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A. Introduction of Thegioididong

Thegioididong.com is a trademark of Mobile World Joint Stock Company, the English
name is Mobile World JSC, is a retail corporation in Vietnam with the main business of
retailing mobile phones and digital devices. and consumer electronics.
The company's main areas of activity include: buying, selling and repairing mobile phones,
digital devices and e-commerce related fields.
The company has built a distinctive sales consulting style thanks to a professional staff and
the website www.thegioididong.com which serves as a mobile phone guide and a leading ecommerce channel in Vietnam
-Top 500 retailers in Asia - Pacific 2010
-Top 5 fastest growing sellers in Asia - Pacific 2010
-Mobile phone retailer with the widest range of products
-Mobile phone retailer with the best customer care and support
-Retailer of the Year Award organized by PCWord Vietnam newspaper
-Certificates of merit and certificates awarded by government agencies
The Board of Directors will be responsible for all aspects of the company's operations before
the Board of Directors and current laws, decide on the undertakings, policies and strategic
objectives of the company, and at the same time supervise and inspect all activities of
production, business, investment of the company. Consists of 5 main and independent
operation blocks, with a staff of mostly college, university and some postgraduate
qualifications. learn.
Internal control room
Financial block
HR Administration Division
Information Technology Division
Sales - Marketing
=> The interview was implemented in sales department.

B. Interview question list

Salesman position
Position ... at the company thegioididong what to do?
• First, as soon as a customer enters the store, they will ask what the customer's
needs are. Then they will search for products that match the needs of the given
customer. If it is a new product, they will go to check the inventory, if there is
a product, they will give it to the customer to see if it is still out of stock, then

they will contact the general warehouse to check if it is in stock or not. If yes,
they will quote the price for the customer, if not, they will reschedule another
day. After that, if the customer agrees to buy, they will sign a contract, make a
deposit (if any) and then deliver the goods. Finally, save the file. For normal
products, you do not need to check the inventory. At that time, you only need
to quote the price to the customer, if the customer agrees, then he will process
the payment and deliver the goods to the customer and finally save the file.
What skills are required for this position?

The main skill to be able to work in the sales industry is probably the ability to
communicate, the ability to close the sale, and grasp the weak market of the
customer. Those are the most important skills of the sales industry
Your ability to communicate and persuade is important to be able to sell
successfully. Because the purpose of sales is to sell more products, if you take
good care of your customers, help them find the right products without having
to entice, threaten or have an unpleasant attitude, then there is a high

probability that the product will be sold. products and a higher return rate.

Are there any qualifications or certifications required for this position? If so, where should I
• For your company, it doesn't require a degree, just graduating from high school
and advancing in the company will all start with employees. Everyone will
receive training and guidance. Will advance according to the company's
• If you study sales from universities in economics, especially in sales, it will be
easier for you to have better sales skills. If you have no experience or just want
to try a little, that's okay. Sales work is suitable for anyone and you can
practice when you start working at Mobile World.
2.Stress management
Working at the position ... is there pressure or stress?
• Sure because when working, there will be pressure.
What are the common pressures/stresses encountered?
• The pressure of the sales industry is KPI, the ability to sell. Like this epidemic,
the number of goods has decreased, so it is quite difficult to buy products.
Especially on the Mobile World side is about the ability to serve customers.
We strive to make our customers happy.
• In fact, when customers change, it is also a place that puts a lot of pressure on
sales staff when sometimes customers are too fastidious, he can't find the
product they need, they will have a bad expression and make you

What causes stress?
What needs to be done to overcome/resolve/handle that stress?

