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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 01 Period: 01. Date of teaching: 24 – 08 – 2015. Revision I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - review Wh- questions, tenses, prepositions and the structures they have learnt in grade 6. II. Preparations: - Sub-board III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: Chatting - What’s your name? - Which grade / class are you in? - Where do you live? - How do you go to school? - How many people are there in your family? 2. Practice:  Activity 1: .REVIEW WH- QUESTION. 1. What: What do you do? - I’m a student. 2. Where: Where do you live? - I live in Gung Re 3. When: When do you have English? - I have English on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 4. How: How do you go to school? - I go to school by bike 5. How often: How often do you go to school? - six days a week 6. How long: How long are you going to stay in Da Lat? - For ten days 7. How many: How many teachers are there in our school? - 40 teachers 8. How much: How much is this book? – 4500 dong  Activity 2: TENSES - Ask students some questions. How many tenses do we have? - What are they? A. Present simple: S + V(s/ es) + O * Adverbs: often, usually, always, sometimes, never, every. . E.g: Tom always plays game in the afternoon. They often watch TV after school. B. Present progressive tense: S + is/ am / are + V- ing. Students’ activities - Answer. - Listen and answer. - Listen and answer the teacher’s question - Say the structures. * Adverbs: now, at the moment, at this time, at that time, look, listen. E.g: Nga and Lan are reading books now. I am playing volleyball at the moment. C. Future: going to S + is / am / are / going to + V( inf) * Adverbs: tonight, tomorrow, next... E.g: I am going to write a letter tonight. Thanh is going to see a movie tomorrow.. - Practice individual :Written 1. are going to see.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Have students use the correct verb tense: 1. Lan and Nam (see) ………………a new film tonight. 2. They (drink) ………………..some fruit juice at the moment. 3. He usually (jog) …………………in the morning. 4. They (not go) ………………..fishing in the winter. 5. Hoa (go) …………………shopping tomorrow.  Exercise 3: COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE. Adjective COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVE Short Adj + ER + Than The + Adj + EST Adjectives Eg: young -> younger The youngest Big -> bigger The biggest Small -> smaller The smallest Eg: Ho Chi Minh city is bigger than Ha Noi. Phanxipang is the highest mountain in Vietnam. Practice: Supply the correct Adj. 1. Hue is ……………….than Hanoi. (hot ) 2. PETRONAS Twin Tower is ………….building in the world.(tall ) 3. Nam is …………………..than Minh. (short ) 4. The Mekong River is …………….river in Vietnam. (long)  Exercise 4: Prepositions * Preposition : next to , near , opposite, between, to the left of , to the right of….., listen to , at , in, on - Have students fill in the blank with the suitable preposition. 1. She listens …………..music after school. 2. My house is next …………… a restaurant. 3. The toy store is …………..the book store and the restaurant. 4. My sister always gets up ………..6:00 ……...the morning. 5. The weather is often hot …………….the summer. 6. My classroom is ……………..the second floor. 4.Consolidation : Remind all the structures and tenses 5. Homework: - Do again all exercises - Prepare unit one ( A 1, 3 ). 2. are drinking 3. jogs 4. don’t go 5. is going to go. - Practice individual: written 1. hotter 2. the tallest 3. shorter 4. the longest - Practice individual: written 1. to 2. to 3. between 4. at / in 5. in 6. on.  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 01 Period: 02. Date of teaching: 27 – 08 – 2015.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 1:. Friends – A 1, 3. I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - greet people by many ways. - introduce others, agree with others. II. Preparations: - Picture for presentation and production - Cassette, tape, sub-board III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: Eliciting questions - What do you often do during your Summer vacation? - Do you have any new friends this school year? - Are you happy to be back to school? 