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TEST FOR UNIT 2 grade 7

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Name: __________________________________. Mark. TEST FOR UNIT 2 Time allocated: 60 minutes A – LISTENING How do these people keep fit? Listen and tick () what they say 0. 1. 2. 3..  swims regularly goes climbing runs plays sports exercises at work walks jogs rides a bicycle. 4. 5. 6.. exercises regularly plays sports runs rides a bicycle plays sports does daily exercise. B – PHONETICS Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 7. A. seaside B. police C. combine D. hygiene 8. A. of B. fan C. leaf D. half 9. A. page B. game C. go D. gift 10. A. begun B. funny C. sun D. autumn C – VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Put the correct sentence under each picture. - I feel tired - I have stomachache - I have a sore throat. - I have a flu - I have toothache - I have a temperature. - I have a cough - I have earache - I have a headache. - I feel cold. 11. _____________________________. 12. _____________________________. 13.. 14. _____________________________. _____________________________. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 15.. _____________________________ 16._____________________________. 17.. _____________________________. 18. _____________________________. 19. _____________________________. 20. _____________________________. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence 21. I was 40 kilos last month. Now I’m 42. I __________ weight. A. put B. get C. am putting on D. getting on 22. What are the __________ of a cold? A. symptoms B. signs C. signals D. shows 23. The weather is __________ today. It’s worse than yesterday. A. well B. nice C. awful D. fine 24. It’s very unpleasant but nobody knows __________ for a cold. A. a treat B. a cure C. a way D. a measure 25. Were you ever absent _________ school last term? A. of B. for C. with D. from 26. Eat __________, exercise regularly, then you’ll be fit and healthy. A. well B. good C. fine D. careful 27. Every year, millions of people __________ a cold. A. catch B. get C. have D. All are correct 28. Oh, you were sick. How __________ you __________ now? A. do/ feel B. did/ feel C. are/ feel D. were/ feeling 29. Did Mom write a __________ for you? A. sick form B. ill paper C. ill note D. sick note 30. Take an aspirin or any other tablet __________ the pain. 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> A. to kill B. to break C. to give up D. to take off 31. Mr. Jones often travels to New York by plane. He often __________ by American Airlines. A. fly B. goes C. went D. flew 32. Your temperature is high. You’re having a __________. A. cold B. fever C. coughing D. sneezing 33. They just help you __________ the symptoms. A. relieve B. reduce C. move D. A and B are correct. 34. Could you tell me the way to the chemist’s? I need some __________. A. sweets B. food C. medicine D. stamps 35. Did you walk or come __________ car this morning? A. with B. in C. through D. by Match the problem in column A with the appropriate advice in column B A B 36. My eyes are getting weaker. _____ a. Wash your face regularly. 37. I feel sad. _____ b. Don’t shout or sing much. 38. I have spots. _____ c. Cool down your room. 39. I have a sore throat. _____ d. Wear a sun hat. 40. I get sunburnt._____ e. Wear warm clothes and drink hot water. f. Go outside and play with friends. g. Spend less time on computer Identify the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. Then correct it. 41 – 42. Eric now drives his bike to school instead of travelling by bus. A B C D Correction: ________________________ 43 – 44. You must try to make these chilren clean their tooth. A B C D Correction: ________________________ 45 – 46. I am tired from watching the same programs again and again. A B C D Correction: ________________________ 47 – 48. Where were you yesterday? You don’t come to school. A B C D Correction: ________________________ 49 – 50. Cold is the more common illness because millions of people catch it every year. A B C D Correction: ________________________ D – READING Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank. You have a headache and you sneeze and cough. Your (51) _______ is all stuffed up, and it keeps running, so you have to blow it every few minutes. You know by these ______(52) that you have a cold, and you feel completely ______(53). You are not sure if you will live through the day. Everyone suffers ______ (54) the common cold at some time or other. It isn’t a serious______(55), but over a billion dollars a year is spent on different kinds of cold medicine every year. This medicine can relieve the symptoms. That is, it can make you cough ______(56), make your head less intense, and stop your nose ______(57) for a while. However, it can cure your cold. So far, ______(58) no cure for the common cold and no medicine to prevent it. 3.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Although there is no cure or preventive medicine for colds, people have all kinds of ideas about ______(59) to prevent and treat colds. Some people think that if you eat a lot of onions, you won’t each cold. ______(60) say that you should avoid getting wet and chilled, or you will catch cold. However, this is apparently not so. [ stuff: nghẹt, ngạt; get chilled: bị lạnh; apparently: hiển nhiên] 51. A. nose B. face C. head D. mouth 52. A. diseases B. fevers C. cures D. symptoms 53. A. sad B. hungry C. miserable D. thirsty 54. A. from B. of C. with D. about 55. A. misery B. illness C. headache D. wrong 56. A. less B. fewer C. much D. more 57. A. walking B. jogging C. running D. flowing 58. A. it is B. there is C. they are D. there are 59. A. what B. why C. where D. how 60. A. Other’s B. Another C. Others D. Other Read the following passage and decide which sentences are True (T) or False (F) How many calories can you burn in one hour? Well, it all depends on the activity. You use calories all the time, even when you are resting. Reading, sleeping, sitting and sunbathing all use about 60 calories an hour. Very light activities use 75 calories. Examples are eating, writing, knitting, shaving, driving and washing up. Light activities which use about 100 calories an hour include playing the piano, getting dressed and having a shower. Under moderate activities which use between 100 and 200 calories an hour we can put walking, doing housework, shopping and skating. Energetic activities use 200 - 400 calories. These include horse riding, cycling, swimming, skipping, and dancing. Finally there are strenuous activities which use up to 600 calories an hour. These activities include climbing stairs, jogging, digging the garden and playing football. _____61. The amount of calories we use an hour depends on the activities we do. _____62. When we are resting we don’t burn calories. _____63. Reading uses as many calories as writing. _____64. The calories we burn for eating and washing up are the same. _____65. Sunbathing uses more calories than driving. _____66. Having a shower uses only 100 calories an hour. _____67. Walking is a very light activity. _____68. Cycling and dancing use the same amount of calories. _____69. Horse riding uses the most amount of calories. _____70. Playing football uses fewer calories than swimming. E – WRITING Combine sentences, using appropriate coorinating conjuction in the box. and. but. because. so. 71-72. I eat more fruit and vegetables. I want to be fitter and healthier. ______________________________________________________________________________ 73-74. You have a sunburn. You don’t wear a sun hat. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 75-76. You may have an allergy. Be careful with what you eat and drink. ______________________________________________________________________________ 77-78. Tom has a temperature. Tom has a sore throat. ______________________________________________________________________________ 79-80. You are catching flu. You don’t wash your hands very often. ______________________________________________________________________________ THE END. 5.

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