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ON THI TNPT 2017 20 08 Ma De

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 852 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 1: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. what B. speaking C. stood up D. turned Question 2: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. such as B. of C. best D. is Question 3: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. that B. Americans C. Beside D. are enjoyed Question 4: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. refusing B. no one C. store D. give Question 5: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. in B. would C. not wasting D. practising Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(6)... to build international ...(7)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(8)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(9)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(10)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(11)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(12)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(13)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(14)... voted to further study the ...(15)... of women’s legal status. Question 6:A. minded B. attempted C. anticipated D. appreciated Question 7:A. ties B. helps C. holds D. connections Question 8:A. in B. on C. at D. over Question 9:A. founded B. set up C. established D. All are correct Question 10:A. access B. way C. favour D. right Question 11:A. voting B. to vote C. vote D. voted Question 12:A. with B. in C. at D. for Question 13:A. between B. for C. among D. towards Question 14:A. whom B. what C. that D. which Question 15:A. problem B. trouble C. issue D. plan Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 16: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. on B. up C. in D. at Question 17: At last he understood. He understood...... A. in the end B. at least C. at the finish D. lastly Question 18: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. real B. local C. current D. area Question 19: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. took off B. took off it C. it took off D. took it off Question 20: Where did they.......? A. their tent put up B. put up it C. put their tent up D. it put up Question 21: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. line B. sequence C. list D. series Question 22: They had run away, so they had....... A. disturbed B. dismissed C. disappeared D. displaced Question 23: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. present B. mention C. speak D. represent Question 24: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. interpret B. estimate C. explain D. describe Question 25: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. checked it B. turned it off C. controlled it D. extinguished it Question 26: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. switched on B. on fire C. on D. alight.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Question 27: I paid him a visit. I....... A. did him a visit B. paid for a visit C. made him a visit D. visited him Question 28: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get off B. get out of C. get over D. get down Question 29: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. occasionally B. luckily C. fortunately D. by chance Question 30: Cooperation........success. A. leads to B. results in C. All are correct. D. equals Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 31:A. competitive B. industrial C. continental D. increasingly Question 32:A. security B. fluency C. industry D. literacy Question 33:A. Singapore B. natural C. prosperous D. government Question 34:A. restructure B. bilateral C. landmark D. negotiate Question 35:A. territory B. strategic C. dynamic D. incorporate Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 36: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. B. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. C. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. D. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. Question 37: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. B. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. C. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. D. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. Question 38: This affair does not concern you. A. Don't do this affair. B. Your concern is to do this affair. C. This affair is not interesting. D. This affair is no business of yours. Question 39: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. B. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. C. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. D. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. Question 40: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Jean said that this week is special, B. Carlos told Jean something special. C. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. D. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 41:A. pleasure B. best C. sound D. same Question 42:A. sure B. sing C. sight D. same Question 43:A. student B. studio C. stupid D. study Question 44:A. with B. breathe C. smooth D. depth Question 45:A. these B. weather C. therefore D. theory Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> The Security Council grants authority for peace-keeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 46: When did the UN first use armed peace-keepers? A. In the Middle East in 1948. B. In the Iraq War. C. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. D. In 2004. Question 47: Why are the UN peace-keepers often in danger? A. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. B. Because they don’t have their neutrality. C. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. D. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Question 48: What was the role of the UN peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. B. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. C. A and B D. To control the Suez Canal. Question 49: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peace-keeping forces nowadays? A. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides B. To have the role of observers. C. All are correct D. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Question 50: Why were the UN peace-keeping forces founded? A. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. B. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peace-keeping forces. C. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. D. The United Nations charter sets up that..