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Giao an English 4 U115

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P71 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 1: Section 1,2 (P.64) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about where someone was in the past - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: yesterday, at home, at the zoo, at school, on the beach, in the school library. - Sentence patterns: - Where were you yesterday? I was............. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette..... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Have Ss play a game " Network" play game five. numbers ten 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening - Look at the T in each picture. (point to picture) - Look, listen, repeat then take note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen What are they doing? - Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen and guess line in the pictures and check Sts - Listen the recording comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Call some pairs to practice in front of - Work in pairs class and check Sts’ pronunciation - Listen and repeat - Go to the board and rewrite the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pair 3. Point and say + present new words: 1. New words. - sts listen and copy. - get up: thức dậy - Sts read in chorus - time for: giờ để.. - T calls some sts practise before - thirty:30 class - forty- five: 45 - T gives feedback. * Play game: rub out and remember - Have sts play game. - T presents new structure: - Sts listen and write down. - Sts practise in pairs Look at the pictures a, b, c and d +. Model sentence: - Listen and repeat What’s time is it ,Mom? - listen and repeat It’s seven oclock . - Listen and copy the model sentence - sts look at the pictures a, b, c and d (p6, practise in pairs.) - Read the example - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe - Listen and take notes and comment. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture Class listen - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class 4. Reinforcement - Sts say what they have learnt in this - repeat new words and structure lesson. - T calls some pairs practice again model sentence. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence - Write - Do exercise A in the workbook. V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ................ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P72 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 1: Section 3,4,5 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about where someone was yesterday.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Develop listening, reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: reiview - Sentence patterns: review III.Resources: Student's book, recording, pictures,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up - Ask ss about the last period - ss answer 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 7 and - Identify the time in the pictures tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Listen and answer the questions - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts by asking them about the time in each picture. - Listen the recording to check While-listening: predictions - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen and tick prediction - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and check their answers tick - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and repeat all the phrases answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy text * Tapescripts:(recording) 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 41 partner about the picture and the task Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer What time is it? It’s…… - Ask Sts to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. - Ask Sts to work individually - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get three students to write on the board - Ask sts to exchange their answers - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to. - write. - Exchange - Read aloud answer - Listen and check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> the class. Other listen and comment Key: 1. ten-thirty 2.ten- twenty 3.eleven- fifty - T Emphasize ss the pronunce of teen and ty - Listen and repeat 4. Let’s sing - use picture to introduce the song: Where were you yesterday? - ask ss to read the whole song. - listen -listen and sing along. - Play the recording several times, ask ss to listen first then sing along. - call some groups to sing aloud. - ss sing in groups. 5. Home link - Do exercise in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson - Write V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ....................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P73 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 2: Section 1,2,3 ( P.66) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - asking and answering questions about what someone did in the past - Develop listening, reading and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: listen, wash, water - Sentence patterns: A: What did you do yesterday? B: I V-ed III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette, poster................... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up - Ask ss to sing the song they learnt in the - sing last period "What time is it?” 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is the time in each - Look, listen, repeat then take picture. Say: What time is it? (point to note. pictures) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Who are they? - Play the recording 2 times. - T has sts read in chorus. - T calls some sts practise in pairs.. - Listen the recording. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Listen and repeat say the lines in each picture - Say the words a few times - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 3. Point and say - T presents new words and structure. 1. New words: - Sts listen and write down. Get up Have breakfast What time do you…? Have dinner Go to bed - T gives examples 2 . Model sentence. - Ask sts to read the examples. What time do you…? I go to bed at ten oclock. - Get ss to name some verbs. Then ask them to practice in pairs. - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d and e. Ask and answer questions about what time someone do things? Game slap at the board. - Call some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - T listens and gives feedback. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to read some questions on page 8 - read some questions on page 48 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her - practise in pairs to ask and partner will ask. answer questions.Listen to ask and - Do the first example. answer. A: What time do you…? B: I go to bed at ten oclock - others listen. - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Work in pairs or groups..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> in front of the class and check Sts’ - Practice at the class. pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Have ss repeat again what they have - retell learned 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Do exercise in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P74 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 2: Section 4,5,6 ( P.8) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - asking and answering questions about where someone was in the past and what someone did in the past - develope listening, writing and reading skills II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have ss play a game " network" Daily activities 2. Listen and number - Get ss to look at the pictures - Elicit the pictures by asking some - look at the pictures and answer questions: What time doesLinda do the work? - has ts give their prediction before listening. - Sts work in groups to give prediction. - St listen and number. - T opens the tape 2 times. Key: 1… , 2 ……, 3…., - Sts listen and number. - T calls 2 sts give answer before class. - Others compare. - T gives feedback. - Play the recording the third time to check.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Ss's answer - repeat - Play the tape once more time and get ss to repeat again 3. look and write .T has sts look at the pictures on page 67 and - read five sentences (p.67) write them to work in pairs to discuss about the the missing words. pictures.What.....? 1. six oclock - Sts read aloud some activities. 2.six thirty - Sts do the task individually - t calls three students to write on the board 3.seven .pm - Ask Ss to exchange their writing to correct 4.ten.pm in pairs - T give comment to the writing on the board, Ss look and self-correct. - T give Ss some other suggetion ans ask - Ss speak out them to base on them to speak out the same passages 4. Reinforcement . - T repeats the content of the lesson. - play game - Guide ss to play a game Pass the secret. 5. Home link - Review - Do exercise E in the workbook - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P75 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 3: Section 1,2,3( P.9) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the ending "OO" in some words - Listen and write the words they hear - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: cook book noon school III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Ask ss some questions of the last period -listen and answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 10, look at the - Listen and guess words cook book noon school and notice the letter colored differently in - Look at the T both words. - Look, listen, repeat then take - Produce the sounds of the letters oo in the note. words - Ask Ss to say what they think about when - Listen to the tape twice they hear the sound - Play the recording all the way through for - Listen and answer Ss to listen while they are reading the words in their books - Read aloud in chorus - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times - Work individually - Emphasize ss how to pronouce ‘oo” 3. Listen and write…. