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Unit 5 Study habits

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of teaching: 17-21/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 10 Period: 27 Lesson 1:. UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Section: - Getting started (p.p. 46+47) - Listen and read. I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand the dialogue between Jim and his Mom about his study. a. Grammar: 1. Modal; SHOULD 2. reported speech b. Vocabulary: Some words to talk about study habits, learning a language. 2. Skills: Listening - Reading 3. Attitude: Sts will try their best to improve their English. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound) 2. Students: - Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING: 1. Check the previous lesson: (5’) - T asks Sts a question: What did you do yesterday? 2. New lesson: (40’) Stage. Work. Steps/Activities - T asks Sts to use the following chart, ask and answer:. Arrangement Whole class. “How often do we have French?” - T answers: “We have French 3 times a week.” Math. Physics. History. Warm up. 4 times. Once. Twice. (5’). (1) Literature. (2) Music. (3) English. 5 times. Twice. 3 times. (4) Chemistry. (5) Biology. Twice. 3 times. (6) Geography Whole class Once.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> (7). ( 8). (9) Whole class. Vocabulary:. Whole class. - T introduces the new words.. Pre-Reading (5’). a report card (n) : phiếu liên lạc excellent (a) : xuất sắc, tuyệt pronunciation (n) :phát âm improve (v) :trau dồi, cải thiện be proud of (adj) :tự hào Ex: I am proud of you. promise (v) : hứa hẹn semester (n) : học kì = term Checking: Rub out the meaning in Vietnamese and ask students to fill in again in 2 minutes. T / F statements prediction. Whole class Group work. - T asks Sts to work in groups, read the statements (on poster) and predict they are true or false. a. Tim was out when his mother called him. b. Tim's mother met his teacher at school. c. Tim's report is poor. d. Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar. e. Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish. - T asks them to share with their partners.. Pair work. - Sts go to the board and tick the boxes. - T asks Sts to read the dialogue and check their prediction.. Individually. Listen and Read - T plays the stereo (twice) and asks Sts to look at the book and listen. While-Reading - T asks Sts to read the dialogue (in pairs) again and check their prediction. (15’) Answers: Guess True False a) b). Individually. Correct True False  . Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> . c) d) e) f) Correct:.  . a. F-Tim was in the living room / at home.. Whole class. b. F-his report is excellent. c. F-He needs to improve his Spanish pronunciation. Comprehension questions - T asks Sts to work in groups to discuss the answers to. Group work. the questions on p.47. a. Who is Miss. Jackson? b. What did Miss. Jackson give Tim’s mother? c. How did Tim study this semester? d. What did Miss say Tim should do? e. What did Tim’s mother give him at the end of the conversation? - T asks Sts to write the answers on the board.. Individually. - T gives the right answers on the poster and asks Sts to check if they answer the questions correctly. Answers a) b) c) d) e). She is Tim’s teacher. She gave Tim’s mother his report card. He worked really hard this semester. She said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation. She gave him a dictionary.. Whole class. Whole class. Chatting - T asks Sts to work in groups to ask their partners, using the questions. Post-Reading (10’). Whole class. - T asks Sts to tell the results. Which subject do you need to improve? What subject are you good at? bad at?. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Which subject do you like best? Why? How often do you have Math? Literature? Consolidation (3’) Homework (2’). English? - T asks Sts to think about the way how to improve the. Individually. subject that they are not good at. - Practice reading the dialogue again. - Prepare Unit 5 study habits SPEAK + LISTEN.. Individually. DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: 17-21/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 10 Period: 28 UNIT 5: Lesson 2+3:. STUDY HABITS Section: - SPEAK (p.47) - LISTEN (p.48). I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will know how to talk about their study habits. a. Grammar: 1. Modal: SHOULD 2. Reported speech b. Vocabulary: Some words to talk about study habits, learning a language. 2. Skills: Listening-Speaking 3. Attitude: Sts will have a good study habit – study themselves, and suitable learning method. