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Inspriring English

Prepared by Ms. Thap

(Part 1)
1. Mắt bao lâu để làm gì
It + takes/ took + (sb) + amount of time + to + V

~ $+ spend(s)/ spent+ amount of time + V-ing
2. Trat tw cua tinh tw: Order of adjectives: OPSASCOMP
OP: general opinion. Eg.
Beautiful, ugly

S: size. Eg. Big, small, fat. (Note:
đài trước rộng sau.


dùng a fat tall boy)






C: colour. Eg. Red, yellow

P: purpose. Eg. Lying (dé ngdi)




A: age. Eg. Modern, old, new

O: origin. Eg. Chinese
M: material. Eg. Wood, iron



Ta dùng a tall fat boy chứ không

S: shape. Eg. Circle, straight





3. Chi li do
Because/ Since/ As + S+ V ~ Because of/ Due to/ Owing to+ N/ Ving (boi vi)
4. Nhượng bộ
Although/ Though/ Even though+ S+ V~ Despite/ In spite of + N/ Ving
~ Despite/ In spite of+ the fact that+ S+ V (mac du)
5. 5 + be + not + adj + enough + to + V~ S + be + too + adj + to+ V
(Tính từ đứng trước enouph, danh từ đứng sau enough)
6. Câu cảm thán:
What + (a/ an) + adj + N! = How + adj/ adv + S + be/ V
7. Used to+ V (đã từng thường xuyên làm gì trong quá khứ nhưng giờ khơng cịn)
Be used to+ V-ing (quen với việc làm gì ở hiện tại, khơng cịn bỡ ngỡ)
Get used to+ V-ing (tap quen với việc làm gì ở hiện tại, còn bỡ ngỡ)
8. been to~ đến và đã về
Gone to~ đến nhưng chưa về
Been in~ sống ở đó

Inspriring English

Prepared by Ms. Thap

been to

place but he's back now;
* to describe
our past visits:


Great Britain

Great Britain

9. It’s one’s duty to do sth = S + be +
10. Succeed in doing sth = manage to
11.8 +V+so + adj/ adv + that +S +
~ It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that
Eg. This box is so heavy that I cannot
= It is such a heavy box that I cannot
(so many/ much~ such a lot of)

supposed to do sth
do sth (thành công)
V (qua... dén néi ma...)
+ S +V(quá... đến nỗi mà...)
take it.
take it.

12. Chi kha nang

Can/ be able to/ have ability to+ V ~ be capable of Ving

13. Duca ra loi gợi ý

How/ What about+ V-ing
Why don’t we/ Let’s + V
I suggest+ V-ing (nguoi ndi cung lam)
I suggest that+ S+ bare V (người nói khơng cùng làm)
l4. Đưa ra lời khuyên

If I were you, I would + V
Should~ had better~ ought
S+ be+ Adj(er) than+ S1=
Eg. He is older than me= I
So sánh 2 vật dùng so sánh

to+ V
$14 be+ not+ as/so+ Adj+ as S
am not as old as him
hơn. Từ ba vật trở lên dùng so sánh hơn nhất

Inspriring English

Prepared by Ms. Thap

Ex. 1: Rewrite the sentences

1.My kitchen is smaller than yours.
Your kitchen...............................«<< << s2
2.My grandmother is very old. She can’t work now.

My grandmother 1S fOO............................---<3.The quention was so difficult that no one could answer it.
It WaS SUCH...

cece cece e cece eect eee eeneeeeeneees

4. Hung is taller than Ba

5.The car is too exspensive for him to buy.
He hasn't ........ cece eee ccee cee eeeeeeeeeneeeeeeeneeeees
6.We learned this lesson after a long time

. Ẽ

7.Ït was such a boring film that we left before the end.


8. The water was so cold that the children could not drink it.





9.Peter is too young to see the horror film.
Peter 1S NOt...

cece cece eee

e eee e eee eee e eee eee e sees enna este eneeeeeeeeeeeeeee ees

10.Richard smoked cigarettes when he was a young man.
šÃ101:x4891- >0HaaidiidddiiiiiẮ............
11.”Try go to bed earlier” the doctor said to Mrs White
(590/00) 14-100 “Híi(cađd.......

Inspriring English

Prepared by Ms. Thap

12.Although he had a good salary. He was unhappy with his job.
13.That restautant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.
|S OSS) 00) 6 4...
14. After fighting the fire for 12 hours, the firemen succeed in putting it out.
The Íiremen managcd .....................................----cc
c2 222.
15.It’s not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.

16.She can’t have any more children because of her age.
She 1S tOO..


17.I spent an hour doing this exercise.

Ex. 2: Put the adjectives in the correct order.
1. He has
2. She bought
3. He is looking for
4. She dropped
5. I want
6. She drank

7. He saw
8. They stayed in
9. I visited
10. He has

(a lot of/ old / interesting) books.
(plastic / red /a/ new) lunchbox.
(leather / stylish / a /black) bag.
(old / beautiful / the) plate.
(silk / green / an / amazing) dress.
(Italian / black / hot) coffee.

(French / writing / old/ an) desk.
(little / a / cute) cottage.
(ancient /a/ spooky / German) castle.
(silver / old / beautiful / a) ring.

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