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verb tenses

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>VERB TENSES ( THÌ CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ) I . SIMPLE PRESENT ( HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN ) 1.Formation: I , you , we, they + V He, she, it + Vs / es. I, you, we, they + don’t + V he, she , it + doesn’t + V. Do + I, you, we, they + V? Does + he , she, it + V?. *Trường hợp thêm “es” ở ngôi thứ ba số ít ( he , she , it) a. Động từ có tận cùng là: S , SH, CH, X , O , Z + ES pass -> passes fix-> fixes finish-> finishes go-> goes watch-> watches b. Động từ có tận cùng là “y” , trước nó là một phụ âm thì đổi “y -> i + es” study-> studies fly-> flies c. Động từ có tận cùng là “y” , trước nó là một nguyên âm thì giữ nguyên “y + s” play-> plays stay-> stays 2. Uses : cách dùng a. Chỉ hành động, thói quen, lặp đi, lặp lại nhiều lần. *Các trạng từ (adverbs) thường được dùng ở thì hiện tại đơn: always = frequently :luôn luôn,thường xuyeân usually = generally :thường thường often :thường sometimes = occasionally = at times : thænh thoûang once in a while = now and then : đôi khi b. Chỉ một sự thật hiển nhiên, một qui luật. ex: - The earth moves ( goes ) round the sun. -The earth is round. -The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. -The moon goes/ moves round the earth. - Mars ( sao hỏa) is near the earth. -Mercury ( sao thủy ) is near the sun. -All the rivers flow into the sea.. Seldom = rarely :hieám khi, ít khi Every (day, week. month, Sunday, summer....) ex: My father gets up at 4 o’clock every morning. We always go to school in the afternoon.. - It rains very much in the rainy season. -Two and two are four. -Water freezes at o degree centigrade and boils at 100 degree centigrade. - I’m a student. -We go to school six days a week.. c. Được dùng để diễn đạt hành động tương lai, hành đông xảy ra theo thời gian biểu , chương trình làm việc đã được ấn định trước. Ex.- What time does the concert begin? - The concert begins at 7.30 this evening. d. Dùng với các động từ “ think, know, understand, agree, want, believe”-các động từ không chỉ hành động. ex: People know that Clumbus discovered America nearly 500 years ago. e. Dùng trong mệnh đề phụ chỉ thời gian và điều kiện..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> when while as soon as = right after before after till until if. + simple present + simple future. As soon as they phone me, I’ll contract you.. You will be very surprised when you meet him. They’ll send you money before they leave. After she does her homework, she’ll go out. Wait for me until I come. LUYỆN TẬP I. PRESENT SIMPLE OR FUTURE SIMPLE ? 1.Children (ask)……………… a lot of questions. 2. I ( love)………………………classical music. 3. You always ( forget )……………… my birthday. 4. They never (listen)……………………to me. 5. They usually ( drink ) ………………… coffee after their evening meal. 6. The village shop ( open)…………………… at 8 o’clock in the morning. 7. A lot of birds (fly )…………… south in the winter. 8. My father (watch )……………………… television most evening. 9. She( study)……… hard very hard at the weekends. 10. He (carry)………………….. the shopping for his mother.. 11…………………your mother sometimes (buy)………………. vegetables at this shop? 12. They (leave)……………………the office at five everyday. 13. He (learn )…………………French when he ( have )……………………….. time. 14. They ( not go ) ………………………. on working until the rain ( stop ) ………………… 15. A mother cat (wash )………………… her kittens. 16. I (not get up) ………………….. at seven o’clock every morning. 17. They (not come )…………….to school everyday. 18. Lan and Mai (not go )……………………. to the cinema very often.. II. SIMPLE PAST. (THÌ QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN) 1. Formation: (+). S + Ved / V2. (-). S + did not + Vinf (V1). Note : động từ có qui tắc thêm â“ED” * động từ bất qui tắc xem ở cột 2.. Did + S + Vinf (V1 ) ?