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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ENGLISH 9- REVIEW UNIT 3 & 4 I. PRONUNCIATION A. Choose a word with the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. pressure b. depressed c. expect d. relaxed 2. a. encourage b. empathise c. embarrassed d. replace 3. a. delighted b. continue c. medicine d. situation 4. a. advice b. empathise c. decide d. responsibility 5. a. collaboration b. particularity c. manage d. activate B. Choose a word that has different stress pattern from the rest. 1. a. cooperation b. emergency c. cognition d. emotion 2. a. surprised b. violent c. dilemma d. abandoned 3. a. operate b. express c. emerge d. resolve 4. a. boundary b. concentrate c. conflict d. congratulate 5. a. convinced b. collaborate c. particular d. cognitive II. VOCABULARY AND EXPRESSION A. Choose the best answer. 1.We can learn how ______ banh chung at Tet. (make/to make/making) 2.Men used ______ the bread winner of the family. (be/ to be/to being) 3.Should we try to ______ every custom or tradition which is in danger of dying out? (preserve/act out/ entertain) 4.The children in my home village used to go ______, even in winter. Now they all have shoes. (on foot/bare-footed/playing around) 5.At night they used to entertain ______ by telling and acting out stories.(them/their/themselves) 6.There is usually a ______ gap between the old and the young, especially when the world is changing so fast. (generation/value/age) 7.It must be incredible travelling by dogsled. I wish I ______ it. (can do/could did/could do) 8.Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ______.(behaviours/practices/traditions) 9.Once a month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village to village, ______ were far away from each other.(which/where/that) 10.In Viet Nam, ______ often refers to age and social position, not to wealth. (seniority/tradition/generation) 11.I also passed ___ the news I had heard from the town and the other villages. (in/on/down) 12.Giving lucky money to the young and the old at Tet is a common ______ in many Asian countries. ( behavior/practice/tradition) 13.She used to live in an igloo: a domed house ______ from blocks of ice.( to build/built/building) 14.I wish people in the world ______ conflicts and lived in peace.(don’t have/doesn’t have /didn’t have) 15.I have told you many times ______ the door open. (not leave/not to leave/to not leave) 16.I wish my friends spent less time ______ computer games and more time outdoors.(play/to play/playing) 17.The farmers in my home village ______ rice home on trucks. They used buffalo-driven carts. (used to transport/used to be transported/didn’t use to transport) 18.A ______ is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it from a distance. (loudspeaker /radio/television) 19.I suppose it was a special occasion, ______?(was it/wasn’t it/don’t I) 20.He could be fired for his rude ______ towards the VIP guest. (behavior/practice/tradition) 21.Adolescence is the period ________ child and young adulthood (for/between/from) 22.Your body will change in shape and________ (height/high/tall) 23.Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and_______ skills. (reasoning/social/emotion control) 24.They can’t decide who _______ first ) (go/to go/going) 25.The girls are making fun ____ me so I’m very embarrassed (to/for/of) 26.Physical changes are different for every, so you don’t need to feel embarrassed or______ (frustrated/tense/delighted) 27.I wish my parents could put themselves in my ______( situation/shoes/feelings) 28.Do you need to be that stressed______?(on/in/out) 29.My mother is a strong person. She stays_____ even in the worst situations. (calm/healthy/confident) 30.You’ve been a bit tense lately so you need to _____ a break. (get/take/has) 31.His father wants him to get the_____ score in this exam. (high/higher/highest) 32.She has ______because she has a big assignment to complete (frustration/frustrated/frustrating) 33. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It’s _________ (Self-care skills/Housekeeping skill/Cognitive skills) 34.I’ve won an essay contest. ---- _______________! (Congratulations!/It’s interesting/Oh poor!) 35.Your friend stayed up late studying for an important exam. (I know how you feel/Stay calm. Everything will be all right/ If I were you, I would get some sleep) 36.The two countries agreed to _____ full diplomatic relations.(give up/set up/deal with) 37.It’s difficult to _____ changes in technology. (go with/look through/keep up with).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 38. It I ______ in your shoes, I’d take it easy and try to forget it. (are/am/were) 39.We should cooperate with others and resolve conflicts or have communication skills . It’s__________(Social skills/Emotion control skills/Self-care skills) 40.Magic number 18001567 is a _____toll free service. (24 hours/ 24-hours/ 24 – hour) B. Complete the conversation below with the statements (A-F). A. I love it. So when you were a kid, what did you use to do for entertainment? B. I suppose it was a special occasion, wasn't it? C. Wow, I can't imagine that. D. Then how did you get to know about the world outside? E. I wish there were movie teams like that now. F. Is it a family tradition? Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father: Nguyen: Father:. This is a present for you, son. A kite! How cool! Thank you, dad. I made it for you, just like your grandfather used to make one for me. ______________________________________________________________ Yes, for generations. ______________________________________________________________ Oh, it was all very simple back then. We didn't have television or the internet. A mobile movie team used to come once every two months, and everyone from the village would be there. The children were always early, trying to get a place near the screen. ______________________________________________________________ Sure. ______________________________________________________________ Yeah, it was a lot of fun. ______________________________________________________________ We had the radio; actually, only wealthy people did. The whole village used to listen to the news programme through a loudspeaker. ______________________________________________________________ I know. The world's changed a lot, son. It's much easier now. Do you miss the past, dad? I suppose I do. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that time.. C. Choose a word/phrase from the box the complete the sentences. physical acting out. traditions behaviour. street vendors loudspeaker. worry imagination. 1. He could be fired for his rude _______________ towards the VIP guest. 2. Use your_______________ and draw a picture of your dream house. 3. A _______________ is used to make the sound much louder so that many people can hear it from a distance. 4. Women in the past did not have to _______________ too much about their weight, diets, or obesity. 5. Children love_______________ the stories as they tell them. 6. Every country has its own customs and_______________. 7. Eating from_______________ is a popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam. 8. _______________ punishment was common at schools in the past. D. Fill each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets. (0,75 pt) Adolescence is the period between (child) .................... and young adulthood. Your body will change in shape and (high) .................... Your brain will grow and you’ll have improved self-control and reasoning skills. Physical changes are different for everyone, so you don’t need to feel (embarrassing) .................. or frustrated! You’ll experience (emotion) _______________ changes as well. You’ll feel you want more (independent) _______________ and responsibility. You may become more self-aware, and care about other people’s opinions, especially those of your friends. But remember you’ll need adult support and guidance to make informed (decide) ______________ and overcome stress..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> VI. READING : A. Read the article:. The Magic Number. Magic number 18001567 is a 24-hour toll-free service for counselling and protecting children and young adults in Viet Nam. The helpline was set up in 2004 by the government with support from Plan Vietnam, an international children’s development organisation. By 2014, the helpline had received over 1.5 million calls from children and adults nationwide. Sixty-nine per cent of the calls came from children and most child callers were in the 11-14 year old and 15-18 year old groups. The calls were mostly questions about family relationships, friendships, and physical and mental health. Moreover, nearly 3,000 cases of missing or abandoned children, or children who were suffering from violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse received emergency support. The helpline promotes child participation in its operations by involving children as peer communicators and decision makers. A member of Child Helpline International, Magic Number aims to create favourable conditions for children to develop physically and mentally. If you need support or advice, or know of someone who does, just dial 18001567! (The facts, figures, and photos in this text are provided by Plan Vietnam) 1. Answer the questions. 1. What is Magic Number 18001567? 2. Which age groups have called the helpline 3. What were the calls mostly about? 4. Why have 3,000 calls received emergency support? 5. How does Magic Number promote child participation in its operations? 6. What is the aim of the helpline? Answer: 1.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Read the text again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. You can call Magic Number anytime during day or night. 2. The service and the telephone calls are free. 3. Only children can call the helpline. 4. The typical caller to Magic Number is a nine-year-old child. 5. All decisions about the operation of the help are made by adults. 