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9.5 Implement the Methods That Update the Database
Now that you have a class that can retrieve a specific row from the database, you will
need to implement a method that will save changes to the database.
You'll also need a method to insert new rows into-as well as delete existing rows from-
the Customers table.
In the case of updating and deleting rows in the database, you will need to implement the
Save and Delete methods that are defined in the ICustomer interface.
To insert new rows into the database, you'll need to add additional constructors to the
class. Having multiple methods with the same name is a new feature in Visual Basic
.NET called overloading. In this example, you will only overload constructors, but you
can also overload functions and subs.
The first task is to implement the Save and Delete methods that were defined in your
interface in section 9.1. You have already set up all the database-access objects you will
need, so it's just a matter of adding the relevant code.
1. You will need two helper methods for the Save and Delete methods: a method
whose sole responsibility is to call the update method of the data adapter, and a
method that clears the properties of the object. Both methods are defined in Listing
Listing 9.26 frmHowTo9_5.vb: The WriteChangesToDB and Clear Methods
Private Function WriteChangesToDB (ByVal pStateToHandle _
As DataRowState) As Boolean

' Create a dataset of only those rows that have been
' changed (specifically, those changed in the manner
' specified by the DataRowState).
Dim dsChanges As DataSet = mdsCust.GetChanges(pStateToHandle)

' Pass this subset of the dataset to the data adapter
' to write the changes to the database. The data adapter
' will handle all calls to the Delete, Insert, and Update
' commands.

Catch ex As Exception
' If the update fails, communicate this back to
' the calling function by returning False.
Return False

End Try

' Update the customer's dataset to reflect the changes
' you have made.
Return True

End Function

Private Sub Clear()
' Consumers of this class should be savvy enough to dispose
' of the object after they call the Delete method, but
' to be sure, let's set all the pointers to null, so if a
' developer forgets NullPointerException
mdsCust = Nothing
mdrCust = Nothing
mstrCustomerID = Nothing
mstrCompanyName = Nothing

mstrContactName = Nothing
mstrContactTitle = Nothing
mstrAddress = Nothing
mstrCity = Nothing
mstrRegion = Nothing
mstrCountry = Nothing
mstrPostalCode = Nothing
mstrPhone = Nothing
mstrFax = Nothing
End Sub
Adding code to insert new rows into the database requires a bit more work. The
first problem is that you have only one way to create an instance of the CCustomer
class: by passing a CustomerID value to the constructor that retrieves an existing
row from the database. You will need to add a second constructor to your class
that allows you to create new Customer objects.
Having two methods with the same name is called overloading. In Visual Basic 6,
you had limited support for overloading with properties. Think about it: Properties
are pairs of methods with the same name, except that one is a sub and accepts a
parameter, whereas the other is a parameterless function that returns a value. Each
independent Visual Basic 6 function or sub, however, must have a unique name.
Visual Basic .NET lifts this restriction by allowing you to overload any method,
be it function, sub, or constructor. For constructors, all you need to do is add
another New sub. (For functions and subs, you need to preface the declaration
with the Overloads keyword.)
You can add as many overloaded methods as you like, as long as the parameter list
is different. Be aware that .NET determines which overloaded method to call-
constructor or otherwise-based on the order of the datatypes in the parameter list,
and not the names of the parameters. In other words, you can have two overloaded
methods that take an integer and a string as their parameters, as long as one
method has a string as the first parameter, and the other has an integer as the first

parameter-like the first two methods in Listing 9.27. It doesn't matter what you
name the parameter: Two overloaded methods with a single integer parameter but
with different names-like the second pair of methods in Listing 9.27-are not
The name of the method, the return type, and the order of its parameters make up
what is called the method signature. When it comes to overloading, however,
Microsoft only takes into account the argument signature. In other words, the
return type doesn't matter.
Listing 9.27 Overloaded Methods: The Datatypes of the Parameters Are
What Matter
'These two methods can be declared because the order
'of the datatypes differs. If you do this, make sure
'your parameters have descriptive names. Otherwise,
'your code can be confusing to other developers.
Overloads Sub method1(ByVal IntegerValue As Integer,
ByVal StringValue As String)