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> * Cách thêm “ed” vào động từ: a. Động từ tận cùng bằng “e + d” love -> loved b. Động từ có tận cùng là “1 phụ âm + y -> i + ed” try -> tried c. Động từ có tận cùng là “nguyên âm +y -> y + ed” stay -> stayed d. Hầu hết các động từ tận cùng bằng một nguyên âm đơn + phụ âm đơn đổi thành nguyên aâm ñôn + phuï aâm ñoâi. (travel -> travelled, stop -> stopped) e. Y và W ở cuối từ không phải là phụ âm, do đó những động từ có tận cùng là Y và W thì khoâng gaáp ñoâi phuï aâm. (play -> played ) 2. USES a. Chỉ một hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ , kết quả không còn liên quan tới hiện tại. Ex:- I went to the circus last night. *Adverbs : -I didn’t go to the circus last night. yesterday (morning , afternoon , evening) -Did you go to the circus last night? last (night, week, month, Sunday, summer...) Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. ago (two days ago, long ago ,along time ago, .. -They posted all the letters yesterday. the day before yesterday ( hoâm kia ) in the past formerly trước đây , thuở xưa previously. PHÂN BIỆT MỘT SỐ ĐỘNG TỪ Transitive ( ngọai động từ )- theo sau là Object a. raise – raised – raised :nâng lên , đưa lên , đỡ dậy , nêu lên , đặt ra. Tom raised his head. b. set- set- set : đặt , để ,lặn ( mặt trời ) I will set the book on the desk. c. lay – laid – laid : đặt , để , xắp đặt , bố trí , bày , đẻ trứng ( gà , cá , chim…) I am laying the book on the desk. We lay the table for dinner. Are your hens laying yet ? d. hang- hung – hung : treo , mắc ,phơi I hung my clothes in the closet. * hang – hanged- hanged : treo cổ They hanged the criminal by the neck until he was dead.. Intransitive ( nội động từ )- không có Object theo sau theo sau . rise- rose- risen :dậy , đứng dậy , mọc lên , dâng lên , nổi lên , bắt nguồn từ. The sun rises in the east. The river is rising after the heavy rain. Where does the Nil rise ? sit – sat – sat : ngồi I sit in the front row. lie – lay – lain : nằm He is lying on his bed. * lie – lied- lied = not tell the truth : nói dối He lied to me about his age.. Choose the correct word in parentheses. 1. The student ( raised / rose ) his hand in class. 2. Hot air ( raises , rises ). 3. Ann ( set , sat ) in a chair because she was tired. 4. I ( set , sat ) your dictionary on the table a few minutes ago. 5. Hens ( lay , lie ) eggs. 6. Al is ( laying , lying ) on the grass in the park right now. 7. Jan ( laid , lay ) the comb on top of the dresser a few minutes ago. 8. If you are tired , you should ( lay , lie ) down and take a nap..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 9. San Francisco ( lay , lies ) to the north of Los Angeles. 10. We ( hanged , hung ) the picture on the wall.. PRACTICE : PAST SIMPLE 1.I (buy )…………….. some new clothes last week. 2.What time ………they (come) ………………. last night ? 3……………you ( eat)…………….a lot at the party? 4. Peter (do ) …………….the washing up last night. 5. We (not know)……………………. it was your birthday.. 6.My wife and I (travel)………………… to Mexico by air last summer. 7. I (read )………………………that novel again during my last vacation. 8.I ( have )……………… little trouble with my car last week. 9.We ( come )…………………here a month ago. 10.He (close)………………… all the windows, (lock )………………….. the door and then went out.. III / SIMPLE FUTURE (THÌ TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN ) 1. Formation: I, we + shall + bare inf He , she, it, we, you, they + will + bare inf ( V1). (-) S + shall not / will not + bare inf ( V1 ). (?) shall / will + S + Vinf. Vieát taét: He will = He’ll I shall = I’ll shall not = shan’t will not = won’t. * Note: Ta có thể dùng “will” ở tất cả các ngôi 2.Uses a. Diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai hay dự đoán về tương lai. Adverbs: tomorrow, tonight , the day after tomorrow (ngaøy kia) next ( week ,month, summer, Monday...) in ( in two days,...) b. Diễn tả những suy nghĩ tiên đoán của người nói với các động tư ø: think , hope , expect , be afraid , be sure,... Ex: I think she will come. I hope he will get the job he’s applied for. c. Một hành động lời nói trong tương lai mà ngay khi nói mới có dự định về hành động đó . Ex: Oh, Is she ill? I’ll come to see her this afternoon. d. Modal “ Will” to make requests , offers and promises * Diễn tả một lời đề nghị lịch sư yêu cầu ai làm gìï.(make requests ). Ex: She will be here in a few minutes . I shall be rich one day. Tomorrow will be sunny.. Will you + bare inf…………………………..?. EX: Will you shut the door , please?. * Ngỏ ý sẵn lòng giúp đỡ ai làm gì (make offers ).