He also has a long working time, with a lot of experience, all information will

be directed from the superior, so it is quite easy.
• First, they will contact the leader or another member of the team to ask that
friend to find out the customer for them so that the customer is Mobile World
always listening to the customer by all means. If the problem does not work,
we will make an appointment so that the customer can come back when there
are more products to choose from

3. Internal communication
Internal communication usually through what form/channel of information?
• They communicate through the Glide application, they will communicate
through that application. It's like a normal communication app
• Before the translation, his team always chose to communicate directly in the
store, during the shift for better internal communication. Only when the
working time is over, they will exchange through the general groups on zalo.
In addition, only when communicating with the warehouse or other stores, can
they call or text to ask if there are products that customers need or not. For
him, face-to-face communication will be easier because face-to-face
communication will make it easier for two or more people to understand the
problems that arise and not cause misunderstandings.
Is communication/communication effective/difficult?
• Before I joined the company, I used that application, so after that, it is still
completely normal, smooth and effective.
Online consultant
Position ... at thegioididong company what to do?
• I am currently working as a customer service representative over the phone. In
addition, my location also handles customer mail and gmail.
• First, you will receive the customer's request. Next is to check if the nearby
branches are still available, especially the branch to which the customer sent
the request. If yes, they will confirm the order and transfer the order to the

packer. I will confirm with the customer again, if not, I will cancel the order, if
the customer agrees, the goods will be shipped to the customer and they also
close the order, report sales, report and keep records.
What skills are required for this position?
• This position requires someone with good communication skills and fluent
handling of situations. Besides, confidence is an advantage

To work in this position, I think you should be able to work online. Because it
will be difficult for me to grasp the customer's mind right away, having to have
a phone exchange a few times will disturb the customer a bit. If you have good
communication skills, the success rate will be even higher. Online skills will
help you manage your work more effectively and achieve higher performance

Are there any qualifications or certifications required for this position? If so, where should I
• My position requires a minimum of 12 out of 12 people. In addition, an
important factor to do this position is knowing how to use basic office tools
Word Excel. Good communication speaking fluently without lisping or with a
local accent.
• In my opinion, if you have experience working online, you will be accepted.
Since schools don't really teach students about e-commerce activities at the
moment, your experience will be more important.
2.Stress management
Working at the position ... is there pressure or stress?
What are the common pressures/stresses encountered? What causes stress?
• What I feel pressured is that I have to handle many jobs at the same time, I
have to meet many different customers, each with different personalities, so it

requires me to have a flexible way of handling it.
• Usually, it is quite stressful because customers order online, which means that
customers want to have them right away, so if there is a problem, usually they
will be a bit stressed to solve the problem because they will have to contact the
customer a few times to inform the source of the goods, the time. If the
customer is not convenient, the order will be lost immediately.
• Usually stress is caused by customers canceling orders continuously. With
such results, it means that they have not worked or taken good care of
customers, making customers uncomfortable and leaving, so her salary and
benefits will be greatly affected. Therefore, they often confirm with customers
important information to close orders and deliver goods to customers as
quickly as possible.
What needs to be done to overcome/resolve/handle that stress?
• Every time I feel pressured, I will go out to exercise and spend time for
myself, like going to a coffee shop with friends.
• Confirm with customers the important information to close the order, find the
goods they need at the nearest store, and deliver the goods to the customer as
quickly as possible.
3. Internal communication
Internal communication usually through what form/channel of information?

My company usually communicates internally by direct communication or
through groups like Zalo Facebook

Is communication/communication effective/difficult?

Each communication channel has its own advantages and disadvantages. Faceto-face communication will be easier, but face-to-face meetings will be
required. As for communicating through digital platforms, we can
communicate remotely without having to meet face to face.
Because we work as an online consultant, her communication channels are
usually through messages, Zalo or I will call if there are unresolved problems
or questions. Or I will contact the leader or higher-level manager.

C. Appendix

1.Interview list
Nguyen Ngoc Quynh 25 years old
Do Thanh Tam 27 years old
Tran Minh Thanh 22 years old
Lam Van Thanh 26 years old
Nguyen Thi Chi 28 years old
Huynh Van Lam 22 years old
Tran Trung Hieu 30 years old
Phan Nhat Minh 24 years old
2. Kết quả phỏng vấn
• Training :
- Need basic communication skills, flexibility, quick grasp of customer needs is an
- Must have graduated from high school
• Stress
- pressure on sales every month, sales competition among employees
- pressure on the ability to convince customers because there are customers who are
very difficult and wacky
• Internal communication

- communicate through smart, convenient, easy-to-use applications with young people
- can both communicate through messaging applications in case the report is not too
urgent. In case of an emergency you can call directly.

Online consultant

3. 1 số hình ảnh
