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Unit 06 Gender Equality Lesson 5 Listening

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 6: GENDER EQUALITY. LISTENING.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> SAME WORK – SAME PAY – BEFORE YOU LISTENING 1.. Wage (n): lương. 2.. Inequality (n): bất bình đẳng. 3.. Qualified (a): năng lực. 4.. Affect (v): ảnh hưởng. 5.. Property (n):tài sản. 6.. Address (n):địa chỉ. 7.. Income(n):thu nhập. 8.. Encourage (v): khuyến khích. 9.. Negatively (av):tiêu cực. 10. Amount of time working:thời gian làm việc 11. Allowed to joint the army: được phép tham gia quân đội 12. The police forces:lực lượng cảnh sát 13. The fire services: dịch vụ cứu hỏa 14. Used to be considered: từng được coi là 15. Suitable for women only: chỉ phù hợp với phụ nữ.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Listening to the record. Check if the staments are true or false. 1. The speaker begins his talk with gender equality in job opportunites and age. F 2. Wage discrimination affects women negatively. 3. Women work less than men but they earn more. 4. Married men and women spend about equal amount of time working, but women still have to spend more time on housework. 5. Even now women are not allowed to join the army, the police forces or the fire services. 6.More and more men are now working in jobs that used to be considered suitable for women only.. T F. T F T.

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