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the words they hear - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen write - Ask ss to compare their answer with their friends - 3rd: play the recording to check their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text *game: slap at the corect words. - Look and listen - Listen to the recording and write correctly words they hear. - Work in pairs for correction - Listen and check. - Listen and play 4. Let’s chant - Ask ss to look at the picture and answer the - Look at the chart on page 10 questions: - Listen and repeat ? what's she doing? What time is it? ?what's he doing? - Say and repeat each word - Present the chant - Read - Sts listen and repeat the chant following the recording -Repeat again - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Call on some volunteers to recite the chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to reinforce their pronunciation.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Check and give mark 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters sk and xt 6. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P76 - UNIT 11: WHAT TIME IS IT? Lesson 3: Section 4,5,6 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of ”oo" in some words - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: cook book noon III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 62 -Listen and read the chant - Sts do the task some times 2. Read and complete - Ask Sts to open the book on page 63. Get - look at the pictures Sts to look at the picture. - Ask sts some questions about the pictures. -Listen and answer - Set the context: You are going to read student’s letter and you have to complete the answers - Ask Sts to read Phong's day and tcomplete - Listen and read individually the answer - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - exchange to compare their answers - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Listen and repeat each sentence explanation when necessary. - Read Key: 7 oclock 2- go to bed.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> V. Comments: 3. Let’s write - Ask ss to look at the picture on page 63 - discuss and discuss in pairs what time does Linda - listen and answer do the work? - Call some to answer aloud - Ask ss to work individually to write down - write to complete the passage - call one sts to write on the board - one sts write on the board - call some sts read their answer before the - read class - check and correct - copy 4. Project - Ask ss to complete their time table - Get some ss to speak aloud in front of the - Work individually class - volunteer to speak 5. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P77 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 1: Section 1,2 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Sentence patterns: - What does your father do? -He’s a farmer III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette..... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Have Ss play a game " Network" play game teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> jobs student 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening - Look at the T in each picture. (point to picture) - Look, listen, repeat then take note. - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen What are they talking about? - Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen and guess line in the pictures and check Sts - Listen the recording comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Call some pairs to practice in front of - Work in pairs class and check Sts’ pronunciation - Listen and repeat - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pair 3. Point and say + present new words: 1. New words. - sts listen and copy. Farmer: - Sts read in chorus Nurse:y tá - T calls some sts practise before Driver:lái xe class Factory worker:công nhân - T gives feedback. Uncle:chú,bác - Have sts play game. Aunt:dì,bá - T presents new structure: * Play game: rub out and remember - Sts listen and write down. - Sts practise in pairs +. Model sentence: What does your father do? Look at the pictures a, b, c and d He’s a farmer . - Listen and repeat - sts look at the pictures a, b, c and d (p6, practise in pairs.) - listen and repeat - Call on some pairs to perform the task - Listen and copy the model sentence at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Read the example.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Ask Sts to practice with each picture - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - Listen and take notes Class listen - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class. 4. Reinforcement - Sts say what they have learnt in this - repeat new words and structure lesson. - T calls some pairs practice again model sentence. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence - Write - Do exercise A in the workbook. V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ........................ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P78 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 1: Section 3-4-5 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Sentence patterns: - What does your father do? -He’s a farmer III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette..... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities 1. Warm up. - Ask ss about the last period. - ss answer 2. Listen and tick. Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 13 - Identify the time in the pictures and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture - Listen and answer the questions - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts by asking them.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> about the time in each picture. - Listen the recording to check While-listening: predictions - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen and tick prediction - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and check their answers tick - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and repeat all the phrases answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy text * Tapescripts:(recording) 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 41 partner about the picture and the task Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer My grandpa is a farmer. ……… - Ask Sts to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. - Ask Sts to work individually - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get three students to write on the board - Ask sts to exchange their answers - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to the class. Other listen and comment Key: 1. family 2. My grandpa is a farmer 3……… 4. 5. 6. - T Emphasize ss the pronunce of teen and ty. - write. - Exchange - Read aloud answer - Listen and check. - Listen and repeat. 4. Let’s sing - use picture to introduce the song: My family - ask ss to read the whole song. - listen -listen and sing along. - Play the recording several times, ask ss to listen first then sing along..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> - call some groups to sing aloud. - ss sing in groups 5. Home link. - Do exercise in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson - Write V.Comments: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………. Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P79 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 2: Section 1-2-3 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Sentence patterns: - What does your father do? - Where does he work? III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette..... IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Ask ss to sing the song they learnt in the - sing last period :My family 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is the jobs and the - Look, listen, repeat then take places of working. Say: He’s a doctor. note. Where does he work? (point to pictures) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen Who are they? - Play the recording 2 times. - Listen the recording - T has sts read in chorus. - T calls some sts practise in pairs. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Listen and repeat say the lines in each picture - Say the words a few times - Go to the board and rewrite the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 3. Point and say - T presents new words and structure. 1. New words: - Sts listen and write down. Hospital Factory Where do you work? Field - in a … - T gives examples 2 . Model sentence. - Ask sts to read the examples. Where do you work? - in a … - Get ss to name some verbs. Then ask them to practice in pairs - Call some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - T listens and gives feedback.. - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d and e. Ask and answer questions about where do they work? Game slap at the board Bệnh viện Nhà máy Lái xe. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to read some questions on page 8 - read some questions on page 48 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her - practise in pairs to ask and partner will ask. answer questions.Listen to ask and - Do the first example. answer. A: I work in a school.What’s my job? ….. - others listen. - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Work in pairs or groups. in front of the class and check Sts’ - Practice at the class. pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Have ss repeat again what they have - retell learned 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Do exercise in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P80 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 2: Section 4-5-6 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Sentence patterns: - What does your father do? - Where does he work? III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette..... IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have ss play a game " network" places. jobs. 2. Listen and number - Get ss to look at the pictures - Elicit the pictures by asking some - look at the pictures and answer questions: What time doesLinda do the work? - has ts give their prediction before listening. - Sts work in groups to give prediction. - T opens the tape 2 times. - Sts listen and number. - T calls 2 sts give answer before class. - Others compare. - T gives feedback. - Play the recording the third time to check Ss's answer. - St listen and number. Key: 1… , 2 ……, 3….,.