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 334 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 1:A. smooth B. breathe C. with D. depth Question 2:A. student B. studio C. study D. stupid Question 3:A. best B. pleasure C. sound D. same Question 4:A. weather B. theory C. therefore D. these Question 5:A. same B. sight C. sure D. sing Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 6:A. literacy B. fluency C. security D. industry Question 7:A. restructure B. bilateral C. landmark D. negotiate Question 8:A. natural B. prosperous C. government D. Singapore Question 9:A. incorporate B. strategic C. dynamic D. territory Question 10:A. continental B. industrial C. increasingly D. competitive Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peace-keeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 11: When did the UN first use armed peace-keepers? A. In the Iraq War. B. In 2004. C. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. D. In the Middle East in 1948. Question 12: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peace-keeping forces nowadays? A. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. B. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides C. To have the role of observers. D. All are correct Question 13: Why were the UN peace-keeping forces founded? A. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. B. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peace-keeping forces. C. The United Nations charter sets up that. D. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. Question 14: What was the role of the UN peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To act as a buffer between the warring parties, B. A and C C. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. D. To control the Suez Canal. Question 15: Why are the UN peace-keepers often in danger? A. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. B. Because they don’t have their neutrality. C. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. D. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(16)... to build international ...(17)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(18)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(19)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(20)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(21)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(22)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(23)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(24)... voted to further study the ...(25)... of women’s legal status. Question 16:A. anticipated B. attempted C. appreciated D. minded Question 17:A. connections B. helps C. holds D. ties Question 18:A. over B. on C. in D. at Question 19:A. founded B. All are correct C. set up D. established Question 20:A. way B. right C. favour D. access Question 21:A. vote B. voting C. to vote D. voted Question 22:A. in B. at C. with D. for Question 23:A. towards B. between C. for D. among Question 24:A. which B. whom C. that D. what Question 25:A. plan B. issue C. problem D. trouble Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 26: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. real B. local C. current D. area Question 27: Where did they.......? A. put their tent up B. put up it C. it put up D. their tent put up Question 28: At last he understood. He understood...... A. at least B. in the end C. at the finish D. lastly Question 29: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. line B. sequence C. list D. series Question 30: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. represent B. mention C. speak D. present Question 31: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. estimate B. interpret C. explain D. describe Question 32: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. switched on B. on fire C. alight D. on Question 33: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. controlled it B. extinguished it C. checked it D. turned it off Question 34: Cooperation........success. A. equals B. All are correct. C. results in D. leads to Question 35: They had run away, so they had....... A. disappeared B. dismissed C. disturbed D. displaced Question 36: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get out of B. get off C. get over D. get down Question 37: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. took off B. took off it C. it took off D. took it off Question 38: I paid him a visit. I....... A. paid for a visit B. made him a visit C. visited him D. did him a visit Question 39: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. by chance B. occasionally C. luckily D. fortunately Question 40: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. on B. in C. up D. at Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 41: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. B. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. C. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. D. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. Question 42: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. B. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. C. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. D. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Question 43: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. B. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. D. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. Question 44: This affair does not concern you. A. Your concern is to do this affair. B. This affair is no business of yours. C. Don't do this affair. D. This affair is not interesting. Question 45: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Jean said that this week is special, B. Carlos told Jean something special. C. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. D. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 46: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. turned B. speaking C. stood up D. what Question 47: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. give B. refusing C. no one D. store Question 48: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. are enjoyed B. Americans C. that D. Beside Question 49: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. of B. best C. such as D. is Question 50: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. practising B. not wasting C. in D. would.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 478 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề. Mark(s). Mã Phách ……….. Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peace-keeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 1: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peace-keeping forces nowadays? A. All are correct B. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides C. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. D. To have the role of observers. Question 2: When did the UN first use armed peace-keepers? A. In 2004. B. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. C. In the Middle East in 1948. D. In the Iraq War. Question 3: Why were the UN peace-keeping forces founded? A. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peace-keeping forces. B. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. C. The United Nations charter sets up that. D. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. Question 4: Why are the UN peace-keepers often in danger? A. Because they don’t have their neutrality. B. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. C. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. D. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Question 5: What was the role of the UN peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. B and C B. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. C. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. D. To control the Suez Canal. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 6:A. best B. same C. pleasure D. sound Question 7:A. same B. sight C. sing D. sure Question 8:A. stupid B. student C. studio D. study Question 9:A. smooth B. depth C. with D. breathe Question 10:A. weather B. therefore C. theory D. these Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 11: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. stood up B. speaking C. what D. turned Question 12: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. are enjoyed B. Beside C. that D. Americans Question 13: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. practising B. not wasting C. in D. would.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Question 14: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. refusing B. give C. no one D. store Question 15: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. such as B. of C. is D. best Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 16: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. alight B. switched on C. on fire D. on Question 17: Cooperation........success. A. results in B. equals C. All are correct. D. leads to Question 18: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get off B. get out of C. get over D. get down Question 19: I paid him a visit. I....... A. visited him B. made him a visit C. did him a visit D. paid for a visit Question 20: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. extinguished it B. turned it off C. controlled it D. checked it Question 21: Where did they.......? A. put their tent up B. their tent put up C. it put up D. put up it Question 22: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. line B. series C. sequence D. list Question 23: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. in B. on C. at D. up Question 24: At last he understood. He understood...... A. in the end B. at the finish C. lastly D. at least Question 25: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. current B. local C. area D. real Question 26: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. present B. mention C. represent D. speak Question 27: They had run away, so they had....... A. dismissed B. displaced C. disappeared D. disturbed Question 28: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. estimate B. describe C. explain D. interpret Question 29: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. it took off B. took it off C. took off it D. took off Question 30: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. by chance B. occasionally C. fortunately D. luckily Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 31: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. B. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. C. Jean said that this week is special, D. Carlos told Jean something special. Question 32: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. B. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. C. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. D. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. Question 33: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. B. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. C. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. D. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. Question 34: This affair does not concern you. A. Your concern is to do this affair. B. This affair is no business of yours. C. Don't do this affair. D. This affair is not interesting. Question 35: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. B. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(36)... to build international ...(37)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(38)... such issues as equal pay.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(39)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(40)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(41)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(42)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(43)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(44)... voted to further study the ...(45)... of women’s legal status. Question 36:A. attempted B. anticipated C. appreciated D. minded Question 37:A. ties B. holds C. helps D. connections Question 38:A. in B. at C. on D. over Question 39:A. set up B. established C. All are correct D. founded Question 40:A. way B. access C. right D. favour Question 41:A. voting B. vote C. voted D. to vote Question 42:A. at B. for C. in D. with Question 43:A. between B. for C. towards D. among Question 44:A. that B. whom C. which D. what Question 45:A. plan B. problem C. issue D. trouble Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 46:A. security B. industry C. literacy D. fluency Question 47:A. landmark B. restructure C. bilateral D. negotiate Question 48:A. governmentB. prosperous C. Singapore D. natural Question 49:A. territory B. dynamic C. incorporate D. strategic Question 50:A. competitive B. continental C. increasingly D. industrial.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 238 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 1: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. B. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. C. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. D. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. Question 2: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. B. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. Question 3: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. B. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. C. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. D. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. Question 4: This affair does not concern you. A. This affair is not interesting. B. This affair is no business of yours. C. Don't do this affair. D. Your concern is to do this affair. Question 5: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Carlos told Jean something special. B. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. C. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. D. Jean said that this week is special, Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(6)... to build international ...(7)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(8)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(9)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(10)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(11)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(12)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(13)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(14)... voted to further study the ...