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unit 12 music

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Name: ......................


* Vocabulary

18. solemn (a) ['sɔləm]: trang nghiêm

1. folk [fouk] music (n): nhạc dân gian

19. mournful (a) ['mɔ:nful]: tang thương

2. rock [rɔk] ‘n’ roll ['roul] (n): nhạc rock and roll

20. lull (v) [lʌl]: ru ngủ

3. country ['kʌntri] music (n): nhạc đồng quê

210 fairy tale (n) ['feəriteil] : chuyện cổ tích

4. serious (a) ['siəriəs]: nghiêm túc, đứng đắn, bác học

22. uplift (a)['ʌplift]: hưng phấn, bay bổng

5. beat (n) [bi:t]: nhịp (âm nhạc)

23. delight (v) [di'lait]: làm thích thú, làm say mê

6. emotion (n) [i'mou∫n]: cảm xúc

24. a billion ['biljən] -dollar industry ['indəstri]: ngành công

nghiệp tỉ đô ( mang lại lợi nhuận cao)

7. communicate (v) [kə'mju:nikeit]: giao tiếp
8. tune (n) [tju:n] giai điệu
9. national anthem (n) ['næ∫nəl, ‘ænθəm] quốc ca

25. lyrical (a) ['lirikəl]: trữ tình
26. rousing (a) ['rauziη]: hào hứng, sôi nổi

10. rousing (a) ['rauziη]: hào hứng, sôi nổi

27. convey (v) [kən'vei]: truyền đạt, biểu lộ,
thể hiện.

11. express (v) [iks'pres]: thể hiện

28. serene (a) [si'ri:n]: thanh bình, tĩnh lặng.

12. anger (n) ['æηgə]: sự tức giận

29. cheer [t∫iə] (v): somebody up : làm ai cảm thấy vui

13. integral (a) ['intigrəl]: important
14. set the tone [toun] for (v): tạo nên không khí ( vui,

30. compose (v) [kəm'pouz]: sọan nhạc, sáng tác nhạc

15. joyfulness (n) ['dʒɔifulnis]: sự vui nhộn

16. atmosphere (n) ['ætməsfiə]: bầu khơng khí

31. sweet [swi:t] and gentle ['dʒentl] (a): ngọt ngào và dịu

17. funeral (n) ['fju:nərəl]: đám tang


Ex: music composer [kəm'pouzə] (n): nhà sọan nhạc

1. They......a serious threat to security.
A. put
B. place
C. set
D. pose
2. Headaches in young children should always be......seriously.
A. taken
B. behaved
C. treated
D. cured
3. He tends to get......on these occasions.
A. emotion
B. emotional
C. emotioned
D. emotionally
4. I traded my computer......a more powerful model.
A. on for
B. in at

C. in for
D. on at
5. The movie helped......her screen career.
A. boost
B. lift
C. promote
D. advertise
6. More than half the staff......temporary.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
7. The law is not the best......for dealing with family matters.
A. tool
B. equipment
C. instrument
D. device
8. It is important to keep......in an emergency.
A. calm
B. calmly
C. calmed
D. calmness
9. Have some brandy, it'll calm your.......
A. mind
B. nerves
C. head
D. brain
10. He reduced......and turned sharp left.
A. speed
B. rapidity

C. fast
D. quickness
11. ".......is it, by air, from Bangkok to Chiengmai?" ~ "About 500 miles."
A. How long
B. How far
C. How much
D. How many
12. "......did he pay for his transistor radio?" ~ "Only three hundred bath."
A. How high
B. How many
C. How much
D. How often
13......does it take to get to Bangsaen from here?
A. How far
B. How long
C. How much
D. How Many
14. What's taking an entrance exam.......?
A. like
B. alike
C. likely
D. look like
15. Do you happen to know.....................?

A. of whom this watch is
B. whose watch is this
C. whose watch this is
D. this watch of whose
16. You and I went there together,......?

A. didn't you
B. didn't I
C. didn't we
D. did we
17.1 have never had any liking for cats,........?
A. have I
B. haven't I
C. did I
D. didn't I
18. Ann: How long will your homework take you?
Bill: .................
A. In the evening
B. For two hours
C. Until eight o'clock
D. Since I came in
19. How long ago......Susan?
A. did you see
B. you saw
C. have you been seeing
D. would you see
20. ......he speaks!
A. How fluently
B. What fluently
C. How fluent
D. What fluent
21. "How do I look tonight?" ~ "Wow!......dress you have on!"
A. What a beautiful B. What beautiful
C. How beautiful
D. How a beautiful
22. "When did you go to work?" ~ "As soon as they came in, we......to work."

