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bai tap unit 9

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I. Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest
1. A. upgraded
B. consumption
C. urban
D. unbelievable
2. A. dweller
B. detect
C. technology
D. eco-friendly
3. A. presentation
B. sensor
C. infrastructure
D. insoluble
4. A. current
B. sustainable
C. infrastructure
D. rubbish
5. A. climate
B. livable
C. city
D. discussion
6. A. solar
B. infrastructure
C. designer
D. focus
II. Choose the word that has different stress position
7. A. pessimistic
B. optimistic
C. overcrowded
D. innovative

8. A. residential
B. environment
C. insoluble
D. enjoyable
9. A. infrastructure
B. sustainable
C. inhabitant
D. renewable
10. A. generate
B. understand
C. innovate
D. maximize
III. Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. New York has invested in improving the ___________ of its water ways in recent years.
A. quality
B. quantity
C. level
D. feature
12. Vancouver is often considered to be one of the most ___________ cities in the world.
A. fit
B. liveable
C. endurable
D. suitable
13. Telecommunications and cloud computing will ___________ transportation foe moving ideas and
intellectual property.
A. change
B. replace
C. remove
D. eliminate
14. A cable car system gives poor slum ___________ better access to jobs.

A. citizens
B. dwellers
C. cavemen
D. residences
15. Helsinki is a model for the future of ___________ smart growth.
A. city
B. rural
C. urban
D. town
16. A nation with a strong ___________ would be successful in creating numerous smart cities.
A. transport
B. transportation
C. service
D. infrastructure
17. They must figure out how a city can develop to meet the demands of future residents in a
___________ and cost- effective way.
A. continual
B. available
C. sustainable
D. natural
18. . - Kate: “I’d like the blue jacket, please. Can I try it on?
- Cindy: “Yes, ___________”
A. you would
B. Here you are, thank you C. Certainly D. you do
19. Tom : What a beautiful day!
Rose : ___________
A. Yes, it is
B. It’s very hot
C. No, it isn’t
D. Yes. It’s sunny, isn’t it?

20. It’s very hot! let’s go swimming, ___________?
A. shall we
B. should we
C. do we
D. don’t we
21. I think you’ve seen this picture before, ___________?
A. don’t you
B. do you
C. have you
D. haven’t you
22. If you freeze water, it ___________ into ice.
A. turns
B. is turning
C. will turn
D. would turn
23. Plants___________ if they ___________ enough water.
A. die/ get
B. will die/ don’t get
C. die/ don’t get
D. would die/ didn’t get
24. Neither of them will be treated preferentially, ________ ?

A. won’t they
B. will they
C. won’t them
D. will the
25. Sandy ___________ dinner 4 times this week
A. has cooked
B. have been cooking

C. has been cooking D. cooked
26. Why are your hands so dirty? – I ___________ my bike. I have yet to finish it.
A. repaired
B. have been repaired
C. has been repaired D. have been repairing
V. Write complete sentences, you can add more necessary words.
27. New York/ be/ one/ smartest cities/ North Africa/ many years.
28. New York/ have/ significant number/ universities/ and/ university- educated population.
29. It/ just/ start/ largest bike- sharing campaign/ world.
30. New York/ also gain/ leadership/ offering/ open data/ public/ more than 2400 database.
VI. Read the passage and answer the following questions
I find it absolutely fascinating thinking about the future, as technology is rapidly advancing and in
40 years time, who knows what we’ll be able to do with it. Scientists have recently predicted that by 2050
the population of the world will be over ten billion and technology will have advanced so greatly that we
will have far more information about all known diseases (and possibly cures), we will all be living in eco
houses and will no longer face sky high electricity bills and we may even be able to take a holiday to
Our daily lives will most definitely be littered with all kinds of new technologies that help us do
the things we hate the most in 2017! House Robo’s will be a likely feature in all homes and will help run
the family home, take out the rubbish, prepare food and hoover the house from top to bottom. Our kitchen
gadgets (such as your fridge, cooker, microwave and dishwasher) will also be ‘robotic’ and will email or
text us, users, when a food item has gone out of date or has been used up. Similarly, the fridge has a built
in camera so that when you are at the supermarket, you can log in to your fridge and check what you need
to stock up on.
It is predicted that by 2050, we will all have ‘weekly digital health checks’ in our homes, which
run sensors over our bodies to check for signs of ill health and any abnormalities. Conditions can instantly

be recognized by the ‘virtual doctor’ inside the health machine and treated immediately, and if you need a
prescription – it will be ordered and sent out automatically. If the digital health check picks up on a person
being overweight, they will send a signal to the domestic house computer to modify their diet and book in
for gym sessions. Because of all this immediate treatment, people will live far longer and won’t be wiped
out by disease or forms of cancer. Medical conditions that are considered rare today, will be far more
known about and will be able to be cured quickly and efficiently.
31. What will the world’s population be by 2015?
32. How will our kitchen gadgets help us?
33. What can you do with the fridge with a built-in camera?
34. How can our bodies be checked for signs of ill health and any abnormalities?
35. What are the benefits of the immediate treatment?

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