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De Kiem Tra 1 Tiet Tieng Anh 6

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ĐỀ SỐ 01 I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. father b. mother c. this d. thank 2. a. ten b. twenty c. pen d. he 3. a. five b. nine c. window d. night 4. a. door b. school c. stool d. afternoon II. Choose the best word or phrase that completes each sentence below: 1. What time does Nga ____________ every morning? A. gets up B. get up C. get D. gets 2. He ____________ breakfast at six o’clock every morning. A. have B. having C. has D. to have 3. Our classroom is ____________ the second floor. A. from B. in C. at D. on 4. How many chairs ____________ there in the house? A. do B. is C. are D. does 5. – ____________ does Mai live? - At 120 Hung Vuong Street. A. What B. When C. Where D. Who 6. Minh goes to school ____________ 12.45 every afternoon. A. in B. at C. on D. to 7. My father is an ____________ A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. engineer 8. ____________ is your brother? - He is thirteen. A. What time B. How far C. How old D. How long 9. What are these? They are ____________ A. book B. ruler C. stools D. eraser 10. What does he do? – ____________ is a doctor. A. She B. He C. You D. I 11. ____________ thirty students in my class. A. Is there B. Are there C. There is D. There are 12. What is that? – ____________ is a pen. A. This B. They C. That D. These III. Matching the column A with the right answer in column B. A 1. How many tables are there in your classroom? 2. Who is that? 3. What does your mother do? 4. Is there a o’clock in your room?. B a. No, there is not. b. That’s my teacher. c. There is one. d. She is a nurse.. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________. IV. Read the passage and do the exercises. Nam is a student. He is twelve years old. His father is a doctor. He is forty years old. His mother is a teacher. She is thirty six years old. He has a brother and a sister. His brother is an engineer. He is twenty years old. His sister is a student. She is fifteen. A. True (T) or False (T). Statements True or False 1. Nam is twelve years old. ____________ 2. Nam’s father isn’t a doctor. ____________ 3. Nam has a brother. ____________ 4. His sister is fifty. ____________ B. Answer the questions. 1. What does Nam’s mother do? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2. How many people are there in Nam’s family? ......................................................................................................................................................................... V. Make the questions. 1.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................? His name is Hung. 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................? She is 12 years old. 3 ................................................................................................................................................................... ? There are 5 people in her family. 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................? We live in a house. VI. Writing. 1. the / they / in / room / are / living. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2. school / teachers / in / are / many / our / there / how /? ......................................................................................................................................................................... -------------------------------------------------------ĐỀ SỐ 02 I. Phonics. (1pt) Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. father b. afternoon c. armchair d. family 2. a. ten b. twenty c. pen d. he 3. a. five b. nine c. miss d. hi 4. a. door b. school c. stool d. afternoon II. Reading. (3 pts) Read the passage carefully then do the task below. My name is Hai. I’m twelve years old. I’m a student. I live on Ly Thai To street. There are four people in my family: My father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a worker. His name is Ha. He’s forty-eight. My mother is a teacher in a school. She is thirty-nine years old. Her name is Mai. My sister is a student. She is sixteen. Now we are in our living - room. A. Write True (D or False (F): (1pt) B. Answer the questions. (2 pts) 1. Hai’s sister is teacher. ____________ 1. How old is Hai? ..................................................................................... 2. Hai’s sister is fifteen. ____________ 2. How many people are there in his family? ..................................................................................... 3. Hai is a student. ____________ 3. Is his father a doctor? ..................................................................................... 4. Hai’s mother teaches in a school. ____________ 4. Where are they now? ..................................................................................... III. Use of language. (3 pts) A. Find one choice in a, b, c or d that best complete the sentences. (2 pts) 1. ____________ is your teacher? – Mrs. Chi. a. What b. Where c. Who d. Why 2. ____________ you Lan’s sister? a. Be b. Is c. Are d. Am 3. How many ____________ you Lan’s sister? a. stereo b. stereos c. stereose d. streoes 4. Nineteen-three-six = ____________ a. twelve b. ten c. thirteen d. nine 5. ____________ a clock on the wall? a. Is b. It is c. It d. Is there 6. We live ____________ an old city. a. on b. up c. at d. in 7. What ____________ your father do? - He is an engineer. a. does b. do c. is d. are 8. This is my brother. – ____________ name is Peter. a. His b. Her c. Their d. My 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 9. ____________ is that?  That is a television. a. What b. Who c. Where d. How 10. There ____________ thirty - five students in my class room. a. is b. am c. are d. be B. Correct the right form of “to be" . (1pt) 1. Hello, My name ____________ Ba. 3. We ____________ fine, thanks. And you? 2. My father ____________ an engineer. 4. I ____________ a teacher. IV. Writing: (3 pts) A. Write the correct sentences, (1pt) 1. There/ forty-five/ student/ my class. ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2. We/ not / fine / today. ......................................................................................................................................................................... B. Write about yourself and your family (from 25 to 35 words) (3 pts) ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... --------------------------------------------------------. 3.

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