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> - Play the tape once more time and get ss to - repeat repeat again 3. look and write .T has sts look at the pictures on page 67 and - read five sentences (p.67) write them to work in pairs to discuss about the the missing words. pictures.What.....? 1. nurse - Sts read aloud some activities. 2.hospital - Sts do the task individually - t calls three students to write on the board 3.farmer - Ask Ss to exchange their writing to correct 4.field in pairs - T give comment to the writing on the board, Ss look and self-correct. - T give Ss some other suggetion ans ask - Ss speak out them to base on them to speak out the same passages 4. Let’s play - T repeats the content of the lesson. - play game - Guide ss to play a game Pelmanisim 5. Home link - Review - Do exercise E in the workbook - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P81 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 3: Section 1-2-3 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Phonic:ie,ea Field Piece Teacher reading - Sentence patterns: - What does your father do? - Where does he work? III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette......

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> IV. Procedures Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Ask ss some questions of the last period -listen and answer 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 16, look at the - Listen and guess words Field - Look at the T Piece - Look, listen, repeat then take Teacher note. reading and notice the letter colored differently in - Listen to the tape twice both words. - Produce the sounds of the letters ie,ea in - Listen and answer the words - Ask Ss to say what they think about when - Read aloud in chorus they hear the sound - Work individually - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words - ss play the game slap at the words in their books - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times - Emphasize ss how to pronouce ‘ie”,”ea” 3. Listen and cirle…. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the words they hear - Look and listen - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen - Listen to the recording and cirle - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen correctly words they hear write - Ask ss to compare their answer with their friends - 3rd: play the recording to check their - Work in pairs for correction answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Listen and check - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text *game: slap at the corect words - Listen and play 4. Let’s chant - Ask ss to look at the picture and answer the - Look at the chart on page 10 questions: - What does he/she do? - Listen and repeat - Where does he/she work?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> - Say and repeat each word - Read. - Present the chant - Sts listen and repeat the chant following the recording -Repeat again - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Call on some volunteers to recite the chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to reinforce their pronunciation - Check and give mark 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters sk and xt 6. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P82 - UNIT 12: WHAT DOES YOUR FATHER DO? Lesson 3: Section 4-5-6 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about jobs - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: uncle,farmer,nurse, driver… - Phonic:ie,ea Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 16 -Listen and read the chant - Sts do the task some times 2. Read and complete - Ask Sts to open the book on page 17. Get - look at the pictures Sts to look at the report and the table - Ask sts some questions about the pictures. -Listen and answer - Set the context: You are going to read student’s report and you have to fill in the table with jobs and places of work - Ask Sts to read the report about Phong's - Listen and read individually family members and complete the answer - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> - exchange to compare their answers. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Listen and repeat each sentence explanation when necessary. Key: - Read job Places of work father teacher LHP Primary school mother nurse TN Hospital brother worker A car factory V. Comments: 3. Let’s write - Ask ss to look at page 17 and discuss in - discuss pairs what and where their family members - listen and answer work? - Call some to answer aloud - Ask ss to work individually to write down - write to complete the passage - call one sts to write on the board - one sts write on the board - call some sts read their answer before the - read class - check and correct - copy 4. Project - Ask ss to complete the table about 2 classmates - Work individually - Get some ss to speak aloud in front of the class - volunteer to speak 5. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P83 - UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Lesson 1.section 1-2. I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread. IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Have Ss play a game " Network" egg. rice drinks. foods fish. water. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get - Listen and guess them to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening - Look at the T in each picture. - Look, listen, repeat then take note. Where are they? (point to picture) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen Who are they? What are they talking about? - Listen and guess - Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen the recording line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, - Listen to the tape twice and Vietnamese when necessary - Work in pairs or groups. - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs - Call some pairs to practice in front of - Listen and repeat class and check Sts’ pronunciation - Go to the board and rewrite the words - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pair 3. Point and say + present new words: 1. New words. - sts listen and copy. Drink - Sts read in chorus Food - T calls some sts practise before Lemonade class Bread - T gives feedback. Rice - Have sts play game. chicken - T presents new structure: * Play game: rub out and remember - Sts listen and write down. - Sts practise in pairs +. Model sentence:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> What’s your favourite food/drink? It’s ……. - sts look at the pictures a, b, c and d (p6, practise in pairs.) - Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Ask Sts to practice with each picture - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciationt their favourite food and drink. - Ask ss to work in pairs to ask abou. Look at the pictures a, b, c and d - Listen and repeat - listen and repeat - Listen and copy the model sentence - Read the example - Listen and take notes Class listen - Work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class. 4. Reinforcement - Sts say what they have learnt in this - repeat new words and structure lesson. - T calls some pairs practice again model sentence. V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P84 - UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Lesson 1.section 3-4-5 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink Answer the question :Would you like….? - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread, vegetables,noodles Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up - game:slap at the board - T remarks ss’work cá Sữa. Thịt gà. Nước.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 19 - Identify the time in the pictures and tell them the purpose of listening: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture - Listen and answer the questions - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T elicits each picture for Sts by asking them about the time in each picture. - Listen the recording to check While-listening: predictions - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen and tick prediction - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and - Listen and check their answers tick - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and repeat all the phrases answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy text * Tapescripts:(recording) 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 41 partner about the picture and the task Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer - Ask Sts to look at the pictures and complete the sentences. - Ask Sts to work individually - write - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get three students to write on the board - Ask sts to exchange their answers - Exchange - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Read aloud answer the class. Other listen and comment Keys: 1. It’s chicken 2. It’s orange juice 3. It’s fish - Listen and repeat 4. Let’s sing - use picture to introduce the song: My favourite food and drink - ask ss to read the whole song. - listen.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> -listen and sing along - Play the recording several times, ask ss to listen first then sing along. - call some groups to sing aloud. - ss sing in groups. 