What does Rosemary's attitude towards David seem to be?
Dear David, Many thanks for your long and interesting letter. What a pity, though, that
you had to write about what Jonathan has been up to in it. I must say it seemed to me
quite unnecessary. I couldn't of course let Amanda read it, though she kept asking for
days. Rather thoughtless of you, dear, wasn't it, because naturally the children are
interested in your letters. You didn't tell me, by the way, that there was a bomb explosion
in your office building shortly after you arrived, but I suppose you didn't want to worry
us. Were you in any danger? If things get any worse you'll just have to come home, and
we'll have to manage without all that money. By the way, as you didn't answer my
question about the washing- machine, I have bought a new one. Fully automatic; and
rather expensive but it's super. I heard about the bomb from Mr Zapp. A very curious visit
which I must tell you about. He came round the other evening with the book you wanted.
It was the most awkward time. about six just as we were about to have dinner but I felt
that I had to invite him in since he'd taken the trouble to bring your book round and he
looked rather miserable standing in the wet snow outside the front door wearing
waterproof boots and a funny fur hat. He didn't need any persuading - practically knocked
me over in his eagerness to get in the house. I took him into the front room for a quick
drink. but it was like an iceberg - I don't bother to light a fire in there now you're always so I had to take him into the dining-room, where the children were just beginning to fight
because they were hungry for their dinner. I asked him if he would mind me serving the
children their meal while he finished his drink, hoping this would give him the idea that
he should leave promptly, but he said no, he didn't mind and I should eat too, and he took
off his hat and coat and sat down to watch us. And I mean watch us. His eyes followed
every movement from dish to plate to mouth. It was very embarrassing. The children fell
strangely silent, and I could see that Amanda and Robert were looking at each other and
going red in the face with the effort of trying not to laugh. In the end I had to ask him if
he wouldn't like to join us for the meal.Love Rosemary
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. She lets him do what he wants to do and does not criticize.
b. She worries about him all the time. .
c. She wants him to be involved in decisions about house and family.
d. She thinks more about money and the house than about him.
Which of the following is the best for the passage?
Hatred is a fundamental human emotion that has deep root in society and culture.
Psychologists believe that group identity and cohesion depend to a large extent on having
a common enemy. It seems that the existence of "bad guys" is an important element in
defining who we are within a large realm. It could be said that human beings love to hate.
The first signs appear early in life when a child, faced with blame for some mistakes,
immediately accuses another child or an inanimate object such as a teddy bear. Later, on
the schoolyard playground, children in rival groups vie for attention and influence. These
basic responses translate into more powerful emotions later in life. One area where deeprooted hatred is exhibited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the globe.
These conflicts are not only over territory but also involve emotional issues of group
identity and unity of purpose. For many, there is no "us" without a "them" to hate. In a
world where conflict between super powers is on the decline, it may be that humanity
will have difficulty adapting so a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Roots of society
b. A basic emotion ĐÚNG
c. Group unity
d. Social and Cultural problem
According to the passage, early chilhood responses to blame
Hatred is a fundamental human emotion that has deep root in society and culture.
Psychologists believe that group identity and cohesion depend to a large extent on having
a common enemy. It seems that the existence of "bad guys" is an important element in
defining who we are within a large realm. It could be said that human beings love to hate.
The first signs appear early in life when a child, faced with blame for some mistakes,
immediately accuses another child or an inanimate object such as a teddy bear. Later, on
the schoolyard playground, children in rival groups vie for attention and influence. These
basic responses translate into more powerful emotions later in life. One area where deeprooted hatred is exhibited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the globe.
These conflicts are not only over territory but also involve emotional issues of group
identity and unity of purpose. For many, there is no "us" without a "them" to hate. In a
world where conflict between super powers is on the decline, it may be that humanity
will have difficulty adapting so a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. demonstrate how human beings love to hate. .
b. are not related to stronger feelings in adulthood.
c. are not well understood by psychologists.
d. are complex expressions of emotion.
Where do most Americans live?