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Shall I + bare inf…………………………..? I will + bare inf…………………………... That bag looks heavy . Shall I carry it for you ? That bag looks heavy . I will help you with it.. * Diễn tả một lời hứa ( make promises) EX: I won’t tell them what you said. / I promise I will study harder.. IV .PRESENT CONTINUOUS / PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIỀP DIỄN ) 1. Formation: S + to be (am, is, are ) + Ving. (-) S +to be + not + Ving. (?) To be + S +Ving. * Note: Cách thêm “ing” vào động từ: a. Động từ có tận cùng là “e”, bỏ “e” rồi mới thêm “ing”. Drive -> driving smile -> smiling b. Động từ có tận cùng là một phụ âm, trước nó chỉ có một nguyên âm duy nhất thì phải gấp đôi phụ âm cuối trước khi thêm “ing” run -> running, swim -> swimming , sit -> sitting , c. Động từ tận cùng bằng “ie” đổi thành “ y +ing”. Tie -> tying , lie (naèm) -> lying, d. Ñaëc bieät: draw-> drawing , play -> playing, begin -> beginning, travel -> travelling 2. Uses a . Một hành động đang diễn ra trong lúc nói Ex: thường đi kèm với: The farmers are working in the field now. now = at the moment = at present= They are playing football at the moment. presently : bây giờ right now: ngay bây giờ , today b. Một hành động đang diễn tiến , chưa chấm dứt (thường dùng với still ). Ex: He’s still talking to his girlfriend on the phone. c. Những câu đi theo sau thức mệnh lệnh (Look ! Listen, Be quiet , Keep silent , Hurry up………….) Ex: Look ! The boy is running after a bus. Listen ! Someone is knocking at the door.. Hurry up ! The train is coming in. Be quiet ! A child is sleeping.. d. Một dự định trong tương lai , có sự sắp xếp Ex: He is arriving tomorrow on the 5.30 train. e. Using Present progressive with “ always”: Hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng với “ always” Hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng với “ always”để phàn nàn , diễn tả sự khó chịu hay tức giận.. a. Mary is always leaving her dirty socks on the floor for me to pick up! Who does she think I am.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> b. He is always borrowing my clothes without asking me. Note : Một số động từ chỉ dùng ơ ûcác thì đơn giản, không dùng dạng tiếp diễn: want like belong know be. suppose need love see mean. think (tin) prefer hate hear believe. understand have (coù) remember forget seem. Ex: I am tired now. She wants to go for a walk at the moment. PRACTICE : PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIỀP DIỄN ) 1. She (read )………………………at the moment. 2. I (not watch )………………………television at the moment. 3………you (listen )…………….to the radio now ? 4………………Peter ( work )………………… in London at present ? 5. The students (look up )…………………… that new word right now. 6. We (do )…………………………exercise thirteen right at the moment. 7. Be quiet ! The baby( sleep)…………………. 7. Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep) ………………… 8. Look ! The man ( run )………………… after the train. He wants to catch it. 9. It ( be) ……………………very cold now. 10. John (travel )………………………… to England tomorrow. 11. Listen ! Someone (sing) …..…………… beautifully . 12. Where is your father ? - He is in the garden . He (plant ) ………… …………………..some trees. 13. You ( always , talk ) ……………………… in class ! 14. Mr Brown ( always / miss ) ……………….. ………………… the bus !. V. PRESENT PERFECT ( THÌ HIỆN TẠI HÒAN THÀNH ) 1. FORMATION S + have / has + past participle (Ved / V3). S+ have not / has not + Ved / V3. Have / has + S + Ved / V3. Note:. I , you, we, they + have He, she, it + has Vieát taét :I have= I’ve ,/ she has = she’s I have not = I haven’ t, / she has not = she hasn’t Cấu tạo quá khứ phân từ : Động từ có qui tắc thêm “ed”, bất qui tắc xem ở cột 3 (V3). 2, USES a. Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ , không nêu rõ thời gian. Ex: I’ve been to Paris. b. Dùng trong các thành ngữ: * Dùng với “just, recently, lately: vừa mới, *.Dùng với not ...yet (vẫn chưa).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> mới đây” để chỉ một hành động vừa mới xảy Ex: We have not finished our work yet. *.Dùng với up to now = up to the present ra. Ex:My parents have just bought a new = so far : cho đến bây giờ house. Ex: So far I have read 50 pages. I’ve seen him recently *.several time , many times *.Dùng với already chỉ một hành động đã Ex: Have you ever been to Ho Chi Minh City? xong. -No, I have not been there yet. But my Ex:She has read the newspaper already.(She parents have been there twice this year. has already read the newspaper) *.Dùng với never...before, ever...