(15)... of women’s legal status. Question 6:A. appreciated B. anticipated C. attempted D. minded Question 7:A. connections B. helps C. holds D. ties Question 8:A. over B. at C. on D. in Question 9:A. set up B. founded C. All are correct D. established Question 10:A. favour B. access C. right D. way Question 11:A. vote B. to vote C. voting D. voted Question 12:A. for B. in C. with D. at Question 13:A. between B. towards C. among D. for Question 14:A. which B. what C. whom D. that Question 15:A. problem B. issue C. trouble D. plan Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 16: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. occasionally B. luckily C. by chance D. fortunately Question 17: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. on fire B. switched on C. alight D. on Question 18: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. controlled it B. checked it C. extinguished it D. turned it off Question 19: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. took off B. it took off C. took off it D. took it off Question 20: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> A. interpret B. estimate C. describe D. explain Question 21: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get out of B. get off C. get down D. get over Question 22: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. series B. sequence C. line D. list Question 23: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. on B. in C. at D. up Question 24: At last he understood. He understood...... A. at the finish B. lastly C. in the end D. at least Question 25: Where did they.......? A. put up it B. it put up C. put their tent up D. their tent put up Question 26: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. present B. represent C. mention D. speak Question 27: They had run away, so they had....... A. dismissed B. disturbed C. disappeared D. displaced Question 28: I paid him a visit. I....... A. did him a visit B. visited him C. made him a visit D. paid for a visit Question 29: Cooperation........success. A. leads to B. All are correct. C. equals D. results in Question 30: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. current B. local C. area D. real Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 31: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. speaking B. stood up C. turned D. what Question 32: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. practising B. not wasting C. in D. would Question 33: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. no one B. give C. refusing D. store Question 34: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. that B. Americans C. Beside D. are enjoyed Question 35: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. best B. of C. is D. such as Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 36:A. dynamic B. territory C. incorporate D. strategic Question 37:A. natural B. prosperous C. government D. Singapore Question 38:A. negotiate B. landmark C. bilateral D. restructure Question 39:A. increasingly B. continental C. competitive D. industrial Question 40:A. security B. industry C. fluency D. literacy Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peace-keeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 41: Why were the UN peace-keeping forces founded? A. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peace-keeping forces. B. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. C. The United Nations charter sets up that..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> D. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. Question 42: What was the role of the UN peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. B. To control the Suez Canal. C. A and D D. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. Question 43: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peace-keeping forces nowadays? A. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides B. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. C. To have the role of observers. D. All are correct Question 44: Why are the UN peace-keepers often in danger? A. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. B. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. C. Because they don’t have their neutrality. D. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Question 45: When did the UN first use armed peace-keepers? A. In the Iraq War. B. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. C. In 2004. D. In the Middle East in 1948. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 46:A. pleasure B. best C. sound D. same Question 47:A. study B. studio C. student D. stupid Question 48:A. smooth B. depth C. breathe D. with Question 49:A. sure B. sight C. sing D. same Question 50:A. these B. weather C. therefore D. theory. SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO. ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 454 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 1:A. prosperous B. natural C. Singapore D. government Question 2:A. increasingly B. competitive C. industrial D. continental Question 3:A. literacy B. security C. fluency D. industry Question 4:A. incorporate B. dynamic C. strategic D. territory Question 5:A. restructure B. negotiate C. bilateral D. landmark Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 6:A. study B. studio C. student D. stupid Question 7:A. sight B. sure C. same D. sing Question 8:A. breathe B. depth C. smooth D. with Question 9:A. best B. pleasure C. sound D. same Question 10:A. therefore B. theory C. weather D. these Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 11: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. area B. local C. current D. real Question 12: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. took off it B. took off C. took it off D. it took off Question 13: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. turned it off B. extinguished it C. checked it D. controlled it Question 14: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get down B. get over C. get off D. get out of Question 15: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. sequence B. series C. list D. line Question 16: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. alight B. on C. on fire D. switched on Question 17: I paid him a visit. I....... A. paid for a visit B. did him a visit C. made him a visit D. visited him Question 18: At last he understood. He understood...... A. at least B. in the end C. at the finish D. lastly Question 19: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. explain B. estimate C. interpret D. describe Question 20: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. luckily B. fortunately C. occasionally D. by chance Question 21: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. represent