The fact that most Americans live in urban areas does not mean that they reside in the
center of large cities. In fact, more Americans live in the suburbs of large metropolitan
areas than in the cities themselves. The Bureau of Census regards any area with more
than 2,500 people as an urban area, and does not consider boundaries of cities and
suburbs. According to the Bureau, the political boundaries are less significant than the
social and economic relationships and the transportation and communication systems that
integrate a local. The term used by the Bureau for an integrated metropolis is an MSA,
which stands for Metropolitan Statistical Area. In general, an MSA is any area that
contains a city and its surrounding suburbs and has a total population of 50,000 or more.
At the present time, the Bureau reports more than 280 MSAs, which together account for
75 percent of the U.S. population. In addition, the Bureau recognizes eighteen
megapolises, that is, continuous adjacent metropolitan areas. One of the most obvious
megapolises includes a chain of hundreds of cities and suburbs across ten states on the
East Coast from Massachusetts to Virginia, including Boston, New York, and Washington
D.C. In the Eastern Corridor, as it is called, a population of 45 million inhabitants is
concentrated. Another megapolis that is growing rapidly is the California coast from San
Francisco through Los Angeles to San Diego.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. In rural areas
b. In the center of cities
c. In small towns
d. In the suburbs surrounding large cities .
If everyone stopped smoking, all the United Kingdom
The diseases connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that the annual
medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is
between 12 and 35 million pounds. And smoking costs society money in other ways.
Between 27 and 61 billion pounds are spent each year on sick days when people don't go
to work, on wages that you don't get when you don't go to work, and on work lost at the
company when you are sick. This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer
at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fire started by cigarettes, which
kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure another four thousand. Smoking costs every
man, woman arid child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty
pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred
and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four
hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to
one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more. Smoking will also cause other
problems. People who don't smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from the
government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more
taxes. In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of
the people is the true value for us all.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. would have no more problems
b. would live longer.
c. would have less money.
d. would have more money .
The action that the engineers are taking
East Somalia's prolonged shortage of rain, which has already caused food supplies to fail
and brought unemployment in farming areas, could also affect the production of
electricity, and thus reduce the output from the nation's mines. The mining industry, and
especially copper mining, uses a huge amount of electricity and is almost completely
dependent on the government Electricity Supply Commission. But the Commission has
recently asked the mines what would happen if electricity supplies were reduced by ten,
twenty or thirty percent. The Commission's power stations, which produce the electricity
using coal as fuel, are mostly situated near the large coalfields of Eastern Province. But
this area has little water so the cooling towers at the power stations have to be supplied
with water from elsewhere. The problem now is that water levels in all rivers and lakes
have fallen dangerously low and, in some cases, are well below the intake pipes which
feed into the pipelines which supply the cooling towers. In a desperate attempt to solve
the problem, engineers are spending some forty million dollars on building a series of
small dams across the Haro River. It is hoped that these dams will make the water level at
the Malawa Dam rise so that water can then be pumped through a new pipeline to the
power stations. This will take time and it is now the dry season. Very little rain falls
before October or November, and, after a shortage which has lasted for four years and is
believed to be the worst in two centuries, nobody can say whether the rains will be
sufficient. The amount of electricity and water used by the mines has tended to increase
in recent years. The mines, which produce about half the country's export earnings, need
electricity in order to pump fresh air through their workings and to drive machines which
crush vast quantities of rock. Each mine also has to provide accommodation for as many
as three thousand workers.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. will use up a lot of electricity.
b. will become effective towards the end of the year.
c. may not help if there is sufficient rain. .
d. should get enough water to the mines.
Which of the following is not true?
