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Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (154.58 KB, 6 trang )

1. The other : cái kia ( còn lại trong 2 cái ) hãy nhớ vì xác định nên ln có mạo từ “The”
Ex: There are 2 chairs, one is red, the other is blue the other chair)
2. The others: những cái kia ( những cái còn lại trong 1 số lượng nhất định) vì đã xác định
nên ln có mạo từ “The”
Ex: There are 20 students, one is fat, the others are thin.
Như vậy:
Ex: There are 20 students, one is fat, the others are thin
= There are 20 students, one is fat, the other students are thin
3. another: 1 cái khác (không nằm trong số lượng nào cả)
Ex: I have eaten my cake, give me another ( = another cake)
4. others: những cái khác (khơng nằm trong số lượng nào cả) Vì khơng xác định nên khơng
có mạo từ “The”
Ex: Some students like sport, others don’t
* Chú ý: Khi muốn lặp lại danh từ “student” Không được dùng (“others students”) mà phải
dùng “other students” “other khơng có s” –> điểm ngữ pháp thường ra thi TOEIC.
Như vậy:
Ex: Some students like sport, others don’t
-> “others” đóng vai trị như một đại từ sở hữu
= Sone students like sport, other students don’t.
-> “other” đóng vai trị như một tính từ sở hữu.
1. I have two bags.One is black and ____ is red.

a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

2. Mr.Paul has three children.One of them is a girl and ___ are boys.
a. another

b. the othe

c. others

d. the others

3. This computer is out of order.We need ____ one.
a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

4. Some students of mine like Math,____ prefer Literature.
a. another

b. some other

c. others

d. some


c. others

d. the others

5. My village is on____ side of the river.
a. another

b. the other

6. Would you like ___ drink?
a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

7. There are nine pencils on the desk. One is blue, one is red and ___ is black.
a. another

b. the othe

c. others

d. the others

8. I've found one of my running shoes, but I can't find____.

a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

9. There were seven apples in the refrigerator. They are here. Where are____?
a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

10. This novel is so boring. Give me____?
a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. the others

11. The embassy website has general information about visas.___ travel
information can be obtained by calling the hotline number.
a. The others

b. The other

c. Other

d. Others

Do you want to exchange this oven for___ or do you want your money back?

a. another

b. the other

c. others

d. othe

13. Some scientists think we should reduce the number of flights to prevent global
warming:____ disagree.
a. other

b. others

c. the others

d. the others

14. The headquarters of the company is located on____ side of the street,directly
a. another

b. an


c. the others

d. the other

15. This bike costs $300 and ____ cost $500 upwards
a. other

b. others

c. the other

d. the others

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with “another or the other”
1. There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. The tiger
is ..................... .
2. There are two colors on this page. One is white, ..................... is black.

3. Alex’s bicycle was run over by a truck and destroyed. He needs to get ..................... one.
4. The Smiths have two bicycles. One belongs to Mr. Smith. ..................... bike belongs to Mrs.
5. There are three books on my desk. Two of them are dictionaries. ..................... one is a telephone
6. The puppy chewed up my telephone directory, so I went tot he telephone company to

get ..................... phone book.
7. Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia. Thailand is .....................
8. It rained yesterday, and from the looks of those dark clouds, we’re going to have .....................
rainstorm today.
9. Nicole and Michelle are identical twins. The only way you can tell them apart is by looking at their
ears. One of them has pierced ears and ..................... doesn’t.
10. Of the fifty states in the United States, forty-nine are located on the North American continent.
Where is ..................... located?
11. I have two brothers. One is named Nick. ..................... is named Matt.
































Most là tính từ (adj), bổ nghĩa cho danh từ.
Most + N ( đi với danh từ không xác định ) = hầu hết
Ví dụ:
Most children like playing and hate being given homework.
Hầu hết trẻ em thích vui chơi và ghét bị giao bài tập về nhà.

Most ( adv) = very/ extremely E.g: This task is most important ( = extremely
important)(Nhiệm vụ này rất quan trọng)

Most : dạng so sánh bậc nhất của much/many Eg: I love my mom (the) most
(Tôi yêu mẹ tôi nhất)
Most of
Trường hợp này Most chính là một đại từ (pronoun)
Khi muốn đề cập đến những đối tượng cụ thể, đã được biết đến hay hiểu từ trước thì
bắt buộc phải dùng [Most of] và theo sau nó phải là các danh từ xác định:
Most of + a/an/the/this/that/these/those/my/his… + N = hầu hết
Ví dụ:
Most of the students in this school are intelligent.

Hầu hết sinh viên ở trường này đều thông minh.
She has eaten most of that cake.
Cô ấy đã ăn gần hết cái bánh.
Almost là một trạng từ (adv) = nearly: hầu hết, gần như
Thường đi với Anybody, anything, no one, nobody, all, everybody, every

Ví dụ:
Almost no one refused to join the party.
Gần như khơng có một ai từ chối tham gia bữa tiệc.
Almost all Vietnamese (people) eat rice.
Hầu hết người Việt Nam đều ăn cơm.
Mostly là trạng từ (adv) = mainly, generally: Chủ yếu là, thường là
Ví dụ:
The members here are mostly students

1. It’s possible that Jane will visit Switzerland next year. (could)
2. I’m thinking about taking Spanish lessons. (may)
3. I’m sure they’ll be home by now. (must)
4. James definitely isn’t eighteen yet! (can’t)
5. It’s possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow. (might)
6. I’m sure that Mrs Smith didn’t leave home. (can’t) Mrs Smith …
7. Perhaps she’s gone to stay with her mother. (might)
8. It’s possible that Mr Smith committed a crime. (may)
Mr Smith …
9. I’m certain that he buried something in the garden. (must) He …
10. Perhaps he won the lottery. (could) He …

11. I’m sure he bought a new car. (must) He …
12. Perhaps Mr Smith murdered his wife. (might) Mr Smith …
2. Rewrite the sentences using a modal verb.
1. It isn’t necessary for you to take a jacket.
2. I advise you to see a dentist.
3. You aren’t allowed to talk during the exam.
4. It’s forbidden to park here.
5. I advise you to study harder.
6. He is obliged to go to the police station twice a week.

7. Tom knows how to speak Spanish.
8. He had permission to go to the party.
9. It isn’t possible that that is our plane.
10. It isn’t necessary to take a thick coat.
11. I wish I had paid for half of the meal, but I didn’t.
12. It was wrong of Mary to tell Steve about us.
13. Perhaps Anita didn’t get the text message.
14. It’s possible that they went to the cinema.
15. It wasn’t a good idea to ask the other couple to come with us.

Don't park your car on bends. It is illegal. - You

park your car on bends.

Perhaps she will agree with it. Who knows? - She

I want you to tidy the classroom. - You

agree with it.

tidy the classroom.

I need your help. It's too much work for me. - You

Look at that baloon. It's over there. -

Don't worry about dinner. I'll make it. - You

It is not necessary to be there. - We

help me.

you see the balloon?

worry about dinner.

be there.

Why don't you stay with us? No problem! - You

stay with us.

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