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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HÀ TĨNH. ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC. KỲ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH GIỎI TỈNH CẤP THPT NĂM HỌC 2013 - 2014 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH 11 Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút. I. LISTENING Part 1. For questions 1-15, listen to a talk about Globe Warming and fill in the blank with the missing information with ONE WORD or A NUMBER for each answer in the spaces provided. The environmental Centre has been opened for (1 ).................................................. The Centre has working displays of Sun and win (2)................................................ School children visit the Centre to carry out a (3)............................... on the environment. The majority of courses take (4) .................................... apart fromones in the summer. Accomodation is provided in basic (5)...............................made of wood. The centre does not allow anyone (6)........................................ inside. The course on garden wildlife and different plants is called (7)................................... gardening. The most popular course shows people how to save (8)......................... The cost of course depends on whether people have a (9).................................. or not. The Centre has a (10) to make sure nobody is refused a place on a course. Part 2.listen and circle the correct answer A, B, or C to complete each statement below. Write your answer A, B, C or D in the numbered boxes. 10. What made Karin decide to move to Italy? A. there was nothing to stop her B. Her friends were already there. C. she wanted to learn Italian 11. Why did Karin return to the UK for two weeks? A. to collect her furniture B. to buy a new car C. to sort out her affairs. 12. How did Karin feel after a few weeks in Italy? A. worried B. lonely C. unhappy 13. How did Karin find a job? A. She asked her landlord’s wife B. Her landlord offer her some work C. She wrote to a language school 14. How did she feel about her job? A. very afraid B, quite helpless C. very impatient 15 When Karin first took a customer’s order? A. She smiled and spoke very softly.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> B. She couldn’t understand what the person said C. She managed without any aproblem 16. How does Karin feel about her experience? A. Things were quite easy B. She was fortunate C. she took a very big risk II. LEXICO-GRAMMAR Part 1. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer A, B, C or D in the numbered boxes. 1. As he made no __________ to our quarrel, I assumed he had forgiven me. A. statement B. mention C. reference D. comment 2. It was found that he lacked the __________ to pursue a difficult task to the very end. A. persuasion B. commitment C. engagement D. obligation 3. Frankly, I'd rather you __________ anything about it for the time being. A. don't do B. hadn't done C. didn't do D. haven't done 4. Guests are requested to state their __________ for smoking or non-smoking accommodation upon booking. A. preference B. likeness C. care D. inclination 5. I was angry when you saw me because I __________ with my sister. A. have been arguing B. had been arguing C. argued D. would argue 6. Luckily, I __________ a new pair of sunglasses as I found mine at the bottom of a bag. A. needn't have bought B. needed not to buy C. didn't need to buy D. hadn't to buy 7. Everyone on the trip was __________ on getting as much out of it as possible. A. intent B. determined C. wilting D. inclined 8. I'm __________ my brother is. A. nowhere like so ambitious B. nothing near as ambitious as C. nothing as ambitious than D. nowhere near as ambitious as 9. __________ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment. A. Even B. Despite C. Much as D. Try as 10. Hardly __________ of the paintings at the gallery were for sale. A. none B. few C. some D. any 11. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the __________ that the matter was confidential. A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundation 12. William is an authority __________medieval tapestries. A. on B. with C. about D. in 13. They attempted to __________ the painting to its original condition. A. restore B. renovate C. repair D. refurbish 14. Jane's very modest, always __________ her success. A. playing down B. turning around C. keeping down D. pushing back 15. Tom:" May I sit here?" Jerry:"__________" A. Never mind B. Not at all C. Yes, that's right D. Yes, with pleasure 16. I feel __________ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the decision. A. my duty B. it my duty C. this my duty D. that my duty 17. He tries to __________himself with everyone by paying them compliments. A. gratify B. please C. ingratiate D. commend 18. The newspaper did not mention the __________ of the damage caused by the fire. A. range B. extent C. amount D. quality 19. That dress isn't really tight. It'll __________ when you wear it. A. bend B. expand C. stretch D. squeeze 20. All things_________, he is the best president we are likely to get. A. considered B. above C. taken D. added Part 2. Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> The spiral and the helix Do you know anything about the spiral and the helix? Well, they are (0) _____ graceful____ everywhere, (0) _________ (GRACE), curving shapes whose incredible (1) _________ (REGULAR) contrasts so sharply with the random world around 1. _________________ them. We call them spirals and helices but that hardly does (2) _________ 2. _________________ (JUST) to their diversity or their significance. Over the centuries, mathematicians have identified many different types, but the most intriguing are 3. _________________ those that (3) _________ (REPEAT) occur in the natural world. The need to unravel the mysteries of the (4) _________ (EXIST) of spirals 4. _________________ and helices has exercised some of the best scientific brains in the world and 5. _________________ opened the way to a number of (5) _________ (BREAK) in fields as widely 6. _________________ varied as genetics and meteorology. The most (6) _________ (SPETACLE) spirals on earth are also the most 7. _________________ unwelcome hurricanes. Their (7) _________ (AWE) power comes from the sun’s heat, but they owe their shape to the force caused by the rotation of the 8. _________________ earth. After (8) _________ (NUMBER) years of study, however, Nature’s spirals 9. _________________ and helices have yet to (9) _________ (CLOSE) all their secrets. For example, why, (10) _________ (ASTRONOMY) wonder, are so many galaxies spiral- 10. ________________ shaped? Part 3. The passage below contains 10 mistakes. UNDERLINE the mistakes and WRITE THEIR CORECT FORMS in the spaces provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example. Skiing is one of the most popularly sports in the world. According to recent estimates, about two hundred millions people ski regularly or occasionally. Sliding across the snow on skis is also one of the most ancient method of transport known to the man. It has been demonstrated that men were already traveling across the snow by mean of primitive skis before the invention of the wheel. In the Asiatic region of Altai and in Scandinavia, for example, the remains of skis which have been found date back from 4,000 BC. Further evidence is supplied by ancient cave paintings which depict people skiing, and a Norwegian saga which tells the story of an invasion of its territory 8,000 years ago by a tribe of skiers who come from the north.. 0. _____ popular _____ 1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4.__________________ 5. _________________ 6. _________________. 7. _________________ Nowadays, skiing, apart away being a sport, has become a big industry and a notable feature of leisure culture. Ski resorts and the activity that they generate 8. _________________ is the main source of wealth in many mountain regions, which were previous 9. _________________ remote and accessible. And far from its once elitist image, skiing is now enjoyed 10._________________ by increasingly broader spectrum of society. Part 4. Complete each of the following sentences with the CORRECT FORM of one phrasal verb from the box. Write your answers in the numbered boxes. Each phrasal verb is used only once. lag behind jump at lie down fall out bring on work out turn up jot down get by tick off 1. My purse has just _________ behind the sofa even though I thought I’d lost it for good. 2. It was Tony who would always _________ the rest of the party. He would stop at every window and gaze for hours..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. He’s a nature enthusiast and he will certainly _________ the opportunity of visiting the wildlife reserve in Ohio. 4. “Keep talking while I _________ my notes.” she said. 5. Unless your wife stops leading her extravagant lifestyle, you won’t __________ on the poor salary you obtain. 6. The exact cost of the whole venture isn’t known yet, but our best accounts have been trying to __________ (it). 7. I don’t quite like the new apprentice’s approach. He seems to __________ on the job..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 8. Those naughty boys went on making terrible noise in the park even though they had been ___________ by the annoyed constable. 9. His heart attack was ___________ by too much stress at work. 10. I am not friends with Peter anymore. We’ve ____________. III. READING Part 1. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answer in the numbered boxes. How men first learnt to (1) ___________ words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a (2) ___________. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, (3) ___________ produced certain sounds to present thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (4) ___________ certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds, (5) ___________ spoken or written in letters, are called words. Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also (6) ___________ these thoughts in words that (7) ___________ powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can (8) ___________ his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can (9) ___________ men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, (10) ___________ they will make our speech silly and vulgar. 