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Cau menh lenh tu de hoi Mao tu Tieng Anh 6

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Chuyển các câu sau thành câu mệnh lệnh phủ định
1. Turn off the light When you go out. -> .......................
2. Be silly. I will come back. -> .......................
3. John asked me to turn off the radio. -> .......................
4. Please tell her to leave the room. -> .......................
5. My mother ordered me to clean my room. -> .......................
1. I, We => You I love playing piano. => What do you love?
2. me, us => you They give me a present. => What do they give you?
3. mine, ours => yours That pen is mine. => What is yours?
4. my, our => your It is my car. => What is your?
5. some => any There are some eggs. => What are there any thing?
Exercise 1. Complete the conversation using the given question words.
A: ………. are you going to do this weekend?
B: I am not sure. ………. is your plan?
A: I am thinking of going to My Khe beach.
B: ………..is it located?
A: It is in Da Nang city.

B: …………..is it from our town to that beach?
A: Not really far, just about 30 km.
A: ………......are you going there?
B: I'm going by car.
B: …………..are you going with?
A: Maybe I'm going alone. Would you be interested in joining me?
B: Sure, I'd love to. …………are you going to leave?
A: I think that we can leave around 8:00 on Saturday morning.
B: Oh. …………….don't we leave earlier? About 7 a.m. That will give

us plenty of time to explore.
A: That sounds good! Ah, don't forget to take a camera because there is
a music festival!
B: Awesome! I'll see you on Saturday. Thanks for asking me to go with
Exercise 2. Make questions for the underlined words or phrases
1. The dictionary is 200,000 dong.
2. I made it from a piece of wood
3. She bought it at the shop over there
4. No, I wasn’t. (I was tired after the trip.)
5. It took her three hours to finish the composition.
6. I need a phone card to phone my parents
7. It’s about 1,500 km from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City
8. The bank is opposite the restaurant
9. The dress looked very nice
10. I saw her last nigh
11. Her neighbor gave her a nice dress
12. They returned to America two weeks ago.
13. Mrs. Robinson bought a poster.
14. My father was in Ha Noi last month
15. He traveled to Nha Trang by coach.
16. She went to the doctor because she was sick.
17. Nam left home at 7 o’clock yesterday.
18. He taught English in the high school.
19. The homework was very difficult yesterday
20. She often does the housework after doing exercises
21. They are planting some roses in the garden.
22. Liz will send these letters to her friends
23. My favorite subject is Math.
24. Yes, we do. (We have magazines and newspapers)

25. I often listen to music in my free time.
26. Yes, he is. (He is good at drawing)
27. She learns about computers in computer science class
28. My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment
29. Lan likes playing table tennis
30. I go to the movies twice a week.

31. They go to the beach on the summer holidays
32. They stay in a hotel.
33. Gatsby is the main character of the film.
34. The film is broadcast twice a week.
35. Cartoon is my favourite kind of films.
36. The TV costs ten millions Vietnam dong.
37. The film ends at 11 pm.
38. The remote control is on the armchair.
39. There are about 9 channels of Vietnam Television
40. The main character is very beautiful and clever
41. People can learn how to live in the desert from this programme.
42. Watching too much TV is bad for your health because it can cause
some diseases of eyes and mentality.
Exercise 3. Complete the words
Điền them What, Who, How, When, What time, Where, Why,
Whose, Which, How often vao những cau sau:
1. ____________ do you usually eat for breakfast? Toast and eggs.
2. ____________ does Peter come from? London.
3. ____________ do you usually have lunch with? My friends.
4. ____________ do they go to school? In the morning.
5. ____________ does Mary come to class? By bus.
6. ____________ do your sister and you usually get up? Ten o' clock.

7. ____________ ice cream does Johnny like? Chocolate.
8. ____________ cap do you often borrow? My brother' s (cap).
9. ____________ does she sometimes come to work late? Because she misses the train.
10. ____________ do you go shopping? Once a week.

