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Tài liệu TEST TRẮC NGHIỆM ANH VĂN ( 2) pdf

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Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the rest in each group
1. A. English B. African C. Chinese D. American
2. A. private B. Asian C. States D. Australia
3. A. from B. for C. problem D. contrary
4. A. approached B. addressed C. needed D. washed
5. A. property B. access C. possession D. prospect

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. My sister is studying hard_____ her exam. A. to B. at C. in D. for
12. They are very _____ and have no time for a hobby.
A. full B. busy C. hurried D. hard
13. The methods of teaching English _____ improved recently.
A. were B. have been C. is D. are
14. Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not_____ of other
people's opinions.
A. tolerate B. tolerable C. tolerant D. tolerance
15. Every student_____ to finish this test in 45'.
A. having B. had C. have D. has
16. Not many students know the _____ of English learning.
A. importance B. importantment C. important D. import
17. A language used in a country beside the mother tongue is called_____
A. first language B. second language C. foreign language D. All are right.
18. Speaking English fluently and using a computer competently are
_____ to help one get a good job.
A. the important obstacles B. the important factors
C. the guidance D. the uncertainties

19. She spent_____ her free time watching TV.
A. a few B. a lot C. most of D. most
20. Which isn't the obstacle when students start work?
A. Worry B. build up fearsome prospects
C. Feel sanguine D. Not have experience
21. Can you speak English? - Yes, just_____ words.
A. a few B. many C. much D. a little
22. We have so_____ exercises that we can't do all of them.
A. a great deal of B. a large number of C. many D. much
23. The boy, along with his classmates, _____ just paid me a visited.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
24. Many students aren't keen_____ their study at school. A. about B. for
C. with D. on
25. Most children know little about their job because of _____
A. their being ill-prepared for the job B. the unsatisfactory guidance at
C. the unsatisfactory guidance in school D. All are right

Choose the best sentence that has the same meaning as the given one
26. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
A. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walks on the moon.
B. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
C. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walks on the moon.
D. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walked on the moon.
27. There're 45 sentences which have to be done in this test.
A. There're 45 sentences to be do in this test.
B. There're 45 sentences has to be done in this test.
C. There're 45 sentences to be done in this test.
D. There're 45 sentences to have to be done in this test.
28. I didn't intend to change my job.

A. I didn't have intention for change my job B. I had intention to change
my job
C. I didn't have any intend to change my job D. I didn't have intention of
changing my job
29. Usually, people gave much thought to their future
A. Usually, people thinked much to their future B. Usually, people
thought much to their future
C. Usually, people thought much for their future D. Usually, people
thought much of their future
30. Children often know little about their job and take no steps to find
A. They do nothing to improve the situation B. They often overcome
C. They try their best D. They put aside the problems

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. (A) To master (B) a foreign language (C) are not (D) an easy process.
32. (A) Some artists use traditional design (C) while (D) another use
modern themes.
33. She looks (A) quite; (B) actual, she is (C) a very (D) smart student.
34. (A) What ever (B) difficult he (C) may encounter, he'll try (D) his
best to overcome.
35. I (A) found (B) it (C) wonderfully to travel (D) abroad.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C
or D.
All of us have to work to earn a living ourselves and to help our family.
However, we work not only for material life but also for many other
things. We are working to prove our ability. We feel self-confident and

proud because we are independent. Anyone who works is regarded as a
useful member of society. We're working, that means we're contributing
to our country. Working helps us train our minds because we always try
our best to do the job. The better we work, the more money we earn and
that encourages us to work harder. Without working, a man's life will be
empty, purposeless and meaningless and it's easy for a jobless person to
do wrongs.

36. Why should we work?
A. Because we have to B. It makes our material life worse
C. It makes ourselves purposeless D. It makes ourselves better
37. What can we get from work beside money?
A. Many other important things B. Some salary
C. Meaningless feeling D. Nothing
38. What will happen if we work more?
A. We feel better B. We earn more C. We contribute more D. All are
39. What helps us work harder?
A. good way B. good pay C. good life D. none are correct
40. Without working, how is one's life?
A. better B. more confident C. prouder D. boring

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is
(41)_______ one of the (42)_______ important subjects. High school
students are required to study mathematics even though they are
interested (43)_______ it or not. Up to now, no one knows exactly the
time (44)_______ the early people began (45)_______ on mathematics.
Mathematics has been developed today. It is no longer only figures,
simple calculation, and forms. Mathematics (46)_______ into branches,
(47)_______ arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry; other

branches have gradually been added. The (48)_______ of the electronic
computer is one of the great (49)_______ in mathematics. Thank to
computers, we can (50)_______ a lot of time when solving problems.