(đã từng * since then : kể từ đĩ * ever since bao giờ...) Ex: Have you ever seen that film before ? -I have never seen it. c. Dùng với “ since , for” để nói về một sự việc bắt đầu trong quá khứ và vẩn còn tiếp diễn ở hieän taïi. For. + một khoảng thời. Since since Tuesday the month since January since the summer. + một mốc thời gian since the beginning of. gian for five months for five minutes since Christmas for three hours for 10 weeks 15th July for ten years for a long time Ex: They have been married for a long time. I’ve worked there for two months. I’ve waited for you since 5 o’clock ( for 3 hours). d. Dùng với câu hỏi “How long ( bao lâu ) , Since when ( từ bao giơ ø)” Ex: How long have you lived in this town? Since when have you worked at this factory? e. present perfect + since + simple past Ex: He has been good to me since I was a little girl. f. Dùng với cấu trúc so sánh nhất. Ex: That is the most exciting novel I’ve ever read. g. Dùng để cung cấp thông tin mới hoặc để nói về sự việc vùa mới xảy ra. a. I’ve lost my key . Can you help me look for it ? b. Do you know about Jim ? He’s gone to Canada . c. Ow ! I’ve burn myself. PRACTICE : PRESENT PERFECT ( THÌ HIỆN TẠI HÒAN THÀNH ) 1. I (work )……………for the bank for three years. 2.We (be )………………………here since July. 3.How long ……………you ( live )………………in this town? - I (live )…………………in this town for ten years. 4.They just (decide )…………to buy a new house. 5……………you ever (be )………………… to Ho Chi Minh yet? -No , I (not be ) there yet . But my parents (be) ……………………there twice this year.. 6.She’s got the best voice I (ever hear)……… 7. Since when………………you (learn )…… English? - I (learn )……………it since I (be )………a girl of twelve. 8.They (do )………………………nothing since they (get )…………………… up. 9.I (write )………………………two letters already. 10.I’m sorry, she just (go )………………… out. 11. This is the first time the children (travel) ……………………………..by plane..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> VI . THE NEAR FUTURE : “ BE GOING TO” (THÌ TƯƠNG LAI GẦN ) 1. Form I He , she , it We , you , they. +. am is are. + going to + bare inf. 2. Uses Dùng “ø going to” để nói về hành đông trong tương lai. a. Going to: nói về một dự định đã được sắp xếp từ trước. Hai is learning to drive. He is going to be a driver. I’m going to visit my grandmother this summer. b. Dùng “going to” khi có điều gì đó trong tình huống hiện tại cho thấy điều gì đó sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai (đặc biệt là tương lai gần) . Dựa vào tình huống hiện tại, người nói tin chắc seõ xaûy ra. Look at the back clouds. It’s going to rain.. VII . PAST CONTINUOUS / PAST PROGRESSIVE (THÌ QUÁ KHỨ TIẾP DIỄN ) 1. Formation: (S + to be (was / were) +Ving. (S + was not / were not +Ving. (?) Was / Were + S + Ving?. Note: I, he , she ,it + was / we, you, they +were Was not = wasn’t / were not = weren’t 2. Uses a. Một hành động đang xảy ra ở quá khư , ở một thời điểm xác định hoặc cả khoảng thời gian -at this (that) time yesterday -at ( 9) o’clock yesterday -the whole day (all day) yesterday Ex: He was learning English at 7 o’clock last night. They were playing tennis all yesterday morning. It was raining the whole day yesterday. b. Một hành động đang diễn ra trong quá khứ thì có một hành động khác xảy ra,hành động xảy ra sau chia ở thì quá khứ đơn giản. (dùng với as, while, when) As, while + past continuous + simple past  as, while: trong khi (chỉ sự việc xảy ra keùo daøi). When + simple past + past continuous when : khi ,lúc (chỉ sự việc xảy ra ngắn hơn, đột xuất). Ex: We were walking in the park when it rained. The lights went out while we were having dinner. When I arrived at his house, he was still sleeping. As we were crossing the street, the policeman shouted at us. c. Hai hoặc nhiều hành động cùng xảy ra đồng thời. Ex: Last night her mother was watching TV while her father was reading a newspaper..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> PRACTICE : PAST PROGRESSIVE and PAST SIMPLE 1.When I saw them , they (play)………...football. 2.When she ( telephone)……………………….., I was having a bath. 3.They were watching television when I (visit) …………………….them. 4.I (walk )……………………………into the house when I heard the noise. 5.I was reading when the phone (ring )………… 6.We (listen )…………………………………to the radio when it suddenly stopped working.. 