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(Đề thi gồm: 05 trang)

Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 269
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 01: A. politics
B. lunatic
C. Atlantic
D. Catholic
Question 02: A. backstreet
B. backspace
C. backstairs
D. backstage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 03: If only she________ to her principles, she wouldn’t have been led astray.
A. have stuck
B. had stuck
C. sticks
D. stuck
Question 04: People should________ their rooftops into gardens.
A. convert
B. generate
C. consume

D. develop
Question 05: "Have I done something wrong?" ~ "I wish you________ more tactful; you’re always
offending people."
A. were
B. were being
C. have been
D. had been being
Question 06: Tanya likes to buy cheap________ clothes on eBay.
A. throw-away
B. second-hand
C. hard-earned
D. money-off
Question 07: I’d rather you________ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A. hadn’t made
B. haven't made
C. wouldn’t make
D. didn’t make
Question 08: Can you________ some milk from the supermarket?
A. pick up
B. throw in
C. check out
D. get across
Question 09: The new spray dries________ on your skin!
A. individually
B. horizontally
C. possibly
D. instantly
Question 10: The heel on Jane's new shoes________.
A. broke
B. tore

C. scratched
D. damaged
Question 11: She’s such a snob; she behaves________ the Queen.
A. like she was
B. like she were
C. as if she were
D. as if she has been
Question 12: It’s time you________ about your future.
A. thought
B. think
C. had thought
D. to think
Question 13: Supermarkets always have________ produce.
A. natural
B. fresh
C. instant
D. new
Question 14: If only we________ more people, then we wouldn’t be feeling so lonely.
A. knew
B. were known
C. had known
D. have know
Question 15: It is estimated that about 640 women remain illiterate in________ world, mostly in
developing countries.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 16 to 23.

1. Sugarloaf Mountain, in the state of Maine in the US, is one of the best ski resorts in the country.
Thousands of winter sports enthusiasts head for the area during weekends and holidays to enjoy
the breathtaking scenery. Most of them go home exhausted but happy at the end of a great day of
skiing. But not in the case of 17-year-old Nicholas Joy from Massachusetts.
2. Nicholas had gone skiing with his father at Sugarloaf. It was a Sunday, and they were on their
way back down the mountain when Nicholas saw a shortcut. He decided to take the shortcut while
his father continued down the official path. They arranged to meet back at the parking lot for the
drive home. And that was the last his father saw him that day because Nicholas didn't turn up at
the parking lot. After waiting for what he considered to be a reasonable time, Nicholas's worried

father alerted the authorities. A massive search party was launched, but it soon began to snow
heavily. Eventually, the search was called off.
3. Meanwhile, Nicholas was desperate. He had gotten hopelessly lost, and he realized that he was
going to have to spend the night on the mountain. Fortunately, he is a big fan of survival shows, so
he knew how to make a snow cave. He found a safe place to build his cave and made a huge pile of
snow with his skis. Then, he made a tunnel into the snow and dug out a hole to sit in. He covered
the bottom with fallen pine branches and lay down inside. Whenever he was thirsty, he left the
cave and drank water from a nearby stream. Then he returned to his cave and waited to be found.
4. Rescue came two days later in the form of snowmobiler Joseph Paul. Mr. Paul was riding along a
trail about 4 miles from the resort when he spotted Nicholas's snow cave. He got off his
snowmobile, inspected the cave, and found Nicholas curled up inside. After giving the hungry
teenager some cheese crackers and peanuts, he took Nicholas back to the resort to be reunited
with his relieved parents.
5. An official at Sugarloaf confirmed that two or three groups of skiers get lost on the mountain
each year. Like Nicholas, they are usually found in areas that are out of bounds. However, few of
the rescued skiers are in such good shape because they lack his knowledge of survival skills.
Tragically, some of them do not make it through the night.
[From: NEW AMERICAN ENGLISH FILE 4, Workbook, 2nd Ed, Oxford, 2014]