Finnish-born botanist William Nylander taught at the University of Helsinki for a number
of years and later moved to Paris, where he lived until his death at the end of the
nineteenth century. During the second half of the last century, he became a prominent
figure in the field of lichenology. Botanists from allover the world sent samples to his
laboratory to be analyzed and classified. It can be said without exaggeration that four out
of five lichens bear his name. He was the first realize the importance of using chemical
reagents in the taxonomy of lichens. He selected the most common reagents used by the
chemists of his time. Lichenologists all over the world still used these reagents, including
tincture of iodine and hypochlorite, in their laboratories. During the first half of the
twentieth century, a Japanese named Arahina added only one chemical product - P Phenol diamines. Nylander was also responsible for discovering that the atmosphere of
big cities hindered the lichens' development and caused them to disappear. Now they are
used to detect atmospheric pollution. Nevertheless, he considered lichens to be simple
plants and vehemently opposed the widely accepted modem theories that lichens are a
compound Species formed by two discordant elements: algae and fungi.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Eighty percent of lichens bear Nylander's name.
b. Nylander accepted his colleagues' theories on the composition of lichens. .
c. Most botanists consider lichens to be a compound species.
d. Today lichens are used to detect atmospheric pollution.
Which of the following correctly describes migrant workers?
Agriculture in the West and South of the United States has traditionally been supported
by migrant workers who migrate or move from area to area according to the crops that
need harvesting. Many Chinese, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants became migrant
workers when they first arrived in the United States. Often they had problems with the
English language or no skills that they could immediately use in the new country. A
person looking objectively at the living conditions of these workers might say that their
way of life was little better than slavery. They were housed in substandard conditions,
received wages far below the minimum, and had no medical or insurance benefits. The
migrant workers had no labour unions that could bargain for better wages, better hours, or
improved working conditions, They had no money and no power with which to bargain
with their employers. Employers were making fortunes by the sweat of their workers'
brows. It took an idealistic, determined young man named Cesar Chavez to change the
plight of the migrant worker forever.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Living and working conditions were generally poor. .
b. All the workers were fluent in English.
c. The workers usually stayed in one place for many years.
d. Only Mexicans were pennitted to work on crops.
According to the passage, ethnic conflicts…
Hatred is a fundamental human emotion that has deep root in society and culture.
Psychologists believe that group identity and cohesion depend to a large extent on having
a common enemy. It seems that the existence of "bad guys" is an important element in
defining who we are within a large realm. It could be said that human beings love to hate.
The first signs appear early in life when a child, faced with blame for some mistakes,
immediately accuses another child or an inanimate object such as a teddy bear. Later, on
the schoolyard playground, children in rival groups vie for attention and influence. These
basic responses translate into more powerful emotions later in life. One area where deeprooted hatred is exhibited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the globe.
These conflicts are not only over territory but also involve emotional issues of group
identity and unity of purpose. For many, there is no "us" without a "them" to hate. In a
world where conflict between super powers is on the decline, it may be that humanity
will have difficulty adapting to a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. occur only occasionally.
b. are on the decline.
c. have their roots in childhood rivalries. .
d. serve to resolve differences.
Why did Della and Jim think of giving presents to each other?
Della and Jim Young, newly married, were poor. Jim's wage was enough to rent only a
very small apartment. But there were two things of which each was extremely proud.
Della had the longest and most beautiful hair in all New York, thought Jim, as he watched
her combing it; and Jim possessed a magnificent gold pocket-watch, given to him by his
father. Christmas was drawing near, and Jim and Della began to think what presents they
could afford to give each other. Della always noticed sadly, when Jim looked at his
watch, that it was fixed to the button-hole of his coat by a common old leather strap. He
really needed a gold chain. And Jim often thought as he looked at Della doing her long
hair, how well it would look if only he could buy her a jewelled comb to hold it in place.
But a gold watch chain or a jewelled hair-comb would have cost far more money than
either of them possessed. Now it was Christmas Eve. With tearful eyes Della had counted
the money she had saved for Jim's Christmas present for the tenth time: 87 cents. "If only
I knew....", she thought. Then suddenly she had a wonderful idea! Hurriedly putting on
her old hat and coat, she ran down the street to the shop with the notice "Hair bought".
