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lesson plan 1 week 12

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: 19/11/2017. WEEK 12 Period 23. Unit 5 : LETTER E Lesson 3 I. Aims: 1. Knowledge:By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Recognize and say the three Ee words correctly  Do the corresponding actions  Read the story Sing letter Ee song Vocabulary : Egg, elf, elephant Sight words : Hello, an 2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing 3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter E and its sound *(Requirements: students with disability can see and say right words) II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1 , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards .  2. Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,  Activity book – p. 25 III.Teaching methods  -Communicative approach.  -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)  + Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss IV. Procedures:Time: 35’-40’ 1 . Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance. Class 1C 1D 1E 2.Warm up: 5ms  Greet students. Date of teaching. Absent Student.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Review the previous lesson by playing the “Form a line game” 3.Newlesson Teacher’s and Students’ activities Activity 6 Presentation & Practice. Content Presentation & Practice 6. Listen and tick (ü) (5mins). 6. Listen and tick (ü) (5mins)  Point to the letters and revise the sounds  Explain the activity  Play the CD  Ask students to listen and tick the correct letter sound  Go around and provide any necessary help Answer: 1 – e 2 – d 3 – c 4 – a 6–b. 5–e. Activity: Mime the Word (5mins). Activity: Mime the Word (5mins)  Ask students to stand at their desks  Say the word, e.g. It’s an elephant  The students repeat and perform a simple action, e.g. Students say It’s an elephant and mime being elephants for a few seconds. Requirements: students with disability can see and say the right words: elephant, egg Activity 7 7.1 Listen, point and repeat (4mins) Show the students the elbow phonics card. Point to it and say: /e/ - elbow. Ask them to repeat  Do action like elbow and say /e/, elbow  Encourage the students to do the same  Say the letter and ask students do the action. 7. Listen, point and repeat. Colour the pictures of the words that start with the e sound. Say the e words. (Track 34) (10mins) 7.1 Listen, point and repeat (4mins).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span>  Play the CD  Ask students listen, point to and repeat the word Requirements: students with disability can see and say the eblow 7.2 Colour the pictures of the words that start with the e sound. Say the e words (6mins)  Point to pictures and have students name them  Name some colours and ask the students to repeat  Ask the students colour the pictures which have Ee in them  Give the students 4 minutes to colour in the ‘egg’ and ‘elephant’ that have Ee in them  Go around the classroom providing any necessary help. 7.2 Colour the pictures of the words that start with the e sound. Say the e words (6mins). V.Consolidation: 2ms - In this lesson, pupils have learnt: recognize and say the Ee word VI- Homework: 1m - Prepare next lesson 2 VII. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… -----------------------= —& – =-------------------------. Date of preparing: 19/11/2017. Unit 5 : LETTER E Lesson 4 I. Aims:. WEEK 12 Period 24.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 1. Knowledge:: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Review the sound of the letter Ee, four Ee words and recognize the corresponding pictures Write the letter Ee Vocabulary : Egg, elf, elephant Revision 2. Skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing 3.Attitude: Recognize and pronounce the letter E and its sound *(Requirements: students with disability can see and practise ,say right words ) II. Teaching aids 1. Teacher’s:i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1 , lesson plan, CD Phonics cards .  2. Students’: Pupil’s Book –p.9 i-Learn My Phonics Grade 1,  Activity book – p.12 & 13 III.Teaching methods  -Communicative approach.  -Techniques:+ Ask and answer (say individually)  + Work in pairs/ groups. Discuss IV. Procedures:Time: 35’-40’ 1 . Organization: (2’ ) - Greeting - Checking for the students' attendance. Class Date of teaching 1C 1D 1E 2.Warm up: 5ms  Greet the students  Revision of the previous lessons through ‘Jump game’. Absent Student. 3.Newlesson Teacher’s and Students’ activities Activity 1. Content.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span>  Write on the board the big E and small e Revision & Practice  Point to the letter E and say out loud “This 1. Trace and say (Page 12 – is the letter E /i:/. The letter E says /e/” Activity Book) 7mins)  Point to the letter e and say out loud “This Activity: Revision of letter E, its is the letter e /i:/. The letter e says /e/” sound (3mins)  Have the class repeat its sound chorally, then individually Speaking  Have the students say the sound individually, correct the pronunciation if necessary Requirements: students with disability can see and say the letter E Activity: How to write letter E (4mins) Writing & Speaking Activity: How to write letter E  Demonstrate how to write the big E stroke (4mins) by stroke Writing & Speaking  Draw an example of letter E using dashed lines  Use a different colored chalk to model tracing the letter E  Have some students practice tracing letter E on the board  Have students trace letter E in the books  Students say /e/ after each finished letter  Go around to give help if necessary Requirements: students with disability can see and practise Activity 2 Copy the 2 boxes from the book to the board and put the phonics card of elbow up between them  Tell the students that you are going to write the letter Aa and Ee into the box  Demonstrate the writing  Draw lines to the correct pictures that correspond to each letter. 2.Trace and match (page 12 – Activity Book) 6mins) Writing & Reading.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span>  Go around the classroom and providing any necessary help Answer keys: 1. Aa – acrobat - elbow. 2. Ee. Requirements: students with disability can see and say the eblow Activity 3  Hold up the phonics cards one at time  Ask students to confirm the word you say by putting their thumbs up or down and give the correct answer e.g. Teacher: (holding up the ball phonics card) egg Class: (putting their thumbs down). It’s a Ball Requirements: students with disability can see and practise Activity 4  Explain the activity  Ask students to draw lines to join all the es  Demonstrate by holding up the book and drawing an imaginary line  Go around and provide any necessary help Requirements: students with disability can see and say 2 words Consolidation (3mins)  Draw an imaginary letter E in the air  Signal the students to look at teacher’s mouth  Say “This is the letter ……..” (Use mouth to mime the sound /i:/ and students give the answer). Say “The letter E says …….” (Use mouth. 3.What is it? Colour the Ee letters and say. (Page 13 – Activity Book) ) (9mins) Activity 1: Revision of the letter from Unit 1 to Unit 5– Thumbs Up or Down game (4mins) Speaking & Listening. 4.Help the elf go to the elephant. Follow the e (page 13 – Activity book) (5mins). Consolidation (3mins) Say “The letter E says …….” (Use mouth to mime the sound /e/ and students give the answer.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> to mime the sound /e/ and students give the answer). V.Consolidation: 2ms - In this lesson, pupils have learnt: recognize and say the Ee word VI- Homework: 1m - Prepare next lesson 2 VII. Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… -----------------------= —& – =-------------------------.

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