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Imperative Pasive E8trucch

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Name: ………………………… Class 8A ….. IMPERATIVE PASSIVE (1). A/ STRUCTURES: 1. O + IS/ ARE + P.P. 2. O + IS/ ARE + NOT + PP B/ EXERCISES. Change into passive voice: Ord ers. CONTENT. KEY. 1. Please send an ambulance to Quang Trung School.. An ambulance is sent to QT School.. 2. Use a towel or a handkerchief to cover the wound.. 3. Describe the condition of the injured person.. 4. Give first – aid instructions.. A towel and a handkerchief are used to cover the wound. The condition of the injured person is described. First – aid instructions are given.. 5. Leave the patient lying flat.. The patient is left lying flat.. 6. Give me a bandage please.. I am given a bandage.. 7. Don’t force him to sit or stand.. He isn’t forced to sit or stand.. 8. Elevate the patient’s feet, or lower her head below the level of the heart.. The patient’s feet are elevated or her head is lowered below the level of the heart.. 9. Give the victim a cup of tea when she revives.. 10. Don’t overheat the victim with blankets or coats.. The victim is given a cup of tea when she revives. The victim isn’t overheated with blankets or coats.. 11. Don’t give the victim any food or drink.. The victim isn’t given any food or drink.. 12. Cool the burn immediately so as to minimize tissue damage.. 13. Put the affected part under a running cold tap.. The burn is cooled immediately so as to minimize the tissue damage. The affected part is put under a running cold tap.. 14. Ease pain with ice or cold water packs.. Pain is eased with cold water packs.. 15. Cover the burned area with a thick sterile dressing.. The burned area is covered with a thick sterile dressing.. 16. Keep the windows open, please.. The window is kept open.. 17. Write a notice on the board.. A notice is written on the board.. 18 19. Use first – aid so as to ease the victim’s pain and anxiety Empty the garbage can, please.. First – aid is used so as to ease the … The garbage can is emptied.. 20. Reduce the amount of garbage.. The amount of garbage is reduced..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 21. Use tree leaves to wrap things.. Tree leaves are used to wrap things.. 22. Use used paper to make toys.. Used paper is used to make toys.. 23. Use vegetable matter to make animal food.. 24. Protect the environment and save natural resources.. 25. Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.. Vegetable matter is used to make animal food. The environment is protected and natural resources are saved. Cloth bags are used instead of plastic bags.. 26. Don’t buy products which are overpackaged.. 27 28. Reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags. Don’t just throw things away.. 29. Then break up the glass.. Then the glass is broken up.. 30. Contact an organization like Friend of the earth for more information.. An organization like Friend of the earth is contacted for more information.. 31. Ask your family and friends for more information.. 32. Make them into paper or shopping bags.. 33. Make it into compost and fertilize our field.. Your family and friends are asked for more information. They are made into paper or shopping bags. It is made into compost and fertilized our field.. Products which are overpackaged are bought. Things like … are reused. Things aren’t just thrown away.. 34 35. Put all vegetable matter in the compost.. All vegetable matter is put in the compost.. 31. Use the compost after six months.. The compost is used after six months.. 32. Don’t throw away a lot of cans every day.. A lot of cans are thrown away every day.. 33. Bring the cans back for recycling.. The cans are brought back for recycling.. 34 35. Grow food for your animals and use the dung for fertilizing your fields. Share the recycling story with readers.. Food is grown for your … and the dung is used for … The recycling story is shared with readers.. 36 37. Send the glass to the factory. Soak some old newspapers in a bucket of water overnight.. 38. Then use a wooden spoon to mash the paper.. 39. Next, mix the mashed paper and the water together in another bucket.. The glass is sent to the factory. Some old newspapers are soaked in a bucket of … Then a wooden spoon is used to mash the paper. Next, the mashed paper and the water are mixed in …. 40. Place a wire mesh in the mixture then pull it out.. A wire mesh is placed in the mixture, then it is pulled out..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 41 42 43 44. Then put the mesh with mixture on the cloth and press it down firmly. Wrap some heavy books in a plastic bag and put them on the cloth.. Then the mesh with mixture is put on the cloth and it is pressed down firmly. Some heavy books are wrapped in a … and they are put on the cloth.. Finally, put the books away and take the paper out of the cloth to dry in the sun.. Finally, the books are put away and the paper is taken out of the cloth to dry in the sun. The used tea leaves are taken from the tea pot.. 45. Take the used tea leaves from the tea pot.. 46. Scatter the tea leaves on the stray.. The tea leaves are scattered on the stray.. 47. Put the dried tea leaves in a pot for the future use.. The dried tea leaves are put in a pot for …. 48. Break the glass into small pieces.. The glass is broken into small …. 49. Then wash the glass with a detergent liquid.. Then the glass is washed with …. 50. Dry the glass pieces completely.. The glass pieces are dried completely.. 51. Mix them with certain specific chemicals.. They are mixed with …. 52. Melt the mixture until it becomes a liquid.. The mixture is melted unit it becomes …. 53. Use a long pipe and dip it into the liquid.. A long pipe is used and it is dipped into …. 54. Then blow the liquid into intended shapes.. Then the liquid is blown into …. 55. Use the recycled plastic to make toys and utensils.. The recycled plastic is used to make toys and ... 56. Take them to the paper mill.. They are taken to the paper mill.. 57. Break the wood into small chips.. The wood is broken into small …. 58. Add chemicals and dyes to the mixture.. 59. Send the rolls of paper to newspaper offices.. 60. Stir the mixture for five minutes.. Chemicals and dyes are added to the mixture. The rolls of paper are sent to newspaper offices. The mixture is stirred for five minutes..

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