B. present C. speak D. mention Question 22: Where did they.......? A. their tent put up B. it put up C. put their tent up D. put up it Question 23: Cooperation........success. A. results in B. leads to C. equals D. All are correct. Question 24: They had run away, so they had....... A. disturbed B. disappeared C. displaced D. dismissed Question 25: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. in B. at C. on D. up Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 26: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. refusing B. store C. give D. no one Question 27: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. stood up B. speaking C. turned D. what Question 28: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. Americans B. that C. Beside D. are enjoyed Question 29: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. such as B. best C. of D. is Question 30: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. practising B. not wasting C. would D. in Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(31)... to build international ...(32)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(33)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(34)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(35)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(36)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(37)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(38)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(39)... voted to further study the ...(40)... of women’s legal status. Question 31:A. minded B. appreciated C. attempted D. anticipated Question 32:A. helps B. holds C. connections D. ties Question 33:A. in B. on C. at D. over Question 34:A. All are correct B. established C. set up D. founded Question 35:A. way B. right C. favour D. access Question 36:A. voted B. voting C. to vote D. vote Question 37:A. for B. at C. with D. in Question 38:A. among B. for C. between D. towards Question 39:A. which B. what C. whom D. that Question 40:A. trouble B. problem C. plan D. issue Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peacekeeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 41: Why are the UN peacekeepers often in danger? A. Because they don’t have their neutrality. B. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. C. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. D. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Question 42: Why were the UN peacekeeping forces founded? A. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. B. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. C. The United Nations charter sets up that. D. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peacekeeping forces. Question 43: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peacekeeping forces nowadays? A. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. B. All are correct C. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides D. To have the role of observers. Question 44: What was the role of the UN peacekeepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. B. A and D C. To control the Suez Canal. D. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. Question 45: When did the UN first use armed peacekeepers? A. In the Middle East in 1948. B. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. C. In the Iraq War. D. In 2004. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 46: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. You might get your book published unless you have no luck..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> B. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. C. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. D. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. Question 47: This affair does not concern you. A. This affair is not interesting. B. This affair is no business of yours. C. Don't do this affair. D. Your concern is to do this affair. Question 48: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. B. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. C. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. D. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. Question 49: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. B. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. Question 50: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. B. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. C. Jean said that this week is special, D. Carlos told Jean something special..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 272 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(1)... to build international ...(2)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(3)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(4)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(5)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(6)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(7)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(8)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(9)... voted to further study the ...(10)... of women’s legal status. Question 1:A. minded B. attempted C. anticipated D. appreciated Question 2:A. holds B. helps C. connections D. ties Question 3:A. in B. at C. on D. over Question 4:A. established B. founded C. set up D. All are correct Question 5:A. right B. favour C. way D. access Question 6:A. voted B. vote C. voting D. to vote Question 7:A. for B. in C. at D. with Question 8:A. among B. towards C. between D. for Question 9:A. which B. what C. whom D. that Question 10:A. trouble B. plan C. issue D. problem Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 11:A. Singapore B. government C. prosperous D. natural Question 12:A. continental B. industrial C. competitive D. increasingly Question 13:A. strategic B. dynamic C. territory D. incorporate Question 14:A. restructure B. landmark C. negotiate D. bilateral Question 15:A. literacy B. security C. fluency D. industry Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 16: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. real B. current C. local D. area Question 17: Cooperation........success. A. equals B. leads to C. All are correct. D. results in Question 18: At last he understood. He understood...... A. lastly B. at the finish C. at least D. in the end Question 19: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. interpret B. explain C. estimate D. describe Question 20: Where did they.......? A. put their tent up B. their tent put up C. put up it D. it put up Question 21: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. list B. line C. series D. sequence Question 22: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. on fire B. alight C. on D. switched on Question 23: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. up B. on C. at D. in Question 24: I paid him a visit. I....... A. visited him B. paid for a visit C. made him a visit D. did him a visit Question 25: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. present B. speak C. mention D. represent Question 26: They had run away, so they had....... A. dismissed B. displaced C. disappeared D. disturbed Question 27: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get out of B. get over C. get off D. get down Question 28: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. occasionally B. by chance C. luckily D. fortunately Question 29: Firemen have put out the fire. They have........

