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Unit 1 A day in the life of

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August 1, 2014




1. Plough /plaʊ/ = plow ( North American English ) ( noun ) cái máy cày
( verb) cày Ex: She is ploughing a field
2. Harrow /ˈhærəʊ/ (n) cái bừa ( làm cho đất tơi nhỏ)
Harrow ( verb) bừa
Harrow somebody’s feelings = hurt somebody.
3. Peasant /ˈpeznt/ (n) = farmer
Peasantry /ˈpɛzntri/ all the peasants in a region or country: giai cấp cơng nhân.
4. Transplant /trỉnsˈplỉnt/ (v) cấy, trớng, ghép
Transplant sth :
Transplant sth (from sb/sth) (into sb/sth)
Ex: Surgeons have successfully transplanted a liver into a four-year-old boy.
Patients often reject transplanted organs.
Transplantable (adj)
Transplantation (noun)
Transplanter (n) : máy cấy
5. Tobe contented with = tobe satisfied with
6. Purchase /ˈpərtʃəs/ ( v) the act or process of buying something
To make a purchase = buy something
Purchaser (n) a person who buy something
Purchasable (a)
7. Occupation (n) /ˌɑkyəˈpeɪʃn/ = job; chiếm đóng
Occupy /ˈɑkyəˌpaɪ/ (v) chiếm đóng

occupier/ˈɑkyəˌpaɪər/ a person who lives in or uses a building, room, piece of land, etc
8. In panic/ˈpænɪk/ a sudden feeling of great fear that cannot be controlled and prevents you from
thinking clearly
9. Climax /ˈklaɪmæks/ (n) the most exciting or important event or point in time ( sự kiện quan trọng,
cực điểm, cao trào)
10. Brigade /brɪˈɡeɪd/ (n) a large group of soldiers that forms a unit of an army
11. Discotheque /ˈdɪskəˌtɛk/ = disco ( câu lạc bộ khiêu vũ)
12. Announce /əˈnaʊns/ (v) to tell people something officially, especially about a decision, plans, etc.
Announce sth to sb
Announce that + clause (S + V + O)
13. Dip /dɪp/ (v)to put something quickly into a liquid and take it out again
Dip sth into sth
Dip sth in
14. Fellow (n)/ˈfɛləʊ / = friend
15. Pedal /ˈpɛdl/, bàn đạp
16. Cyclo
17. Relieve (v) /rɪˈliːv/ to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain
Relief (n)
Prepared by Ms. Hương

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August 1, 2014


1. Get on ≠ get off
2. Go off = ring

3. Take off ≠ land

Hit, bit, little, kick, click, interest, internet

Heat, beat, cream, meat, repeat, read, eaten,
green, tree, sleep…


We use the SIMPLE PRESENT to talk about
1/ an action is repeated or usual.
Ex: Li plays tennis everyday.
2/ talking aboutthe truth
Ex: Cat likes milk
The Earth goes around the sun.
3/ talk about scheduled events in the near future
Ex: The train leaves tonight at 6.30p.m.

+ EX: She does homework everyday.
 S+ V(S/ES) + O
- Ex: I don’t play basketball everyday.
She doesn’t go to school on Sundays
 S+ don’t/ doesn’t + V bare
? Do you go to school everyday? – no, I don’t
 Do/ Does + S+ V bare?

Always, every ... ,often , normally ,usually , sometimes / occasionally. seldom , never
Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present:
be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, want


1/if a word ends in –o,-s, -sh, -ch, -x,-z, you add -es.Ex: watches; rushes; boxes, goes, kisses
2/ Verbs ending with "consonant+ y", change “y” into i +es : Ex: study–studies; try - tries
* When a verb ends with y, and there is a vowelbefore it, we simply add s to the verb.


play – plays;

enjoy- enjoys

Note: We only add s or es when subject is she, he, it, singular noun
PRONUNCIATION –S/ESThe answer is: In 3 ways - / IZ/ or / Z/ or / S/

 Phát âm là /s/ khi từ tận cùng bằng các phụ âm vô thanh: /p/, /t/, /k/, /f/, /θ/
Ex: stops, sits, talks, laughs, months
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 Phát âm là /ɪz/ khi từ tận cùng bằng các phụ âm gió /s/, /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/
Ex: watches, washes, buzzes, loses, kisses, edges, changes

+ Ex: Yesterday we visited our grandma
 S + V-ed + O
- Ex: she didn’t go to school yesterday
=> S + didn’t + V bare + o
? Ex: Did you go the zoo last week?
 Did + S+ V + O?