Question 16: The word "out of bounds" is closest in meaning to________.
A. inacessible areas B. bottomless places C. unreachable places D. dangerous spots
Question 17: Nicholas knew how to make a snow cave because________.
A. he had seen someone do it on TV
B. he is a fan for mountain skiing
C. he had taken a survival course
D. his father had taught him.
Question 18: Sugarloaf Mountain is popular with skiers because________.
A. it is in a beautiful area
B. it is easy to get to
C. it is free on the weekend
D. it is the best ski resort
Question 19: Nicholas and his father separated because Nicholas wanted to________
A. go faster than his father.
B. sit down and take a rest.
C. meet some friends at the parking lot.
D. go a different way.
Question 20: The pronoun "it" in the last sentence refers to________.
A. the good shape
B. a difficult experience
C. knowledge of survival skills
D. the skier
Question 21: Skiers who get lost at Sugarloaf________
A. usually make their own snow caves.
B. enjoy reaching new areas.
C. usually have good survival skills.
D. have usually left the official trail.
Question 22: What does the writer imply by "make it through the night"?
A. learn survival skills overnight
B. spend the night in safety

C. manage to deal with a difficult experience
D. survive an accident at night
Question 23: The first thing Joseph Paul did when he found Nicholas was to________.
A. give him some food
B. give Nicholas a ride back home
C. call his parents
D. take him back to the resort
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 24: At least make an attempt at the exercise. It might not be as difficult as you think it is.
A. No matter how difficult you might think the exercise is, just try to do it.
B. You can make the least attempt at the exercise because it is not so difficult.
C. The exercise is so easy that at least you can try to do it.
D. If you try to do the exercise, you may find it easier than you think.
Question 25: The monthly account was lost. It is not Ann's fault.
A. It must not be Ann's fault that the monthly account was lost.
B. Ann's not to blame for the loss of the monthly account.
C. We wouldn’t have blamed Ann for the loss of the monthly account.
D. Ann’s fault was not the loss of the monthly account.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 26: A. physician
B. phial
C. orphan
D. nephew
Question 27: A. cutlery
B. cupid
C. hiccup

D. haircut
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 28: ~ Susan: "You’re looking rather pleased with yourself." ~ Linda: "________________"
A. Why not? I’m hungry enough to eat a buffalo.
B. I’m trying on this new dress. Tom will like it, won’t he?
C. Mum has told me off for taking her lipstick.
D. Suppose your boss had offered you a big bonus, you would too.
Question 29: ~ Mum: "________________" ~ Daughter: "You had better be honest and tell the truth."
A. How can he tell her about his love?
B. Will Dad be angry if you spend all his earnings, Mum?
C. What should I do when I feel dizzy, Mum?
D. I can’t think of a good excuse for being late
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 30: Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes.
A. polluting
B. rising
C. dangerous
D. industrial
Question 31: He was taken to court because he had had his fingers in the till.
A. got his fingers cut
B. pointed a gun at someone
C. embezzled the funds
D. disqualified from office
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 32: Pham Duy was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.
A. famous
B. well-earned

C. barren
D. talented
Question 33: Only a better teacher would have knocked him into shape.
A. punished him severely
B. made him healthier
C. changed his behaviour
D. fattened him
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 39.
…Then mother managed to buy me some more paints and brushes, along with one or two
drawing books and a pencil. This, of course, broadened my range of expression and allowed me to
have a greater choice of subject. After the first few weeks of uncertainty and awkwardness, I
settled down contentedly with my new pastime. I painted every day upstairs in the back bedroom,
completely by myself.
I was changing. I didn't know it then, but I had found a way to be happy again and to forget
some of the things that had made me unhappy. Above all, I learned to forget myself. I didn't miss
going out with my brothers now, for I had something to keep my mind active, something to make
each day a thing to look forward to.
I would sit crouched on the floor, holding the brush between my toes, my right leg curled
up under my left, my hands held tightly at my sides, the hands clenched. All my paints and brushes
were around, and I would get mother or father to pin the drawing paper to the floor with tacks to
keep it steady. It look a very queer, awkward position, with my head almost between my knees and
my back as crooked as a corkscrew. But I painted my best pictures this way, with the wooden floor
as my easel.
Slowly I began to lose my early depression. I had a feeling of pure joy while I painted, a
feeling I had never experienced before and which seemed almost to lift me above myself. It was
only when I wasn't painting that I became depressed and cross with everyone at home.
[From: First Certificate Avenue, Workbook, David Foll, 1197]

