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Đề kiểm tra tiếng anh 9 TEST 3 the frist 45 minute test đã chuyển đổi

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I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced different from the others.
1. A. passage
B. message
C. page
D. luggage
2. A. wonderful
B. month
C. tone
D. none
3. A. cooked
B. accomplished
C. hissed
D. gained
4. A. name
B. father
C. party
D. army
5. A. pause
B. laugh
C. clause
D. cause
II. Choose the best answer.
farming is a hard work; I enjov country life.
A. Because
B. Since
C. However
D. Although
2. Peter is one of
best students that most of us admire.

A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article
3. We were
in heavy traffic so we were twenty minutes late.
A. crowded
B. got
C. captured
D. stuck
can you jog? - About 5 kilometers.
A. How far
B. How long C. For how many
D. How often
, he failed the university entrance examination again.
A. Because he will have prepared for two years
B. Although he had prepared for two years
C. Despite he had prepared for two years
D. So that he has prepared for two years.
6. My shoes are dirty. I’d better
them off before I come in.
A. put
B. get
C. push
D. take
7. She didn’t stop working when she got married.
A. give up
B. go on

C. get into
D. set in
8. Who will take care of your children when you are away?
A. look after B. look for
C. look up
D. look out
9. You’re not a safe driver! You should drive
A. careful
B. careless
C. more carefully
D. most carefully
10. Their children have all grown
and left home for the city to work.
A. up
B. out
C. out of
D. inside
11. I was disappointed as the film was
than I had expected
A. as entertaining
C. more entertaining
B. less entertaining
D. few entertaining
12. The city has recently set
a library in the West Suburb.
A. up
B. off
C out
D. on

13. The last exhibition was not
this one.
A. as interesting
C. so interesting as
B. so interesting than
D. more interesting
14. I don’t think Nick gets
well with John. They always argue.
A. over
B. in
C. through
D. on
15. If milk smells bad, you can be certain it has
A. come
B. got
C. decayed
D. gone
III. Complete the sentences with suitable subordinators from the box.



so that


1. Danny bought a new car
his old car was still in good condition.
I go out tonight, I will have to finish this essay.
3. Laura always gets up early every morning
she’s not late for her work.
4. Mr. Harrison seems to have a lot of money
I was waiting for the bus, I saw some foreign tourists.
IV. Choose the correct word.
1. My mother told me to (put/ get) on warm clothes before I went out.
2. Jim really (got/put) me down when he forgot my birthday.
3. My father never (tells/ drops) me off but my mother is always shouting at me.
4. I couldn’t believe she (turned/got) down my invitation for the second time.
5. My mother often lets me (look/ take) after my younger brother.
V. Read the passage and choose the best answer for the questions.
Life in the city is totally different from the rural life. The city - life has both sides good as well as
bad. First comes before the bad side. The evils of city life begin from its vast population. There is crowd
everywhere. The growing industrial development attracts rural people. They flock to the city to seek job
and enjoy a city life is a question. Lot of population creates problems of accommodation. People live in
congested houses in limited space. Colonies of buildings and skyscrapers are raised at random without
any systematic planning. The water - supply falls short. The smoke from the industry and innumerable
verities pollutes the air. People breath only smoke. They work round the clock. They always are in a hurry
and worry. No greenery, no nature, no open air, no trees, no birds, no time to stand and stare. Can city life be pleasant?
True, the city offers its citizens many up - to - date modern comforts and facilities. One can get
best education from primary to the university level. One gets variety of books from big libraries. There
are many good educational aids like cultural centers, technical schools, museums, art - galleries, etc. For
reaction there are parks with many toys. For amusement there are cinemas and plays. One can get the best
medical facilities in a city. There are good means of transport and big markets.