5. Home link - Do exercise in the workbook. - Prepare next lesson - Write V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P85 - UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Lesson 2.section 1-2-3. I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread,vegetables - Structures:Would you like some noodles? - Yes,please/no,thanks Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up - Ask ss to sing the song they learnt in the - sing last period :My favourite food and drink 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Look at the T - Ask Sts to discuss what is the food. Say: - Look, listen, repeat then take would you like some noodles? (point to note. pictures) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen Who are they? - Play the recording 2 times. - Listen the recording - T has sts read in chorus. - T calls some sts practise in pairs. - Listen to the tape twice - Work in pairs or groups. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Read aloud in chorus - Work in pairs - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Listen and repeat say the lines in each picture - Say the words a few times - Go to the board and rewrite the words.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> - Listen and repeat a few times - Work in groups - Practice in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 3. Point and say - T presents new words and structure. 1. New words: - Sts listen and write down. Rice Vegetables Where do you work? Bread - in a … Noodles - T gives examples - Ask sts to read the examples. 2 . Model sentence. Would you like some…? Yes,please/no,thanks - Get ss to name some verbs. Then ask them to practice in pairs - Call some pairs to perform the task at the front of the class. Others observe and comment. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation. - T listens and gives feedback.. - Look at the pictures a, b, c, d and e. Ask and answer questions about where do they work? Game slap at the board. Bánh mì. cơm. Rau xanh. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to read some questions on page 20 - read some questions on page 48 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her - practise in pairs to ask and partner will ask. answer questions.Listen to ask and - Do the first example. answer. A: What’s your favourite food / drink? ….. - others listen. A:Would you like some…? ….. - Work in pairs or groups. - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Practice at the class. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Have ss repeat again what they have - retell learned 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Do exercise in the workbook. - Write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> - Prepare next period V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P86- UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Lesson 2.section 4-5-6 I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink Answer the question :Would you like….? - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread, vegetables,noodles Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have ss play a game " network" drinks. foods. 2. Listen and number - Get ss to look at the pictures - Elicit the pictures by asking some - look at the pictures and answer questions: What is the food/drink? - has ts give their prediction before listening. - Sts work in groups to give prediction. - T opens the tape 2 times. - St listen and number. - Sts listen and number. Key: 1… , 2 ……, 3…., - T calls 2 sts give answer before class. - Others compare. - T gives feedback. - Play the recording the third time to check Ss's answer - Play the tape once more time and get ss to - repeat repeat again 3. look and write .T has sts look at the pictures on page 67 and - read five sentences (p.67) write them to work in pairs to discuss about the the missing words. pictures.What.....? 1.milk.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> - Sts read aloud some activities. - Sts do the task individually - t calls three students to write on the board - Ask Ss to exchange their writing to correct in pairs - T give comment to the writing on the board, Ss look and self-correct. - T give Ss some other suggetion ans ask them to base on them to speak out the same passages. 2.lemonade 3.water 4.chicken 5.rice 6.bread. - Ss speak out. 4. Let’s play - T repeats the content of the lesson. - play game - Guide ss to play a game food or drink 5. Home link - Review - Do exercise E in the workbook - Write - Prepare next period V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P87- UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK? Lesson 3.section 1-2-3. I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread,vegetables - Structures:Would you like some noodles? - Yes,please/no,thanks - Phonic:F,Sh Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Ask ss some questions of the last period -listen and answer 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 22, look at the - Listen and guess words:beef,leaf,fish,dish and notice the letter colored differently in - Look at the T both words. - Look, listen, repeat then take - Produce the sounds of the letters f,sh in the note. words - Ask Ss to say what they think about when - Listen to the tape twice they hear the sound.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> - Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the words in their books - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times. - Listen and answer - Read aloud in chorus - Work individually. - Emphasize ss how to pronouce ‘s”,”sh” - ss play the game slap at the words 3. Listen and cirle…. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the words they hear - Look and listen - 1st:Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen - Listen to the recording and cirle - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen correctly words they hear write - Ask ss to compare their answer with their Keys:1.a 2.b 3a 4.b friends - 3rd: play the recording to check their - Work in pairs for correction answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Listen and check - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text *game: slap at the corect words - Listen and play 4. Let’s chant - Ask ss to look at the picture and answer the - Look at the chart on page 10 questions: Would you like some fish? - Listen and repeat - Present the chant - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Say and repeat each word the recording - Read - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Call on some volunteers to recite the -Repeat again chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to reinforce their pronunciation - Check and give mark 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters sk and xt 6. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 P88 - UNIT 13: WOULD YOU LIKE SOME MILK?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> Lesson 3.section 4-5-6. I. Objectives: At the end of the period, Students will be able to: - Asking and answering questions about favourite food and drink - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: juice,lemonade,water,fish,rice,chicken,bread,vegetables - Structures:Would you like some noodles? - Yes,please/no,thanks - Phonic:F,Sh Teacher’s activities Student’ activities 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 22 -Listen and read the chant - Sts do the task some times 2. Read and complete - Ask Sts to open the book on page 23. Get - look at the pictures Sts to look at the report and the table - Ask sts some questions about the pictures. -Listen and answer - Set the context: You are going to read student’s report and you have to fill in the table with jobs and places of work - Ask Sts to read the report about Phong's - Listen and read individually family members and complete the answer - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - exchange to compare their answers - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Listen and repeat each sentence explanation when necessary. - Read Key: favourite food Favourite drinks beef. 3. Let’s write - Ask ss to look at page 23 Write about - discuss their favourite food and drink ? - listen and answer - Call some to answer aloud - Ask ss to work individually to write down to complete the passage - write - call one sts to write on the board - call some sts read their answer before the - one sts write on the board class - read.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> - check and correct - copy 4. Project - Ask ss to complete the table about their classmates - Work individually - Get some ss to speak aloud in front of the class - volunteer to speak 5. Home link - Do exercises in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson V. Comments: ................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... ............ WEEK 23 Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Period 89 - Lesson 1: Section 1-2 (P. 24) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Ask and answer questions about someone's physical appearance. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: tall, short, slim, old, young, strong, weak, .. - Sentence patterns: What does he/she look like? - He/She's ________ III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette, pictures..... IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up * Slap the board: - listen and play: - has Sts play "slap the board game" nice big + guide Sts to play lemonade + comment and remark. beef water - Lead Sts to the new lesson. - Listen. bread vegetables chicken. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture (P.24). - Listen and guess and get them to identify the characters. - Ask Sts to discuss the content of each - Look at the T picture. Say: “Two children are talking - Look, listen and discuss in the computer room.(point to picture) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen and answer Who are they? What are they talking about?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> - Play the recording for Sts to read each line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from Mai and Tom - Call some pairs to practice in front of class and check Sts’ pronunciation.. - Listen to the recording - Listen to the tape twice - Repeat aloud in chorus - Work in groups. - Listen and repeat - repeat in pairs.. 