Question 34: The word “cross” is closest in meaning to_______
A. unhappy B. dissatisfied C. cheerful
D. angry
Question 35: What happened to the writer as a result of taking up painting?
A. He stopped going out with his brothers. B. He decided he liked being on his own.
C. He rediscovered feelings of happiness. D. He was able to express his unhappiness.
Question 36: The writer got his parents to pin drawing paper to the floor so that_______
A. he could copy the pattern of the floor. B. he could put his paints and brushes on it.
C. the paper didn't move when he was painting. D. the floor would be protected from paint.
Question 37: What does the writer say about his new pastime?
A. He only had the most basic equipment.
B. He needed some time to get used to it.
C. He drew his pictures before painting them.
D. He couldn't paint what he wanted to.
Question 38: Why did the writer paint sitting on the floor?
A. There was no table or chair in the room.
B. He had his best ideas in this position.
C. He could carry on painting for hours.
D. It was the easiest way for him to paint.
Question 39: Where does the passage come from?
A. a book telling the story of the writer's life
B. an article recommending the teaching of painting to children
C. a letter describing the writer's family life
D. a book explaining how to start painting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 40: An uncultivated tea plant might grow about 30 feet height.
A. tea plant
B. about

C. uncultivated
D. height
Question 41: It is difficult to get used to sleep in a tent after having soft, comfortable bed to lie on.
A. having
B. lie on
C. to sleep
D. difficult
Question 42: The doctor told Mr Anderson that, because of his severe cramps, he should lay in bed
for a few days.
A. should lay
B. told Mr Anderson that
C. a few
D. because of
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 43 to 47.
Diverting water from the south of China to the north is not the country’s only crazily
ambitious drought alleviation scheme. The government is also thinking about (43)________ up what
would be the world’s largest cloud-seeding operation in Tibet. China already uses the technique
more than most. Now, says the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, a state-owned
defense company has (44)________ 500 burners on Himalayan ridges in the path of the monsoon.
They are testing a system that involves lofting particles of silver iodide from the machines into the
atmosphere. When the water-laden air of the monsoon hits the particles, ice crystals are supposed
to form and later fall as rain or snow. The hope is to build tens of thousands of these burners and
increase rainfall by up to 10 billion cubic metres a year in an area the size of Iran that feeds the
Yangzi and Yellow rivers as well as others (45)________ which China’s neighbours depend.
But the largest study of iodine cloud seeding so far, the Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot
Programme, found in 2016 that, although the technique can increase precipitation if wind and
other conditions are just right, it cannot do so reliably over a long period or on a large scale.
Changing the (46)________ in the fragile environment of Tibet could also be fraught with

unintended consequences. The government should think (47)________ before giving its go-ahead to
what looks like another vast, risky way of avoiding conservation and pollution controls.
[The ECONOMIST, UK. April 7, 2018]
Question 43: A. setting
B. picking
C. putting
D. making
Question 44: A. made
B. done
C. formed
D. built
Question 45: A. in
B. upon
C. from
D. of
Question 46: A. climate
B. seaon
C. air
D. weather
Question 47: A. twice
B. over
C. about
D. up

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 48: Not all the audience stayed until the play was over.
A. By the time the play finished, there were only a few people left in the hall.
B. Some of the audience didn't like the play, though they watched it till the end.

C. None of the people who came to see the play stayed till the end.
D. Some individuals in the audience left before the play finished.
Question 49: My grandmother surprised us by announcing she was going on a world cruise.
A. Much to our surprise, our grandmother announced that she was going on a world cruise.
B. That we announced my mother going on a world cruise surprised her very much.
C. We were surprisingly announced by my mother that she was going on a world cruise.
D. My mother’s idea of going on a world cruise was announced to us surprisingly.
Question 50: Would you please keep your mobile phone switched off during the flight?
A. Would you mind switching off your mobile phone during the flight?
B. Are you pleased with switching off your mobile phone during the flight?
C. I don't mind your switching off your mobile phone during the flight, do I?
D. Please bear in your mind to switch off your mobile phone during the flight.
_________THE END__________
(Đề thi gồm: 05 trang)