Mạo từ THE/A/AN là những từ thường dùng nhất trong tiếng trong tiếng Anh. Có hai loại mạo
từ: mạo từ xác định the và mạo từ không xác định a/an
Mạo từ xác định (definite article) THE được dùng khi người nói và người nghe/người đọc đều
biết họ đang nói cụ thể về một ai hay vật gì. Ngồi ra the còn được dùng trong những trường hợp
1. Khi chỉ duy nhất có một người hay một vật nào đó
The Pope : Đức Giáo Hoàng
The Sun : mặt trời
The Queen of England : Nữ Hồng Anh
2. Khi nói về những những gì mang tính tột bật

The tallest building in Saigon : tòa nhà cao nhất Sài Gòn
The smallest boy in class : cậu bé nhỏ nhất trong lớp
3. Khi chỉ có một người hay một vật gì đó trong khung cảnh xung quanh
We live in a small village next to the church : Chúng tôi trong một ngôi làng bên cạnh nhà thờ.
(Nhà thờ nằm bên ngôi làng)
Dad, can I borrow the car? : Ba, cho con mượn chiếc xe nhé? (Chiếc xe của nhà)
4. Khi người hay vật nào đó đã được nhắc đến trước đó.
A boy felt down from a tree. An ambulance is taking the boy to the hospital. : Một cậu bé đã ngã
từ trên cây xuống. Một xe cứu thương đang chở cậu bé tới bệnh viện.
5. Khi nói về thứ mà dùng một danh từ có thể để mơ tả chung tất cả loại
The snake is a dangerous animal : Rắn là một con vật nguy hiểm ( Những con rắn đều nguy

My son can play the piano really well: Con trai tơi có thể chơi piano rất giỏi ( Có thể chơi bất kì
piano nào)
6. Khi nói về một hệ thống hay dịch vụ
You should tell the police : Bạn nên báo công an.
I heard it on the radio: Tơi đã nghe nó trên radio.
7. Khi dùng với tính từ để chỉ một nhóm người
The gap between the rich and the poor is big. : Khoảng cách giữa người giàu và người nghèo thì
The city should help the disabled more. : Thành phố cần nên giúp đỡ những người khuyết tật
nhiều hơn.
8. Mạo từ THE không được dùng cho tên riêng trừ những trường hợp sau:

Tên của những nước mà có chữ kingdom, states hay republic

The United Kingdom : Vương Quốc Anh
The United States of America (USA) : Hoa Kỳ
The Republic of Ireland : Cơng Hịa Ireland

Dùng để chỉ những người của một nước

The Vietnameses : những người Việt Nam
The Netherlands: những người Hà Lan

Những vị trí địa lý như dãy nuối, đảo, đại dương, kênh đào

The Himalayas: dãy Himalaya

The Pacific Ocean : Thái Bình Dương
The Panama Canal : Kênh đào Panama

Những cơng trình kiến trúc nổi tiếng

The Eiffel Towel : Tháp Eiffel
The Forbidden Palace: Tử Cấm Thành

Những tổ chức

The United Nation: Liên Hiệp Quốc
The ASEAN : Khối những nước Đông Nam Á

Những chuỗi khách sạn hoặc nhà hàng

The Ritz Carlton, The Marriott

Tên của một dòng họ

The Williams, The Obamas, The Beckhams
Mạo từ không xác định (indefinite article) A/AN được dùng khi người nói và người nghe/người
đọc nói về một ai hay vật gì chung chung và khơng cụ thể. A được dùng trước phụ âm,
còn AN được dùng trước nguyên âm a e i o u hay phụ âm có âm câm (an hour, an honor). Ngồi

ra the còn được dùng trong những trường hợp sau:
1. Một người hay vât trong một nhóm
She is a student at Harvard. : Cô ấy là một sinh viên tại trường Harvard.
He is a person from the South: Anh ấy là một người từ miền Nam
2. Không dùng A/AN để chỉ số nhiều hay danh từ không đếm được
He likes blue shirts : Anh ấy thích những chiếc áo màu xanh.
She likes to play with fire: Cơ ấy thích đùa với lửa.
3. Khi dùng để nói về nghề nghiệp
He is an engineer: Anh ấy là (một) kĩ sư.
She is a director: Cô ấy là (một) giám đốc.
4. Khi dùng một danh từ số ít để đại diện cho một nhóm người hay một loại
A man needs friends : Đàn ơng cần có bạn bè. (Tất cả đàn ông cần bạn bè).
A cat likes an animal : Mèo là một con vật . Tất cả con mèo đều là con vật

Exercise 1: Chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống (chú ý: ký hiệu “x” có nghĩa là khơng
cần mạo từ)
1. We are looking for _______ place to spend ________ night.
A. the/the

