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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>ENGLISH 9 WORD-FORM. Unit one: A VISIT FROM A PEN PAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. Verb. Noun (person). Visit Act. visitor Actress/ actor. Correspond. Foreigner Correspondent. Modernize Impressed (by) Beautify Enjoy. Noun. Adjective. Activity Action. Active Foreign. Correspondence Modern Impressive. Beauty Friend Friendliness Enjoyment Peace Atmosphere Prayer Difficulty Dependence Independence Difference Fame Recreation. Beautiful Friendly. Depend. 15 16 17. Recreate. 18 19 20. Worship Invite Introduce. 21. Interest. Interest. 22 23 24 25 26. Industrialize. Industry. Associate. Picture Association Nation. 27 28 29 30 31. Divide. Populate. 32 33 34 35. Add Widen Intruct. Worshiper Inviter Introducer. Separate. 1. Intructor. Correspondingl y. Modernization Impression. 9 10 11 12 13 14. Pray. Adverb. Worshipfulness Invitation Introduction. Division Region Seperation Tropic Population Populousness Office Addition Width Intruction. Prepared and collected by Thạch Sanh. Enjoyable Peaceful Atmospheric Difficult Dependent Independent Different Famous Recreational(tiêu khiển) Recreative (tiêu khiển) Worshipful Introductive (tính dẫn nhập) Introductory (dùng để giới thiệu) Interesting Interested Industrial Especial Picturesque Associational National Native (bản địa) Divisive Regional Seperable Tropical Populous Official Additional Wide Intructional (chỉ dẫn) Intructive (dùng để dạy). Beautifully. Peacefully. Dependently Independently Differently. Worshipfully. Industrially Especially Nationally Regionally Tropically Offically Additionally Widely.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 36 37 38 39 40 41 42. Continue Compel Imagine Write Arrive Disppoint. 43 44. Mention. 45. Prepare. ENGLISH 9 WORD-FORM Continuator Continuousness Compulsion Imagination Writer Arrival Happiness Disppointment Youth. 46 47 48. Preparation Colorist. Color river riverside. Worsen. Continuous Compulsory Imaginary Happy / unhappy Disppointed Disppointing Mentioned Young Yuthful Preparatory (soạn sẳn) Preparative (dự bị) Colorful. Happily Disppointedly Disppointingly. Bad. Badly. Youthfully. Exercise 1. There was a high level of competitive_________________ in certain areas.(act) 2. Today the prosperity of Skipton depends on the car parks for tourists,_____________and shoppers.(visit) 3. This _________________was born in Japan, as were his parents.(foreign) 4. The__________ take pride in their wordsmanship and don't mind twirling it.(correspond) 5. It is estimated that 20,000 jobs will be lost as part of the efforts to__________________ the forces.(modern) 6. Visitors were most________________by the enthusiasm and commitment of pupils, teachers and all concerned.(impress) 7. It is a__________________designed volume, with illustrations of the covers of his various books.(beauty) 8. I was overwhelmed by the__________________of the people here. (friend) 9. This film is_____________________and visually gratifying.(enjoy) 10. The baby slept_____________________in its cradle. (peace) 11. He also says the development would lead to more noise and__________________pollution.(atmosphere) 12. In addition, some firms encounter_____________________in understanding the new rules of the game.(difficult) 13. At each shrine you pause, and you say some_______________and you greet each deity. (pray) 14. In 1962, Jamaica became an_________________country after 300 years of British rule. (independ) 15. I love all the_______________ between people in different parts of the country. (different) 16. ‘The country is______________________for its natural beauty. (fame) 17. The______________of the Famine ship took place at Blennerville, near Tralee, Co Kerry. (recreate) 18. Her voice was full of_______________admiration.(worship) 2. Prepared and collected by Thạch Sanh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> ENGLISH 9 WORD-FORM. 19. With neither fame nor letters of_____________, they had to ask friends for help.(invite) 20. As for his name, I hardly think a formal ________________was necessary.(introduce) 21. It will be very__________________to see what they come up with.(interest) 22. The country needs to________________to create both exports and jobs. (industry) 23. Her dress, made_____________________for the ball, caught at her legs as she ran, slowing her down.(especial) 24. Before we left this_________________place, we took a photo of the kind family we had lodged with.(picture) 25. The same is true with the name of the__________________.(associate) 26. This policy may have been in the________________ interest. (nation) 27. There was a great_____________of the spoils amongst the clubs. (divide) 28. The program will be marketed____________________.(region) 29. She and her husband have agreed to a trial__________________.(separate) 30. Cola trees are large and grow best in_________________rain forests.(tropic) 31. That is not to say that the larger towns in the county have also seen a growth in the____________________.(populate) 32. It was_____________acknowledged that the economy was in recession. (office) 33. We require________________ information.(add) 34. He smiled___________________ and held out a hand. (wide) 35. What's worse, it is a policy _______________________which comes directly from Ministers.(instruct) 36. The whole performance is enacted in one__________________movement. (continue) 37. It was____________________to attend Mas. (compel) 38. She'd never been blessed with a vivid___________________.(imagine) 39. Dryden is also one of the first_____________of English literary criticism.(write) 40. He was dead on_________________at the hospital.(arrive) 41. Tom's heart swelled with______________________.(happy) 42. Thousands of__________________customers were kept waiting. (disppoint) 43. I haven't____________________it to William yet.(mention) 44. He had been a keen sportsman in his_________________.(young) 45. This research is considered crucial in___________for sending humans to Mars.(prepare) 46. It is wacky and different, bright and__________________.(color) 47. The _________________parklands were the project's appeal.(river) 48. The proposed bank restructuring will dramatically___________________this economic situation.(bad) 49. The state's only function is as an apparatus of coercion and_________________(compel) 50. The various benefits will be__________________on length of service.(depend) 51. It's__________________that the market hasn't gone higher.(disppoint) 52. They were __________________to me.(friend) 53. It ends optimistically with the message that__________________ will succeed.(modern) 54. It will then just be for________________waste and we will change the collections accordingly.(industry) 55. After searching the length and breadth of the place I was________________unable to find what I wanted, due to having very little to choose from.(disppoint) 3. Prepared and collected by Thạch Sanh.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> ENGLISH 9 WORD-FORM. Link down toàn bộ các unit: 4. Prepared and collected by Thạch Sanh.

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