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Tieng Anh 6 Sach moi Unit 07 Television Lesson 2 A closer look 1

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Week 19
Period 57
Date of preparation: 25/12/2017
Date of teaching: 03/01/2018
A. Objectives:
1. Knowledge:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss can use some words to name the TV programmes and they can
pronounce the two sounds: // /w/
- Vocabulary: vocabulary relating about television
- Grammar: who in the noun clause
2. Skills: - Develop interactive skill.
3. Attitude: - Educate the love of students to television.
4. Competences: Develop the competences of communication, cooperation, using languages,
and solving problems.
B. Preparations
- Teaching aids: Textbook, lap top, speaker, projector.
C. Procedure
I. Organization:
6A: Date ……………… - Absentee(s)............................................................................................
6B: Date ……………… - Absentee(s)............................................................................................
6C: Date ……………… - Absentee(s)............................................................................................
6D: Date ……………… - Absentee(s)...........................................................................................
6E: Date ……………… - Absentee(s)............................................................................................
Teacher's activities
II. Warm up: Brainstorm: television
Ask Ss to give words relating with television.
T and other Ss give comments.
III. New lesson:
Exercise 1

Ask Ss to write the words/ phrases under each
Call on 3 Ss to do it on the board.
T plays the CD for Ss.
T and other Ss give comments.
Confirm the answers:
1. newsreader
2. TV schedule
3. MC
4. viewer
5. remote control
6. weatherman
Exercise 2
Ask Ss to identify a word from its description.
Call 3 Ss to do the task.
T and other Ss give comments.
T confirms and gives correct answers.
1. weatherman
2. newsreader
3. remote control 4. MC
5. volume button
6. TV viewer
Exercise 3

Students' activities
Some Ss write the words on the board
and the others do it in their notebooks.
channel, programme, remote control…
3 Ss do the task on the board; the others
do in their notebooks.

Ss check their answer

3 Ss do the task on the board; the others
do in their notebooks.
Check their answers.

Instruct the rules of the game to the Ss.
Let Ss play the game: what is it?
Control the class.
Praise the winner group.

Group work: 5 groups
Each group chooses 2 words.
1. newsreader: a person who reads news.
2. weatherman: a man who gives a
weather forecast.
3. comedian: a person whose job is to
make people laugh by telling joke and
funny stories.
Exercise 4 Pronunciation
Individual work
Introduce the two sounds // /w/.
Listen to the CD and repeat the words.
Play the CD for Ss to repeat.
Notice the two sounds.
Call on several Ss to repeat in front of the class.
Some Ss say the words in front of the
Correct their pronunciation.

Exercise 5
Individual work
Play the CD again.
Listen to the CD.
Have Ss put the words into 2 columns with the Write the words into correct columns.
sound // or /w/.
Call on 2 Ss to write on the board.
2 Ss do the task on the board; the others
T and other Ss give comments.
do in their notebooks.
T confirms and gives correct answers.
Check the answers.
Exercise 6
Have Ss read the Tongue Twister.
Read the Tongue Twister fast and
Call several Ss to read in front of the class.
IV. Consolidation:
Which sounds do we study today?
Listen and answer.
Can you remember the words you learnt today?
V. Homework
- Learn by heart the words you learnt today.
Listen and take notes.
- Do Exercise A1, 2; B6, 7
- Foresee the next lesson: A CLOSER LOOK 2
