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unit 2 tieng anh 7

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I. Pronunciation
Chọn một từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với những từ còn lại trong
1. a. fine

b. nine

c. time

d. thing

2. a. happỵ

b. skỵ

c. try

d. dry

3 . a. man

b. fat

c. table

d. map

4. a. hot

b. mode

c. pot

d. stop

5. a. front

b. some

c. brother

d. do

II. Vocabulary & Expression
Chọn từ hay nhóm từ thích hợp nhất để hồn thành câu
6. What’s your new phone … ? - 09081234.
a. number
b. figure
c. letter
7. I’d like to make a … to 1256734, please.
a. ring
b. call
c. phone
8. The phone is ringing. Could you … it?
a. reply
b. tell
c. pick

9. I’m sorry. She’s … at the moment.
a. in
b. out
c. on
10. Could I speak to Susie May, please? – … .
a. Talking
b. Calling
c. Answering
11. … does the play start? - I think it starts at 8.00.
a. When
b. What
c. How.
12. … will it last? - About two hours.
a. When
b. How long
c. What
13. The play begins … half past seven.
a. on
b. in
c. at

d. dial
d. sound
d. answer

d. at
d. Speaking
d. Where
d. How much
d. to

14. This shop is open … nine o’clock on Friday evenings.
a. until
b. through
c. since
d. during
15. … do the buses run? - Every twenty minutes.
a. How far
b. What time
c. How much
16. She lives … her mother and father.
a. to
b. by
c. with

d. How often
d. from

17. What’s your … of birth? - June eighth.
a. day
b. date
c. time

d. hour

18. I don’t like exams because I’m usually … before exams.
a. happy
b. worried
c. nervous

d. both b and c
19. He wants… a phone call to his family.
a. to make
b. to do
c. to have

d. to put

20. Lan … a birthday party this wee
a. is making
b. gets

d. is getting

c. is having

21. I hope you will come and … the fun.
a. take
b. give
c. join
d. get
22. What time will you … ? - I’ll stay until the end of the film.
a. finish
b. leave
c. be.
d. stay
23. What’s the ... today? – It’s May 7 .
a. day
b. time

c. month
d. date
24. She will … some of her friends to the party.
a. invite
b. ask
c. get
d. make
25. I he party will be … her home.
a. In
b. inside
c. at
d. into
26. We go swimming … .
a. every Saturday
b. all Saturdays
c. every Saturdays
d. all the Saturday
27. She wants to see a film so she goes to … .
a. the cinema
b. the theatre
c. the zoo
d. the museum
28. Hurry, or we shall … the bus.
a. catch
b. miss
c. run
d. keep
29. Tom is a handsome boy. He’s … .
a. . kind
b. good

c. tall
d. good-looking
30. We … our grandpa because he’s old and weak.
a. look
b. look for
c. look after
d. look at
III. Grammar & Structure
Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất đề điền vào chỗ trống.
31. Date of birth? - 3rd June, 1960.
a. Three of June, nineteen hundred sixty.
b. The third of June, nineteen sixty.
c. Third June, nineteen and sixty.
d. June third, thousand nine
hundred sixty.
32. I don’t like oranges, but my
sister … .
a. likes
b. do
c. is liking them d. does
33. How long does it … to get to Nha Trang by train?
a. want
b. need
c. take
d. make
34. My father is … busy at the moment.
a. fair
b. quite
c. well
d. bad

35. Hello. Could you put me …. Mr Roger, please?

a. to
b. with
c. in connection with
d. through to
36. Sorry, he isn’t here. - Can I … a message then?
a. leave
b. let
c. make
d. ask him
37. How big is your family? - …. .
a. We are seven
b. There are seven of us
c. It is seven people
d. We have seven people
38. How do you go to school? - I go to school …. .
a. by foot
b. on foot
c. on walking
d. by walking
39. How far is it from here? – … .
a. It’s long
b. No, it isn’t far
c. Two kilometers
d. Yes, it’s far
40. What’s your new …. ? - Flat 4B, 25 Nathan Road, Kowloon
a. number
b. place

c. house
d. address
41. By the way, how … is it by bus? - I’m not sure, but it’s very cheap.
a. much
b. long
c. far
d. often
42. Let’s … John.
a. going to see
b. go and see
c. go for see
d. go seeing
43. Our house is …. the church.
a. close on
b. near from
c. next by
d. next to
44. I live about twenty km … here.
a. away of
b. near
c. away from
d. near from
45. Everybody in the world …. to have a happy life.
a. want
b. is wanting
c. wants
d. are wanting
46. 46. Our English class always …. at 8.00 a.m.
a. start
b. starts

c. will start
d. starting
47. …. will you spend your summer vacation? - In Da lat.
a. When
b. How
c. With whom d. Where
48. Oh, there is no sugar in the jug. - Ok, …. some for you.
a. Tilget
b. I get
c. I’m getting
d. I’m going to get
49. …. go swimming this afternoon? The weather’s nice.
a. Will we
b. Do we
c. Shall we
d. Have we
50. You should not make …. mistakes.
a. so many
b. so much
c. such many
d. that many
IV. Error Identification
Identify the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. {Tim từ hay nhóm từ
đuợc gạch dưới khơng đúng.)
51. Who is the girl talks to the teacher?
a b
c d
52. Have there many students in your class?