B. a/the

C. a/a

D. the/a

2. Please turn off ________ lights when you leave ________ room.
A. the/the

B. a/a

C. the/a

D. a/the

3. We are looking for people with ________experience.
A. the

B. a

C. an

D. x

4. Would you pass me ________ salt, please?
A. a

B. the

C. an

D. x

5. Can you show me ________way to ________station?
A. the/the

B. a/a

C. the/a

D. a/the

C. the

D. x

6. She has read ________interesting book.
A. a

B. an

7. You’ll get ________shock if you touch ________ live wire with that screwdriver.
A. an/the

B. x/the

C. a/a

D. an/the

8. Mr. Smith is ________ old customer and ________ honest man.
A. An/the

B. the/an

C. an/an

D. the/the

9. ________ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.

A. a/x

B. x/the

C. an/x

D. the/x

10. Do you go to ________ prison to visit him?
A. the

B. a

C. x

D. an

11. ________eldest boy is at ________ college.
A. a/the

B. the/x

C. x/ a

D. an/x

12. Are you going away next week? No, ________ week after next.
A. an

B. a

C. the

D. x

13. Would you like to hear ________ story about ________ English scientist?
A. an/the

B. the/the

C. a/the

D. a/ an

14. There’ll always be a conflict between ________ old and ________ young.
A. the/the

B. an/a

C. an/the

D. the/a

15. There was ________ collision at ________ corner.
A. the/a

B. an/the

C. a/the

D. the/the

16. My mother thinks that this is ________ expensive shop.
A. the

B. an

C. a

D. x

17. Like many women, she loves ________ parties and ________gifts.
A. the/ a

B. a/the

C. a/a

D. x/x

C. an

D. x

18. She works seven days ________ week.
A. a

B. the

19. My mother goes to work in ________ morning.
A. a

B. x

C. the

D. an

20. I am on night duty. When you go to ________ bed, I go to ________ work.
A. a/x

B. a/the

C. the/x

D. x/x

Exercise 2: Câu chuyện sau được chia thành các câu nhỏ, hãy đọc và điền mạo từ thích hợp
“a/an/ the hoặc x (không cần mạo từ)” vào chỗ trống:
1. There was ________knock on ________door. I opened it and found ________small dark man
in ________blue overcoat and _______woolen cap.
2. He said he was ________employee of ________gas company and had come to read
3. But I had ________suspicion that he wasn't speaking ________truth because ________meter
readers usually wear ________peaked caps.
4. However, I took him to ________ meter, which is in ________dark corner under ________
5. I asked if he had ________ torch; he said he disliked torches and always read ________
meters by ________light of ________match.

6. I remarked that if there was ________leak in ________ gas pipe there might be ________
explosion while he was reading ________meter.
7. He said, “As ________matter of ________fact, there was ________explosion in
________last house I visited; and Mr. Smith, ________owner of ________house, was burnt in
8. “Mr. Smith was holding ________lighted match at ________time of ________explosion.”
9. To prevent ________possible repetition of this accident, I lent him ________torch.
10. He switched on ________torch, read ________meter and wrote ________ reading down on
________back of ________envelope.

11. I said in ________surprise that ________meter readers usually put ________readings down
in ________book.
12. He said that he had had ________book but that it had been burnt in ________fire
in________ Mr. Smith's house.
13. By this time I had come to ________conclusion that he wasn't ________genuine meter
reader; and ________moment he left ________house I rang ________police.
Exercise 3: Điền mạo từ thích hợp “a/an/the hoặc x (không cần mạo từ)”” vào chỗ trống.
14. Are John and Mary ________cousins? ~
No, they aren't ________cousins; they are ________brother and ________sister.
15. ________fog was so thick that we couldn't see ________ side of ________road. We
followed ________car in front of us and hoped that we were going ________right way.
16. I can't remember ________exact date of ________storm, but I know it was on
________Sunday because everybody was at ________church. On ________Monday
________post didn't come because ________roads were blocked by ________fallen
17. Peter thinks that this is quite ________ cheap restaurant.