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say: "They are - Look at the pictures a, b, c and d Linda and Phong. They're talking about - Listen Linda's brother." Teaching vocabulary: - listen and repeat + tall: cao - short: thấp + slim: mảnh mai Say the words a few times + old: già - young: trẻ + strong: khỏe - weak: yếu *Checking vocab: What and where - Go to the board and rewrite the words Teaching model sentence: - Listen and repeat a few times What does he/she look like? - He/She's ________ - Listen and copy the model sentence. Eg: What does he look like? - Read the example - She's thin. - Call on some pairs to perform the task. - take notes Others observe and comment. - practise asking and answering with - Ask Sts to practice with each picture pictures. - Have the whole class repeat all the - repeat all the words under each picture phrases to reinforce their pronunciation - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page - Look at the pictures on page 24. 24. Make sure they understand the task: Each St choose a boy/ a girl from the - Choose a boy or a girl to practice pictures and describe him/her to his/ her partner. His/ Her partner will make questions.(using guiding questions) - Do the first example: point to picture a - Listen to ask and answer a:What does she look like? - She's tall. - Class listen - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - work in pairs or groups - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the - demonstrate the task task in front of the class and check Sts’ pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they've just learnt. - ask and answer question: - Ss ask and answer questions about What does Binh look like? other's physical appearance.(classmates) - He’s young..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Write - Practise the dialogue in part 1(P.24) again at home. V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Period 90 - Lesson 1: Section 3-5 (P.25) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities 1. Warm up. * play a game “Matching” - Listen and play - ask Sts to match each word to its meaning tall mảnh mai in Vietnamese. thin gầy - observe and comment. strong yếu - lead sts to the new lesson. weak khỏe slim cao - Listen 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 25 - Identify the characters in the and tell them the purpose of listening: You pictures are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Ask Sts some questions about pictures. T - Listen and answer the questions elicits each picture for Sts. While-listening: - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their - Listen the recording to check prediction. predictions. - Play the tape secondly. Sts listen and tick. - Listen and tick - Play the tape again for Sts to check their - Listen and check their answers answers. - Call on some Sts to report their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases. Others listen and comment. T correct. - listen and answer. Post-listening:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> - Ask Sts about the content of listening text. - Listen and copy Answers: 1-c; 2- c ; 3 - a 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 25 about the picture and the task. - Point to the model text and elicit - Listen St’answers. What does he/she look like? What do they look like? - Ask Sts to read the question and write the - Read and write answers. - Ask Sts to work in pairs to do the task. - Work in pair - Set time and move around the classroom to help Sts, write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Read aloud answer the class. Other listen and comment. - comment, give correct answers and explain - Listen and check if necessary: 1. He’s slim - listen and copy 2. She’s short. 3. They are old. 4. They are strong. 4. Let’s play - Has Sts play “Find someone who…”game. - listen and play - guide sts to play. - comment and consolidate the content of - Listen lesson 1. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence. - Prepare next lesson. - Write V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Period 91 - Lesson 2: Section 1-2 (P.26) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Greeting and responding to greeting - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: taller, shorter, younger, older, stronger, weaker,… - Sentence patterns: A: Who is __________? B: _________is________. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette, poster.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Has Sts play “Find someone who…”game. - guide sts to play: - Listen and play For example: Tell me the boy who is tall and strong in our class. - comment and lead sts to the new lesson. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and look to identify the familiar characters and the new ones - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Listen and guess each picture. Say: “These children are - Look at the T. talking each other. (point to picture) - Ask Sts some questions: Who are they? - Listen and answer. Who are they talking about? - Play the recording for Sts to read each line - Listen to the recording in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English, and Vietnamese when necessary. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat - Listen again and repeat - Divide the class into groups to take turns to - Repeat aloud in groups say the lines in each picture - Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Practice in pairs to listen and and check Sts’ pronunciation. repeat. 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say: Nam is - Look at the pictures a, b and c talking to Peter about his father and his brother. Teaching vocabulary: - Listen and repeat + taller – shorter + stronger - weaker - Say the words a few times + older - younger + bigger - smaller * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Go to the board and rewrite the - T gives an example: point to picture and words. say: Who is taller, the boy or the girl? Ask Sts to answer: the girl is taller than the - listen boy. - Ask Sts to repeat the words under each - Listen and repeat a few times picture then ask Sts to read the example. - Work in groups.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> - Elicit their prompt to complete the text in the speech bubbles. - give the model sentences and write it clearly on the board. A: Who is __________? B: _________is________. - Sts give other examples to explain the form, meaning and the language function of the model sentence. - do a model example with two sts in class T: Who is taller, Minh or Hoang? Ss: Hoang is taller than Minh. - ask Sts work in pairs/groups to practise with other pictures. T goes around and helps. - call some pairs to present the task in front of the class. - listen and correct Sts’ mistakes when necessary. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation.. - Practice in pairs - Look at picture a - read the model sentence aloud in chorus or individually. - Listen and repeat the example. - Sts look and listen. - Work in pairs - present in pairs - listen and comment. - listen - Repeat all the phrases. 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 26. - Look at the pictures on page 8 Make sure that they understand the task.His/ Her partner will choose two students in their class to make comparisons. - Do the first example: - Listen to ask and answer Who is slimmer, Mai or Huyen? Mai is slimmer than Mai. - Class listen - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups. - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task - Work in pairs or groups in front of the class and check Sts’ - Practice at the class pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Listen and talk 5. Home link - Learn new words and model - Prepare next period. - Write. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Period 92 - Lesson 2: Section 4-6 (P.27) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop listening, reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. - play a game “ slap the board” - guide sts how to play.. - listen and play tall strong weak. slim. young. - check, give comments. old small short 2. Listen and circle - Have Ss look at sentences 1->4 (P.27) - Elicit the meaning of each sentence. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and circle - Look and listen the letter standing before the correct information. - Listen to the recording and circle. - 1st: Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking at the - Look and listen. sentences in their books. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and circle. circle. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check - Listen and check their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction correction. - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ - Listen and answer comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) - Listen and copy Answers: 1 – a; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – b 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 9 about the pictures and the task. Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer Who are they? What does he/she look like? Who is ……? - Read and write - Ask Sts to read the text and fill in the missing words..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Set time, move around the classroom to help Sts and write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to the class. Other listen and comment. - check and give the correct answers: 1. The brother is slimmer than the father. 2. The mother is shorter than the father. 3. The sister is older than the brother. 4. The brother is stronger than the father.. - Work in pair. - Read aloud answer - Listen and check.. - listen and copy. 4. Reinforcement - Teach sts to sing the song: What do they - Sing look like? - Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen and repeat line and sing the song a few times. - Work in groups - Ask Sts to practice singing in groups. - Call on a group to sing the song in front of - Sing and claps in group the class. The rest of the class claps to the beat. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence. - Practise the dialogue in part 1(P.26) again. - Listen and write - Prepare next period. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ----------------------------------------------WEEK 24 Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Period 93 - Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.28) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “th”. - Listen and write the words they hear - Develop listening, and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: this that thin thick III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette... IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up * sing “ What do they look like” song. - listen and sing up to tape. - Sts sing in groups. Others comment. - comment and lead sts to the new lesson. - listen 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 28, look at the - Listen and look words in part 1 and notice the letters colored differently in both words. - “You are going to learn how to pronounce - Listen, repeat then take note. th in the word this, that, thin and thick ” this that thin thick - T pronounces these sounds in isolation - Listen (2times) and in four words (3 times). - Ask Ss to say what they think about when - Listen and answer they hear the sounds. - Sts listen and read silently. - Listen and read silently. - T has Sts listen to tape and guides them to - Listen to the tape and repeat repeat. Some Sts read four words aloud. T listens and corrects. - The whole class repeat these words again - Read aloud (2 times). 3. Listen and tick - Have Ss look at sentences on page 28 - look at the sentences. - Elicit the meanings of sentences in the - Listen student’s book. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and tick - Listen to the recording and tick the words they hear to complete the the words they hear. sentences. - 1st: Play the recording all the way through - Listen and tick for Ss to listen while they are looking the sentences in their books. - Listen and check - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and tick. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction correction. * Key: 1.a 2. b. 3. a 4.b - Listen and copy - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. - Listen and answer 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant “This is my family” - Look at the chart on page 28 - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> the recording - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to - Repeat again reinforce their pronunciation. - Check and give comments. - listen 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters “th” 6. Home link - Practise the chant P. 28 at home - Write V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 14: WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Period 94 - Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6 (P.29) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Model setence: review III. Resources: Student's book IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 28 - Listen and read the chant - Sts do the task some times - comment and lead sts to the new lesson. - listen 2. Read and write - Ask Sts to open the book on page 29. Get - open the book and look at the letter. Sts to look at the letter. - Set the context: You are going to read - Listen Marie’s letter and answer the questions. - Ask Sts to read the letter and answer the - Listen and answer. questions below. - Give sufficient time for Sts to do the task. - Read and write the answers. - Ask Sts to read and write the answers - Have Sts check their answer in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - chec their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> - Give the answers to the class. Provide explanation when necessary. * Key: 1. He’s a teacher. 2. He’s tall and slim. 3. She is very beautiful. 4. Her brother is younger than Marie. 5. Marie is shoter than her brother. - Call some sts to read the passage again. - T listen and check their pronunciation.. - demonstrate - listen and copy the correct answer. - Read again. - Listen. 3. Write - Guide sts write about their family. Dear + name, My name’s ______. I’m ______years old. There are__________people in my family. My father’s _________________________ My mother’s ________________________ Best wishes, ________________ . - call sts to read their writings before class. - check and correct.. - listen - write the letter.. - read their writing. - listen.. 4. Reinforcement - Has Ss say what they have learnt in this - listen and do the task lesson. 5. Home link - Learn the new words and model sentences. - Listen and write - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 95 - Lesson 1: Section 1-2 (P.30) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Ask and answer questions about when a festival is. - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: New Year, Children's Day, Teacher's Day, Christmas, festival, .. - Sentence patterns: When is...............? - It's on the ....... III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette, pictures..... IV. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up * Brainstorming: - listen and tell: - Ask sts to tell the names of big + Tết + Ngày Nhà Giáo festivals that they know in Vietnamese. + Giáng Sinh + Năm Mới - Listen and lead Sts to the new lesson. + ... - Listen 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture (P.30) - Listen and guess and get them to identify the characters. - Ask Sts to discuss the content of each picture. Say: “Two children are playing - Look at the T outside in nice clothes. You hear what - Look, listen, repeat then take note. are they talking about" (point to picture) - Ask Sts some questions: - Listen Who are they? What are they talking about? - Listen and guess - Play the recording for Sts to repeat - Listen the recording each line in the pictures and check Sts comprehension at times, using English - Listen to the tape twice and Vietnamese when necessary. - Work in pairs or groups. - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and - Read aloud in chorus repeat. - Work in pairs - Divide the class into groups to take - Listen and repeat turns to say the lines from Mai and Tom - Say the words a few times - Call some pairs to practice in front of - Work in groups class and check Sts’ pronunciation - Practice in pairs 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say: “This is - Look at the pictures a, b, c and d Mai and Phong. Mai is inviting Phong - Listen and repeat to join Children’s Day at her house.” Teaching vocabulary: - listen and repeat + New Year: năm mới + Children's Day: quốc tế thiếu nhi + Teacher's Day: ngày nhà giáo + Christmas: giáng sinh - Go to the board and rewrite the words + festival: lễ hội - Listen and repeat a few times *Checking vocab: What and where - Listen and copy the model sentence Teaching model sentence: Eg: When is Teachers' Day? - Read the example It's on the twentieth of September. When is __________? - Listen and take notes - It's on the ________ . - Call on some pairs to perform the task. Others observe and comment. - repeat all the words under pictures. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases to reinforce their pronunciation - Look at the pictures on page 6..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 30. Make sure they understand the task: - Choose a boy or a girl Each St choose a boy/ a girl from the - Listen to ask and answer pictures and describe him/her to his/ her partner. His/ Her partner will make questions. - Do the first example: point to picture a Class listen a: When is New Year? - It's on the first of January. - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups - Work in pairs or groups - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the - demonstrate the task in front of the task in front of the class and check Sts’ class pronunciation. 4. Reinforcement - Ss say what they've just learnt. - ask and answer question - Ss ask and answer questions when When is Mid-autumn Festival? Vietnamese Teachers' Day/ Mid-autumn - It's on the ...... Festival is .... 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence. - Write - Practise the dialogue in part 1(P.30) again at home. V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 96 - Lesson 1: Section 3-5 (P.31) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop listening and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette player. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities 1. Warm up. * play a game “Matching” - Listen and ask Sts to repeat each word. - Listen and check.. - Listen and play New Year ngày nhà giáo Children's Day lễ hội Teacher's Day giáng sinh Christmas năm mới festival quốc tế thiếu nhi - Listen and repeat.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> 2. Listen and tick Pre-listening: - Have Ss look at the pictures on page 31 - Identify the characters in the and tell them the purpose of listening: You pictures are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number. - Ask Sts some questions about picture. T - Listen and answer the questions elicits each picture for Sts to predict the correct answer. While-listening: - Listen the recording to check - Play the tape firstly for Sts to check their predictions prediction. - Listen and number - Play the tape secondly for Sts to listen and tick. - Listen and check their answers - Play the tape again for Sts to check their answers. - Listen and repeat all the phrases - Call on some Sts to report their answers. Others listen and comment. - T give correct answers. Post-listening: - Ask Sts about the content of the listening - Listen and copy text. * Tapescripts:(recording) Answers: 1- b; 2- a ; 3 - c 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 7 about the pictures and the task. - Point to the model text and elicit - Listen and answer St’answers. What is this? What are you going to do? - Ask Sts to read the text and fill in the - Read and write missing words. - Ask Sts to work in pairs - Work in pair - Set time, move around the classroom to help Sts and write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Read aloud answer the class. Other listen and comment. - check and give the correct answers: - Listen and check. 