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Question 12345

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Question 1:

Talk about water pollution

Nowaday, water pollution is very serious. Water pollution is mainly due to waste water and
emissions of factories dumped into rivers and lakes. In the life, we need a lot of water to
life so water pollution makes the people get many dangerous diseases. We and the
government must have many methods to reduce amount of trash into the environment.
Example, we should stop dumping waste water into river and lake. We should protect the
aquatic environment because water plays an importance in our life.

Question 2:

Talk about an English speaking country

Canada is a country in the northem part of North America. By area, Canada is the second
largest country in the world. Canada consists often provinces and three terriories. Although
Canada is really big, it has a population of 35 milion people. In Canada two languages are
spoken English and French. The capital city is Ottwa, but the biggest town is Toronto. The
national sport is Ice-Hockey. Canada have many beautiful landmarks so I want to go there
in the future.

Question 3:

Talk about a natural disater and how to prepare for it

An earthquake measuring 7.8 on the richter scale hit Nepal on April 25th, 2015. The
earthquake killed more than 8800 people and injured over 23000 people. The earthquake
also caused an avalanche on Mount Everest which killed at least Army were sent to strcken
areas. Many counties and international organisations sent medical esperts, emergency
workers, rescue staff and money as well as providing medical supplies, food and

equipment to help Nepal.

Question 4:

What do you think people will communicate in the future?

Although in the day and age the internet is king, it will almost centenly be replaced by
something even more effective somewhere in the future. Technology is already being
developed that help us to use the power of our thoughts alone with each other only by
thingking. It may be possible that all you need to speak with another person on the others
side of the planet is to think their name and then think your message. In short,
communication systems are making it easier to complete many tasks in the future.

Question 5: People say robots will bring benefit. Do you agree or disagee?
I disagree with the idea that robots will only benefits to people in the future. Robots will
also have some negative effects. Firstly, they will be very expensive and we will spend a
lot of too much money buying and fixing them. Secondly, robots in the factories will be
able to do everything the workers do, so robots will make them jobless. Thirdly, robots in
our homes will do all the housework for us, so we will become lazy and inactive. In short,
robots will do many things for us, but they may not improve the quality of our lives.

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