Môn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐÊ SỐ 269
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 01: A. politics
B. lunatic
C. Atlantic
D. Catholic
Question 02: A. backstreet

B. backspace
C. backstairs
D. backstage
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 03: If only she________ to her principles, she wouldn’t have been led astray.
A. have stuck
B. had stuck
C. sticks
D. stuck
Question 04: People should________ their rooftops into gardens.
A. convert
B. generate
C. consume
D. develop
Question 05: "Have I done something wrong?" ~ "I wish you________ more tactful; you’re always
offending people."
A. were
B. were being
C. have been
D. had been being
Question 06: Tanya likes to buy cheap________ clothes on eBay.
A. throw-away
B. second-hand
C. hard-earned
D. money-off
Question 07: I’d rather you________ a noise last night; I couldn’t get to sleep.
A. hadn’t made
B. haven't made
C. wouldn’t make

D. didn’t make
Question 08: Can you________ some milk from the supermarket?
A. pick up
B. throw in
C. check out
D. get across
Question 09: The new spray dries________ on your skin!
A. individually
B. horizontally
C. possibly
D. instantly
Question 10: The heel on Jane's new shoes________.
A. broke
B. tore
C. scratched
D. damaged
Question 11: She’s such a snob; she behaves________ the Queen.
A. like she was
B. like she were
C. as if she were
D. as if she has been
Question 12: It’s time you________ about your future.
A. thought
B. think
C. had thought
D. to think
Question 13: Supermarkets always have________ produce.

A. natural

B. fresh
C. instant
D. new
Question 14: If only we________ more people, then we wouldn’t be feeling so lonely.
A. knew
B. were known
C. had known
D. have know
Question 15: It is estimated that about 640 women remain illiterate in________ world, mostly in
developing countries.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 16 to 23.
1. Sugarloaf Mountain, in the state of Maine in the US, is one of the best ski resorts in the country.
Thousands of winter sports enthusiasts head for the area during weekends and holidays to enjoy
the breathtaking scenery. Most of them go home exhausted but happy at the end of a great day of
skiing. But not in the case of 17-year-old Nicholas Joy from Massachusetts.
2. Nicholas had gone skiing with his father at Sugarloaf. It was a Sunday, and they were on their
way back down the mountain when Nicholas saw a shortcut. He decided to take the shortcut while
his father continued down the official path. They arranged to meet back at the parking lot for the
drive home. And that was the last his father saw him that day because Nicholas didn't turn up at
the parking lot. After waiting for what he considered to be a reasonable time, Nicholas's worried
father alerted the authorities. A massive search party was launched, but it soon began to snow
heavily. Eventually, the search was called off.
3. Meanwhile, Nicholas was desperate. He had gotten hopelessly lost, and he realized that he was
going to have to spend the night on the mountain. Fortunately, he is a big fan of survival shows, so

he knew how to make a snow cave. He found a safe place to build his cave and made a huge pile of
snow with his skis. Then, he made a tunnel into the snow and dug out a hole to sit in. He covered
the bottom with fallen pine branches and lay down inside. Whenever he was thirsty, he left the
cave and drank water from a nearby stream. Then he returned to his cave and waited to be found.
4. Rescue came two days later in the form of snowmobiler Joseph Paul. Mr. Paul was riding along a
trail about 4 miles from the resort when he spotted Nicholas's snow cave. He got off his
snowmobile, inspected the cave, and found Nicholas curled up inside. After giving the hungry
teenager some cheese crackers and peanuts, he took Nicholas back to the resort to be reunited
with his relieved parents.
5. An official at Sugarloaf confirmed that two or three groups of skiers get lost on the mountain
each year. Like Nicholas, they are usually found in areas that are out of bounds. However, few of
the rescued skiers are in such good shape because they lack his knowledge of survival skills.
Tragically, some of them do not make it through the night.
[From: NEW AMERICAN ENGLISH FILE 4, Workbook, 2nd Ed, Oxford, 2014]
Question 16: The word "out of bounds" is closest in meaning to________.
A. inacessible areas B. bottomless places C. unreachable places D. dangerous spots
Question 17: Nicholas knew how to make a snow cave because________.
A. he had seen someone do it on TV
B. he is a fan for mountain skiing
C. he had taken a survival course
D. his father had taught him.
Question 18: Sugarloaf Mountain is popular with skiers because________.
A. it is in a beautiful area
B. it is easy to get to
C. it is free on the weekend
D. it is the best ski resort
Question 19: Nicholas and his father separated because Nicholas wanted to________
A. go faster than his father.
B. sit down and take a rest.
C. meet some friends at the parking lot.