She entered and an hour later walked out of the shop richer by 15 dollars, but without her
hair! On the way home she stopped at every watch maker's shop until at last she found
exactly the right chain to suit Jim's watch. Returning home, with one dollar and 87 cents
left in her pocket, she had just enough time before Jim arrived home from work to wrap
the precious gift in a piece of coloured paper, and to curl the remaining short ends of her
hair. When Jim saw it, he was speechless "Oh, Jim, don't look at me like that!" Della
cried "It'll grow again, sure it will. Very quickly. Believe me. And I had to do it. Here,!"
She produced the parcel with the watch - chain from behind her back. "You see, I had to
sell it to get money for your present. Happy Christmas, dear." When Jim had opened it, he
collapsed on a chair and laughed until tears came into his eyes. "I think we'd better put
our presents away for a while", he said gently, at last. "You see," he continued, taking a
small package from his pocket, "I've sold my watch to buy this comb for your hair! Isn't
that funny?" Nodding, as the tears rose in her eyes too, Della gave Jim a brave smile and
said: "Ours are the best Christmas presents in the world, you know".
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Because the they are newly married
b. Because they love each other
c. Because they have just had a big amount of money
d. Because Christmas is coming .
"butterflies in the stomach" means…
When you are being interviewed for a job, remember that it's normal for many people to
be nervous, particularly in such a stress-producing situation. There are plenty of jobs indeed, probably most - where a little nervousness isn't looked at askance. It does help to
dry a damp brow or a clammy hand just before meeting the interviewer, but otherwise,
don't be too concerned about the outward manifestations of your nervousness.
Experienced interviewers will discount most physical signs of nervousness. The only one
that people have a hard time ignoring is a fidgety hand. Interviewees who constantly twist
their hands or make movements that are dramatically distracting are calling to their
nervousness. Remember that interviewers talk to people in order to hire, not because they
enjoy embarrassing, uneasy applicants. One way to overcome a flustered feeling, or
"butterflies in the stomach", is to note that interviewers want to hire people who have
something to offer the company. If interviewers think you will fit into their organization,
you will be the one who is sought after. It's almost as if you are interviewing them to see
if they are good enough for you.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. woes.
b. a nervous feeling. .
c. sufferings.
d. feeling of happiness.
When Franklin arrived in Philadelphia in 1723, he was
In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for
knowledge. As the years passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin, contributed greatly to his
city and to his country. Became a printer and a publisher, and a learned man in many
subjects, he also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by
founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great
scholars to this day. Franklin initiated many improvements in the city of Philadelphia,
making it on of the world's first cities to have paved and lighted streets as well as a police
force and a fire fighting company. He also made many practical inventions such as the
Franklin stove, which was a very efficient heater, and the lightning rod to protect building
in electric storms. His Scientific work with electricity earned Franklin world fame.
Franklin played an important role in the early history of the United States. He took part in
drawing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He was the first
ambassador to France, and he helped negotiate the treaty of 1783, which ended the
Revolutionary War. As an active member and as president of the Abolitionist Society,
Franklin devoted the last years of his life to the movement to end slavery.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Well off
b. Very poor .
c. Neither rich nor poor
d. rich.
In order to improve the financial situation of the country railway lines, British Rail
England's highest main-line railway station hangs on to life by a thread Deserted and
unmanned since it was officially closed in 1970, Dent, situated high in the hills of
Yorkshire, wakes up on six summer weekends each year, when a special charter train
unloads walkers, sightseers and people who simply want to catch a train from the highest
station to its platforms. But even this limited existence may soon be brought to an end.
Dent station situated on the Settel to Carlisle railway line, is said to be the most scenic in
the country. But no amount of scenic beauty can save the line from the British Rail's cash
problems. This year, for the sake of economy, the express trains which used to pass
through Dent station have been put to another route. It is now an open secret that British
Rail sees no future for this railway line. Most of its trains disappeared some time ago.
