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Unit 1Grade 9 3

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 1. A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL. TEST 3 I. From each number, pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. continent B. depend C. send D. pretend 2. A. says B. prays C. plays D. days 3. A. climate B. pride C. quit D. primary 4. A. may B. can C. stay D. say 5. A. boxes B. washes C. watches D. goes II. From each number, pick out one word which has the stress on the first syllable. 2. A. scientist B. alive C. industrial D. advice 3. A. individual B. reputation C. experience D. scientific 4. A. television B. decoration C. introduction D. expectation 5. A. achievement B. pesticide C. minimize D. dynamite 6. A. prevent B. protect C. pollute D. purpose III. Choose the word or the phrase or sentence that best completes each unfinished sentence below or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phrase. 1. There used to ________ a movie theatre here, but it closed a long time ago. A. be B. to be C. being D. been 2. The children are playing ________in the schoolyard. A. happy B. happiness C. happier D. happily 3. I wish they ________here tomorrow. A. will come B. would come C. came D. to come 4. John ________write the letter to me last year. A. is used to B. was used to C. used to D. used 5. It is difficult ________English in some weeks. A. to speak B. speaking C. speaks D. speak 6. The capital of Malaysia is ________. A. Hanoi B. Paris C. Kuala Lumpur D. Seoul 7. What is the traditional dress of Vietnamese women? It’s ________ . A. the suit B. the shirt C. the Ao dai D. the blouse 8. Rice is ________in tropical countries A. to grow B. grown C. grow D. grew 9. Two department stores ________.by them this year A. have been built B. have built C. has been built D. has built 10. Nga is ________English for her work A. to study B. studied C. studying D. study 11. He arrived in England ________Monday evening A. in B. at C. of D. on 12. An wishes that he ________his parents A. would visited B. can visit C. could visiting D. could visit 13. Let’s ________ to the cinema A. going B. to go C. go D. goes 14. I look forward to ________you A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw 15. Millions of Christmas cards ________last month A. were sent B. sent C. send D. are sent 16. I ________English here since I graduated from Qui Nhon University A, teach B. taught C. have taught D. am teaching 17. He ______with his friends in an apartment in Ho Chi Minh City since last week.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> A. living B. has lived C. lived D. live 18. We come to USA ________English A. study B. learning C. to learn D. studying 19. She ________try to learn English for her job A is B. has C. must D. was 20. I wish you ________us someday A. visit B. will visit C. visited D. would visit 21. I wish you ________me with my work last Monday A. help B. will help C. had helped D. would help 22. I remember ________her somewhere A. see B. seeing C. saw D. to see 23. Excuse me. Can I ________in this a area? A. smoke B. smoking C. smoked D. to smoke 24. Can you turn ________the light? It is too dark A. on B. off C. down D. up 25. We have lived in Ha Noi________ 4 years A. since B. for C. on D. till 26. We will go________a picnic next week A. in B. at C. on D. to 27. Are you a stamp ________? A. collecting B. collector C. collect D. collection 28. I want everybody to listen ________. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carefully 29. Ann’s birthday is ________February 14th. A. in B. on C. for D. at 30. This isn’t my first visit to London ________here before. A. I’m B. I’m going to C. I’ve been D. I was 31. It’s very crowded here. I wish ________. A. there were a few people B. there weren’t so many people C. there is no one D. there was somebody here 32. I’ve known him ________I left school. A. when B. before C. until D. since 33. Maria’s English is excellent. She speaks English ________. A. very perfect B. perfective C. perfectively D. perfectly 34. Is he an actor________a singer? An actor. A, and B. or C. but D. so 35. Dickens is my ________English novelist A. preferable B. favorable C. favorite D. likeable 36. I’m looking ________to hearing from you. A. at B. after C. over D. forward 37. Please let Tim ________ with you A. go B. going C. to go D. goes 38. ________air is one of many problems we have to solve. A. pure B. polluted C. dust D. pleasant 39. He ________to find a job but he had no luck. A. hardly tried B. tried hardly C. hard tried D. tried hard 40. Ba________ go to Dalat in summer when he was young. A. use to B. used to C. is used to D. is used 41. He wishes he________ a pilot. A. were B. is C. will be D. can be 42. He________ English for 4 years. A. learns B. learnt C. has learnt D. will learn.