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Full name:…………………………….
Class: …………….
Teacher’s comment

Time : 45 minutes

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other
1. A. which
B. picture
C. kitchen
D. chemistry
2. A. fat

B. any

C. gas

D. hat

3. A. honest
B. honour
C. exhausted
D. house
4. A. singer
B. passenger
C. generous
D. village

Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
5. A. idol
B. notice
C. rescue
D. replace
6. A. quality
B. interest
C. constancy
D. suspicion
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Mr and Mrs Smith have been married for 25 years and today is their silver _______
A. birthday
B. celebration
C. party
D. anniversary
2. We tried to make a _______ of our situation, but it wasn't funny.
A. joke
B. trick
C. tension
D. risk
3. They're having a party in _______ of his 84th birthday.
A. ceremony
B. honor
C. memory
D. celebration
4. She glanced briefly ________ his lapel badge.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. up

5. She made a big ________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. complaint
B. fuss
C. excitement
D. interest
6. I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ______________situation before.
A. embarrassing
B. embarrassed
C. confused
D. confusing
7. He is too _________ to lend me his bicycle.
A. selfish
B. enthusiastic
C. helpful
D. pleasant
8.I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
A. close look
B. quick look
C. direct look
D. furtive look
9. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.
A. sadness
B. anxiety
C. disappointment
D. interest
10. He has a very outgoing ________ and makes friends very easily.
A. person
B. personal
C. personality
D. personage

11. For a friendship to be long and lasting, both the friends must be _________to each other
A. sympathetic B. loyal
C. suspicious
D. enthusiatic
12. In the United States people _____________all ages celebrate their birthdays.
A. in
B. from
C. on
D. of

13. Out teacher told us that he _________________________England before.
A. had visited
B. visited
C. was visited
D. has visited
14. The students ______________________noisily when the teacher came in.
A. are talking
B. were talking
C. had talking
D. talked
15. By the time I ______________to the party, most people had gone home.
A. get
B. had got
C. was getting
D. got
16. No one _____________that garage for 2 years.
A. has not used
B. used
C. has used
D. uses

17. We must finish ________________the office before 3:00 today.
A. to pain
B. paint
C. painting
D. pained
18. You had better ____________a rest.
A. take
B. taking
C. to take
D. taken
19. ____________the exam, we must study harder.
A. Passing
B. Passed
C. Pass
D. To pass
20. In stead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones __________
A. repairing
B. repaired
C. to repair
D. repair.
Choose one word or phrase underlined that must be changed for the sentence to be correct
21. The problems of pollution are too difficult for us to solving.





22. John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday.
23. As we grow older, children in many cultures taught not to rely on their parents
24. The students had thought that the English test was very difficulty
Choose the best answer to fill in each blank in the following passage.
There are a lot of things you should follow to be a welcome guest in America. When you are (25)______ to
have dinner at your friend’s house, it’s necessary to bring a small present. Flowers are always nice; or you
may bring a bottle of (26)______ if you know that your friend likes drinking. You are expected to arrive for
dinner on time or just a few minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen
minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to relax and enjoy yourself at the dinner table. If you don’t
know about choosing the (27)______ fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still
have no idea of (28)______ to do, ask the person next to you. When it comes to the food, if you like it, say
so. They are looking forward to hearing your compliments. Of course, you will thank them for the meal and
for their kindness. It is also a good idea to send a (29)______ note the day after.
A. made
B. demanded

C. invited
D. forced
A. juice
B. wine
C. lemonade
D. Coke
A. new
B. main
C. big
D. right
A. where B. which
C. why
D. what
A. welcome B. goodbye
C. message
D. thank-you
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question below.
When I was younger, I hated being the oldest child and the only girl in my family. But now that I am older, I
realize that being "Big Sister" actually has its advantages. First of all, I get special treatment from my parents
and brothers. I get my own room, and brothers have to do all the heavy work around the house. Another
benefit is that, being the oldest, I have learned to be responsible and dependable. For example, my parents
often leave my brothers in my care when they go out. I also try my best in whatever I do in order to be a
good example for my brothers. The experience I've had in taking care of my brothers has prepared me for my
own family in the future. So, even though I didn't choose to be the oldest child and the only girl in my
family, I have succeeded in making this situation work to my best advantage.
30. The writer disliked _____ when she was younger.

A. having too many brothers in her family
B. being the oldest child and the only girl in her family
C. being the youngest child in her family
D. getting special treatment from her parents and brothers
31. “Big sister” means ______.
A. the only child
B. the eldest sister
C. the oldest person
D. the biggest girl
32. She has to _____ when her parents go out.
A. look after her brothers
B. cook every meal
C. do heavy work around the house
D. lay the table for dinners
33. She has _____ in making the situation work to her best advantage.
A. liked
B. failed
C. succeeded
D. chosen
34. When the writer grows up, she finds it is _____ to be a big sister.
A. hateful
B. enjoyable C. unacceptable
D. miserable
Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.
experience celebrate
35. He started to get _______________SUSPICIOUS when she told him that she had been to Britain for

many years.
36. Let’s have a party to ___________________ CELEBRATE your birthday.
37. She smiled slight to hide her slight ____________________ EMBARRASSMENT
38. He is a(n) ___________________UNSELFISH man. He always helps people without thinking of his
own benefits.
Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
39. After they (eat) all the food, they picked up their bags and left. HAD EATEN
40. She decided (change ) her job. TO CHANGE

The end.
Good luck!