D. go a different way.
Question 20: The pronoun "it" in the last sentence refers to________.
A. the good shape
B. a difficult experience
C. knowledge of survival skills
D. the skier
Question 21: Skiers who get lost at Sugarloaf________
A. usually make their own snow caves.
B. enjoy reaching new areas.
C. usually have good survival skills.
D. have usually left the official trail.
Question 22: What does the writer imply by "make it through the night"?

A. learn survival skills overnight
B. spend the night in safety
C. manage to deal with a difficult experience
D. survive an accident at night
Question 23: The first thing Joseph Paul did when he found Nicholas was to________.
A. give him some food
B. give Nicholas a ride back home
C. call his parents
D. take him back to the resort
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 24: At least make an attempt at the exercise. It might not be as difficult as you think it is.
A. No matter how difficult you might think the exercise is, just try to do it.
B. You can make the least attempt at the exercise because it is not so difficult.
C. The exercise is so easy that at least you can try to do it.
D. If you try to do the exercise, you may find it easier than you think.

Question 25: The monthly account was lost. It is not Ann's fault.
A. It must not be Ann's fault that the monthly account was lost.
B. Ann's not to blame for the loss of the monthly account.
C. We wouldn’t have blamed Ann for the loss of the monthly account.
D. Ann’s fault was not the loss of the monthly account.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 26: A. physician
B. phial
C. orphan
D. nephew
Question 27: A. cutlery
B. cupid
C. hiccup
D. haircut
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 28: ~ Susan: "You’re looking rather pleased with yourself." ~ Linda: "________________"
A. Why not? I’m hungry enough to eat a buffalo.
B. I’m trying on this new dress. Tom will like it, won’t he?
C. Mum has told me off for taking her lipstick.
D. Suppose your boss had offered you a big bonus, you would too.
Question 29: ~ Mum: "________________" ~ Daughter: "You had better be honest and tell the truth."
A. How can he tell her about his love?
B. Will Dad be angry if you spend all his earnings, Mum?
C. What should I do when I feel dizzy, Mum?
D. I can’t think of a good excuse for being late
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 30: Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes.

A. polluting
B. rising
C. dangerous
D. industrial
Question 31: He was taken to court because he had had his fingers in the till.
A. got his fingers cut
B. pointed a gun at someone
C. embezzled the funds
D. disqualified from office
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 32: Pham Duy was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.
A. famous
B. well-earned
C. barren
D. talented
Question 33: Only a better teacher would have knocked him into shape.
A. punished him severely
B. made him healthier
C. changed his behaviour
D. fattened him
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 34 to 39.

…Then mother managed to buy me some more paints and brushes, along with one or two
drawing books and a pencil. This, of course, broadened my range of expression and allowed me to
have a greater choice of subject. After the first few weeks of uncertainty and awkwardness, I
settled down contentedly with my new pastime. I painted every day upstairs in the back bedroom,