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 2. Students: -Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING: 1. Check the previous lesson: Ask students to write some new words. Write some sentences, using modal: Should 2. New lesson: Steps/Activities - T asks Sts to write the ideas on the board.. CONTENTS Warm up:  How to improve your English: - speak English to friends in class - watch English T.V - listen to the English radio program - do grammar exercise - read English stories - read English newspapers/magazine - watch films in English - go to the English clubs - speak to foreigners. - T asks Sts to look at these questions on SPEAK p.48 and answer. Pre - Speaking: - T gives some more subjects.  Work in groups. Ask each other about - T guides Sts to read them. your studies. Use the questions and words in - Sts listen and read after (chorus, the boxes to help you: individually).. - Civic education: môn GDCD. - T corrects the mistakes.. - Technology: môn CN - Watch films in English: xem phim bằng Tiếng Anh - Go to the English clubs: đến câu lạc bô tiếng Anh - Speak to foreigners: nói chuyện với người nước ngoài. - T asks Sts to work in 6 groups to ask and. While - Speaking:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> answer the questions.. a) When do you do your homework?. - T moves around and helps Sts if necessary.. - after school, after dinner, late at night, etc. b) Who helps you with your homework? - your parents, your brothers/ sisters, a friend, etc. c) How much time do you spend on these subjects: Math, Vietnamese, History, English, etc.? - half an hour, two hours, less/ more than an hour, etc. d) Which subjects do you need to improve? - Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, etc e) What do you do to improve your English?. - T guides Sts how to interview their friends. - Then Sts move around and interview their friends in groups. - T corrects the mistakes. - T asks Sts to write the commands in their notebooks. - T reminds Sts how to write the reported speech. -T explains: Người phỏng vấn là Trung. Người được phỏng vấn là Nam. Trung đứng trước lớp nói: Ex) - T suggests and Sts do the exercise. Then give the answer. - T suggests and Sts give advice. - T asks Ss to look at “Listen” on page 48 and asks: “What’s this? How many words do you know?”. - do grammar exercises, read English stories, etc Post - Speaking - Trung said he did his homework after dinner. - Tu said his father helped him with his homework. - Minh said she spent two hours studying Math - Phong said he needed to improve Literature. - Ly said she should do more grammar exercises. câu tường thuật động từ lùi về quá khứ một bậc so với câu trực tiếp Ex: Nam said (that) he spent about one hour studying English every day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> LISTEN - T gives new words, writes on the board, Pre - Listening: guides Sts to read, asks the meaning. Listen to the dialogue and complete the - Sts read after the teacher (chorus, report card individually), give the meaning.. New words:. - T corrects if necessary.. - behavior (n) (translation) - a participant (n) (explanation) - satisfactory  unsatisfactory - cooperation (n) (translation) - attendance (n) (translation)- (to) appreciate. Checking:. (translation). Slap the board - T explains the content of Sarah Chen’s Prediction: report card. - T asks Sts to look at Sarah Chen’s report a. Day present: (1) card and predict the missing information and then compare with their partners.. b. Day absent: (2) c. Behavior-participant: (3) d. Listening: (4) e. Speaking: (5). - T plays the tape “Listen”.. f. Reading: (6). - Sts listen and check their prediction g. Writing: (7) While - Listening individually. Keys: - Sts listen again and write notes then read aloud their listening. - T asks Sts to answer some questions about Sarah Chen’s report card.. (1) 87 (2) 5 (3) S (4) C (5) A (6) A (7) B Comprehension questions:. - Sts answer in pairs (the whole class a) Who is Sarah Chen’s Mom? - She’s Mrs. Chen then in closed pairs and opened pairs). b) What is Sarah Chen’s teacher name? - T corrects the mistakes.. - Miss Blake c) Which subject was reported? which term?. - Sts write the answers in their - English, the first term.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> notebooks.. d) What are the comments? - Speaking English is quite well. However she need to improve her listening skill. e) What does S mean? What about: F, U, A, B, C, D? - S means Satisfactory; - F means Fail - U means Unsatisfactory - A means Excellent - B means Good - C means Fair - D means Poor. - T asks Sts to complete the new report Post - Listening card for themselves. A report card - Sts complete the report card in the last Name: ………… Class: ………… second term of grade 7. - T moves around and helps Sts if necessary. - A student writes on the board. Consolidation Homework. - T reminds Sts of the adverbs of manner. - Learn by heart some words, phrases - Ask and answer again the questions on p.48 - Prepare Unit 5 study habits READ (Part 1).. DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: 17-21/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 10 Period: 29 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 4:. Section: READ. (Part 1). (p.p.49+50).