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> A. turned it off B. checked it C. controlled it D. extinguished it Question 30: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. it took off B. took off it C. took off D. took it off Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peacekeeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 31: Why were the UN peacekeeping forces founded? A. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peacekeeping forces. B. The United Nations charter sets up that. C. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. D. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. Question 32: What was the role of the UN peacekeepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. C and D B. To control the Suez Canal. C. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. D. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. Question 33: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peacekeeping forces nowadays? A. All are correct B. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. C. To have the role of observers. D. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides Question 34: Why are the UN peacekeepers often in danger? A. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. B. Because they don’t have their neutrality. C. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. D. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. Question 35: When did the UN first use armed peacekeepers? A. In 2004. B. In the Iraq War. C. In the Middle East in 1948. D. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 36: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Carlos told Jean something special. B. Jean said that this week is special, C. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. D. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. Question 37: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. B. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. C. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. D. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. Question 38: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. B. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. C. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. D. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. Question 39: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he is willing to do that work..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> B. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. Question 40: This affair does not concern you. A. Don't do this affair. B. This affair is no business of yours. C. Your concern is to do this affair. D. This affair is not interesting. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 41:A. stupid B. studio C. study D. student Question 42:A. sight B. sure C. same D. sing Question 43:A. breathe B. with C. depth D. smooth Question 44:A. sound B. best C. same D. pleasure Question 45:A. therefore B. weather C. these D. theory Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 46: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. stood up B. what C. speaking D. turned Question 47: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. give B. store C. refusing D. no one Question 48: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. of B. such as C. best D. is Question 49: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. would B. in C. practising D. not wasting Question 50: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. that B. Beside C. Americans D. are enjoyed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 695 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề. Mark(s). Mã Phách ……….. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 1: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. current B. area C. local D. real Question 2: Where did they.......? A. put their tent up B. their tent put up C. it put up D. put up it Question 3: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. represent B. present C. speak D. mention Question 4: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get off B. get down C. get over D. get out of Question 5: I paid him a visit. I....... A. did him a visit B. paid for a visit C. visited him D. made him a visit Question 6: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. on B. on fire C. switched on D. alight Question 7: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. fortunately B. by chance C. luckily D. occasionally Question 8: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. line B. sequence C. list D. series Question 9: Cooperation........success. A. All are correct. B. equals C. leads to D. results in Question 10: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. up B. at C. on D. in Question 11: At last he understood. He understood...... A. at least B. lastly C. in the end D. at the finish Question 12: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. explain B. describe C. estimate D. interpret Question 13: They had run away, so they had....... A. disturbed B. dismissed C. displaced D. disappeared Question 14: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. turned it off B. controlled it C. checked it D. extinguished it Question 15: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. it took off B. took it off C. took off it D. took off Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 16:A. negotiate B. bilateral C. landmark D. restructure Question 17:A. Singapore B. natural C. prosperous D. government Question 18:A. strategic B. territory C. incorporate D. dynamic Question 19:A. fluency B. security C. literacy D. industry Question 20:A. industrial B. competitive C. increasingly D. continental Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 21: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. not wasting B. practising C. would D. in Question 22: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. is B. of C. best D. such as Question 23: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. Americans B. are enjoyed C. that D. Beside Question 24: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. store B. refusing C. give D. no one Question 25: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. turned B. what C. stood up D. speaking Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(26)... to build international ...