1. A. invent B. create C. design 2. A. story B. tale C. mystery 3. A. whatever B. however C. somewhat 4. A. at B. upon C. for 5. A. if B. however C. whether 6. A. express B. make C. form 7. A. interest B. appeal C. attract 8. A. carry B. convey C. transfer 9. A. take B. send C. break 10. A. or B. so C. although Part 2. Fill each of the following numbered blanks with ONE suitable word corresponding boxes provided below the passage. SPECTATOR SPORTS. D. discover D. legend D. somehow D. by D. though D. coin D. lure D. transmit D. move D. because and write your answers in the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> A surprising number of popular spectator sports, for example football or basketball, started in Europe or the USA in the nineteenth century. This did not happen by chance. It was the result of changes in the (1) ___________ people lived in those places at that time. Until then (2) ___________ people lived in the country than in towns as they found their urban life so complicated and pricey. They worked in small groups and seemed to have no regular time (3) ___________. All this changed with the growth of factories and industry in the nineteenth century, first in Europe and then in the USA. For the first time most people began to live in towns, and they found themselves with regular free time. They had more leisure time than ever before. This (4) ___________ in the need for organized entertainment or recreation. Suitable games developed or (5) ___________ invented, typically team games, in (6) ___________ the crowded could take sides and become involved. This gave people some of the entertainment or enjoyment they needed in (7) ___________ free time. The recent explosion in TV, (8) ___________ with the introduction of satellite and cable channels, (9) ___________ caused an increase in demand for sports as entertainment. The money TV has brought to games such as football, tennis and baseball means that spectator sports (10) ___________ certainly go on playing an important part in our lives. Part 3. Read the following article about fashion shows. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A - F for each paragraph (1 - 5) of the article. There is an example at the beginning. List of Headings A. Having new ideas. D. Everything depends on the show. B. Making the clothes. E. Making it all look attractive. C. Who's going to wear the clothes?. F. No time off for designers Fashion Shows Putting on a fashion show is not as glamorous as it looks - Sharon Stansfield finds out what the stress is all about. (0) _____________________________ F ___________________________. The shows - Milan, London and Paris - are over for another season. Fashion journalists can put down their notebooks with a sigh of relief, and buyers can return to their offices. For the designers, there is hardly time to congratulate themselves or lick their wounds before the whole business starts all over again. In just four months they must have their next collection of clothes ready for the March shows. (1) ___________________________________________________________. Over the next few months, designers and their creative teams will work together to create a spectacle that will hopefully fire the imagination of the fashion journalists and wake up the buyers. If the show is a failure and no-one wants to buy, the designer could be out of work. There's more than models' bad moods to worry aboutshow-time is nerve-racking for everyone involved, from the designers to the wardrobe people. (2) ___________________________________________________________..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Paul Frith's last collection was well received. But after taking a short break, it was not long before he began to think about his next collection. Designers work a year ahead, so right now they will be working on collections that will be in the shops this time next year. However, inspiration is not a thing that can be turned on and off whenever you like, and though designers work to tight schedules, Paul Frith explains how creativity can't be timetabled to suit. "All of a sudden I get this feeling in my head, then I sit down and sketch and it just pours out of me". (3) ___________________________________________________________. Once the designs are on paper and the designer has chosen the fabrics he or she wants to work with, the sample collection for the shows can be produced. This is carried out by the design team under the designer's supervision. Firstly, the cutter makes an initial pattern of the garment from the designer's sketch. Then a model is made, which is then altered by the designer until it is exactly how they want it. Finally, the perfect patterns are passed over to a machinist. (4) ___________________________________________________________. While the garments are being made, the designer starts to work with a stylist. Together they decide on how the collection is going to be presented at the shows. This involves deciding what hats, bags, belts, etc. should be used, and the hiring of the creative team-choreographer, producer, hair stylist and make-up artist. The more money a designer has available, the more experts he or she can employ to create a successful show. (5) ___________________________________________________________. About a month before the show is due to take place, the stylist will begin to visit modeling agencies. Getting models with the right look is extremely difficult if the budget is tight. Fashion shows have a reputation for being badly paid, and often models chosen for a show will drop out at the last moment if they get a better paid job, like an advert. However, a show that gets a lot of press coverage can make a new model's name. Part 4. Read the following passage. For question 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes. Life