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 43. Young people are fond of ________ Jeans. A. to wear B. wearing C. wore 44. She sings very________ A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify 45. She asked me where I ________ from. A. come B. came C. to come 46. Could you please stop________ so much noise? A. make B. making C. made 47. Be________! He is looking at you. A. care B. careful C. carefully 48. Remember to turn ________ the lights before going to bed. A. of B. off C. on 49.Maryam and Lan are pen pals, they …… two times a week. A. correspond B. write letter C. meet 50. Ha Noi is a ________ city. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautifully IV: Each line has a mistake find and correct it 1.How about go for a walk on Sunday? 2.We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend. 3.She would like going out with her Mom. 4.Let's me help you do home work. – No, thanks. I can manage. 5.Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech. 6. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes 7. This test is more easy than that one. 8. We've learnt to play the piano for 2005. 9. I used to working for this company when I graduated. 10. We have the same idea with your Dad in the discussion. V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers.. D. worn D. beautifully D. coming D. to make D. carelessly D. up D. phone each other D. friendly. Tet is a national and ...................(1) festival in Vietnam . It is occasion for every Vietnamese to be reunited to think ................(2) their past activities and hope for good luck in the new year. Before Tet all houses ................ (3) whitewashed and .................. (4) with colourful lights . Everybody is looking ................... (5) to a better life. In the new year’s eve, children are smartly dressed . ..................... (6) are hoping to receive money put in small red envelopes as they are wishing longevity to ................. (7) grandparents and parents. Wrong doings should .................. (8) avoided on these days . 1. A. traditional B. modern C. compulsory D. convenient. 2. A. about B. with C. after D. for 3. A. was B. were C. are D. is 4. A. decorate B. decorating C. to decorate D. decorated 5. A. for B. forward C. after D. at 6. A. them B. who C. these D. they 7. A. his B. her C. my D. their 8. A. take B. not C. we D. be VI: Rewrite sentences, using “I wish………..”. 1. He speaks English badly.  I wish................................................................................................................................. 2. My students write lessons slowly.  I wish..................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. The exercises are long.  I wish................................................................................................................................. 4. The film is boring.  I wish................................................................................................................................. 5. The weather is very hot today.  I wish................................................................................................................................. VII: Rewrite sentences, using the provided word keep meaning as that of the root one 1. I have never seen that play before  It’s …………........................................................................................................................ 2. They are watching my father’s new car  My father’s new car…………………………………………….……………………… 3. I am sorry, Hoa isn’t coming with us  I wish……………………………………………………………………………………… 4. It is such a heavy book that I can’t lift it The book ……………………………………………….………………………………… 5. The farmers spread the trees each week The trees ……………………………………………….………………………………… 6. The sun is much hotter than the moon  The moon isn’t……………………………………………………………………………… 7. You can’t read more quickly than I can  I can’t …………………………………………………………………………………….… 8. Thank you for helping me  It was kind ……………………………………………………………………………….… 9. Staying at home would be better than going out tonight I’d rather ………………………………………………………………………………….… 10. Mrs Ha told Ba to carry those books back home  Mrs Ha had……………………………………………………………………………….… VIII. Give the correct word formation. 1- To Huu is a famous___________________ (poetry). 2- His ________________ are interesting.(poet) 3- The internet has ________________ (surprise) developed in Vietnam. 4- I like watching the news best because it is very ________________ (inform) . 5- They have________________ (modern) the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. 6- Liz likes the________________ ( peaceful ) and the beauty of Ba’s village. 7- There are three man _________ in Malaysia (religious). 8- English is a_____________ second language. (compel) 9- At Christmas, we hang ___________lights on a trees called christmas tree.(color) 10- Ho Chi Minh is an ___________city. (industry) 11- He can earn for his living for himself so he is an ________________person. (depend) 12- We can rely on him he is a ___________________person (depend).

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