Full name:…………………………….
Class: …………….
Teacher’s comment

Time : 45 minutes

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words.
1. A. change
B. children
C. machine
D. church
2. A. other
B. long

C. possible
D. constancy
3. A. imagine
B. glance
C. geography
D. religion
4. A. hour
B. honest
C. vehicle
D. happy
Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words.
5. A. candle
B. finish
C. receive
D. party
6. A. relative
B. successful
C. family
D. celebrate
Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
1. Today is Ann’s 12th birthday so there are 12_____on the birthday cake, one for each year
A. flowers
B. cards
C. candles
D. gifts
2. When they finished singing, Lisa _______ the candles on the cake.
A. turned off
B. blew out
C. cleared up
D. brought out

3. They held a concert to mark the _______ of Mozart's death.
A. anniversary
B. occasion
C. situation
D. remembrance
4.________ my experience, people generally smile back if you smile at them.
A. To
B. In
C. With
D. From
5. The novel is based on his ________ in the war.
A. attitudes
B. images
C. situations
D. experiences
6. I felt my face burning with ________.
A. confidence
B. enthusiasm
C. embarrassment
D. pleasure
7. There are lots of TV Christmas ________ for children this year.
A. specials
B. specially
C. specialities
D. specialized
8. Suddenly she realized the ___________of the situation that made her laugh.
A. wonder
B. pleasure
C. humour
D. understanding

9. Unselfishness is the very essence of the friendship.
A. important part B. romantic part
B. difficult part D. interesting part
10. I don’t like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face.
A. furious
B. dishonest
C. humourous
D. guilty
11. He didn’t believe what they said. He seem _____________
A. disappointed
B. humorous
C. incapable
D. suspicious
12. Speaking to native speakers make me more interested _________learning English
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. by
13. She said that she ______________ Dr. Rice.
A. has already seen
B. already saw
C. had already seen
D. had been already seen
14. Last night the fire ____________out when everyone was sleeping.
A. broke
B. had broken
C. was breaking
D. has broken
15. By the time I ________to the station, the train had left.
A. get

B. was getting
C. had got
D. got
16. The phone _______________. Can you answer it?
A. is ringing
B. was ringing
C. rang
D. had rung
17. She lets her children _____________up very late.
A. to stay
B. stay
C. staying
D. stayed
18. It’s important __________ the meeting on time.
A. start
B. starting
C. to start
D. started
19. We both heard him_____________that she was leaving.
A. say
B. to say
C. said
D. was saying
20. I didn’t have enough time __________my work.
A. finish
B. finished
C. finishing
D. to finish
Choose one word or phrase underlined that must be changed for the sentence to be correct
21. During a curfew it is not possible walking on the streets after a specified hour.

22. John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday.
23. When I kept getting unwanted calls, I called the phone company and had my phone number

24. The students had thought that the English test was very difficulty
Choose the best answer to fill in each blank in the following passage
I had a terrible time last Saturday. It (25)______ cold, but quite sunny, so after lunch I walked into town. I
wanted to buy a pullover. I was looking in the window of a clothes (26)______ when someone stole my
wallet. While I was walking home, it started (27)______ and I arrived home cold and miserable. I decided to
have a hot bath. I was getting ready to have my bath (28)______ the doorbell rang. It was a flower seller and
it took me several minutes to make him go away. Unfortunately, all the time he was talking (29)______ me,
the water was running. You can imagine how the kitchen was!
25: A. has been

B. is
C. were
D. was
26. A. café
B. bar
C. shop
D. office
27. A. rained
B. rain
C. rains
D. to rain
28. A. where
B. if
C. so
D. when
29. A. out
B. to
C. on
D. of
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question below.
The most usual way to entertain friends at home is to invite them for a meal, either in the evening or at
lunchtime on a Sunday. In smaller communities, for example a country village, people also invite each other
for a drink before a meal, for morning coffee or afternoon tea.
When guests are invited for a meal, they often sit and chat while they have a drink before the meal, and
coffee is usually served afterwards. Several friends are sometimes invited at once to make a small party.
These parties are almost always informal. Formal occasions, when written invitations are sent out and people
dress formally, rarely take place in people’s homes, although they did in the past.
Larger parties are arranged to celebrate a particular event. Children’s birthdays are often celebrated with a
tea party for the child’s friends. The meal will often be followed by party games. Parties are held to celebrate
a person’s coming of age (formerly at 21 but now at 18), a couple’s silver wedding anniversary (after 25

years of marriage), a couple’s engagement and New Year’s Eve. In the USA a person’s 40 th birthday in often
marked with a special celebration. A house – warming party is sometimes held to invite friends to one’s new
In summer, if the weather is fine, people may hold a barbecue in the garden. A much grander, more
formal occasion is a garden party, held in the afternoon, when tea is served.
30. When are written invitations sent out?
A. On a Sunday morning.
B. On formal occasions. C. On informal occasions. D. On a Sunday evening.
31. Nowadays, parties are held to celebrate a person’s coming of age when they are_______
A. 21
C. 40
D. 25
32. What is the purpose of a house-warming party?
A. To mark a person’s 40th birthday.
B. To entertain the child’s friends.
C. To celebrate a couple’s wedding anniversary.
D. To invite friends to one’s new home.
33. The word ‘grander’ in paragraph 4 mostly means _____.
A. more convenient
B. more important
C. more exciting
34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. People don’t invite each other for a drink before a meal in a country village.
B. People don’t hold any parties to celebrate a particular event.
C. People often sit and chat before a meal they are invited for.
D. People often hold garden parties on informal occasions.

Fill in each blank with a suitable word given in the box (From 35 to 38)





35. I thought he was _________________when he said had resigned
36. Have you __________________your Christmas tree?
37. Good friendship should be based on ____________________understanding.
38. People who cannot keep a _________________will never have a long lasting friendship.
Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets
39. She returned home because she suddenly remembered that she (forget) to turn off the gas stove.
40. He reminded us (prepare) well for our test.

The end.
Good luck!

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