in Our Solar System Although we can imagine life based on something other than carbon chemistry, we know of no examples to tell us how such life might arise and survive. We must limit our discussion to life as we know it and the conditions it requires. The most important requirement is the presence of liquid water, not only as part of the chemical reactions of life, but also as a medium to transport nutrients and wastes within the organism. The water requirement automatically eliminates many worlds in our solar system. The moon is airless, and although some data suggest ice frozen in the soil at its poles, it has never had liquid water on its surface. In the vacuum of the lunar surface, liquid water would boil away rapidly. Mercury too is airless and cannot have had liquid water on its surface for long periods of time. Venus has some traces of water vapor in its atmosphere, but it is much too hot for liquid water to survive. If there were any lakes or oceans of water on its surface when it was young, they must have evaporated quickly. Even if life began there, no traces would be left now. Saturn's moon Titan has an atmosphere of nitrogen, argon, and methane and may have oceans of liquid methane and ethane on its surface. The chemistry of life that might crawl or swim on such a world is unknown, but life there may be unlikely because of the temperature. The surface of Titan is a deadly -179 0C (-2900F). Chemical reactions occur slowly or not at all at such low temperatures, so the chemical evolution needed to begin life may never have occurred on Titan..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Mars is the most likely place for life in our solar system. The evidence, however, is not encouraging. Meteorite ALH84001 was found on the Antarctic ice in 1984. It was probably part of debris ejected into space by a large impact on Mars. ALH84001 is important because a team of scientists studies it and announced in 1996 that it contained chemical and physical traces of ancient life on Mars. Scientists were excited too, but being professionally skeptical, they began testing the results immediately. In many cases, the results did not confirm the conclusion that life once existed on Mars. Some chemical contamination from water on Earth has occurred, and some chemicals in the meteorite may have originated without the presence of life. The physical features that look like fossil bacteria may be mineral formations in the rock. 1. The word "automatically" in the passage is closest meaning to_______________. A. partially B. actually C. occasionally 2. The word "it" in the passage refers to _______________. A. ice B. soil C. moon 3. Which of the following statements about the water on Venus is true? A. The water evaporated because of the high temperatures. B. The water became frozen in the polar regions. C. Only a little water is left in small lakes on the surface. D. Rain does not fall because there is no atmosphere. 4. According to paragraph 3, why would life on Titan be improbable? A. It does not have an ocean. B. It is too cold. C. It is not a planet. D. It has a low atmosphere. 5. Why does the author mention the meteorite ALH84001 in paragraph 4?. D. naturally D. solar system.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> A. Because it was found in Antarctica about fifty years ago. B. Because it was evidence of a recent impact on Mars. C. Because scientists thought that it contained evidence of life on Mars. D. Because the meteorite probably came from Mars along time ago. IV. WRITING Part 1. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence before it. Example: We expect he will arrive by nine o’clock => He is expected to arrive by nine o’clock 1. The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at the venue. => It was only ___________________________________________________________________. 2. What mainly distinguishes man from other animals is the power of speech. => Man is ________________________________________________________________________. 3. I don’t think the television’s likely to blow up at any minute. => There is little __________________________________________________________________. 4. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time. => Despite _______________________________________________________________________. 5. It is my opinion that you should spend more time practicing English. => If I___________________________________________________________________________. Part 2. write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. Example: We couldn't find the cat anywhere. (nowhere) => The cat was nowhere to be found. 1.. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept.. (terms). => _________________________________________________________________. 2.. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft.. (resemblance). => _________________________________________________________________. 3.. Even if we don’t like the idea, we’ll have to go with her.. (whether). => _________________________________________________________________. 4.. The house shouldn’t be left unlocked for any reason.. 5.. => _________________________________________________________________.. 6.. His company was bought up by one of the world’s leading multinationals.. => _________________________________________________________________.. (account) (over).

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