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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 4/11/2020. Period 19. UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 5: WRITE A.The aims of the lesson 1. Knowledges + The aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to write a passage about “ A country picnic”. Language focus: Past simple Vocabulary: - Words to describe the country/ a trip to the country: location, direction, outing activities 2. Skills : Listening, reading, writing skills and grammar 3. Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice past simple, write a passage about “ A country picnic”. B. Preparations 1.Teacher : posters, computer, projector, speaker 2. Students: Unit 3 Write C. Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work,group work - Some techniques can be used: matching, exhibition/ retell D. Procedure: I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching Absent students 9A 9/11 9B 10/11. T’s activities II . WARM UP: (5 minutes) Noughts and crosses maize Nearby Part- time. Grow Go fishing Enjoy. Students’ activities Play games in groups . Feed hamburger picnic. Ask Ss to play games in groups : Make sentences with the words from the table. Eg: People grow maize in the countryside. Remark and lead in the new lesson ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III. NEW LESSON (36 minutes) Step1. Pre- writing : - Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce some new words : + Picnic site ( n) Translation + Lay out ( v) : Explanation + Blind man ,s bluff (n) : Explanation +blanket (n) chăn, chiếu, màn + gather (v) thu gom + hurriedly ( adv) vội vã * Checking technique : What and where / Matching Step 2 . While - writing : - Hang the picture of the picnic on the board - Introduce the aims of the lesson, help Ps run through the picture and suggested words and then ask Ss to write a passage , beginning with : It was a beautiful day ……. - Go around and provide help if any . - Tell them to exchange their writings and correct mistakes . - Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud. 1. Newwords + Picnic site ( n) :điểm dã ngoại + Lay out ( v) : dọn ( đồ ăn) + Blind man ,s bluff (n) : chơi bịt mắt bắt dê +blanket (n) chăn, chiếu, màn + gather (v) thu gom + hurriedly ( adv) vội vã 2. Write. It was a beautiful day , my friend and I decided to go on a picnic . We took a bus to the countryside and them we walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to the river . We put down the blankets and laid out the food . After the meal we - Correct common mistakes and give suggested played the games …. What writing song is it ? and blind man ,s - Call on some Ss to read the suggested writing bluff . Late in the afternoon again we went fishing . We enjoyed our picnic . When we looked at the time , it was nearly 6.30 pm . We hurriedly gathered our things and ran to the bus stop . we were Step 3 . Post - writing : luckily to catch the last bus *Exhibition and we arrived home very (*Retell ( for good students) - Ask ps to close their books and look at the picture on late that evening . the board, try to retell “A Coutry Picnic” * Games : What song is it ? * Exercise : Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences : 1. We were enough lucky to catch the last bus yesterday . 2. Many people enjoy go a picnic to the countryside . 3. They have carefully arrangements for the holiday ..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 4. It took us 30 minutes getting to the airport . - Call on some Ss to read the correct answers and give the correct answers : 1. lucky enough 2. going 3. careful arrangements 4. to get .) IV. SUMMARY (1 minutes) - ? What is the writing text about? Write the passage about a country picnic. Please write about your picnic. Your class had weekend picnic to the countryside last Sunday, write a paragraph about it . Last Sunday I had / trip / countryside about 50 kilometers /the south / ha noi .This journey was very interesting .We got up very early / caught a 7 –o’ clock. To the village / the journey , we saw many green paddy fields and bamboo forests. At the entrance / the village ,there was / big old banyan tree . After climbing / the mountain / an hour ,we felt very hungry and tired ,so we stopped / take a rest and have / snack under / tree. From the top / mountain ,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery / this are and the fresh air . In the afternoon, we went boating / the river and went home late / the evening. After the journey ,we felt very happy and we wish we could visit this area again some day (148 words) V. HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Learn vocab by heart. - Write the passage in their notebooks . Your class had weekend picnic to the countryside last Sunday, write a paragraph about it . Last Sunday I had an trip to countryside about 50 kilometers to the south of ha noi .This journey was very interesting .We got up very early and caught a 7 –o’ clock but to the village on the journey ,we saw many green paddy fields and bamboo forests. At the entrance to the village ,there was a big old banyan tree . After climbing up the mountain for an hour, we felt very hungry and tired ,so we stopped to take a rest and have a snack under a tree. From the top of mountain ,we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of this are and the fresh air . In the afternoon,we went boating on the river and went home late in evening. After thi journey ,we felt very happy and we wish we could visit this area again some day. - Prepare Language focus. E. Evaluation: ...................