7.Why…………………………cards when he walked into the office ? (you play) 8………………………………when you turned on the gas ? (you smoke) 9.As we (cross ) ………………………the street, the policeman (shout )………………at us. 10.The light (go out )…………………while we (have) ……………………………dinner. 11.While I (walk)……………………around the park , I (see )……………………Mr John.. VIII. PAST PERFECT ( QUÁ KHỨ HÒAN THÀNH ) 1. Formation: S + had + pp (Ved / V3). S + had not ( hadn’t ) + pp. Had + S + pp ?. 2. USES a. Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ. -các từ thường dùng: when, by the time (vaøo luùc), after, before, because, as soon as after as soon as because. + past perfect + simple past. when by the time before. + simple past + past perfect. Ex: He answered all the questions correctly because he had studied very hard. She was tired last night because she had played volleyball all afternoon. He had already gone by the time we arrived. As soon as I had finished my homework, I went out for a walk. After he had done his homework, he watched the football game on television. The rain had stopped before we started. When we got into the stadium, the football match had already begun. b. Một hành động đã xảy ra hoàn tất trước một điểm thời gian trong quá khứ. Ex: He had finished his homework before 8 p.m last night. Simple past or Past perfect ? ( P59- E . Gram – New/ P45 E . Gram .in use ) 1. He ( be ) ……………………….. a newspaper reporter before he ( become ) …………………… a businessman. 2. I ( feel ) ……………………….. a little better after I (take )……………………….. the medicine. 3. I was late. The teacher ( give , already ) ……………………………… a quiz when I ( get ) …….. ……………………….. to class. 4. The anthropologist ( leave ) ……………………….. the village when she ( collect ) …………… ………………… enough data. 5. It was raining hard, but by the time class (be ) ……………………….. over , the rain (stop).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> …………………………. 6. Class ( begin , already ) ……………………….. by the time I ( get ) ……………………… there, so I ( take , quietly ) ……………………….. a seat in the back. 7. Millions years ago , dinosaurs ( roam ) ……………………….the earth , but they ( become ) …... ……………………….. extinct by the time humankind first ( appear ) ……………………….. 8. I ( see, never ) ………………… any Picasso’s paintings before I ( visit ) ……………………….. the art museum. 9. I almost miss the plane. All of the other passengers ( board , already ) ……………………….. by the time I ( get ) ……………………….. there. 10. Yesterday at a restaurant , I ( see ) ………………………..Pam Donnelly , an old friend of mine. I ( see , not ) …………………… her in years. At first ,I ( recognize , not ) ……………………….. her because she ( lose ) ……………………….. at least fifty pounds. 11. My best friend, Kevin , was no longer there. He ( go ) ……………………….. away. 12. The local cinema was no longer open . It ( close ) ……………………….. down. 13. Bill no longer had his car. He ( sell ) ……………………….. it. 14. I didn’t recognize Mrs Johnson . She ( change ) ……………………….. a lot. 15. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ( go ) ……………………….. to bed. 16. I felt very tired when I got home , so I ( go ) ……………………….. straight to bed. 17. Sorry , I’m late . The car ( break ) ……………………….. down on my way here. 18. There was a car by the side of the road. It ( break ) ……………………….. down and the driver was trying to repair it . So we ( stop ) ……………………….. to see if we could help.. IX. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOS ( HIỆN TẠI HÒAN THÀNH TIẾP DIỄN ) 1. Formation: I, you, we, they + have been S + have not / has not been Have / has + S + been + + Ving + Ving Ving ? he, she, it + has been + Ving 2. Uses: a. Diễn tả một hành động vừa mới kết thúc ở trong quá khứ. Kết quả còn thấy rõ. Ex: Your eyes are red. You have been crying. You look tired. Have you been playing football? The ground is wet. It has been raining very hard. His face is pink. He has been drinking. Your hands are very dirty. You have been repairing your motorbike. b. Diễn tả một hành động kéo dài liên tục từ quá khứ đến hiện tại và còn tiếp diễn trong tương lai ( thường dùng với since và for, trả lời cho câu hỏi how long , dùng với all day ( morning , week….. ) Ex: How long have you been smoking ? –For two years. I’ve been waiting for him since 9 o’clock. How long have you been working here? –For an hour. We have been learning English since November 1999. How long have you been living far from your family? –Since last summer. It has been raining all day . It is still raining right now. c. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn dùng để nói về quá trình của hành động.Thì hiện tại hoàn thành dùng để nhấn mạnh kết quả của hành động..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Ex: I have been reading the book that you gave me some days ago and I’ve read 150 pages. It’s very nice and worth reading d. since then : (kể từ đó) được dùng ở thì present perfect hoặc present perfect continuous. Ex: I met her the last time in London in 1988. I haven’t met her again since then. She left Hanoi since 1975. Since then she has been living in Ho Chi Minh City. Present perfect or Present perfect progressive ?( p54 E. Gram – New ) 1. It ( snow ) …………………………………………… all day. I wonder when it will stop . 2. We ( have ) ………………………………………… three major snowstorms so far this winter. I wonder how many more we will have. 3. It’s ten pm. I ( study ) ………………………………………… for two hours and probably won’t finish until midnight. 4. I ( write ) ………………………………… them three times , but I still haven’t received a reply. 5. I ( live ) ………………………………………… here since last March. 6. The telephone ( ring ) ………………………………………… for almost a minute . Why doesn’t someone answer it ? 7. The telephone ( ring ) ………………………………………… four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roomate. 8. The little boy is dirty from head to foot because he ( play ) ……………………………………. in the mud.. X. NOTE : MỘT SỐ CÁCH DÙNG VỚI “WHEN, WHILE , AS SOON AS , AFTER , BEFORE...” 1. when when + simple past + past perfect. when + simple past +past continuous. when + simple present + simple future. Ex: When we arrived, everything had been ready. When we came , they were having dinner. When the Queen arrives , all the audience will stand up. Last night when I got home, my parents were sitting in the living room , waiting for me. Tomorrow they will go swimming when they finish their examination 2. while while + past continuous + simple past. past continuous + while + past continuous. simple future + while + Simple present. Ex: Her mother was cooking in the kitchen while her father was cleaning the sitting room. Maria broke the vase while she was playing in the room. 3. As soon as: ngay sau khi Simple past + as soon as + simple past Simple future + as soon as + simple present Ex: He started as soon as he received the news. I’ll come to give you a helping hand as soon as I finish my work. 4. after after + past perfect + simple past after + simple present + simple future Ex: The children began to do the exercise after they had reviewed all the rules. Nobody knows what he will do to earn his living after he finishes school..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Last night I went to bed after I had learnt all my lesson. 5. before before + simple past + past perfect before + simple present + simple future Ex: The boy said that he had done all his homework before he went to bed. What had you done there before you returned home ?. XI. SO SÁNH CÁC THÌ DÙNG Ở TƯƠNG LAI “ WILL VS BE GOING TO ” WILL và GOING TO đều dùng để diễn tả sự tiên đóan ( express a prediction ) Khi người nói đưa ra một tiên đóan về điều gì đó mà người đó cho là sẽ đúng hoặc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai thì cả will và be going to đều dùng được. be going to To express a prior plan – only be going to is used. ( Để diễn tả kế họach sắp xếp trước chỉ dùng be going to ) Will To express willingness – only “ will ” is used. ( Diễn tả sự sẵn lòng , chỉ dùng will ) Making offer – Will ( đưa ra lời đề nghị giúp đỡ người khác , dùng Will ) Making promise ( Hứa hẹn ) – Will. Will : Diễn tả một việc làm vừa mới quyết định lúc nói , đột xuất , không có kế họach từ trước. Will : Thường dùng với các từ sau : Probably : chắc là , có khả năng là I’m sure Expect / hope : hy vọng. a. According to the weather forecast , it will be cloudy tomorrow. b. According to the weather forecast , it is going to be cloudy tomorrow. c. Be careful ! You’ll hurt yourself. d. Be careful ( Watch out !) You are going to hurt yourself. a.- Why did you buy this paint ? - I’m going to paint my bedroom. 1.- I don’t understand this problem . - Ask your teacher about it. She’ll help you. b. I need some money . Don’t worry . I’ll lend you some. a.