Bridge, built on a grand scale a century ago, is falling down. It is not alone. Half a dozen
railway routes in the North of England are facing a similar threat. The problem is a worn
out system and an almost total lack of cash to repair it. Bridges and tunnels are showing
their ages, the wooden supports for the tracks are rotting and engines and coaches are
getting old. On major lines between large cities, the problem is not too bad. There lines
still make a profit and cash can be found to maintain them. But on the country branch
line, the story is different. As track wears out, it is not replaced. Instead speed limits are
introduced, making the journey longer than necessary and discouraging customers. If a
bridge is dangerous, there is often only one thing for British Rail to do: go out and find
money from another source. This is exactly what it did a few months ago when a bridge
at Bridling station was threatening to fall down. Repairs were estimated at 200,000
pounds just for one bridge and British Rail was delighted, and rather surprised when two
local councils offered half that amount between them.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. appeal to local councils. .
b. introduce speed limits.
c. increase fares.
d. reduce scale of maintenance.
Which of the following statements is not true?
In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for
knowledge. As the years passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin, contributed greatly to his
city and to his country. Became a printer and a publisher, and a learned man in many
subjects, he also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by
founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great
scholars to this day. Franklin initiated many improvements in the city of Philadelphia,
making it on of the world's first cities to have paved and lighted streets as well as a police
force and a fire fighting company. He also made many practical inventions such as the
Franklin stove, which was a very efficient heater, and the lightning rod to protect building
in electric storms. His Scientific work with electricity earned Franklin world fame.
Franklin played an important role in the early history of the United States. He took part in
drawing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He was the first
ambassador to France, and he helped negotiate the treaty of 1783, which ended the
Revolutionary War. As an active member and as president of the Abolitionist Society,
Franklin devoted the last years of his life to the movement to end slavery.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Franklin was one of those eminent Americans who drew up the Declaration of
b. Franklin was the first American ambassador to France.
c. Franklin alone drew up the Declaration of Independence. .
d. Franklin helped negotiate the treaty of 1783.
What made Franklin famous allover the world?
In 1723 there arrived in Philadelphia a penniless young man, eager for work and for
knowledge. As the years passed, this man, Benjamin Franklin, contributed greatly to his
city and to his country. Became a printer and a publisher, and a learned man in many
subjects, he also helped to spread learning by establishing a public library and by
founding the American Philosophical Society, which is an important academy of great
scholars to this day. Franklin initiated many improvements in the city of Philadelphia,
making it on of the world's first cities to have paved and lighted streets as well as a police
force and a fire fighting company. He also made many practical inventions such as the
Franklin stove, which was a very efficient heater, and the lightning rod to protect building
in electric storms. His Scientific work with electricity earned Franklin world fame.
Franklin played an important role in the early history of the United States. He took part in
drawing up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. He was the first
ambassador to France, and he helped negotiate the treaty of 1783, which ended the
Revolutionary War. As an active member and as president of the Abolitionist Society,
Franklin devoted the last years of his life to the movement to end slavery.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. The lightning rod
b. His scientific work with electricity .
c. The Franklin stove
d. The fire fighting company
When did Mrs. Smith go shopping?
Mr. Smith gave his wife ten founds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. So the day
after her birthday, Mrs. Smith went shopping. She queued for a bus; got on and sat down
next to an old lady. After a while, she noticed that the old lady's handbag was open. Inside
it, she saw a wad of pound notes exactly like the ones her husband had given her. So she
quickly looked into her own bag - the notes had gone! Mrs. Smith was sure that the old
lady who was sitting next to her had stolen them. She thought she would have to call the
police; but as she disliked making a fuss and getting people into trouble she decided to
take back the money from the old lady's handbag and say nothing more about it. She
looked round the bus to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully put her hand
into the old lady's bag took the notes and put them in her own bag. When she got home
that evening, she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. "How did you
pay for it?" he asked "With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course," she
replied. "Oh? What's that, then?" he asked, as he pointed to a wad of ten pound notes on
the table.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. After a while
b. The day after her birthday .
c. On her birthday
d. Ten days ago
From the passage it appears that nowadays a village policeman like John Pooley, has to
It took policeman John Pooley only an hour or two to solve the Case of the Thorpeness
Burglary. It must be said, however, that the crime was not difficult. The description,
though slight, narrowed the number of persons likely to commit such a crime to one.