completely by myself.
I was changing. I didn't know it then, but I had found a way to be happy again and to forget
some of the things that had made me unhappy. Above all, I learned to forget myself. I didn't miss
going out with my brothers now, for I had something to keep my mind active, something to make
each day a thing to look forward to.
I would sit crouched on the floor, holding the brush between my toes, my right leg curled
up under my left, my hands held tightly at my sides, the hands clenched. All my paints and brushes
were around, and I would get mother or father to pin the drawing paper to the floor with tacks to
keep it steady. It look a very queer, awkward position, with my head almost between my knees and
my back as crooked as a corkscrew. But I painted my best pictures this way, with the wooden floor
as my easel.
Slowly I began to lose my early depression. I had a feeling of pure joy while I painted, a
feeling I had never experienced before and which seemed almost to lift me above myself. It was
only when I wasn't painting that I became depressed and cross with everyone at home.
[From: First Certificate Avenue, Workbook, David Foll, 1197]
Question 34: The word “cross” is closest in meaning to_______
A. unhappy B. dissatisfied C. cheerful
D. angry
Question 35: What happened to the writer as a result of taking up painting?
A. He stopped going out with his brothers. B. He decided he liked being on his own.
C. He rediscovered feelings of happiness. D. He was able to express his unhappiness.
Question 36: The writer got his parents to pin drawing paper to the floor so that_______
A. he could copy the pattern of the floor. B. he could put his paints and brushes on it.
C. the paper didn't move when he was painting. D. the floor would be protected from paint.
Question 37: What does the writer say about his new pastime?
A. He only had the most basic equipment.
B. He needed some time to get used to it.
C. He drew his pictures before painting them.
D. He couldn't paint what he wanted to.
Question 38: Why did the writer paint sitting on the floor?

A. There was no table or chair in the room.
B. He had his best ideas in this position.
C. He could carry on painting for hours.
D. It was the easiest way for him to paint.
Question 39: Where does the passage come from?
A. a book telling the story of the writer's life
B. an article recommending the teaching of painting to children
C. a letter describing the writer's family life
D. a book explaining how to start painting
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 40: An uncultivated tea plant might grow about 30 feet height.
A. tea plant
B. about
C. uncultivated
D. height
Question 41: It is difficult to get used to sleep in a tent after having soft, comfortable bed to lie on.
A. having
B. lie on
C. to sleep
D. difficult
Question 42: The doctor told Mr Anderson that, because of his severe cramps, he should lay in bed
for a few days.
A. should lay
B. told Mr Anderson that
C. a few
D. because of
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 43 to 47.

Diverting water from the south of China to the north is not the country’s only crazily
ambitious drought alleviation scheme. The government is also thinking about (43)________ up what
would be the world’s largest cloud-seeding operation in Tibet. China already uses the technique
more than most. Now, says the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, a state-owned

defense company has (44)________ 500 burners on Himalayan ridges in the path of the monsoon.
They are testing a system that involves lofting particles of silver iodide from the machines into the
atmosphere. When the water-laden air of the monsoon hits the particles, ice crystals are supposed
to form and later fall as rain or snow. The hope is to build tens of thousands of these burners and
increase rainfall by up to 10 billion cubic metres a year in an area the size of Iran that feeds the
Yangzi and Yellow rivers as well as others (45)________ which China’s neighbours depend.
But the largest study of iodine cloud seeding so far, the Wyoming Weather Modification Pilot
Programme, found in 2016 that, although the technique can increase precipitation if wind and
other conditions are just right, it cannot do so reliably over a long period or on a large scale.
Changing the (46)________ in the fragile environment of Tibet could also be fraught with
unintended consequences. The government should think (47)________ before giving its go-ahead to
what looks like another vast, risky way of avoiding conservation and pollution controls.
[The ECONOMIST, UK. April 7, 2018]
Question 43: A. setting
B. picking
C. putting
D. making
Question 44: A. made
B. done
C. formed
D. built
Question 45: A. in
B. upon
C. from

D. of
Question 46: A. climate
B. seaon
C. air
D. weather
Question 47: A. twice
B. over
C. about
D. up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 48: Not all the audience stayed until the play was over.
A. By the time the play finished, there were only a few people left in the hall.
B. Some of the audience didn't like the play, though they watched it till the end.
C. None of the people who came to see the play stayed till the end.
D. Some individuals in the audience left before the play finished.
Question 49: My grandmother surprised us by announcing she was going on a world cruise.
A. Much to our surprise, our grandmother announced that she was going on a world cruise.
B. That we announced my mother going on a world cruise surprised her very much.
C. We were surprisingly announced by my mother that she was going on a world cruise.
D. My mother’s idea of going on a world cruise was announced to us surprisingly.
Question 50: Would you please keep your mobile phone switched off during the flight?
A. Would you mind switching off your mobile phone during the flight?
B. Are you pleased with switching off your mobile phone during the flight?
C. I don't mind your switching off your mobile phone during the flight, do I?
D. Please bear in your mind to switch off your mobile phone during the flight.
_________THE END__________

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