will be back at about six. I will call her … six. 71. He was born … November 26th, 2000. 72. She will leave for Ha Noi … June. 73. They come back home … May, 2010. 74. Those books … the back of the library are in English. 75. He is good … fixing things. 76. Coffee is bad … children. 77. There aren’t any good movies … at the moment. 78. Thanks … inviting me. 79. I like hearing … how students live in Viet Nam. 80. Take a look .. a typical student grade 7 … Hoa. 81. Can you send me a photo … you? 82. My mother works at home. She takes care … the family. 83. Robots are working … top speed. 84. What do you want … the post office?.

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