2. Presentation: - Using picture to introduce the situation of dialogue - Have students look at the pictures and listen to the dialogues once. * Present the vocabulary and give the explanation - see (v) -> Nice to see you again. (too). - meet (v) -> Nice to meet you. (Too). - Classmate (n) Eg: Nga is my classmate. - I am, too = So am I Eg: Nam : I am in class 7A1 Minh: I am, too. / So am I. - See you later - Call some students give the meaning if they know. Then let them read the vocabulary aloud. - Set the scene: “Hoa is a new comer. She wants to make friends.” 3. Practice: a. Activity 1: - Have students listen to the tape and practice the dialogues in groups. - Call on some groups and pairs to role play the dialogue before the class. - Get feedback and correct pronunciation b. Activity 2: - Ask students work in pairs ask and answer the questions. 1. What is the new girl’s name? 2. What / Which class is she in? 3. Who is also in class 7A? - Get feedback and correction. c. Activity 3 : - Let students listen to the tape and complete the dialogue. Nga : (1)…………………………, Mr Tan. Mr. Tan: (2)………………………… Nga. (3)…………………… are you? Nga : I’m very well. Thank you.. Students’ activities - Answer the questions. - Look at the picture and listen to the tape. - Listen and repeat + Chorus + Individual - Get the meaning of the words. - Listen to teacher. - Listen to the tape - Work in groups / role play - Pair work / Oral – written 1. Her name is Hoa. 2. She is in class 7A. 3. Nam is also in class 7A. - Whole class - Listen and complete the dialogue. 1. Good morning 2. Good morning 3. How.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> (4)………………………………………? Mr. Tan: I’m (5)……………………….Thanks. Goodbye. See you later. Nga : (6)……………………………………………. - Have students open the book page 12 and correct. Then let them practice in pairs 4. Production: * Task 1: Have students work in pairs make their own dialogue base on the dialogue between Mr. Tan and Nga. * Task 2: Ask students to complete the dialogue between Vi, Na and Phi. Vi: Hello, Na. Na: Hello, Vi. Nice (1) …………………. again. Vi: (2)…………………………………., too. Na: This is my friend. Vi: Hello, what (3)……………………………….? Phi: Hello, I’m Phi. Nice to meet you. Vi: (4) ……………..…, too. (5)…………………..…………? Phi: I’m in class 7A. And you? Vi: I’m in class 7B Phi: (6)……………………. Na’s classmate? Vi: Yes, I am. - Get feedback and correct. - Have the students make a similar dialogue about themselves. 5. Homework: - Do the exercises A 1, 2, 3 / page 3, 4/ workbook - Prepare section A 2/ page 11/ textbook. 4. And you 5. fine 6. Goodbye - Individual work and check - Pair work - Work in pairs - Work in groups 1. to see you 2. Nice to see you 3. is your name 4. Nice to meet you 5. What class are you in? 6. Are you - Work in pairs.  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 01 Period: 03. Date of teaching: 28 – 08 – 2015. UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 2:. Friends – A 2.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to - identify oneself. - ask and answer some questions about Hoa. II. Preparations: - Cassette, tape, sub-board III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: Chatting : ask students the old lesson 1. What is the new girl’s name? 2. Which class is she in? 3. Who is also in class 7A? 2. Pre- reading: - Using picture to introduce the situation. And have students answer the questions.  How many schools are there in the picture?  Which school is bigger?  Is her old school in the country? - Is it big or small? Which school does Hoa go the explanation. - Still (adv) - Unhappy (adj ) ≠ happy (adj) - Different ( adj ) – be different from Eg: Her old school is different from her new school. - parents (n) -> including: mother and farther. - miss -> misses (v ) E.g: I miss my friends very much. Hoa misses her friends and her parents very much. - Indefinite Quantifiers: a lot of, many, any, a lot of / lots of ( + ) friends many (-/?) a lot of / lots of ( + ) milk much (- / ?) -Some and any - > (small number) : Some ( + ) and any ( - / ?) Eg: She has some interesting books. He doesn’t have any friends. 3. While – reading: Act.1: Play the tape for the students, let them listen and read the passage silently. Act.2: Let them decide these following sentences True / False. 1. Hoa is a new student in Hue. 2. She lives with her parents in Hanoi. 3. She doesn’t have a lot of friends in her new school. 4. Her old school is smaller than her new school. 