A. went
B. were going
C. had gone
D. go
23. "Did Susan have a chance to get in touch with you?" ~ "Oh yes, she......me up last night."
A. has called
B. called
C. had called
D. calls
24. He seldom goes to the market, .......?
A. doesn't he
B. does he
C. is he
D. isn't he
25. I know you won't mind sitting by Peter ,......?
A. do I
B. don't I
C. have
D. had been
26. He suggested......to a holiday camp.
A. Mary that she should go
B. to Mary that she should go
C. for Mary that she go
D. to Mary to go
27. I......remember......to his house to work with him in 1960.
A. vividly/to go
B. vividly/going
C. vivid/to go
D. vivid/going
28.......there in time, we must start now.

A. be
B. Being
C. To be
D. is
29. He recommended that I......there early.
A. be
B. am
C. was
D. would be
30. My sister is busy......a letter.
A. in writing
B. to write
C. at writing
D. writing
II. Supply the correct form of the word in bold.
1. He spoke with a.................that was unusual in him.
2. His presence had a..............influence.
3. Both musically and....................it is very effective.
4. You're not your usual..................self today.
5. She.................promised not to say a word to anyone about it.
6. What an unusual................of flavours!
7. His...................was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs.
8. The company was very....................of my efforts.

9. Winning the....................was a wonderful boost for her morale.
10. Anger is often caused by..................or embarrassment, or a mixture of the two.
III. There is at least one mistake in each sentence. Correct all the mistakes you can find.
1. I'm afraid I'm not very seriously person.
2. This is a very emotion time to me.
3. Only the intervene of powerful friends obtained her release.
4. You'll have to speak more louderly - I can't hear you.
5. She always ties her hair back in a bag.
6. Too many sweet food is bad for your teeth.
7. Her face grew solemnly.
8. His talents not full appreciated in that company.
9. Your support is greatly appreciation.
10. He slowly siped his wine.
IV. There is at least one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct the mistakes.
0. He spent a lots of money buying books and stationery.
..to buy....

1. He goes to the supermarket for to buy food for the family.
2. Each of student has to wear the school band.
3. Don't you think we are obliged to be do that?
4. The teacher, who is my form teacher, she doesn't like naughty students.
5. I saw him in Mexico for two years ago.
6. Who looks after of your children when you are away from home?
7. I will visit California when I will stay in America.
8. The weather is becoming so hotter and hotter.
V. Make questions for the underlined parts of the following statements.
1. Every day he goes to school on foot.
2. He lives in a small house in a small village.
3. The doctor will come here at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
4. The workers in this factory are on strike now.
5. He went to the market to buy some food.
6. He was sad because he lost his bicycle.

7. He went out when the sky was dark.
8. He went out when the sky was dark.
VI. Complete the questions with how with a suitable word.
1. Jack: Tin, this is my friend Peter.
Tin: How......................you do, Peter?
2. Tom: How......................is your house to the super market?
Mary: About five-minute walk.
3. Susan: It's 8 p.m. already. How......................going out for a walk?
Mark: Good idea!
4. Sue: How......................you pronounce this word?
Tim: I think it ' homeless'.
5. Jack: How......................is this shirt?
Mary: 1 don't know. It is a present.
6. Mike: How......................you feeling?
Helen: A little bit better, thanks.
7. Mark: How......................have you been working here?
Tom: For three years now.
8. Mike: How......................do you run?
Tom: About a mile per hour.
9. Mike: How......................do you run?
Mary: About 3 kilometers.
10. Helen: How......................is the river?
Peter: About 20 kilometres long.
VII. Complete this conversation by writing the questions.
1. ...........................................?
A. Peter Moore.
2. ...........................................?
B. a sister and a brother.

3. ...........................................?
C. Near London.
4. ...........................................?
D. I'm ateacher.
5. ...........................................?
E. English. History and Geography
6. ...........................................?
F. English is my favorite subject
7. ...........................................?
G. I go swimming at weekend.
8. ...........................................?
H. Country music.
9. ...........................................?
I. Some Asian countries.
VIII. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the following sentences.
At birth, the infant has only the most elementary emotional life. TMewborns show an expression of disgust,
for example, in response to strong tastes and show surprise in reaction to sudden changes. They also show interest,
which developmental psychologists consider an emotion in its own right.
By 10 months, infants display the full range of what are considered the basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness,
disgust, surprise, and fear. The emergence of this basic emotions during the first year or two of life seems to be
programmed by biological clock for brain development. As the appropriate brain maturation occurs ,lhe various
emotions appear in an infant's repertory. For example, studies of brant-activities in ten-month-olds show that the
right frontal regions are more active daring positive emotions and the left during negative emotions.
1. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as an emotion displayed by a newborn?