1. It’s on the twenty fifth of December. - listen and copy 2. It’s on the twentieth of November. 3. It’s on the first of June. 4. Let’s sing - Teach sts to sing the song : Happy New - Sing Year..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> - Play the recording for Sts to read each - Listen and repeat line and sing the song a few times. - Work in groups - Ask Sts to practice singing in groups. - Call on a group to sing the song in front of - Sing and claps in group the class. The rest of the class claps to the beat. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence. - Prepare next lesson. - Write V.Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ........................................... WEEK 25 Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 97 - Lesson 2: Section 1-2 (P.32) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Greeting and responding to greeting - Develop listening and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: decorate, firework displays, lucky money, wear nice clothes. - Sentence patterns: A: What do you do at Tet? B: I…………………. III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette player, poster IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1. Warm up * Bingo: - Give the grid and a list of words on the New year Teachers’ January poster. Get Sts to repeat the word of last Day lesson. Christmas Children’s join - The first Sts who crosses out all nine words Day in his grid calls “Bingo!” party December smart - Listen and cross. 2. Look, listen and repeat - Ask Ss to look at each picture and get them - Listen and guess to identify the characters. - Ask Sts to discuss what is happening in - Look at the T each picture by asking Sts some questions: - Look, listen, repeat then take Who are they? note. What are they talking about? - Play the recording for Sts to repeat each - Listen line in the pictures and check Sts - Listen and guess comprehension, using English and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> Vietnamese when necessary. - Listen the recording - Play the tapes for Sts to listen and repeat. - Listen to the tape twice - Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines in each picture. - Read aloud in chorus - Call some pairs to practice in front of class - Work in groups and check Sts’ pronunciation. - Practice in pairs 3. Point and say - Point to the picture and say: Mai is talking - Look at the pictures a, b, c and d to Linda about activities at Tet. - Listen and repeat Teaching vocabulary: + decorate + firework displays + lucky money + wear nice clothes. - Listen and repeat * Checking vocab: Rub out and remember - Say the words a few times - Teach model sentence: - T gives an example: point to picture a and - Go to the board and rewrite the say: What do you do at Tet? words Ask Sts to answer: I make Banh Chung - Listen and repeat a few times - Ask Sts to repeat the words in each picture then ask Sts to read the example. - Look at picture a - Elicit their prompt to complete the text in the speech bubbles. - T gives the model sentences: - Listen and repeat the words A: What do you do at Tet? - Read the example B: I…………………. - Call on some pairs to perform the task. - Listen and take notes Others observe and comment. - Ask Sts to ask and answer about the - Work in pairs activities at Tet in each picture. - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases - Ask and answer in pairs to reinforce their pronunciation. - Repeat all the phrases 3. Let’s talk - Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page 32. - Look at the pictures on page 32 Make sure they understand the task.His/ Her partner will respond. - Do the first example: When is ……?. - Listen to ask and answer What do you do at/on…? - Ask Sts to work in pairs or groups. - Class listen - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class and check Sts’ - Work in pairs or groups pronunciation. - Practice at the class 4. Reinforcement - Has sts play a game “Matching” - Listen and play - T check and comment. - listen 5. Home link.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> - Learn new words and model sentence. - Prepare next period.. - Listen and write. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 98 - Lesson 2: Section 4-6 (P.33) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop listening, reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. - play a game “ slap the board” - guide sts how to play - check, give comments.. - listen and play decorate join make firework visit money presents flowers 2. Listen and circle - Have Ss look at sentences 1->4 (P.33) - Elicit the meaning of each sentence. - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and circle - Look and listen the letter standing before the correct information. - Listen to the recording and circle. - 1st: Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking at the - Look and listen. sentences in their books. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and - Listen and circle. circle. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check - Listen and check their answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction correction. - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ - Listen and answer comprehension of the listening text. Transcript: (recording) - Listen and copy Answers: 1 – a; 2 – b; 3 – b; 4 – a 3. Look and write - Have a brief discussion with the class - Look at the pictures on page 9 about the picture and the task..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Point to the model text and elicit St’answers - Listen and answer Who are they? What are they doing? - Ask Sts to read the text and fill in the - Read and write missing words. - Ask Sts to work in pairs. - Work in pair - Set time, move around the classroom to help Sts and write any words that Sts need on the board. - Get a few Sts to read aloud their answer to - Read aloud answer the class. Other listen and comment. - check and give the correct answers: - Listen and check. 1. Mai and her mother go shopping. 2. Phong and his father is decorating the house. 3. Nam and his family are making banh - listen and copy chung. 4. Hoa and her brother visit their grandparents. 4. Reinforcement - has Sts play “Physical line-up game” - listen and play Get presents. - ask Ss to say what they have learnt in this lesson.. Give flowers. At Tet, we .. For Children’s Day. - listen and answer. 5. Home link - Learn new words and model sentence. - Practise the dialogue in part 1(P.32) again. - Listen and write - Prepare next period. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 99 - Lesson 3: Section 1-3 (P.34) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letter “cl” and “fl”. - Listen and write the missing words they hear. - Develop listening, speaking and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Phonics: clothes close flowers III. Resources: Student's book, recording, cassette.... floor.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities 1. Warm up. * sing “ Happy New Year song” - Sts sing in groups. Others comment. - comment and lead sts to the new lesson.. - listen and sing up to tape. - listen. 2. Listen and repeat - Have Ss open the book page 34, look at the - Listen and guess words in part 1 and notice the letters colored differently in both words. - Look at the T - Produce the sounds of the letters cl in the - Look, listen, repeat then take word clothes and close and the letters fl in note. the word close. : clothes close - Listen to the tape twice flowers floor - Ask Ss to say what they think about when - Listen and answer they hear the sound - Play the recording all the way through for - Read aloud in chorus Ss to listen while they are reading the words in their books - Work individually - Get Sts to repeat the words a few times. 3. Listen and write - Have Ss look at sentences on page 34 - Identify the characters in the - Elicit the meanings of sentences in the pictures. pictures. - Look and listen - Ask Ss to listen to the recording and write the information they hear. - Listen to the recording and write - 1st: Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the sentences in their books. - 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen - Listen and write write. - 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their - Listen and check answers. - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for - Work in pairs for correction correction. * Key - Listen and copy 1. flowers 3. clothes 2. close 4. floor - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text. 4. Let’s chant - Present the chant What do you do at Tet? - Look at the chart on page 10.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> - Sts listen and repeat the chant following - Listen and repeat the recording - Asks sts to work in groups to make rhymes - Say and repeat each word - Call on some volunteers to recite the - Read chant.The rest of the class clap the syllables. - Have the whole class repeat the chant to - Repeat again reinforce their pronunciation. - Check and give comments. 5. Reinforcement - Ss say what they have learnt in this lesson. - Pronounce correctly the sounds of the letters cl and fl 6. Home link - Practise the chant at home - Write V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: …/… /2017 UNIT 15: WHEN'S CHILDREN DAY? Period 100 - Lesson 3: Section 4 - 6 (P.35) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Develop reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: market, during - Model setence: review III. Resources: Student's book IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’s activities. 