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand the text and get specific information – ways language learners learn new words a. Grammar:. 1. Modal; SHOULD 2. Reported speech 3. in order to, so as to. b. Vocabulary: Some words to talk about study habits, learning a language. 2. Skills:. Reading – Listening - Speaking. 3. Attitude: Sts will find out their own way to get the best result in learning English. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound) 2. Students: - Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING: 1. Check the previous lesson: (5’) Ask student to write some new words. Write some sentences, using modal: Should 2. New lesson:. (40’). Stage Warm-up (5’). Steps/Activities. Work Arrangement. Chatting: - T asks Sts some questions about their English. Whole class. learning..  Do you like learning English?  How many new words do you try to learn every day?  What do you do when you read/ see a new word? Pre-Reading (12’).  What do you often do to learn/remember new words? - T introduces the new words. Vocabulary. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> mother tongue (n): tiếng mẹ đẻ meaning(n): nghĩa, ý nghĩa underline (v) gạch chân highlight (v): làm nổi bật stick (v) : dán revise (v) – revision (n): ôn lại, đọc lại Checking: - T writes new words (add some words: different, important) all over the blackboard (not in a list). - T calls on 2 Sts from 2 teams to the front the class and asks them to stand at an equal distance from the blackboard. - T calls out a new word in Vietnamese and 2 Sts must run forward and slap the word on the board. The one. Group work. who first slaps the correct word will be the winner and get one good mark. - The game continues until all the words are slapped. - T teaches some important phrases. make a list: lập danh sách come across : tình cờ thấy, bắt gặp. Group work. learn by heart: học thuộc lòng the right way: cách đúng piece of paper: mẫu giấy nhỏ try one’s best: cố gắng hết sức. Whole class. T/F Statements prediction: - T sticks the poster of T/F statements on the board. a. All language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue. b. Some learners write examples of the new words they want to learn. c. Every learner tries to learn all the new words they come across. d. Many learners only learn the new words that are important. - T asks Sts to work in pair and guess which statements are true, which are false.. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> True / False statements - T asks Sts to read the statements on p.50 then read the text and decide which is true and which is false.. Individually. Feedback: Guess WhileReading (8’). Correct F T F T. a. b. c. d. Correct:. a. All (Some) language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue.. Individually. c. Every learner tries (Many learners do not try) to learn all the new words they come across. Brains storming - T asks Sts to work in groups to make a list of the ways in which language learner can learn new words. learn. translate it into. write each word. on by heart. mother tongue. one piece of paper. Group work. and put it into Ways language learners learn newthe pocket to learn words. Post-Reading. at any time. (10’) learn through Example sentences. Group work. write it on a small piece of paper and. stick everywhere in the house - Sts say about the way they learn the new words at home and what is the best way for them in front of. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> class.. Consolidation. - Write the ways of learning words that you think are. (3’). the best for you.. Homework. Individually. - Learn the lesson and new words.. (2’). - Prepare Unit 5 study habits Read (Part 2). DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: 24-28/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 11 Period: 30 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 5:. Section: READ (Part 2). (p.p.49+50). I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to understand the text and get specific information. a. Grammar: 1. Modal: SHOULD 2. Reported speech 3. in order to, so as to b. Vocabulary: Some words to talk about study habits, learning a language. 2. Skills:. Reading-Listening-Speaking. 3. Attitude: Sts will find out their own way to get the best result in learning English. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound) 2. Students: - Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 1. Check the previous lesson: (5’) - T calls some Sts to go to the board and write new words that they have learnt in Part 1. 