1. What does “evils” in the first paragraph mean?
A. negative sides of a thing
B. many people living in the city
C. a mysterious force that causes bad things to happen
D. the development of industries in urban areas.
2. Why people flock to urban areas?
A. There are more job opportunities and modern facilities.
B. There are many kinds of accommodation available.
C. There is a lot of space for people to live and work.
D. There are many buildings and skyscrapers.
3. Which of the following is not a problem of city life?
A. People are always busy.
B. The environment is polluted.
C. People live in spacious houses. D. There is a shortage of water
4. Education facilities do not include
A. schools
B. plays
C. libraries
D. museums
5. What can be people in the city do to entertain?
A. stand and stare
B. breathe the air
C. go to the market
D. go to the cinema
VI. Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) which is closest in meaning to the sentence printed before.

1. Seeing that he was so angry, she left the office.
A. She didn’t want to make him angry, so she left
B. She left the office when she saw how angry he was

C. He grew very angry when he saw her leaving the office.
D. He wouldn’t have been so angry if she hadn’t left.
2. They arrived too late to get good seats.
A. Although they were late they found some good seats.
B. They got good seats sometime after they arrived.
C. When they arrived, the good seats were already taken.
D. They had to stand for the whole show.
3. The meeting was put off because of pressure of time.
A. The meeting lasted much longer than usual.
B. The meeting is planned to start in a short time.
C. The meeting began early because all the people had come.
D. There was not enough time to hold the meeting.
4. I would rather read books than play video games.
A. I prefer reading books to playing video games.
B. I like playing video games better than reading books.
C. I’ll read books if there’s no interesting games to play.
D. I’d like to play video games and read books.
5. She feels bad when she stays up late.
A. Staying up late is her bad habit.
C. She is not used to staying up late.
Part I. Listen to a friend talking about stress. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. TRACK 05
1. The topic of the talk is
A. beating stress in your life.
B. avoiding stress to have a good life.
2. Life in Hong Kong is
A. peaceful and not stressful
B. full of stress
3. The speaker says

A. you should be afraid of change.
B. changes are a part of everyday life.
4. Families in Hong Kong
A. have lots of people
B. have few people
5. The speaker says
A. you should avoid other people to reduce stress
B. talking to other people helps to reduce stress
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words. TRACK 06
I want to talk about beating stress today. You know life here in Hong Kong is very (1)
so I
think todays topic is very useful for everyone because we can do something about it, just (2)
with the stress. So maybe you make some changes in your life, maybe big changes or small

changes, but instead of being afraid, I think you should have a positive attitude and think of (3)
as a normal part of life.
And here in Hong Kong, the families are crowded into a very small housing space, so maybe you would
sometimes argue with your family and try to resolve the disagreement with people. This is very important
because then you can build strong relationships and keep the commitments you have made. For example,
sometimes maybe you are (4)
and you want to feel some comfort and I think it’s important to
be able to if you can ask the people you trust for help because if you have a bunch of friends, they can
listen to you then you can (5)
some stress through talking to them

1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B
l. D 2. C 3.D
4. A 5. B
6. D 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. A
11. B 12. A 13. C 14. D 15. D
1. although
2. Before
3. so that
4. because
5. While
1. put (put on: mặc vào)
2. got (get down: làm thất vọng)
3. tells (tell off: la mắng)
4. turned (turn down: từ chối)
5. look (look after: chăm sóc)
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C
Part I.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B
Part II.
1. stressful

2. to cope
3. change
4. feeling alone
5. Release

Part I. Listen to a friend talking about stress. Choose the correct answer A, B or C. TRACK 05
I want to talk about beating stress today. You know life here in Hong Kong is very stressful so I think
today s topic is very useful for everyone because we can do something about it, just to cope with the
stress. So maybe you make some changes in your life, maybe big changes or small changes, but instead of
being afraid, I think you should have a positive attitude and think of change as a normal part of life.
And here in Hong Kong, the families are crowded into a very small housing space, so maybe you would
sometimes argue with your family and try to resolve the disagreement with people. This is very important
because then you can build strong relationships and keep the commitments you have made. For example,
sometimes maybe you are feeling alone and you want to feel some comfort and I think it’s important to be
able to if you can ask the people you trust for help because if you I have a bunch of friends, they can
listen to you then you can release some stress through talking to them.
Part II. Listen again and fill in the missing words. TRACK 06