6. The service is available in all cities and provinces in Viet Nam. B. Read the paragraph and choose the correct answer A, B, or C for each gap. After an enormous breakfast at a restaurant in Quỵ Nhon, you will be driven to (1)________ Hue, which served as the (2) ________ capital of Viet Nam during the 19th and early 20th centuries. You will travel north to Da Nang to visit the Cham Museum, home of the largest (3) ________ of Cham sculptures in Viet Nam, then continue on to Hue, stopping (4)________ the sensational Marble Mountain and Non Nuoc Beach. The road begins to wind as you make your way up the (5) ________Hai Van Pass, pausing at the top to admire the (6) ________view of Lang Co Beach. When arriving in Hue, you should definitely visit the Imperial Citadel. This royal (7) ________ was once badly damaged, but it was later listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and has been undergoing extensive (8) ________ in recent years. You can have a wander through the many residences and other buildings within the fascinating citadel, once only (9)________ to the royal family and officials. In the evening, you can take a pleasant (10) ________ along the Perfume River. 1. A. historical B. historic C. history 2. A. emperor B. imperial C. empire 3. A. contribution B. grouping C. collection 4. A. in B. on C. at 5. A. special B. spectacular C. particular 6. A. stun B. stunning C. stunned 7. A. residence B. resident C. residential 8. A. renovations B. renovating C. renovated 9. A. allowable B. accessible C. admissible 10. A. stroll B. trek C. hike.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> C. Read the text and choose the correct answer. I was a (1)_____ in a remote area of Myanmar. Once (2)_____ month I went downtown to collect the post and then walked from village (3)_____ village, (4)_____ were far away from each other. In each village, I delivered (5)_____ collected the post. I also used (6)_____ and write letters for the villagers. Most of them were (7)_____ . I also passed (8)_____ the news I (9)_____ from the town and the other villages. The people treated me well. It was a hard (10)_____ but I loved it. U Sein Tun from Myanmar 1. A. delivery person B. postman C. collector 2. A. a B. an C. the 3. A. by B. near C. to 4. A. who B. which C. that 5. A. and B. but C. so 6. A. read B. to reading C. to read 7. A. literate B. illiterate C. famous 8. A. on B. down C. up 9. A. hear B. have heard C. had heard 10 A. work B. assignment C. job D. Read the text and fill in the blank with one suitable word. My mother came from Baffin Island. She used ________ live in an igloo: a domed house ________from blocks of ice. The house had only ________ room for all the generations: grandparents, parents, brothers, unmarried sisters,_______ sometimes other relatives. Everyone worked together to survive the Arctic winter. Men went out hunting ________ women stayed at home making clothes and preparing food. When they had to travel far, they ________on dogsleds. ________ night they used to entertain themselves ________telling and acting out stories. They danced to drum music too. IV. WRITING: A. Turn the following statements into indirect/reported speech. 1. “Have you seen her recently?” asked Thanh. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. “Last night I couldn't sleep!” she said. ______________________________________________________________________ 3. “I am on my way.” he said. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. “We want to send our son to a university in the UK.” they said. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. “Have you ever tried calling a helpline?” the teacher asked Ngoc. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. “Tell Emma I miss her very much.” she told me. _____________________________________________________________________ B. Turn the following sentences into direct speech. 1. He advised me to visit the company's website. ________________________________________________________________ 2. They said he hadn't come to the meeting. ________________________________________________________________ 3. She asked if 1 wanted to become a doctor. ________________________________________________________________ 4. They said the support service would be set up in December. ________________________________________________________________ 5. My mother said she had sent me the book the week before. ________________________________________________________________ 6. He asked if it was too late to apply for the course. ________________________________________________________________ C. Rewrite the follow sentences using question words before to-infinitives. 1. “When should I start the computer?’ Nguyen asked his teacher. - Nguyen asked __________________________________________________ 2. I don't really know what I should say in my graduation speech. Can you help me? - I don't really know_______________________________. Can you help me? 3. They can't decide what they should do in this situation. - They can't decide________________________________________________ 4. 'Should 1 tell this to her?’ he asked himself - He wondered ___________________________________________________ 5. She was not sure who she should contact. - She was not sure ________________________________________________ 6. 'Where can I find more Information about this?’ he asked..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - He didn't know__________________________________________________.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span>

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