2. New lesson: (40’) Steps/Activities 1. Warm up: Review 2. Comprehension Questions: - T asks Sts to work in pairs to find out the answers to the questions on p.50.. Contents. Comprehension questions a. Do learners learn words in the same way? - No, They learn words in different ways. b. Why do some learners write example sentences with new words? - Because they help them to remember the use of new words. c. What do some learners do in order to remember new words? - They write examples, put the words and their meanings on stickers, underline or highlight them. d. Why do not some learners learn all the new words they come across? - They may think they cannot do so. Instead, they learn only important words. e. What is necessary in learning words? - Revision is necessary in learning words.. - T asks Sts to practice asking and answering questions in open pairs and closed pairs.. Ways of learning words Nga 1 Make a list of words, their meanings and learn them by. 3. Post-task:  Survey: - T asks Sts to work in groups. 2 heart. Write sample sentences with 3 new words.. Hoa ….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> of 4 or 5 to interview one another and tick the ways they have used to learn new words.. Stick new words somewhere in 4 the house. Underline. or. highlight. the. 5 words. Read stories in English. Learn words through songs. - T asks Sts to report about their group. 4. Consolidation. “Hoa learns words by making a list of words…….., she also reads stories in English…..” - Sts say about the ways they learn the new words at home and what is the best way for them in front of class. - Write the ways of learning words that you think are. 5. Homework. the best for you. - Learn the lesson and new words. - Prepare Unit 5 study habits WRITE. DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: 24-28/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 11 Period: 31 UNIT 5: STUDY HABITS Lesson 5:. Section: WRITE. (p.p. 50+51). I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the format of a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> a. Grammar:. 1. Modal: SHOULD 2. Reported speech 3. in order to, so as to. b. Vocabulary: the words relating to Mid – Autumn. 2. Skills:. Writing -Speaking. 3. Attitude: Sts will know how to share their studying by writing letter to their best friend. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound) 2. Students: - Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING: 1. Check the previous lesson: (5’) Ask Sts to write some new words. Write some sentences, using modal: Should 2. New lesson: (40’) Stage. Steps/Activities Chatting:. Warm-up (5’). Work Arrangement Whole class. - T asks Sts some questions dealing with writing letters Have you ever written to someone? To whom do you usually write?. Pre- Writing (10’). What do you often write about? Vocabulary - Lunar New Year Festival (explanation) - enjoyable (translation) - celebrate (example) Checking: Rub out and remember. - T asks Sts to put the parts of the letter in the correct order. - T gives feedback. a. Opening. d. Body of the letter. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> b. Closing. e. Signature. c. The date. f. Writer’s address. Answers: 1) (f) Writer’s address. 4) (d)Body of the letter. 2) (c) The date. 5) (b) Closing. 3) (a) Opening. 6) (e) Signature. Whole class. - T asks Sts to read the letter on p.51 to check their order. - T asks Sts to label each section with the correct letter. - T asks Sts to work in pairs and answer some questions. - Give feedback. Questions and answers: a. Who wrote the letter? To whom? - Hoa wrote a letter to Tim, her pen pal. b. What are there in the heading?. Whole class Pair work. - There are the writer's name and the date. c. What is the main part of the letter? - The body of the letter is the main part. d. What did Hoa receive a few days ago? - She received her first semester report. e. Is Hoa good at Math? - No. She is not. f. What subject is Hoa good at?. Pair work. - Science, English and History. g. Where is she going to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival? - She is going to Hue to celebrate the festival with her grandmother. - T asks Sts to practice asking and answering questions. - T asks Sts to do exercise 2 on p.51, Sts have to imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her pen pal Donna in Sans Francisco, using the given information.. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Answers: DT743A Street, Binh An, Di An District Binh Duong Provine Viet Nam. October 25, 2016 Dear Donna, Thanks for your letter. I am glad to hear you had an interesting/ enjoyable Mother's Day. We received our second semester report last month. I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math but my. Whole class. English and History results were poor. My teacher advises me to improve English and History. I think I have to study harder next school year. In a few weeks, we are going to celebrate the mid-Autumn festival. That is an Autumn moon festival in Vietnam. This afternoon, I am While-Writing (10’). going to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus and I am going to stay there with them until the festival comes. I will send you a postcard from there. Write soon and tell me all your news.. Post-Writing (10’). Best, Lan Correction: - T asks Sts some Ss to read aloud their letters and correct the mistakes.. Homework. - Write a letter to your friend to tell him/her about your second semester report and about your Summer holiday. - Learn the lesson and new words. - Prepare Unit 5 - LANGUAGE FOCUS.. DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> _________________________________________________________ Date of teaching: 24-28/10/2016 Class: 8A5, 8A7 Week: 11 Period: 32 UNIT 5: LANGUAGE FOCUS (p.p. 52+53) I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to use adverbs of manner use reported speed with commands, requests and advice. a. Grammar:. 1. Modal: SHOULD 2. Reported speech 3. in order to, so as to. b. Vocabulary: Some words to talk about study habits, learning a language. 2. Skills:. Reading – Listening - Writing –Speaking. 3. Attitude: Sts will know how use the important grammar points to do exercises. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: - Prepare lesson carefully: (teaching aids, make lesson plan by power point, book, laptop, sound) 2. Students: - Learn the previous lesson by heart. - Prepare new lesson at home: (write new words; read text; answer questions) III. STEPS FOR TEACHING: 1. Check the previous lesson: (5’) Ask student to write some new words. Write some sentences, using modal: Should 2. New lesson: (40’) Steps/Activities Warm up. Content a. Is Mr. Hoa’s house new?. - T asks Sts to work in pairs looking at - No, it isn’t. the picture of Mr. Hao’s house using b. Is the wall discolored? the words in the box to say what he - Yes, it is. should do..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> c. How is the door? - T asks Sts to give suggested - It is broken. questions. d. Is there grass in the garden? Yes, there is lots of grass in his garden. - T asks Sts to students to practice the e. Should Mr. Hao repair the roof? exchange. Yes, he should. f. What else should Mr. Hao do? - paint the house. - cut the grass. - replant the tree. - mend the door. Ex 1 Exercise 1. 1. 2. 3. 4.. hard fast badly softly. - T introduces the task and asks Sts to do exercise 1 on p.52 individually then compare with their individual partners. Grammar: - T asks Sts to practice the dialogue in Commands, request and advice in reported speech. open then closed pairs. + Commands( Câu mệnh lệnh) S + told + O + (not) + to-Inf Ex: He said:” Don’t leave your room Tom”  He told Tom not to leave his room. Ex: “Please wait for me here, Mary” He said.  He told Mary to wait him there. Ex: She said to them “ Don’t go out in the rain”  She told them not to go out in the rain. + Requests ( Câu yêu cầu) S + asked + O(not) + to- Vinf Ex:. -.  Mary said to John, “Can you carry my suitcase, please?”  Mary asked John to carry her suitcase. Note: Khi gặp câu mệnh lệnh hay câu yêu cầu với Exercise 3 please( xin vui lòng) khi đổi sang câu tường thuật ta T asks Snts to do exercise 3 on bỏ please. p.53..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - T works with a partner. Suppose you are Tim’s mother. Report Miss Jackson’s commands and requests in her conversation with Tim’s mother. - T asks Sts to go to the board and write down their answer.. a. Miss Jackson told me to wait for her outside her office. b. She told me to give you your report card for this semester. c. She asked me to help you with your Spanish pronunciation. d. She asked me to meet her the next week. + Advice in reported speech. Exercise 4 T asks Sts to do exercise 4 on page 53. - T works with a partner. Suppose you are Tim’s mother. Report Miss Jackson’s advice in her conversation with Tim’s mother. -. S1 + told + O (that +S2+ should+ Vinf Ex:He said “ You should stop smoking” -> He said (that) I should stop smoking.. a. Miss Jackson advised you to spend more time on Spanish pronunciation. - Miss Jackson said that you should spend more time on Spanish pronunciation. - T asks Sts to go to the board and b. She advised you to practice speaking Spanish write down their answer. every day. c. She advised you to listen to Spanish conversation on TV. d. She advised you to practice reading aloud passages in Spanish. e. She advised you to use the dictionary to find out how to pronounce Spanish word. Consolidation - T calls on Sts to remind all grammar structures of unit 5. - Sts remind the content of unit 5. Homework. - Learn the lesson and new words. - Prepare unite 6: Getting started - Listen and Read.. DRAWING EXPERIENCE _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Bình An, ngày….tháng…năm 2016 DUYỆT CỦA BGH. TỔ TRƯỞNG CM. LÊ QUỲNH NGA.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span>

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