5. She misses her mother, her father and her friends a lot. - Get feedback and correct. Act. 3: Have students read the text again and answer the questions in the text book on page 11. - Get feedback and correct. a. She is from Hue. b. She is staying with her uncle and aunt. c. No, She doesn’t have any friends in Ha Noi.. Students’ activities - Answer the teacher’s question. + There are two + Hong Ha is + Yes, it is. / It is small. + She goes to Hong Ha school - guess the meaning and copy - Listen and repeat Chorus – Individual. - Pay attention indefinite Quantifiers: a lot of, many… - Remind “some and any”. - Listen to the tape carefully and check the pronunciation. - Individual work 1.F (in Hanoi) 2.F (her aunt and uncle) 3.T 4.T 5.T. - Work in pairs (oral / written) - Work in groups or pairs - Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> d. Her new school is bigger than her old school. e. She is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends. 4. Post – reading:  Task 1: Have students base on the answers about Hoa write a short paragraph about her. Eg: Hoa is a new student in class 7A. She is from Hue. She is staying with her aunt and uncle in Ha Noi now. She doesn’t have many friends in her new school. Her new school is bigger than her old school. Hoa is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends.  Task 2: Imagine you are studying in a new school in another part of Viet Nam. Write a short paragraph (about 5 sentences) about your new school and your living now. Base on the paragraph about Hoa.  Task 3: Ask them to complete the following sentences. a. Hoa has …… friends. (a lot of / any / many) b. I don’t have …… free time now. (much / some / lots of) c. My new class doesn’t have ….. boys.(lot of / a lot of / many) d. We have ………… new friends this year. ( some / any) e. Is there ……………… sugar in the kitchen? (some / any) 5. Homework: - Do the exercise A 4 / page 4 / work book - Prepare : Section A4 , A5 / Text book. Eg: Hello. I am Nam. I am a new student in class 7B. I am from Di Linh. Now I am staying with my grandparents in Da Lat. I don’t have any friends in my new school. My new school is bigger than my old school. I am unhappy. I miss my parents and my friends.. a. a lot of b. much c. many d. some e. any.  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 02 Period: 04. Date of teaching: 31 – 08 – 2015. UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 3:. Friends – A 4, 5. I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - complete the dialogue - Rearrange the correct pictures they hear. - greet and introduce others, agree with others..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> II. Preparations: - Picture for warm up and matching - Cassette, tape, sub-board III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. 1. Warm up:  Let students sing learn the song: “Hello teacher” - T- Ss sing a song Hello teacher, hello teacher. How are you? (twice) I’m fine, thank you. (twice) How are you? 2. Pre-listening: - Have students make questions and answers with the - Whole class make and answer the questions with How word: How often…? How long …? How much…? How far …?. HOW. How many...? How old …?. - Present the vocabulary and give the explanation. - How is everything? : Mọi chuyện dạo này thế nào? - Just fine : bình thường, cũng được, cũng tốt - Not bad = fine : Không tệ lắm - Me, too = I am, too. - busy  free - pretty good : khá tốt, tương đối tốt - hurry (v) nhanh lên - Have students predict to complete the dialogues. (Provide the handout about two dialogues on pages 12, 13 for students). 3. While-listening: Section A4 - Act 1: Play the tape for the students first time, let them listen and check their prediction. Section A4 - Act 2: Have them listen to the tape again and complete the dialogues. (Using flashcards and subboard ) - Get feedback and correct. a) Mr. Tan : Hello Lien. How are you? Miss Lien: Pretty good, thank you. How about you? Mr. Tan : Not bad, but I am very busy. Miss Lien: Me, too. b) Nam: Good afternoon Nga. How is everything? Nga: Ok, thanks. How are you today, Nam? Nam: Just fine, thanks. Nga: I’m going to the lunch room. Nam: Yes, so am I. Section A5 - Act 1 : Have students look at the pictures and answer the questions. P.a: Who are they in the pictures? P.b: Who does Nga meet? P.c : What does Ba do? P.d : Where are they going? * Section A5 - Act 2: There are four conversations. - Copy – guess the meaning - Listen and repeat - Chorus - Individual. - Individual work - prediction. - Listen and check - Listen and complete the dialogue. - Pairs work – comparison and correction. - Listen and answer the questions. - Look at the pictures and answers the questions. - Listen and write the letters in the order..