Overloads Sub method1(ByVal StringValue As String,
ByVal IntegerValue As Integer)

'These two methods cannot be declared, even though the
'parameters have different names.
Overloads Sub method2(ByVal IntegerValue As Integer)
Overloads Sub method2(ByVal AnotherIntegerValue As Integer)

You should always use Option Strict in applications in which you
use overloaded methods. Option Strict prevents you from
implicitly converting between datatypes when data might become
lost as a result of the conversion.

For example, if you have two overloaded methods-one that
accepts a string and one that accepts an integer-without Option
Strict, .NET might get confused and convert the integer value to a
string and call the wrong method. With Option Strict, not only will
this not happen, but you will not even be able to compile your
code with an implicit type conversion.
2. Now that you understand what an overloaded method is, add one more
constructor, as shown in Listing 9.28, that accepts the two required values for the
Customers table: CustomerID and CompanyName. You will also need to declare a
private, class-level Boolean variable to track whether you have a new or existing
record loaded into the class.
Listing 9.28 frmHowTo9_5.vb: A New Constructor for Inserting New Rows
into the Customers Table
Private mfNew As Boolean ' By default, this value will be false

Public Sub New(ByVal pCustomerID As String,
ByVal pCompanyName As String)
' This constructor is used to create new Customer records
' in the database.
mdsCust = New dsCustomers()
mfNew = True
mstrCustomerID = pCustomerID
Me.CompanyName = pCompanyName
mstrContactName = ""
mstrContactTitle = ""
mstrAddress = ""
mstrCity = ""
mstrRegion = ""
mstrCountry = ""
mstrPostalCode = ""

mstrPhone = ""
mstrFax = ""
End Sub
Take a look at the first two lines of the constructor. First, you need to make sure
that an instance of the Customers dataset is created. Second, you need some form
of flag to keep track of whether the instance is a new or existing row. This
example will use a class-level Boolean variable called mfNew to fill this role.
3. Next, implement a method that will take the values of your class' properties and
write them to the data row, as shown in Listing 9.29.
Listing 9.29 frmHowTo9_5.vb: Implementation of the Save Method
Private Sub WriteValuesToDataRow()
' This technique allows consumers to modify properties (class-
' level variables) but leaves the DataRow intact until the
' save method is called. In essence, the DataRow holds the
' original state of the Customers row, while the class-level
' variables hold the current state. This method synchronizes
' the two.
With mdrCust
.CompanyName = mstrCompanyName

If mstrAddress.Length = 0 Then
.Address = mstrAddress
End If

If mstrRegion.Length = 0 Then
._Region = mstrRegion

End If

If mstrCountry.Length = 0 Then
.Country = mstrCountry
End If

If mstrPostalCode.Length = 0 Then
.PostalCode = mstrPostalCode
End If

If mstrPhone.Length = 0 Then
.Phone = mstrPhone
End If

If mstrFax.Length = 0 Then
.Fax = mstrFax
End If

If mstrContactTitle.Length = 0 Then
.ContactTitle = mstrContactTitle

End If

If mstrContactName.Length = 0 Then
.ContactName = mstrContactName
End If

If mstrCity.Length = 0 Then
.City = mstrCity
End If
End With
End Sub
4. Now implement the Save method by pasting the code from Listing 9.30 into the
class. To make your code as easy to use as possible, have the Save method manage
both new and existing ecords.
Listing 9.30 frmHowTo9_5.vb: Implementation of the Save Method
Public Function Save() As Boolean Implements ICustomer.Save

Dim nState As DataRowState

If mfNew Then
' If this is a new Customer, you need to add a data row
' to the dataset.
mdrCust = mdsCust.Customers.AddCustomersRow(mstrCustomerID, _
mstrCompanyName, mstrContactName, mstrContactTitle, _
mstrAddress, mstrCity,mstrRegion, mstrPostalCode, _
mstrCountry, mstrPhone, mstrFax)

nState = DataRowState.Added
mfNew = False
nState = DataRowState.Modified
End If

' Begin editing the data row

' If you have a problem writing values to the data row, you want to
' catch the exception, cancel editing, reject the changes, and
' immediately dump out of the method with a return value of false.
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try

