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Speaking topics ENGlish A1

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The interlocutor asks the candidates about:
- personal information: name, age, job etc.
- general information about self :
Suggested topics:
1. Family
 Can you tell me about your family?
2. Hobbies/free – time
 What is your hobby?
 What do you like doing in your free time?
3. Sports
 What’s your favorite sport?
 What (kind of) sport do you often do/like to do?
4. Food/Drinks
 What (kind of) food/drink do you often have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
 What (kind of) food/drink do you like (best)?
5. Music
 What (kind of) do you listen to/like?
 Who is your favorite singer?
What is your favorite song?

The candidates pick up a card and make small speech:
Suggested topics:

Topic 1
Talk about your last summer holiday
Suggested ideas:
1. Place?

Where did you go on holiday last summer?

2. Activities?

What did you do?

3. Duration?

How long did you stay?

4. Weather?

What was the weather like?

Topic 2
Talk about your favourite subject in high school
Suggested ideas:
1. Subjects?

What were your favourite school subjects?

2. Reason?

Why did you like them?

3. Time of study?

When did you study them?

4. Favourite teacher?

Who was your favourite teacher? Why?

Topic 3
Describe an accident
Suggested ideas:
1. Time?

When did you have an accident?

2. Reason?

How did it happen?

3. Hurt / serious?

What part of body did you hurt?

4. Feeling?

How did you feel about that?

Topic 4
Talk about next holiday
Suggested ideas:
1. Place?

Where are you going to?

2. Reason?

Why are you going there?

3. Activities

What are you going to do?

4. Duration?

How long will you stay there?

Topic 5
Talk about the meal of a day
Suggested ideas:
1. Breakfast/lunch/dinner? What do usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
2. Favourite?

What is your favourite meal?

3. Reason?

Why do you like it?

4. Cook?

What special food can you cook?

Topic 6
Talking about clothes
Suggested ideas:

1. Favourite?

What are your favourite clothes?

2. Reason?

Why do you like them?

3. Wear / how often?

How often do you wear them?

4. Where / buy?

Where did you buy it?

Topic 7

Talking about weather
Suggested ideas:

1. Favourite?

What kind of weather do you like?

2. Reason?

Why do you like it?

3. Weather / don’t like?

What kind of weather don’t you like?

4. Activities?

What do you enjoy doing in different kinds of weather?

Topic 8
Talking about hometown
Suggested ideas:
1. Where?

Where is your hometown?

2. Best time to visit?

What is the best time to visit your hometown?

3. See?

What can I see there?

4. Weather?

What’s the weather like in your hometown?

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