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> describing the pictures but they aren’t in order. Listen and write the letters of the dialogues in the order as conversation in the tape. - Call some students to write their answers on the board. - Play the tape again, let them listen and check. -Get feedback and correct. 4. Post-listening: Position Dialogue …… Ba: Oh, so am I …… Vi: Just fine, thanks. …1… Ba: Good morning, Vi. …… Ba: Where are you going? …… Vi: Good morning. How are …… you today? …… Vi: I’m going to the library. …… What about you? …… Ba: I’m very well, thank you. How about you? - Get feedback and correct. Then let them practice the dialogue. - Have the students work in pairs and make their own dialogue. 5. Homework: - Write a short conversation. - Prepare : Section B1, B2. - Pair work - Answer 1 – Picture C 3 – Picture D. 2 – Picture B 4 – Picture A. 7 4 1 5 2 6 3. - Work in pairs – free talk.  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 02 Period: 05. Date of teaching: 03 – 09 – 2015. UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 4:. Names and addresses – B 1, 2. I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - ask for and give personal information and introduce others. II. Preparations: - Handout - Cassette, tape, sub-board III. Procedures:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher’s activities 1. Warm up: - Have students take a survey to complete the form. Name: ………………………… Age: …………………………… Grade: …………………………… School: ……………………… Home address: …………… 2. Presentation: - Using picture – Have students answer the questions. a. Who are they in the picture? b. Where are they? c. What are they doing d. What are they talking about? - Present the vocabulary and give the explanation. - talk ( v ) -> talking - talk to someone eg: Lan is talking to her friend. - E.g: Pham thi Hoa Family name. middle name. Students’ activities - Pair work: One ask – one answer (Using Wh –Questions) + What is your name? + How old are you? + Which grade are you in? +Which school do you go to? + What is your home address?/ Where do you live? - Look at the picture and answer the questions.. - Copy and guess the meaning. - Listen and repeat. first name. 3. Practice: Act 1: Have students listen to the tape & read - Let - Listen to the tape and read the dialogue them work in pairs practice the dialogue. Then call some pairs of student read the dialogue before class Act 2: Let them work in pairs discussing the questions - Role-play and answer the questions. on page 15 and find the answer. (oral / written) - Get feedback and correct. a. Hoa is talking to Miss Lien b. Her family name is Pham c. Her middle name is Thi d. She lives at 12 TranHungDao Street. Act 3: Have the students review WH- Question and make questions with them.(Using flash cards) Who Where Why How What When Which ... Eg: Who teaches you English? / Where does he / she live? - Ask students to read through the dialogue and then use question words above to fill in the blanks. -> Get feedback and correct. Nga: (1)…is that? Lan: That’s Nam Nga: No (2).………is the girl talking to Miss Lien. Lan: Her name’s Hoa. She’s a new student. Nga: (3)…………class is she in? Lan: She’s in our class – class 7A Nga: (4)……………..does she live? Lan: She lives on Tran Hung Dao Street with her uncle and aunt. - Whole class (remind questions words). - Use the WH- Questions words above to complete the dialogue on page 16. - Work in pairs 1. Who 2. Who 3. What 4. Where.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Nga: (5)……………do her parents live? Lan: They live in Hue. Nga: She’s tall. (6) ………………..old is she? Lan: She’s 13 - Call on some pairs to read the dialogue before the class. 4. Production: Task 1: Have students make their own dialogue to ask for and give personal information. Task 2: Let them fill in the blank with : What, Where, When, Why. Who, How, How old. 1. …………… is your family name? - It’s Nguyen 2.…………… are you - I’m thirteen. 3.………… does Minh live? - 24 Ngo Quyen Street. 4. ………………… do you live with ? - My parents. 5.. …………… do you go to school? - By bus 6. ……… do you have English? - On Tues and Wed. 7. …… are you late? - Because I miss the bus. 5. Homework: - Make a student card ( name, age, class, school . . .) - Do the exercise B1, B 2 / page 5,6/ work book. 5. Where 6. How. - Work in pairs. - Individual work (oral / written) - Answer. 