Pooley, of course, knows everyone in the three villages in his care, and their children. But
after he had made the arrest-something he has to do more rarely than once a month-he felt
troubled because he not only knew the man, but also knew that he had family problems.
John Pooley's area is a very large one by police standards, and includes the three villages
of Middleton, Dunwich and Westleton, where he lives. With a total population of 1,219,
he has more than twice as many people to look after as the average policemen has.
Moreover, he is attached to the Halesworth subdivision and is frequently given duties
outside his home area. After 15 years as a policeman, he accepts these duties without
question, but his villages are clearly where his heart and interest really lie. When he was
first sent to Westleton, he lived in the police house which was both his home and the
police station; when the system was changed, he bought the house where he now lives
with his wife, Ann, and his two daughters. He could hardly be better qualified for the job
of village policeman. Before he joined the police, he was an agricultural worker for five
years and a male nurse in a mental hospital for six years. He says: "If you haven't had
another job before you join the police, you tend to think nothing but police." Crime in the
country, of course, is somewhat different from city crime. Who was ever attacked while
walking along the village street in Middleton? The things which John Pooley has to
watch for are people stealing tools and equipment from farm vehicles, or wood from the
surrounding forests. There are natural dangers too: he is so worried about the fire risk in
the forests that he has turned his bedroom window into a look-out post.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. look after more people than policemen elsewhere. .
b. go through a long period of training.
c. live in a village police house.
d. put out forest fires.
Orbis is an organization which helps blind people everywhere. It has built an eye hospital
inside an aeroplane and flown it all over the world with an international medical team.
Samantha Graham, a fourteen-year-old schoolgirl from England, went with the plane to
Mongolia, Samatha tells the story of Eukhtuul, a young Mongolian girl.
Last year, when Eukhtuul was walking home from school, she was attacked by boys with
sticks and her eyes were badly damaged. Dr Duffey, an Orbis doctor, said that without an
operation she would never see again, I thought about all the everyday things I do that she
couldn’t , things like reading schoolbooks, watching television, seeing friends, and I
realized how lucky I am’.
‘The Orbis team agreed to operate on Eukhtuul and I was allowed to watch, together with
some Mongolian medical students. I prayed the operation would be successful. The next
day I waited nervously with Eukhtuul while Dr Duffey removed her bandages. ‘In six
months your sight will be back to normal’, he said. Eukhtuul smiled, her mother cried,
and I had to wipe away some tears, too!’
‘Now Eukhtuul wants to study hard to become a doctor. Her whole future has changed,
thanks to a simple operation. We should all think more about how much out sight means
to us.
Question: What can a reader learn about in this text?
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the difficulties for blind travelers.
b. the international work of some eye doctors.
c. the life of schoolchildrent in Mongolia.
How could William Nylander best be described?
Finnish-born botanist William Nylander taught at the University of Helsinki for a number
of years and later moved to Paris, where he lived until his death at the end of the
nineteenth century. During the second half of the last century, he became a prominent
figure in the field of lichenology. Botanists from allover the world sent samples to his
laboratory to be analyzed and classified. It can be said without exaggeration that four out
of five lichens bear his name. He was the first realize the importance of using chemical
reagents in the taxonomy of lichens. He selected the most common reagents used by the
chemists of his time. Lichenologists all over the world still used these reagents, including
tincture of iodine and hypochlorite, in their laboratories. During the first half of the
twentieth century, a Japanese named Arahina added only one chemical product - P Phenol diamines. Nylander was also responsible for discovering that the atmosphere of
big cities hindered the lichens' development and caused them to disappear. Now they are
used to detect atmospheric pollution. Nevertheless, he considered lichens to be simple
plants and vehemently opposed the widely accepted modem theories that lichens are a
compound Species formed by two discordant elements: algae and fungi.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. domineering
b. anxious
c. degenerate
d. ingenious .