(27)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(28)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(29)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(30)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(31)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(32)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(33)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(34)... voted to further study the ...(35)... of women’s legal status. Question 26:A. anticipated B. minded C. appreciated D. attempted Question 27:A. helps B. connections C. ties D. holds Question 28:A. at B. in C. on D. over Question 29:A. established B. founded C. All are correct D. set up Question 30:A. favour B. access C. right D. way Question 31:A. voting B. vote C. to vote D. voted Question 32:A. for B. in C. at D. with Question 33:A. among B. between C. towards D. for Question 34:A. whom B. which C. that D. what Question 35:A. problem B. plan C. trouble D. issue Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 36: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. B. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. Question 37: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. B. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. C. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. D. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. Question 38: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. B. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. C. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. D. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published. Question 39: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Jean said that this week is special, B. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. C. Carlos told Jean something special. D. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. Question 40: This affair does not concern you. A. This affair is not interesting. B. Your concern is to do this affair. C. This affair is no business of yours. D. Don't do this affair. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 41:A. student B. study C. stupid D. studio Question 42:A. same B. sound C. pleasure D. best Question 43:A. smooth B. breathe C. with D. depth Question 44:A. sure B. sing C. same D. sight Question 45:A. theory B. weather C. these D. therefore Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> The Security Council grants authority for peacekeeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 46: When did the UN first use armed peacekeepers? A. In the Middle East in 1948. B. In the Iraq War. C. In 2004. D. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. Question 47: Why were the UN peacekeeping forces founded? A. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peacekeeping forces. B. The United Nations charter sets up that. C. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them. D. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. Question 48: Why are the UN peacekeepers often in danger? A. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. B. Because they don’t have their neutrality. C. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. D. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. Question 49: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peacekeeping forces nowadays? A. To have the role of observers. B. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. C. All are correct D. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides Question 50: What was the role of the UN peacekeepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To control the Suez Canal. B. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. C. B and D D. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> SỞ GIÁO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (Đề gồm có 03 trang) Mark(s). ÔN THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG NĂM HỌC 2016- 2017 MÔN TIẾNG ANH ~ MÃ ĐỀ 963 Thời gian: 60 phút - không tính thời gian giao đề Mã Phách ……….. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Women’s rights supporters from the United States and other countries have ...(1)... to build international ...(2)... among activists since the late 19th century. They have formed international advocacy groups and organized women’s conferences with the aim of attaining equal rights for women. Women have used these meetings to focus ...(3)... such issues as equal pay and equal economic and educational opportunities for women. For example, the International Congress of Women, ...(4)... in 1888, demanded equality of ...(5)... to education and industrial training, equal wages for equal work, and a single standard of moral conduct for men and women. In 1904 activists Susan B. Anthony and Carrie Chapman Catt established the International Woman Suffrage Alliance to secure the right ...(6)... for women of all nations. During the 1930s another group known as Equal Rights International campaigned ...(7)... the passage of a treaty that would establish equal rights ...(8)... men and women. In 1935 a coalition of international women’s rights organizations brought the treaty before the League of Nations, ...(9)... voted to further study the ...(10)... of women’s legal status. Question 1:A. appreciated B. attempted C. anticipated D. minded Question 2:A. helps B. holds C. ties D. connections Question 3:A. in B. at C. over D. on Question 4:A. set up B. founded C. All are correct D. established Question 5:A. favour B. right C. way D. access Question 6:A. voting B. to vote C. voted D. vote Question 7:A. for B. at C. in D. with Question 8:A. among B. towards C. for D. between Question 9:A. that B. what C. whom D. which Question 10:A. plan B. problem C. trouble D. issue Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting. Question 11: Our English teacher would like us not wasting more time in the lab practising our pronunciation. A. in B. would C. practising D. not wasting Question 12: A bank or department store must give a reason for refusing to give no one a credit card. A. no one B. store C. refusing D. give Question 13: Henry stood up, turned towards me, and speaking so softly that I couldn’t hear what he said. A. what B. turned C. stood up D. speaking Question 14: Beside movies and music, it is sports that are enjoyed by most Americans. A. Americans B. are enjoyed C. that D. Beside Question 15: Vietnamese coffee is regarded such as one of the best in the world. A. of B. best C. such as D. is Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage. Peace-keeping is the use of military force to help nations in conflict reach a settlement. The United Nations charter does not mention peace-keeping forces, although chapter 6 of the charter does establish guidelines for peaceful resolution of international conflicts. The United Nations’ first peace-keeping effort took place in the Middle East in 1948. The United Nations sent unarmed observers to help maintain the truce negotiated after five Arab countries attacked Israel earlier in the year. The UN first used armed peace-keepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956, when