A. disgust
B. interest
C. surprise
D. fear

2. The phrase 'in its own right' is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. legally
B. in fact
C. in itself
D. on the other hand.
3. In the second paragraph, the author uses the analogy of a clock to emphasize Inch of the following
generalizations about infant's emotional behavior? It…....
A. emerges rapidly
B. has a complex pattern.
C. develops with predictable regularity.
D. may change from one minute to the next.
4. Which of the following statements about ten-month-old infants is best supported by the passage?
A. Their various emotional responses are difficult to discriminate.
B. Their emotional range is wider than that of newboms.
C. Their behaviour is affected only by positive emotions.
D. Their brains activity is greater when they are happy.
5. The ideas in the passage are divided into 2 paragraphs in order to contrast.......
A. emotional development.
B. two areas of the brain involved in emotional development.
C. the development of two emotional in infants.
D. two methods of measuring emotional development.
IX. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
1. The man doesn't have enough money to buy a house in the city.
A house in the city.....................................................................
2. Perhaps nobody else wants to make friends with her so I might write to her.
If nobody else............................................................................
3. This kind of food has a really delicious taste.
This kind of food tastes...............................................................
4. The police arrested the professor last month.
The professor..............................................................................

5. The manager can speak only a few words of English.
The manager can hardly..............................................................
6. Going swimming on a sunny day is fun.
7. It would be a good idea to invite him to your birthday party.
I think you should.........................................................................
8. Peter is too young to watch that film.
Peter is not....................................................................................
9. I want to invite you to my house this weekend.
Would you...................................................................................?
10. She is a wonderful singer.
She sings.......................................................................................
X. Write sentences using the clues given.
1. I / take / shoes 7 avoid / make/ noise.
2. Thank / invitation / your wedding / beginning / December.
3. 1/ love with /girl /name /Alice.
4. I / delighted / news / your marriage.
5. I / return / visit / Japan. It /wonderful trip.
6. We / support / him / until / find / work.
7. They / so surprised / not try / stop / him.
8. He / say / he / happy / where / be.
9. She/feel / as if/she / a fever.
10. He/only person / who / be able / help.
The End

1. D (pose) 2. A (taken) 3. B (emotional) 4. C (in for) 5. A (boost) 6. B (are)

7. C (instrument) 8. A (calm) 9. B (nerves) 10. A (speed)
11. B 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A
21. A 22. A 23. B 24. B 25. B 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. A 30. D
1. seriousness 2. calming 3. lyrically 4. cheerful 5. solemnly 6. combination
7. treatment 8. appreciative 9. competition 10. frustration
1. I'm afraid I'm not a very serious person.
2. This is a very emotional time for me.
3. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
4. You'll have to speak louder - I can't hear you.
5. She always ties her hair back in a band.
6. Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth.
7. Her face grew solemn.
8. His talents are not fully appreciated in that company.
9. Your support is greatly appreciated.
10. He slowly sipped his wine.
1. He goes to the supermarket to buy food for the family.
2. Each of student has to wear a school band.
3. Don't you think we are obliged to do that?
4. The teacher, who is my form teacher, doesn't like naughty students.
5. I saw him in Mexico two years ago.
6. Who looks after your children when you are away from home?
7. I will visit California when I stay in America.
8. The weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
1. How does he go to school every day?
2. Where does he live?
3. When will the doctor come here?

4. Who is on strike now?
5. What did he go to the market for? (or) Why did he go to the market?
6. Why was he sad?
7. What did he do when the sky was dark?
8. What happened when the sky was dark?
l. do 2. far 3. about 4. do 5. Much 6. are 7. long 8. fast 9. far 10. long
1. What's your name?
2. How many sisters and brothers have you got?
3. Where do you live?
4. What do you do?
5. What subjects do you teach?
6. Which subject do you prefer?
7. How do you spend your free time?
8. What kind of music do you like?
9. Which / What countries have you visited?
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A
1. A house in the city is too expensive for the man to buy.
2. If nobody else wants to make friends with her, I'll write to her.
3. This kind of food tastes really delicious.
4. The professor was arrested (by the police) last month.
5. The manager can hardly speak English.
6. It is fun to go swimming on a sunny day.
7. I think you should invite him to your birthday party.
8. Peter is not old enough to watch that film.
9. Would you like to go to my house this weekend?

10. She sings wonderfully.
1. I spend 25 minutes to cycle to school.
2. Philips tends to go abroad on holiday.
3. If I were you, I would go home early in order not to worry other people.
4. Only a few people are waiting at the bus stop.
5. My mother promised to lend me some money.
6. I am never allowed to make noise in the house.
7. I'm looking forward to attending your wedding this spring.
8. You should have those shoes mended soon,
1. I took off my shoes (so as/ in order) to avoid making noise.
2. Thank you for your/the invitation to your wedding at the beginning of December.
3. I am in love with a girl whose name is Alice.
4. I am delighted at the news about your marriage.
5. I have just returned from a visit to Japan. It was a wonderful trip.
6. We will support him until he finds work.
7. They were so surprised that they did not try to stop him.
8. He said he was happy where he was.
9. She felt as if she had a fever.
10. He is the only person who might be able to help.

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