How is the crude oil brought to the surface?
Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oil, and
lubricating oils, come from one source-crude oil found below: the earth's surface, as well
as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as
25,000 feet into the earth's interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole
through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the
source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface. Crude oil wells flow at varying-rates,
from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42gallon barrels. Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick,
transparent or opaque, but regardless, their chemical composition is made up of only two
elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other
chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as
impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that
they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of
compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joinings of these two
atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule. The various petroleum products are refined from the
crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-called light
oils, such as gasoline, kerosene, and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light
oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is used mostly for burning
under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure
of the hydrocarbons to produce other products, some of which are used to upgrade and
increase the octane rating of various types of gasolines.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Expansion and contraction of the Earth's surface
b. Expansion of the hydrocarbons
c. Pressure and pumping .
d. Vacuum created in the drilling pipe
According to the passage, what is believed to be an important aspect of defining group
Hatred is a fundamental human emotion that has deep root in society and culture.
Psychologists believe that group identity and cohesion depend to a large extent on having
a common enemy. It seems that the existence of "bad guys" is an important element in
defining who we are within a large realm. It could be said that human beings love to hate.
The first signs appear early in life when a child, faced with blame for some mistakes,
immediately accuses another child or an inanimate object such as a teddy bear. Later, on
the schoolyard playground, children in rival groups vie for attention and influence. These
basic responses translate into more powerful emotions later in life. One area where deeprooted hatred is exhibited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the globe.
These conflicts are not only over territory but also involve emotional issues of group
identity and unity of purpose. For many, there is no "us" without a "them" to hate. In a
world where conflict between super powers is on the decline, it may be that humanity
will have difficulty adapting so a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. Ignoring a large realm
b. Being reluctant to hate
c. Accepting blame for past actions
d. Facing a common enemy .
The next paragraph of this passage will probably be…
Agriculture in the West and South of the United States has traditionally been supported
by migrant workers who migrate or move from area to area according to the crops that
need harvesting. Many Chinese, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants became migrant
workers when they first arrived in the United States. Often they had problems with the
English language or no skills that they could immediately use in the new country. A
person looking objectively at the living conditions of these workers might say that their
way of life was little better than slavery. They were housed in substandard conditions,
received wages far below the minimum, and had no medical or insurance benefits. The
migrant workers had no labour unions that could bargain for better wages, better hours, or
improved working conditions, They had no money and no power with which to bargain
with their employers. Employers were making fortunes by the sweat of their workers'
brows. It took an idealistic, determined young man named Cesar Chavez to change the
plight of the migrant worker forever.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the changes brought about Cesar Chavez. .
b. a lesson in English as a foreign language.
c. a history of agriculture in the United States.
d. a listing of the countries migrant workers come from.
The author suggests that when children make mistakes, they…
Hatred is a fundamental human emotion that has deep root in society and culture.
Psychologists believe that group identity and cohesion depend to a large extent on having
a common enemy. It seems that the existence of "bad guys" is an important element in
defining who we are within a large realm. It could be said that human beings love to hate.
The first signs appear early in life when a child, faced with blame for some mistakes,
immediately accuses another child or an inanimate object such as a teddy bear. Later, on
the schoolyard playground, children in rival groups vie for attention and influence. These
basic responses translate into more powerful emotions later in life. One area where deeprooted hatred is exhibited is in the ethnic clashes that constantly occur around the globe.
These conflicts are not only over territory but also involve emotional issues of group
identity and unity of purpose. For many, there is no "us" without a "them" to hate. In a
world where conflict between super powers is on the decline, it may be that humanity
will have difficulty adapting so a state of mutual respect and cooperation.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. readily admit to their errors.
b. rarely accept responsibility for their actions. .
c. need emotional support from personal objects like a teddy bear.
d. join rival gangs on schoolyard playgrounds.