A: There's ________murder here. ~

B: Where's ________body?~
A: There isn't ________body. ~
B: Then how do you know there's been ________murder?
19. Number ________hundred and two, - ________house next door to us, is for sale.
It's quite ________nice house with ________big rooms ________back windows look out on
20. I don't know what ________price ________owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are
________agents. You could give them ________ring and make them ________offer.
21. ________postman's little boy says that he'd rather be ________dentist than ________doctor,
because ________dentists don't get called out at ________night.
22. Just as ________air hostess (there was only one on the plane) was handing me ________cup
of ________coffee ________plane gave ________lurch and ________ coffee went all over
________person on ________other side of ________gangway.
23. There was ________collision between ________car and ________cyclist at ________
crossroads near ________my house early in ________morning.
24. Professor Jones, ________man who discovered ________new drug that everyone is talking
about, refused to give ________press conference.

25 .Peter Piper, ________student in ________ professor's college, asked him why he refused to
talk to ________press.
1. My neighbour is . . . photographer; let's ask him for . . . advice about colour films.
2. We had . . . fish and . . . chips for . . . lunch. ~
That doesn't sound . . . very interesting lunch.
3. I had . . . very bad night; I didn't sleep . . . wink.
4. He is . . . vegetarian; you won't get . . . meat at his house. He'll give you . . . nut cutlet. ~Last
time I had . . . nut cutlet I had . . . indigestion.
5 .. . . travel agent would give you . . . information about . . . hotels.

6 .We'd better go by . . . taxi—if we can get . . . taxi at such . . . hour as 2 a.m.
7. . . . person who suffers from . . . claustrophobia has . . . dread of being confined in . . . small
space, and would always prefer . . . stairs to . . . lift.
8. Do you take . . . sugar in . . . coffee? ~
I used to, but now I'm on . . . diet. I'm trying to lose . . . weight.
9. . . . man suffering from . . . shock should not be given anything to drink.
10 .You'll get . . . shock if you touch . . . live wire with that screwdriver.
Why don't you get . . . screwdriver with . . . insulated handle?
11 .It costs fifty-five and . . . half pence and I've only got . . . fifty pence piece. ~
You can pay by . . . cheque here. ~
But can I write . . . cheque for . . . fifty-five and . . . half pence?
12. . . . Mr Smith is . . . old customer and . . . honest man. ~
Why do you say that? Has he been accused of . . . dishonesty?
13. I'm not . . . wage-earner; I'm . . . self-employed man. I have . . . business of my own. ~
Then you're not . . . worker; you're . . . capitalist!
14. When he was charged with . . . murder he said he had . . . alibi.
15. . . . friend of mine is expecting . . . baby. If it's . . . girl she's going to be called Etheldreda. ~
What . . . name to give . . . girl!
16. I have . . . hour and . . . half for lunch. ~
I only have . . . half . . . hour—barely . . . time for . . . smoke and ... cup of coffee.
17. I hope you have . . . lovely time and . . . good weather. ~
But I'm not going for . . . holiday; I'm going on . . . business.

18. He looked at me with . . . horror when I explained that I was . . . double agent.
19. I wouldn't climb . . . mountain for Ј1,000! I have . . . horror of . . . heights.
20. I have . . . headache and . . . sore throat. I think I've got . . . cold. ~
I think you're getting . . . flu.

Insert the if necessary.
1. . . . youngest boy has just started going to . . . school; . . . eldest boy is at . . . college.
2 .She lives on . . . top floor of an old house. When . . . wind blows, all . . . windows rattle.
3 . . . darkness doesn't worry . . . cats; . . . cats can see in . . . dark.
4 .My little boys say that they want to be . . . spacemen, but most of them will probably end up in
. . . less dramatic jobs.
5. Do you know . . . time? ~
Yes, . . . clock in . . . hall has just struck nine. ~
Then it isn't . . . time to go yet.
6 .He was sent to . . . prison for . . . six months for . . . shop-lifting.
When . . . six months are over he'll be released; . . . difficulty then will be to find . . . work. ~
Do you go to . . . prison to visit him?
7. I went to . . . school to talk to . . . headmistress. I persuaded her to let Ann give up . . .
gymnastics and take . . . ballet lessons instead.
8 .. . . ballet isn't much use for . . . girls; it is much better to be able to play . . . piano.
9. I am on... night duty. When you go to . . . bed, I go to . . . work.
10. Peter's at . . . office but you could get him on . . . phone. There's a telephone box just round . .
. corner