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ............. Date of preparing: 4/11/2020 Period 20.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> UNIT 3: A TRIP TO THE COUNTRYSIDE LESSON 6 : Language focus A.The aims of the lesson 1. Knowledges + The aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to use the past simple with wish, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result. - 'wish' + could - Preposition of time - Adverbial clauses of result 2. Skills : Listening, reading, writing skills and grammar 3. Attitude: - Help ss to have good consciousness in order to practice past simple with wish, prepositions of time and adverb clauses of result. B. Preparations 1.Teacher : posters, computer, projector, speaker 2. Students: Unit 3 Write C. Methods: - Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work - Some techniques can be used: matching, writing D. Procedure: I.Organization: ( 1 minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today? Class Date of teaching 9A 10/11 9B 14/11. Absent students. Teacher’s Activities II. WARM UP (5 minutes) Matching: - Divide the students into teams. - Ask students to write down two sentences on two different pieces of paper; each sentences begins with: ... - Collect these pieces and put them into two different bags. - Ask students to pick up the paper one at a time,. Students’ activities. I am ........................... ( real situation ) I wish ..........................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> read it loudly to the whole class. - Those who have the the funniest matching will be the winner. III. NEW LESSON (35minutes) Activity 1: 10’ 1. Vocabulary: 1. ( opposite of the verb “ fail the exam”) 2. ( translation ): 3. ( picture ): 4. ( explanation) : to leave a place, usally at the beginning of a journey . - pass the exam ( v ) : thi đỗ - win the contest (v) : thắng cuộc đua - itinerary (n) : lịch trình - depart ( v ) : khởi hành. Checking vocabulary: What and where 2. Revision: What do these people wish? - Pick one example from the Matching game. - Elicit from students . Activity 2 : 9’ Language Focus 1 : -Ask students to look at the pictures page 28, study the real situations by answering the questions. b) Where is Hoa now? How does she fell? c) What is the boy doing? What does he have in his mind? - Ask students to do exercise 1 on page 28, 29 in pairs. - Give feedback.. Activity 3: 8’ * Language Focus 2: - Ask students to match the prepositions with words on the list: .. Answers: - On 10 October, weekend, Christmas day, Sunday, Saturday evening. - In the twentieth century, 1924, winter,. 1. Vocabulary Sts : - listen. - listen and repeat (chorally then individually). - copy. 2. "Wish" Eg: I am hungry. I wish I were at home and had luch. * Form: WISH + S + V (simple past) WERE * WISH: expresses wishes about the present/ future Language Focus 1 : Answers: a) Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle. b) Hoa wishes she could visit her parents c) I wish I could pass the exam. d) We wish it did not rain. e) He wishes he could fly. f) they wish they stayed in Hue 3. Prepositions of time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> September, the evening. - At seven o’clock - Ask students to look at the itnerary on page 30 and answer the questions. + What does he do on the first day? The second day? The third day? And the last day? + What time does the meeting at Raffles Center begin? Finish? + What about the meeting at Lion City Restaurant? + What time does the meeting in Raya Palace begin? Finish? + What about the meeting at Little India Restaurant? - Ask students to use the prepositions in the box to do exercise - Give feedback.. * Language Focus 3 - Ask students to complete the sentences with on, at, in, for (LF3. P30) . - Give feedback. Activity 4: 8’ Language Focus 4 Match the half-sentence. - Ask students to look at the sentence: .... - Ask the questions to elicit the answer What did everyone do when they felt tired? They felt tired so they sat down under the tree and had a snack. - Have students match the half - sentences. - Give feedback. - Ask students to write all the correct sentences. in - the twentieth century on - Christmas day at - Saturday evening - September - the evening - seven o’clock - 1924 - winter - weekends - Sunday * Language Focus 2: Answers: a) Mr Thanh leaves Ha Noi at 2 pm. b) He arrives in Singapore on Monday evening. c) On Tuesday morning, there is a meeting between 11 am and 1 pm. d) On Wednesday, Mr Thanh has appointments at 10 pm. e) He returns to the hotel at 10 pm. f) He will be in Singapore from Monday till Thursday. * Language Focus 3: Answers: a) on d) for b) at , in e) in c) in f) at 4. Adverb clauses of result Language Focus 4: Eg : Everyone felt tired, so they sat down under the tree and had a snack SO : → Use: to express the result of the statement before. → Meaning: do đó. Answers: 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> IV. SUMMARY (2 minutes) - Past simple with wish. - Prepositions of time . - Adverb clauses of result. V. HOMEWORK (2 minutes) - Ask students to make three wishes about the present or future. - Have students copy the itinerary into their notebooks. - Prepare the next lesson: Unit 4: Getting started, Listen and read. * Evaluation: ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................

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