' If you succeed in writing the new values to the data row,
' end the editing block, and then write the changes to the
' database. If you have a problem writing to the DB, then
' reject the changes to the row and return false.
If WriteChangesToDB (nState) Then
Return True

Return False
End If

End Function
5. Finally, implement the Delete method. The Delete method flags the data row for
deletion and then calls the WriteChangesToDB method with a DataRowState of
Deleted. Paste the Delete method from Listing 9.31 into your class.
Listing 9.31 frmHowTo9_5.vb: Implementation of the Delete Method
Public Function Delete() As Boolean Implements ICustomer.Delete

If mfNew Then

' If you're working with a new record, you don't need to
' communicate with the database, so clear the properties
' of the object and return true to indicate that the delete
' succeeded.
Return True


' If this is an existing record, flag the data row as
' deleted, then write the changes to the DB.

If WriteChangesToDB (DataRowState.Deleted) Then
Return True

Return False
End If

End If

End Function
6. To test this code, try creating a new CCustomer instance, set its properties, and
save it to the database. Then instantiate a new CCustomer instance, loading the
new row into the object. Make a change to that instance, and save the changes
back to the database. Last, load that new row into a third CCustomer instance and
delete it. Add the code in Listing 9.32 to the click events of the Delete, Save, and
New buttons of frmHowTo9_5 to test the new code in your class.
Listing 9.32 frmHowTo9_5.vb: Testing the New Constructor and the Delete
and Save Methods
Private Sub btnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNew.Click


' These two properties are the minimum required to insert a new row.

If txtCustomerID.Text.Length > 0 Then
If txtCompanyName.Text.Length > 0 Then
mCustomer = New CCustomer(txtCustomerID.Text,
MsgBox("A company name is required for a new Customer.")
End If
MsgBox("A CustomerID is required for a new Customer.")

Exit Sub
End If

Me.rtbToString.Text = mCustomer.ToString

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click


If mCustomer.Save() Then
MsgBox("Save succeeded.")
MsgBox("Save failed.")
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub btnDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDelete.Click


If mCustomer.Delete() Then
MsgBox("Delete succeeded.")
mCustomer = Nothing
MsgBox("Delete failed.")
End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub
How It Works
When a consumer of the CCustomer class instantiates an object using the new
constructor, the required properties of the object (the CustomerID and CompanyName)
are set using the parameters of the constructor, whereas the optional properties are all set
to zero-length strings. This constructor also sets an internal flag saying that the current
instance is a new record. When the Save method is called, the internal flag tells the class
that a new data row should be added to the dsCustomer dataset. Finally, the
WriteChangesToDB is called and a new row is inserted into the Customers table.
If the Save method is called with an existing record, the internal flag lets the class know
that the data row already exists in the dsCustomer dataset, so the WriteChangesToDB
method is called to update that row in the Customers table.

The behavior of the Delete method also changes based on the value of the internal new-
record flag. If the object instance is a new record, you don't need to delete the row from
the database; therefore, the only necessary action is to dispose of the class-level variables.
If the object instance is an existing record, the delete method of the data row is called.
Finally, the WriteChangesToDB method is called to physically delete the row from the
Customers table.
Both the Save and Delete methods use the AcceptChanges and RejectChanges methods
of the data row to react to exceptions thrown when making changes to the database.
One thing to note is that the Delete and WriteChangesToDB methods only return
Boolean values and do not throw exceptions. The data validation code that you will see in
the next section should prevent most of the exceptions that could be thrown when
updating the database, so a Boolean return value is sufficient. Depending on your needs,
however, this might to be too simple of an implementation. In the next section, you will
learn how to create custom exceptions that will provide more error detail to consumers of
your classes.