53. This is a letter of my brother in Australia.
a b
54. We usually go swimming once the week.

55. What time does she wake off every morning?
56. What’s the date today? - It’s twelve of May.
c d
57. Excuse me. Can you say me the time, please?
58. We have always eggs and toast for breakfast.

c d
59 How you say “hello ” in Italian?
60. Jan is an old friend of me.
a b
c d
V. Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
( Đọc đoạn văn sau đây và chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất)
The Regent Hotel, London
Jack Tippit and his wife, Isabel, who is Spanish, both work at the Regent Hotel in
the centre of London. Jack is a receptionist and Isabel works in the hotel bar.
Jack say : “Ten million people (61) London every year. Our hotel (62) sixty room,
and visitors (63) from all over the world, especially from America and Japan. I (64)
English, German, and Spanish. I can’t speak Japanese, but I want to learn it. Our visitors
like doing many things. They often (65) breakfast in the hotel, an English breakfast of
eggs, bacon ad toast. Then perhaps after breakfast they visit the Houses of Parliament
and Buckingham Palace and go (66) in Harrods. They come (67) to the hotel at 4
o’clock and have tea and relax. Then (68) the evening they go to the theatre. I work
from 6 o’clock in the morning (69) three in the afternoon and Isabel works (70) night,
but we love our work.
61. a. visiting

b. visit

c. to visit

d. is visiting

62. a. has

b. having

c. have

d. is having

63. a. comes

b. coming

c. come

d. to come

64. a. say

b. tell

c. talk

d. speak

65. a. have

b. has

c. having

d. to have

66. a. shop

b. shopping

c. to shop

d. shops

67. a. again

b. for

c. back

d. up

68. a. in

b. on

c. at

d. to

69. a. up

b. till

c. at

d. for

70. a. on

b. in

c. up

d. at

B ) Mariam usually gets up at 7 a.m., with a cup of coffee to wake her up properly. She
leaves home at 7.45 to reach the university at 8 a.m. for her daily swim in the pool

She usually gets back home by 9 a.m. Then she starts her housework. She does a
lot-of other things too, like writing letters and gardening, and she often has to go out
to see people at some point during the day.
She has a quick “brunch” mid-morning, and she likes to have an evening meal with
the family between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Every one helps clear away after dinner. By thn
it’s about 7.15 or 7.30 p.m.
Mariam likes to relax in the evenings, but sometimes she has a meeting she has to go.
She aims to bed early two or three times a week; at other times she goes to bed
after midnight but usually before 12.30.

Properly (adv): một cách thích hợp
gardening (n): làm vườn some
To wake up: thức giấc
point (n): ở lúc nào đó
Pool (n): hồ nước
to clear away: dọn dẹp
To have to: phải
to relax: thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
To aim: cố gắng, sắp xếp
swimming pool (n): h ồ bơi
Housework (n): việc nhà
brunch (n): bữa ăn sáng muộn thay cho bữa ăn sáng và cả bữa trưa
71.7 a.m is the time Mariam … .
a. wakes up
b. gets up
c. goes up
d. moves up
72. She has … to wake her up properly.
a. a cup of tea b. a glass of water c. a cup of coffee d. a glass of milk
73. How long does it take Mariam to go from home to the university?
a. fifteen minutes
b. half an hour
c. an hour d. twenty minutes
74. Why does she go to the university every day? – … .
a. To swim
b. To drive
c. To dive
d. To study
75. Then she …. at 9 a.m.
a. goes to work

b. gets back home
c. goes to study
d. goes shopping
76. She doesn’t have … .
a. breakfast
b. lunch
c. brunch
d. both a & b
77. She has … in the morning.
a. lunch
b. lunch
c. breakfast
d. classmates
78. She has dinner with … .
a. friends
b. workers
c. her family
d. classmates
79. Mariam likes …. in the evenings.
a. to go out
b. to work late
c. to do homework
d. to relax
80. She goes to bed early ….. a weak.
a. two times
b. three times
c. other times
d. both a & b

End of Test


11.a 21.c

31. b 41.a

51. c — > talking



2. a 12. b 22. b 32. d 42. b 52. a —» Are

62. a

72. c

3. c 13.c 23. d 33. c 43. d 53. c —> from

63. c

73. a

4. b 14. a 24. a 34. b 44. c 54. d —> a
5. d 15.d 25. c 35. d 45. c 55. c —^ up
6. a 16. c 26. a 36. a 46. b 56. c —» twelfth

64. d
65. a
66. b

74. a
75. b
76. d

7. b 17. b 27. a 37. b 47. d 57. c -> tell
8. d 18.d 28. b 38. b 48. a 58. a -» always have

67. c
68. a

77. b
78. c

9. b 19. a 29. d 39. c 49. c 59. b —» do you say

69. b

79. d

10. d 20. c 30. c 40. d 50. a 60. d —> mine

70. d

80. d

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