41. A. believed B. considered C. learnt D. taken
42. A. more B. as C. most D. least
43. A. at B. of C. on D. in
44. A. what B. where C. when D. why
45. A. work B. to working C. working D. worked
46. A. is divided B. are divided C. have been divided D. were divided
47. A. so on B. such as C. on example D. like
48. A. searching B. loss C. invention D. disappearance
49. A. achieve B. achievements C. achievers D. achievable
50. A. save B. spend C. send D. Loss

Part 1: Phonetics:
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the rest in each group
1. A. English B. African C. Chinese D. American
2. A. private B. Asian C. States D. Australia
3. A. from B. for C. problem D. contrary
4. A. approached B. addressed C. needed D. washed
5. A. property B. access C. possession D. prospect

Part 2: Vocabulary - grammar and structures
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D
11. My sister is studying hard_____ her exam. A. to B. at C. in D. for
12. They are very _____ and have no time for a hobby.
A. full B. busy C. hurried D. hard

13. The methods of teaching English _____ improved recently.
A. were B. have been C. is D. are
14. Peter is sometimes unsuccessful because he's not_____ of other
people's opinions.
A. tolerate B. tolerable C. tolerant D. tolerance
15. Every student_____ to finish this test in 45'.
A. having B. had C. have D. has
16. Not many students know the _____ of English learning.
A. importance B. importantment C. important D. import
17. A language used in a country beside the mother tongue is called_____
A. first language B. second language C. foreign language D. All are right.
18. Speaking English fluently and using a computer competently are
_____ to help one get a good job.
A. the important obstacles B. the important factors
C. the guidance D. the uncertainties
19. She spent_____ her free time watching TV.
A. a few B. a lot C. most of D. most
20. Which isn't the obstacle when students start work?
A. Worry B. build up fearsome prospects
C. Feel sanguine D. Not have experience
21. Can you speak English? - Yes, just_____ words.
A. a few B. many C. much D. a little
22. We have so_____ exercises that we can't do all of them.
A. a great deal of B. a large number of C. many D. much
23. The boy, along with his classmates, _____ just paid me a visited.
A. has B. have C. are D. is
24. Many students aren't keen_____ their study at school. A. about B. for
C. with D. on
25. Most children know little about their job because of _____
A. their being ill-prepared for the job B. the unsatisfactory guidance at

C. the unsatisfactory guidance in school D. All are right

Choose the best sentence that has the same meaning as the given one
26. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
A. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walks on the moon.
B. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
C. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walks on the moon.
D. Neil Armstrong was the first man who he walked on the moon.
27. There're 45 sentences which have to be done in this test.
A. There're 45 sentences to be do in this test.
B. There're 45 sentences has to be done in this test.
C. There're 45 sentences to be done in this test.
D. There're 45 sentences to have to be done in this test.
28. I didn't intend to change my job.
A. I didn't have intention for change my job B. I had intention to change
my job
C. I didn't have any intend to change my job D. I didn't have intention of
changing my job
29. Usually, people gave much thought to their future
A. Usually, people thinked much to their future B. Usually, people
thought much to their future
C. Usually, people thought much for their future D. Usually, people
thought much of their future
30. Children often know little about their job and take no steps to find
A. They do nothing to improve the situation B. They often overcome
C. They try their best D. They put aside the problems

Choose a word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
31. (A) To master (B) a foreign language (C) are not (D) an easy process.
32. (A) Some artists use traditional design (C) while (D) another use
modern themes.
33. She looks (A) quite; (B) actual, she is (C) a very (D) smart student.
34. (A) What ever (B) difficult he (C) may encounter, he'll try (D) his
best to overcome.
35. I (A) found (B) it (C) wonderfully to travel (D) abroad.

Part 3: Reading
Read the passages below and choose the correct answer among A, B, C
or D.
All of us have to work to earn a living ourselves and to help our family.
However, we work not only for material life but also for many other
things. We are working to prove our ability. We feel self-confident and
proud because we are independent. Anyone who works is regarded as a
useful member of society. We're working, that means we're contributing
to our country. Working helps us train our minds because we always try
our best to do the job. The better we work, the more money we earn and
that encourages us to work harder. Without working, a man's life will be
empty, purposeless and meaningless and it's easy for a jobless person to
do wrongs.

36. Why should we work?
A. Because we have to B. It makes our material life worse
C. It makes ourselves purposeless D. It makes ourselves better
37. What can we get from work beside money?
A. Many other important things B. Some salary
C. Meaningless feeling D. Nothing
38. What will happen if we work more?

A. We feel better B. We earn more C. We contribute more D. All are
39. What helps us work harder?
A. good way B. good pay C. good life D. none are correct
40. Without working, how is one's life?
A. better B. more confident C. prouder D. boring

Nowadays, we must say that all high schools teach mathematics and it is
(41)_______ one of the (42)_______ important subjects. High school
students are required to study mathematics even though they are
interested (43)_______ it or not. Up to now, no one knows exactly the
time (44)_______ the early people began (45)_______ on mathematics.
Mathematics has been developed today. It is no longer only figures,
simple calculation, and forms. Mathematics (46)_______ into branches,
(47)_______ arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and trigonometry; other
branches have gradually been added. The (48)_______ of the electronic
computer is one of the great (49)_______ in mathematics. Thank to
computers, we can (50)_______ a lot of time when solving problems.

41. A. believed B. considered C. learnt D. taken
42. A. more B. as C. most D. least
43. A. at B. of C. on D. in
44. A. what B. where C. when D. why
45. A. work B. to working C. working D. worked
46. A. is divided B. are divided C. have been divided D. were divided
47. A. so on B. such as C. on example D. like
48. A. searching B. loss C. invention D. disappearance
49. A. achieve B. achievements C. achievers D. achievable
50. A. save B. spend C. send D. Loss