1. Warm up - Have sts recite the chant on page 34: - Listen and read the chant. “What do you do at Tet” - Sts repeat the chant in chorus. - repeat in chorus. - Leads sts to the new lesson. - listen 2. Read and write - Ask Sts to open the book on page 35. Get - open the book and look Sts to look at the passage. - Set the context: You are going to read the - Listen passage and you have to fill in the blanks. - Ask Sts to read Mai’s writing and -Read and write the missing words. complete sentences. - Get Sts to do the task. Give sufficient time - do the task for them to carry it out.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> - Have Ss exchange their answers in pairs. - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - Provide explanation when necessary. * Key: 1. Tet 2. flowers 3. their house……banh chung 4. the firework displays. 5. their grandparents, teachers … friends. - Call some sts to read the passage again. - T listen and check their pronunciation.. - exchange their answers - demonstrate - listen and copy the correct answer. - read the passage again - listen. 3. Write about you - Guide sts write about their Tet by asking - listen and look. them some guided questions before writing: What do you do before Tet? - listen and answer What do you do during Tet? - Ask sts to write individually. - Call one st to display their writings on the board. - Call some sts to look and comment in front of the class. - Check and correct.. - write - some sts write on the board - read and comment - listen and write. 4. Reinforcement - Has sts“Make a greeting cards for Tet and - listen and do the task then write wishes to your friends”. - Sts work in groups. - work in groups. - Ask Sts to present them to class. - present their cards to class. - look and comment. - listen 5. Home link - Do exercises C, D in the workbook. - Write - Prepare next lesson. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................... WEEK 26 Date of teaching: …/… /2017 REVIEW 3 Period 101: Section 1-2 (P.36) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Listen, read and identify specific information related to theme Me and my family..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> - Develop listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review (from unit 11 to unit 15) - Sentence patterns: review (from unit 11 to unit 15) III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * Game: Brainstorming: - Devide sts into two or three groups. - Ask them to sit in groups and discuss about some topics: jobs, places of work,… - Each group has one pupil to write as many words about the topics as possible.. Jobs. 2. Listen and number - Tell ss that they are going to listen to a text - Listen and number the pictures they hear. - Give ss a minute to look at the pictures. - Look at the pictures - Check comprehention and elicit - Listen and guess information in the pictures and give - Give feedback. feedback. - Play the recording three times for ss to - Listen, do the task and check their listen, do the task and check their answers. answers. - Get ss to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. Explain the - Listen answers and give further support to pupils who got more than half of the answers wrong. - Key - Listen and copy a. 2 b. 1 c. 5 d. 3 e. 4 3. Read and complete Pre-reading - Have Ss look at the passage on page 36 - listen and look at the passage and tell them the purpose of reading: You - Listen and answer the questions are going to read and complete the passage.. - Ask Sts some questions about the passage: - Listen and guess the answers “Can you guess what you are going to read about? Look at the book page 36” - T elicits and recall any vocabulary - listen and recognize the.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> + awake: thức giấc vocabulary + egg: trứng + leave for work: đi làm While-reading: - Read the passage secondly for Sts to read - read silently and do the task. silently and do the task. Do the first example with them. Get Sts to - listen and read read all the sentences and tell them to search for the corresponding information in the box as they read the passage. - Have Sts check their answers in pairs. - Listen and check their answers Answers: 1. thirty 4. orange juice - Listen and copy 2. family 5. seven 3. drinking Post - reading: - Ask sts some questions about the passage - listen and answer to make sure that they understand it. - Call some sts to answer. 4. Reinforcement - Have Ss say what they have learnt in this - Talk period. 5. Homework - review unit 11, 12 V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................. Date of teaching: …/… /2017 REVIEW 3 Period 102: Section 3-5 (P.37) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Read and match the suitable information. - Develope reading and writing skills. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: review - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: Student's book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities 1. Warm up. * T asks sts some questions:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> - What time do you get up? - What does your father do? - Where does your mother work? - What’s your favourite food/drink? - What does your good friend look like? - When’s Children’s Day? - lead sts to the new lesson.. - listen answer. 2. Read and match - Ask sts to open the book on page 37. Get - Look and read the sentences. Sts to look at the sentences. - Listen and read - Act1: Set the context: You are going to read and match -Listen and match - Ask Sts to read the sentences and match the correct sentences. - Listen and repeat each sentence - Have Ss exchange their answer in pairs. - Read - Call on Sts to demonstrate at the class. - listen and read - Give the answer to the class. Provide - Read explanation when necessary. - Work individually Key: 1.e 2. c 3. d 4.b 5.a - Report their answer 3. Look and write - Tell the ss that they are going to complete - Listen. the sentence by looking the pictures. - Have ss work in pairs to look at the - work in pairs pictures and complete the text in silence. - check their comprehension and elicit the words to fill the gaps and give feedback. - Give feedback and praise ss who did well and encourage ss to listen and make improvement. - read aloud - Call some sts to read aloud all the sentences. - Listen and check pronunciation. Key: 1. seven thirty 2. factory worker 3. Children’s Day 4. Orange juice 4. Write about your father or the mother - Ask sts to work individually to write a - work individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> short passage about their parents. - Ask one pupil to write on the board. - Ask sts to exchange to correct each other - T correct the writing on the board. - Call some sts to read aloud their own writing. - listen and comment. * Key: Pupil’s own answers.. - one st write on the board - Exchange their writings. - Look and correct themselves - Read aloud their writing. - listen. 5. Homelink - listen and have learnt to remember,. - Review unit 13,14 - prepare the next period. V.Comments: ............................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. Date of teaching: …/… /2017 REVIEW 3 Period 103: SHORT STORY (P.38) I. Objectives: At the end of the period, students will be able to: - Read, listen, understand a short story and do some tasks. II. Language focus: - Vocabulary: cook, Labor Day, musician, band - Sentence patterns: review III. Resources: student's book, recording, fresh cards, posters,… IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Student’ activities. 1. Warm up - Have Sts sing some favourite English - sing in chorus. songs that they have learnt. 2. Read and listen to the story. Then fill the gaps. - Tell Sts that they’re going to read and - listen listen to the story then fill the gaps. “Before you listen, look at the pictures and tell me: What are they doing in the first picture? - listen and answer Who is Mary thinking of in the third one?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> What day is it today?” T presents the pictures: “This is the first of - listen the seven pictures about Miu the cat and Chit the mouse” - Ask sts to listen, read the story and guess - listen, read the story and guess the the words to fill the gaps. words. - Play the tape again and let sts check their - check their answer. answer. - call some sts to read their answers aloud. - read their answers aloud - listen and correct: - listen and copy. * Key: 1. works 2. plays 4. do 3. taller 5. beach 3. Number the sentences - Tell ss that they are going to put the - listen sentences in the correct order and write the numbers in the boxes. - Give them time to do the task. Ask them to - number the sentences try ordering the sentences without looking at the story. - Ask ss to swap and check their answers - check their answers before checking as a class. - Key: -coppy 1, 6, 3, 2, 8, 7, 4, 5 4. Work in pairs. Complete the conversationwith information about you. - Tell ss that they are going to look at the - listen questions and write the answers. - put ss in pairs and give them time to do the - answer the questions task. - Ask pupils to swap and check their answers - check their answers before checking as a class. - Call some pairs to read aloud the dialogue. - read aloud the dialogue - Corret the pronunciation if necessary. - listen * Key: pupils’ own answers. 5. Find words in the story to complete the sentences - Tell ss that they are going to read the - Listen sentences and find words in the story to complete them. - Give ss time to do the task. - fill suitable words - Ask ss to write on the board and check - check their answers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> their answers. - Call some pairs to read sentences aloud. Key: 1. cook 2. beach 3. taller 4. musician. - read aloud the sentences - listen and copy. 6. Homelink - review unit 11 to unit 15 to do the midterm test 2 in the next period. V. Comments: ..................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span>

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