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English 9 week 10

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Week: 10
Period: 19

Date of preparation: 21/10/2018
Date of teaching: 24/10/2018

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a short passage
describing a story happened in the past – a picnic in the countryside.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures, extra-boards
1/ Warm-up : (6’)
- Ask Ss to write the past form and past
participle of the verbs.
(to) take
(to) put
(to) lay
(to) run
(to) go
- Lead to the lesson.
2/ Pre-writing :
 Activity 1: (7’)
- Introduce the scene.
- Write new words on the board.
I. Vocabulary:
1. lay out (v): trãi, bố trí
2. picnic site: địa điểm tổ chức picnic
3. blanket (n): mền, chăn
4. blind man’s buff (n)

- Check vocabulary: Slap the board

- Write the past form and past participle
of the verbs.
 took  taken
 put
 put
 laid
 laid
 ran
 run
 went  gone
- Pay attention.

- Listen.
- Listen and copy.

- Do as directed.

 Activity 2: (7’)
- Listen and remember.
- Elicit from the ordering
a. Use the past tense, mainly the simple
b.Activities are in time order
- Ask students look at each picture, one by - Read the cues given individually.
one and read the cues given.
- Have students talk about what they write for - Discuss.
each picture.

3/ While-writing : (15’)
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the
information given and Write a passage

- Observe the pictures.

entitled “A Country Picnic”. Start like this: It
was a beautiful day...
- Model the first sentence on the board:
- Continue to write the passage.
It was a beautiful day, my friends and I
decided to go on a picnic....
- Go around and helps weak students.
- Write individually.
- Ask Ss to share with their partners and
- Compare with their partner.
correct mistakes.
* Key:
It was a beautiful day, my friends and I
decided to go on a picnic. We took a
bus to the countryside and then walked
about 20 minutes to the picnic site next
to the river. We put down the blanket
and laid out the food. After meal, we
played the games “What song is it” and
“Blind man’s bluff”. Late in the
afternoon we went fishing. We enjoyed
our picnic. When we look at the time, it
was nearly 6.30 p.m. We hurriedly

gathered our things and ran to the bus
stop. We were lucky to catch the last
bus and we arrived home very lately in
the evening.

4/ Post - writing : (8’)
- Ask students to share and compare their - Compare their writing.
writings with their partners and correct if they
- Choose some writings to correct in front of
- Correct mistakes.
the class.
5/ Homework: (2’)
- Have Ss:
+ Rewrite the passage in their notebook.
+ Prepare “Language focus”

- Write assignments.


Week: 10
Period: 20

Date of preparation: 22/10/2018
Date of teaching: 25/10/2018

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
- Revise and practice further in Wish-clause (Type 1) and revise Prepositions of time.
- Understand and use the adverb clause of result with “So”.
II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, pictures
1/ Warm-up: (7’)
- Write the sentences on the board and ask
Ss to write wishes in these situations.
1. You don’t have your friend’s phone
2. There aren’t any rivers and lakes in
your hometown.

- Write wishes in these situation.
(Individual work)
 I wish I had my friend’s phone number.
 I wish there were a river and a lake in my
- Listen to the teacher

- Lead to the lesson
2/ Exercises: (28’)
 Practice 1: Wish
- Listen and copy.
- Write sentences on the board.

* Model: Ba wishes he could have a new
- Take note.
- Asks Ss to remind structure.
S+wish+S+could/ would + infinitive
- Call on some Ss complete the wishes.
- Look at the pictures and suggestions to
complete the wishes.
- Correct the mistakes.
- Check.
 Practice 2: Prepositions of time
- Help Ss to review prepositions of time
(on, in, at, between, of, after, before,
- Ask Ss to look at Mr. Thanh’s itinerary
for his business trip to Singapore. Base
information in the itinerary, complete the
sentences in a) by using the prepositions
in the box.
- Call Ss to give their result.
- Correct.
a. at
b. on
c. between
d. till
e. after
f. up to

- Listen.
- Use the prepositions in the box to

complete the sentences. (Individual work)

- Do exercise and answer before the class.
- Correct

- Have Ss complete the sentences with on,
at, in, for.
- Call Ss to give the answers.
a. on
b. at
c. in
d. for
e. in
f. at
 Practice 3: Adverb clause of result
- Ask Ss to match the half-sentences in A
with the ones in B.
Hoa worked hard, so she passed the exam.

- Call on Ss read before the class.
- Give feedback.

3/ Consolidation: (8’)
- Ask Ss to rewrite the sentences (bad Ss)
1. I can’t speak English. (wish)
2. I don’t have a tape recorder. (wish)
3. Their flight was delayed because there
was fog. (so)
4/ Homework: (2’)

- Have Ss:
+ Redo the exercises at home.
+ Prepare the next lesson: “Unit 4-Getting
started + Listen and Read.”

- Complete the sentences with on, at, in,
- Get feedback

- Match the half-sentences. Then write
the full sentences (On page 31)
2. It was hot, so I turned on the air
3. Nga is sick today, so she won’t go to
4. Na woke up late, so she didn’t have
time for breakfast.
5. The new camera didn.t work, so Mrs.
Robinson took it back to the shop.
- Read answer
- Get feedback

- Work individually.
1. I wish I could speak English.
2. I wish I had a tape recorder.
3. There was fog, so their flight was
- Write assignments.



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