- I’ve got a headache. - Wait there and I’ll get an aspirin for you. b. – That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it. a.Thank you for lending me the money. I’ll pay back on Friday. b. I won’t tell Tom what you said. I promise. c. I promise I’ll phone you as soon as I arrive. a.- What would you like to drink ? - I’ll have a lemonade , please. b.- Did you phone Ann ? - Oh , no. I forgot . I’ll do it now. c. I’m too tired to walk home. I think I’ll take a taxi. a. I’ probably be a bit late this morning. b. You must meet Ann. I’m sure you’ll like her. c. I expect Carol will get the job. d. Do you think we’ll win the match ?. Exercise: Will or going to ? ( 8.1 p 17 E. Gram in use ) 1. Why are you turning on the TV ? - I ( watch ) am going to watch the news. 2. Oh , I’ve just realized – I haven’t got any money. - Don’t worry – that no problem. I ( lend )…………………………………… you some. 3. These clouds are very black, aren’t they ? I thinh it is ( rain ) …………………………………….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 4. Why are you filling this bucket with water ? ……………………………………( wash ) the car. 5. I’ve decided to repaint this room. - Oh , have you ? What color…………………………………… ( you/ paint ) it ? 6. Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house . It’s on fire! - Good heavens! I ( call ) …………………………………… the fire brigade immediately. 7. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe , does it ? - No , it looks as if it ( fall ) …………………………………… down. 8. Where are you going ? Are you going shopping ? - Yes . I ( buy ) …………………………………… something for dinner . 9. I can’t work out how to use this camera. -It’s quite easy . I ( show ) …………………………………… you. 10. What would you like to drink , tea or coffee ? - I ( have ) …………………………………… tea , please. 11. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school ? - Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He ( have ) …………………………………… a holiday for a few weeks and then he ( start ) …………………………………… a computer programming course. 12. Did you post that letter for me? - Oh, I’m sorry . I completely forgot . I ( do ) …………………………………… it now. 13. What shall we have for dinner ? - I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind. - Come on , hurry up! Make a decision! - Okey then. We ( have ) …………………………………… chicken. 14. We need some bread for lunch. - Oh , do we ? I ( go ) ……………………………… to the shop and get some. I feel like a walk. 15. John has to go to the airport to catch a plane . He hasn’t got a car. John : Alan, can you take me to the airport this evening ? Alan : Of course . I ( take ) …………………………………… you. I’d be delighted. Later that day Eric offers to take John to the airport. Eric : John , do you want me to take you to the airport ? John: No thanks, Eric . Alan ( take ) …………………………………… me.. PRACTICE : USE APPROPRIATE TENSE FOR THE VERBS IN BRACKETS. 1.Mary usually (study )……………..English every 12.I have known her since I (be )………. a night. student. 2.Listen to them ! What language they (speak ) ? 13.I (wait)……………… for him since 8 …………………………………………………….. o’clock but he (not come) 3.Water (boil )……………… at 100 degrees …………………….yet. Celsius. 14.He usually (learn)…………………. His 4. Where is Tom? lesson in the evening but last night when I He (play )…………………….. football in the (get )……………to his house, he garden. (listen )………………..to the radio. 5.My uncle was watering flowers when I (arrive) 15.Tomorrow they ( go )…………… swimming ……... when they (finish )……………………their 6.You ( listen)……………………….. to music examination. when I (phone)………………………… you last 16.They ( buy )……………….. a new house night. some weeks ago ,but they (not move ) 7.While he (write )……………. a letter, the ……………..into it yet phone (ring)……………………………. 17.The teacher (do )…………………research 8.He (learn)………………… English for five in the library right now. years now. 18.She sometimes (walk )……………..to 9. The Johnsons (live)……………. in that house school in the fine weather..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> for 20 years. 10.He’ll learn French when he (have)….............. time. 11. They (not go)…………………… on working until the rain stops.. 19.The sun (rise )…………………..in the east and (set ) ……………….. in the west. 20. Mr Green (study )……………… Vietnamese since he came here..

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