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Adjectives of Attitude LTBT

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1. Interesting: thú vị
2. Fascinating: hấp dẫn
3. Exciting: hứng thú, lý thú
4. Terrifying: khiếp sợ, kinh hãi
5. Irritating: phát cáu, bực mình
6. Horrifying: gây kinh hãi, kinh hồng
7. Boring: buồn chán, tẻ nhạt
8. Surprising: ngạc nhiên
9. Amusing: buồn cười, vui vẻ
10. Embarrassing: xấu hổ, ngượng nghịu, lúng túng
11. Frustrating: nản lòng, bực dọc
12. Disappointing: thất vọng
13. Depressing: buồn rầu, chán nản, thất vọng
14. Exhausting: kiệt sức, mệt mỏi
15. Amazing: kinh ngạc, sửng sốt
16. Annoying: bực mình, quấy rầy, làm phiền, khó chịu
17. Satisfying: thỏa mãn, vừa ý
18. Worrying: lo lắng
19. Entertaining: vui thú, giải trí, thú vị
20. Confusing: bối rối, băn khoăn
Cách sử dụng tính từ tận cùng -ing và -ed:
- Tính từ tận cùng -ing thường mang nghĩa chủ động, dùng để diễn tả tính chất, bản
chất của một người hay một vật.
Ví dụ: The film I watch on TV last night was very exciting.
She is such a boring person that no one wants to be her friend.
- Tính từ tận cùng -ed thường mang nghĩa bị động, thường được sử dụng để mơ tả
cảm xúc, tình cảm của một người trước một sự việc bên ngồi.
Ví dụ: I'm bored because my exam result is so bad.


He's such a monotonous speaker. I was ________________ stiff. (bored / boring)
Most sequels are ________________. (disappointed / disappointing)
I had such a ________________ day I went straight to bed. (tired / tiring)
Everyone's very ________________ about the news. (excited / exciting)
That lamp produces a very ________________ effect. (pleased / pleasing)
The whole school was ________________ by the tragic event. (saddened / saddening)
I don't like watching ________________ films on my own. (depressed / depressing)
I was ________________ when she told me she'd got divorced. (amazed / amazing)

9. He's such a ________________ guy. He only ever talks about himself. (bored / boring)
10. I'm very ________________ in films and theatre. (interested / interesting)
11. No one knew what would happen next. We were all ________________. (intrigued /
12. It was a very ________________ situation. (interested / interesting)
13. There's been some very ________________ news. (surprised / surprising)
14. His mother was ________________ by what she found under his bed. (disgusted /
15. Their hamburgers are ________________. (disgusted / disgusting)
16. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly ________________. (exhausted /
17. He's always showing off. It's really ________________. (annoyed / annoying)
18. I think Alex is one of the most ________________ people I've ever met. He can't keep still

for a second. (annoyed / annoying)
19. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really
________________. (embarrassed / embarrassing)
20. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather ________________.
(embarrassed / embarrassing)
21. By 12.00 Susan felt so ___________ that she went to bed (tired/ tiring)
22. I heard the film was good, but it was very _______________ (disappointing/disappointed)
23. Being alone in an old house at night can be _______________ (frightening/ frightened)
24. Anita was so ______________ that her whole face turned red. (embarrassed/embarrassing)
25. Jerry gets _____________ if he has to study too much. (bored/boring)
26. It's very _____________ to be taught in so many classrooms. (confused/confusing)
27. Dolly said that the twenty-mile walk was ____________. (exhausted/exhausting)
28. Are you ______________ in going to the beach tomorrow? (interested/interesting)
29. I was really _____________ when my employer gave me the day off. (surprised/surprising)
30. Why don't you go away and stop being so ____________! (annoyed/annoying)
31. What a ____________ (shock) thought.
32. Have you heard the _____________ (suprise) news about Alice and Ted?
33. I thought it was the most ___________ (astound) thing I'd heard in a long time. They're
always fighting like cats and dogs.
34. I agree with you. I was pretty ___________ (shock) when I heard about it myself.
35. I was always ____________ (worry) that they would break up. Now I can relax. What a
____________ (depress) idea.
36. That would be an ______________ (upset) thing to happen.
37. Dogs often feel ___ during fireworks.( frightened/ frightening)
38. The metro can be ___ the first time you use it.( confusing/ confused)
39. Satoru was ___ to hear about the earthquake.( shocked/ shocking)
40. I think that rainy days in winter are ___.( depressed/ depressing)
41. She's ___ of doing the same thing every day.( bored/ boring)
42. It was the most ___ I have been watching a film.( excited/ exciting)
43. The meals at Immigrant's Cafe are ___. (satisfied/ satisfying)

44. Sally has been running for three hours and now she is _________(exhausted/exhausting)
45. My brother had an accident and his situation is quite _________(worrying/worried)
46. When we visited that abandoned house it was really _________(depressed/depressing)

47. I think he was _________because he called me Mary and my name is Rose.
48. That film is not _________despite being a comedy. (amused/amusing)
49. Your bathroom is _________! Couldn’t you clean it a little? (disgusted/disgusting)
50. Hey, I've just had a _____ idea. (fascinating/fascinated)

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