1. What 2. How old 3. Where 4. Who 5. How 6. When 7. Why.  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Week: 02 Period: 06. Date of teaching: 04 – 09 – 2015. UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL Lesson 5:. Names and addresses – B 4, 5 and 6. I. Objectives: by the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - ask about transportation and distance with “How Far …” II. Preparations: - Picture for warm up and matching - Cassette, tape, sub-board III. Procedures: Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. 1. Warm up: - Have students work in groups: Complete the sentences with - Work in groups: the words given from the box : How, How old, How long, How often, How much, How - Keys:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> many, How far. 1. … do you play soccer? - I sometimes play soccer. 2 ………… is your sister? - She is twenty. 3. ……… students are there in your class? - There are forty – two 4. ………… is this cake? - It’s two thousand dong 5. ………… does Mai do to school? - By bike. 6. ……… is the Great Wall? - It’s over 6000 km. 7. … is it from Da Lat to Di Linh? - It’s about 70 km. 2. Presentation: - Using picture to introduce the lesson – Eliciting questions - How many people are there in the picture? - Where are they going now? - How do they go to school? - Present the vocabulary - structure and give the explanation. - by bus / by car -> means of transport - Distance ->  My house ……2km……> My school Eg: The distance from my house to school is 2 km. - How far is it from . . . to . . .? It is (about) . . . meter(s) / kilometer(s) Eg: How far is it from your house to school? -> It is about one kilometer - near ≠ far (adj) - Have students look at the picture and describe what people are using means of transport.-> Get feedback and correct 3. Practice: Act 1: Play the tape for the students. Ask students to listen to the tape and practice with their partner. (Section B4/ page 16) - Call some pairs of students practice the dialogue then answer the questions. a. Where does Hoa live? b. How far is it from her house to school? c. How does she go to school? - Get feedback and correct. Act 2: Have students look at some places in the pictures; work in pairs practice the structure “How far …?” ( Section B5 / page 17 ) Eg: How far is it from your house to the market? It is about 700 meters. Practice with  ( the movie theater / the post office / the bus stop ) - Call some pairs of students practice before the class. Act 3: Have students look at the pictures and remember the places in the picture, then answer questions. a. Is Lan’s house near from school / market? b. Is Lan’s house far from the movie theater? c. Where is Lan’s house? -> Get feedback and correct. Act 3: Have students listen four dialogues and find the distance of places. a. From school to Lan’s house. ( a.200m / b. 300m/ c. 600m ) b. Lan’s house to the post office. ( a. 400m/ b.500m/ c.700m). 1. How often 2. How old 3. How many 4. How much 5. How 6. How long 7. How far. - Look at the picture and answer the questions. - Copy and guess the meaning. - Pay attention the structure. - Whole class look at the picture and describe Bicycle # Bike - Listen to the tape and practice the dialogue in pairs. - Answer the teacher’s questions - Work in pairs S1: How far is it from your house to the market? S2: It is about 700 meters.. - Observe the picture and describe Lan’s house. Whole class a. Yes, it is / No, it isn’t b. Yes, it is c. It’s between school and post office. - Listen and complete the distance of places.- Individual a. 300 meters b. 700 meters c. 3 kilometers d. 2 kilometers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> c. Lan’s school to the movie theater. ( a.2km / b.3km / c.4km ) d. Movie theater to the post office. (a.1km / b.2km/ c. 4km ) - Get feedback and correct. Then have students work in pairs - Pairs work: Oral / written ask and answer above places 4. Production: Task 1: Have students complete the table. - Individual work. Name: …………………………………. Address: …………………………..… Means of transport: ……………… Distance: ………………………………. Task 2: Let them use the form and report about themselves. - Whole class Eg: My name is …………….. I live in ……………. I go to school by …………. It’s about ……km from my house to school. 5. Homework: - Write five sentences using the structure “ How far” - Do the exercise B3,4,5/ page 6,7  Comments: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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