"Plight" means…
Agriculture in the West and South of the United States has traditionally been supported
by migrant workers who migrate or move from area to area according to the crops that
need harvesting. Many Chinese, Filipino, and Mexican immigrants became migrant
workers when they first arrived in the United States. Often they had problems with the
English language or no skills that they could immediately use in the new country. A
person looking objectively at the living conditions of these workers might say that their
way of life was little better than slavery. They were housed in substandard conditions,
received wages far below the minimum, and had no medical or insurance benefits. The
migrant workers had no labour unions that could bargain for better wages, better hours, or
improved working conditions, They had no money and no power with which to bargain
with their employers. Employers were making fortunes by the sweat of their workers'
brows. It took an idealistic, determined young man named Cesar Chavez to change the
plight of the migrant worker forever.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. difficult condition. .
b. poverty.
c. happiness.
d. distress.
Internationally renowned scientists sent lichen samples to Nylander because
Finnish-born botanist William Nylander taught at the University of Helsinki for a number
of years and later moved to Paris, where he lived until his death at the end of the
nineteenth century. During the second half of the last century, he became a prominent
figure in the field of lichenology. Botanists from all over the world sent samples to his
laboratory to be analyzed and classified. It can be said without exaggeration that four out
of five lichens bear his name. He was the first realize the importance of using chemical
reagents in the taxonomy of lichens. He selected the most common reagents used by the
chemists of his time. Lichenologists all over the world still used these reagents, including
tincture of iodine and hypochlorite, in their laboratories. During the first half of the
twentieth century, a Japanese named Arahina added only one chemical product - P -
Phenol diamines. Nylander was also responsible for discovering that the atmosphere of
big cities hindered the lichens' development and caused them to disappear. Now they are
used to detect atmospheric pollution. Nevertheless, he considered lichens to be simple
plants and vehemently opposed the widely accepted modem theories that lichens are a
compound Species formed by two discordant elements: algae and fungi.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. he analyzed and classified them. .
b. he collected and preserved them.
c. he considered them to be simple plants.
d. he used reagents to determine their use.
This article is mainly concerned with
The locust is perhaps nature's most awesome example of the collective destructive power
of a species which, individually, is practically harmless. An adult locust weighs a
maximum of two grams - it takes over 225 to outweigh a can of beans. The destructive
power is based on two facts. One each locust can eat its own weight daily. Two, the
moving swarm may carpet the ground with anywhere from 30 to 60 locust a square yard;
therefore a square mile will typically contain from 100 million to 200 million of the
creatures. Seldom, furthermore, will a swarm occupy a mere square mile; swarms more
than 400 square miles in area have been recorded. A swarm that size weighs more than
80,000 tons and numbers around 40 billion insects eating the weight of the Queen Mary
every day it is on the move and it never stops. A million locusts take a tremendous toll
and each day eat as much as 20 elephants or 500 people. And their voracity is not only in
numbers; pound for pound the locust eats 60 to 100 times as much as a human being.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. the importance of locusts to man.
b. the destructive capacity of locusts. .
c. the harmlessness of individual locusts.
d. the Queen Mary locust plague.
The advance of man from solitary to commonal life created
When life was rugged and simple, man's needs were few and he could supply them all.
As he advanced from lone hunter to farmer and builder and exchanged a solitary
existence for the greater comfort and security of community life, he realized he must
come to an agreement with his neighbors on a common system of measurement. How can
men build a house, or a storage hut, or a temple, unless all the builders use the same basic
measurements? The very earliest measurements were for length. The bases for the
measures were those most natural- a foot, a palm, a span of the hand. When building
alone, man could Use his own body. But on community projects a common standard was
required. The leader's measurements were taken and marked off on a stick or stone.
Crude copies were made from the original and passed out for use. Later the foot gradually
evolved to become twelve inches long.
Chọn một câu trả lời:
a. a decrease in his needs.
b. a need for standards of measure. .
c. a great demand for storage huts.
d. the dominance of tribal leaders.