England, France, and Israel fought Egypt for control of the Suez Canal. The peace-keepers oversaw the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops and acted as a buffer between the warring parties. Today, the United Nations' peace-keeping forces play a neutral role, working to calm regional conflicts in several ways. They can go into an area of conflict as observers, making sure agreements reached between opposing sides are being followed. They can provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle. They can negotiate with military officers on both sides, providing a channel of communication. They can also monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. Peace-keepers are lightly armed. They travel in armoured vehicles with automatic rifles, but lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. Their work can be hazardous, especially if one of the warring sides doubts their neutrality. They are often caught in the middle when ceasefires collapse and they sometimes have been deliberately attacked. By 2004, more than 1,800 peace-keepers had died in the line of duty. The Security Council grants authority for peacekeeping missions, usually for several months, although the Council can reauthorize missions for many years. Question 16: Why were the UN peacekeeping forces founded? A. Chapter 6 of the UN charter establishes guidelines for peacekeeping forces. B. To help nations to settle down conflicts between them..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> C. To strengthen the power of the United Nations. D. The United Nations charter sets up that. Question 17: What was the role of the UN peacekeepers during the Suez Crisis of 1956? A. To oversee the withdrawal of French, British, and Israeli troops. B. To act as a buffer between the warring parties. C. A and B D. To control the Suez Canal. Question 18: Why are the UN peacekeepers often in danger? A. Because the Security Council cannot reauthorize their missions. B. Because they don’t have their neutrality. C. Because they lack artillery, tanks, or other heavy weapons. D. Because they sometimes have been deliberately attacked when ceasefires collapse. Question 19: What are the functions of the United Nations’ peacekeeping forces nowadays? A. To monitor ceasefires, supervise elections, and provide humanitarian aid. B. To have the role of observers. C. To provide a buffer between warring parties by physically interposing themselves in the middle or negotiate with military officers on both sides D. All are correct Question 20: When did the UN first use armed peacekeepers? A. In the Middle East in 1948. B. In the Iraq War. C. In 2004. D. During the Suez Crisis of 1956. Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D that best completes each sentence. Question 21: You’ll need some cash in......currency but you can also use your credit card. A. area B. local C. current D. real Question 22: Firemen have put out the fire. They have....... A. checked it B. extinguished it C. turned it off D. controlled it Question 23: They discovered the cause of the fire accidently. They discovered it...... A. occasionally B. fortunately C. by chance D. luckily Question 24: The writer got on the bus but he didn't know where to....... A. get off B. get down C. get out of D. get over Question 25: At last he understood. He understood...... A. lastly B. in the end C. at least D. at the finish Question 26: No one could account for it. They couldn't.......it. A. estimate B. describe C. interpret D. explain Question 27: The incident sparked off a whole......of events that nobody had foreseen. A. list B. series C. line D. sequence Question 28: I paid him a visit. I....... A. paid for a visit B. made him a visit C. visited him D. did him a visit Question 29: The boys put out the camp fire. The fire wasn’t....... A. switched on B. alight C. on D. on fire Question 30: They had run away, so they had....... A. dismissed B. disturbed C. displaced D. disappeared Question 31: Cooperation........success. A. results in B. equals C. All are correct. D. leads to Question 32: The association was formed to......the interests of women artists. A. present B. represent C. mention D. speak Question 33: The police wanted Tom to call at the station. They wanted him to call them...... A. in B. up C. on D. at Question 34: Where did they.......? A. it put up B. put their tent up C. put up it D. their tent put up Question 35: Two men took the parcel off the plane. They...... A. it took off B. took it off C. took off it D. took off Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C, or D which has the same meaning as the given one. Question 36: This affair does not concern you. A. Your concern is to do this affair. B. This affair is not interesting. C. Don't do this affair. D. This affair is no business of yours. Question 37: Had the announcement been made earlier, more people would have attended the lecture. A. Since the announcement was not made earlier, fewer people came to hear the lecture. B. Fewer people attended the lecture because of the early announcement. C. Not many people came to hear the lecture because it was held 30 late. D. The lecture was held earlier so that more people would attend. Question 38: With a lot of luck, you may get your book published. A. If you are lucky, you may get your book published. B. You might get your book published unless you have no luck. C. If you had a lot of luck, you might get your book published..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> D. Without a lot of luck, you may find it difficult to get your book published. Question 39: “Are you willing to help me do this work?” I asked. A. I asked him if he was willing to help me to do that work. B. I asked him if he is willing to do that work. C. I asked him if he was willing to do that work. D. I asked him if he were willing to help me to do that work. Question 40: “Are you doing anything special this week?” Carlos asked Jean. A. Carlos told Jean something special. B. Jean said that this week is special, C. Carlos asked Jean if she had anything special for him. D. Carlos asked Jean if she had any plans that week. Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. Question 41:A. sound B. same C. pleasure D. best Question 42:A. student B. study C. stupid D. studio Question 43:A. depth B. breathe C. with D. smooth Question 44:A. sight B. sure C. sing D. same Question 45:A. weather B. theory C. these D. therefore Pick out the word that has the primary stress different from that of the other words. Question 46:A. literacy B. fluency C. security D. industry Question 47:A. continental B. industrial C. increasingly D. competitive Question 48:A. natural B. prosperous C. government D. Singapore Question 49:A. incorporate B. territory C. strategic D. dynamic Question 50:A. negotiate B. landmark C. bilateral D. restructure.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span>

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