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Student A is a sales representative for a
computer company. Try to persuade your
manager to let youhave an expensive new

Student B is a sales manager.Try to
persuade him or her to have an expensive
new car until next year.

- Good morning, Sir. I have a
problem with my car. It is too
slow and I want a new car.
- I understand, but I was the top
salesperson last year and I have
to travel thousands of miles each
year. I really need a new car.
- Moreover, an expensive car
makes the company look good. It
is really good for the company’s
- And I have to admit that I got a
lot of phone calls from our
competitors. They offer me a job
at a higher salary. I always refuse
them because I love our company
so much.
- I think that quite okay. I can give
it a try. I hope to get a new car
next year. Goodbye, Sir.

- Good morning. I understand you
want a new car but I am sorry we
cannot give anyone a new car at
the moment.
- You know, no other salesperson
in the team has a new car this
year. The company needs to save
- In addition, we also want to
spend any extra money on
- Of course I understand you work
really well. The company need
you. How about staying with us?
and continue your great work. I
promise I will give you a new car
a promotion next year if our
company has good profit.
- I hope you are happy with us.


You are on the phone

- Hello …. I am… We have a meeting today at 9 o’clock but I
don’t think I can make it.
- Oh, What ‘s the matter?

- I am sorry but I am stuck in the traffic jam now. Can we meet
at 10 ?
- Oh, I wish I could but I am busy at 10. I have another
appointment with my director. I think we can meet later next
- Okay, so what day is good for you?
- Thursday or Friday morning is fine to me. Is it okay?
- Thursday morning is good for me, too. Let’s meet then.
- What time is best for you?
- How about meeting at 8 o’clock?
- That’s good to me. See you then.
- Okay, see you next week.


- Hello Sir. I have a problem. I
am not happy with my
Marketing department. I don’t
have enough work to do and
that made me bored.
- That’s a good news. But the real
problem is that I don’t like my
boss. He is very difficult to
work with.
- He is very difficult to me. I cant
understand him.
- I don’t think that a good idea. I
don’t like him. I just cant talk to

- I want to move to another
department, like the Accounts,
for example.
- Oh thank you. I am so lucky.
Thank you.
- Goodbye, Sir.

- Okay. I understand but January
is usually a quiet month. It
happens every year. Next month
will be better. There will be
more contracts for the company.
- Or, why don’t you like your
- Why don’t you talk to him to
make it clear? You should have
a talk with him.
- So, what do you want now?
What is your solution?
- Oh, luckily, the Accounts has a
vacancy at the moment. I will
send you there.
- Okay. I hope you will be happy
with your new department.


- Good morning. Have a seat, please.
- Thank you. My name’s …………
- Okay, so why do you want this job?
- Yeah, I want this job because I like working with people and I would
like to work in the city.
- What did you learn from your last job?
- Well, I learnt how to deal with people and how to work well in a team.
- What strengths do you have?
- I am really good with numbers and I am very fluent in English.
- Where do you want to be in the next 5 year?
- I hope I can be a manger of a 5 - star hotel like you. That’s my dream.
- What do you do in your spare time?
- In my free time, I love cycling, playing or watching some sports.
- Thank you. That’s all. I will send you the results by email next week.
- Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye Sir.
- Goodbye.


- Hi. I have a problem now. I share an office with the designer and my
assistant. It’s too small. There isn't enough space for three people. I
really want a new office. Would you please put it under your
- I understand you want a new office, but I have to tell you this. There
is only one empty office available in the department. And, the
empty office is big enough for two people. You and your assistant.
- I know, but the office is in a noisy location. I cannot focus on my
work. There are too much noise around.
- I don’t think so. I think the office is in a quiet location. And, all the

other project managers share their offices with an assistant. Why cant
- Oh no… my assitant makes a lot of telephone calls and it is difficult
for me to work. Moreover, the designer and my assistant work
together on a lot of projects. You can put them together in the same
- I personally think that the desinger need a larger room to be
comfortable and creative. His work is more important to our
company. But I will consider your request, I promise.
- I hope you will. I cant really concentrate on my work any more.
- I will tell you as soon as possible. Goodbye
- Goodbye.


- Hello. I am …… from……..I would like to meet you next week to
talk about our contract. Is that okay?
- Hello….. Okay, that’s fine. What’s a good day for you?
- I can meet you either on Tuesday or Wednesday.
- Oh, It would be great if we can meet on Tuesday.
- So, how about meeting at 9 o’clock?
- Well, I’m afraid I cannot make it at 9 o’clock.
- Ok, let’s meet in the afternoon then.
- What time is good for you?
- Let’s say 1.30 pm. Is it okay for you?
- Yeah, that would be great for me. See you then.
- Ok, bbye and see you later.


- Hello sir. There’s a problem with me at the moment. I am not
happy in my department. There isn’t much work to do. I am so
- Hi…. I know what you mean. But February is always quiet. In a
month’s time, the company will be very busy because of new
- That’s good news. But the real problem is that I don’t like my
office manager.
- Why don’t you like him? You should talk to him.
- I don’t think he can listen to others. He is very bossy and hard to
work with.
- So what are your solutions? Do you have any suggestion?
- I want to work from home. I think I can do most of my work from
- Oh, I am afraid I cannot accept your offer. We don’t want our
employees to work from home. We cannot control our projects and
it is not good for the company.
- I understand. Maybe I have to talk to my office manager and give it
a try. I hope everything would be better.
- I think so. I will meet you next month to see if there is any change.
Try your best. Goodbye.
- Goodbye sir. Have a nice day!


- Good morning. Have a seat, please.
- Thank you. My name is… And I am here for the interview. Nice to
meet you.
- Nice to meet you. My name is…. And why do you want this job?
- I apply for this job because I like travelling and using different
languages in my job.
- What didn’t you like about your last job?
- Well, In my last jobs, people didn’t usually meet the dealines. They
are not professional at all.
- Do you have any special skills?
- I am fluent in Italian, Spanish. And I am good at organising
seminars for cutomers.
- What do you want to do in future?
- In the future, I would like to be a Sales Managers. It’s my target
- What are your main interests?
- In my free time, I like reading travel books and aerobics.
- Thank you. We will tell you the results of this interview as soon as
- Thank you. I hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye.
- Goodbye. Have a nice day.

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