We use the past simple to talk about
1/ the action happened in the past
Ex: Li met him in 1999.
2/ the action happened in the middle of another
action in the past.
Ex: When we were watching T.V, the phone rang
3/ In the second conditional clause
Ex: If it rained now, I would stay at home.
Yesterday, last day/month/year; ( five minutes) ago; in + year ( in 2000)

1/Verbs ending with "consonant-vowel-consonant"We double the last consonant. Then we
add ed..Ex: stop – stoppedplan - planned

But if we don't put STRESS on the first sound in speech, then we simply add ed.Ex: open- opened;
visit- visited; listen -listened
2/ Verbs ending with "e" : Ex: dance –danced; smile - smiled
3/ Verbs Ending with "y" When a verb ends with the letter y, and there is a consonant before it, the y
changes into i. Then we add ed.Ex: try – tried; cry –cried; study - studied
* When a verb ends with y, and there is a vowelbefore it, we simply add ed to the verb.


play – played;

enjoy- enjoyed

PRONUNCIATION –EDThe answer is: In 3 ways - / Id/ or / t/ or / d/

 Được phát âm là /id/ khi –ed đứng sau –t, -d
Ex:wanted; needed, started, invited
 Được phát âm là / t/ khi –ed đứng sau -/p/; /f/; /s/;/ʃ/;/tʃ/; /k/
Ex: hoped, laughed, faxed, washed, watch, talked
* note that it is the sound that is important, not the letter or spelling. For example, "fax" ends in the
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letter "x" but the sound /s/; "like" ends in the letter "e" but the sound /k/
1. The river Nile ( flow)_---------------------into Mediterranean
2. A: Look! It (snow)------------------------B: it’s beautiful! This is the first time I’ve ever seen snow. It ( not snow) in my country.
3. Listen! I ( think) somebody ( knock)-------------------------- at the door.
4. The last time I (go) -------------------------- to Hanoi was in August.
5. We(move)-------------------------here in 1999.
6. When Martin (arrive)----------------------------------home, Ann(talk)------------------------------ to someone on
the phone.
7. I (work)------------------------ for a computer company since I (graduate)------------------------- from
8. His father ( die)-------------------------30 years ago. He (never/ meet) him
9. Trees................more quickly in summer than in winter. (grow)
10. 'Shall I phone at 6:00?' `No, I...............................dinner at that time. (normally/ cook)
11. We
.....................at about 7:00. Couldn't you come an hour later? (usually/ get up)
12. In 1788 he............................his last great work in Vienna. (write)
13. She............................at Kennedy Airport at 2 o'clock this morning. (arrive)
14. I refuse to believe that he....................... the car was stolen. (not know)
15. ‘How are you getting on with the book?' At the moment I ............... chapter four. (read)
16. My mother................. all the doors and windows before she goes to bed. (lock)
17. I ....................away most of my old books when 1 moved house. (throw)
18. Scientists.........................some fundamental discoveries in the 18th century. (make)
19. Alice ...................... her mother in London most weekends. (see)
20. 'What's that terrible noise?' `The neighbors..........................a party.' (have)
21. At the start of his career, Cousteau..................the aqualung, opening the oceans to explorers, scientists, and
leisure divers. (invent)
22.................. durian when you lived in Malaysia? (ever/ eat)
22. Both ancient and recent records show that farmers......................... long hours.(work)

A. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. scream
2. a. traveled
3. a. chat
4. a. frightening
5. a. technology

b. death
b. stared
b. panic
b. brigade
b. teaching

c. ready
c. landed
c. park
c. pilot
c. purchase

d. peasant
d. seemed
d. passenger
d. fire
d. lunch

B. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
1. a. tobacco
2. a. passenger
Prepared by Ms. Hương

b. contented
b. purchase

c. buffalo
c. district
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d. transplanting
d. routine

August 1, 2014


3. a. technology
4. a. repair
5. a. interested

b. comfortable
b. harrow
b. serious

c. activity
c. arrive
c. wonderful

d. experience
d. announce

d. immediate

1. I started to play the piano when I was six.
 I have_____________________________________________________________________
2. Why not go there by bus?
 Anne suggested______________________________________________________________
3. The children are too young to see horrors films.
 The children aren’t___________________________________________________________

Prepared by Ms. Hương

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