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I. Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other.
1. A. passage B. village
C. message
D. massage
2. A. changed
B. learned
C. laughed
D. earned
3. A. hope
B. offer
C. shop
D. stop
4. A. shut
B. cut
C. sun
D. push
5. A. chair
B. chin
C. chemical D. cheek
II. Pick out the word that has the main stressed syllable different from the others :
1. A. dormitory
B. intermediate
C. institution
D. reputation
2. A. comprise
B. equal
C. picnic
D. poet
3. A. puppet

B. novel
C. language
D. until
4. A. information
B. inspiration
C. logically
D. separation
5. A. linguistics
B. occasion
C. pagoda
D. grocery
III. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences
1. The boy asked me what the rubber knife was used for.
He said, “ __________?”.
A. What was this rubber knife used for
B. What this rubber knife was used for
C. What is this rubber knife used for D. what this rubber knife is used for
If you want to know about a word, check it up in a _________ .
A. book
B. tape
C. dictionary
D. magazine
2. My memory is poor. I can’t learn these new words _________ .
A. in mind
B. in heart
C. of mind
D. by heart
3. Can you _________ any foreign languages?
A. say
B. tell

C. speak
D. talk
4. Our class always _________ at 7 and _________ at 11 a.m.
A. begin/ finish
B. start/ end
C. come/ leaveD. both a and b
5. After completing the basic class of computing, you can _________a high course.
A. come
B. have
C. attend
D. go
6. Our teacher often give us _________ beside the in-class assignments.
A. housework
B. homework
C. part-time work
D. full time work
7. She told me to pass the written _________ before taking the oral exam.
A. show
B. examination
C. work
D. task
8. In order _______ your writing, you have to read a lot and write English as much as
A. to improve
B. to excel
C. to pass
D. to increase
9. What _________ of learning English do you find most difficult?
A. form
B. type

C. kind
D. aspect
10. I want to go to the International language school. All the teachers there are_________
A. good-qualified
B. well-qualified
C. enough qualified D. qualified
11. Look at this _________in today’s edition of the Vietnam News, Nam.
A. advertisement
B. advertising C. advertise
D. advertment
12. If Mary studies harder, she _________pass the final exam.
A. could
B. might
C. must
D. will
13. If you give me your willing help, I _________ get success.
A. would
B. must
C. can
D. could
14. If you want to get good marks for the test, you _________try harder.
A. has to
B. must
C. had to
D. will
15. You _________ do morning exercise regularly if you want to be healthy.
A. should
B. ought to
C. had to
D. Both a and b

16. You _________ to pass the pretest if you want to take the written exam.
A. have
B. ought
C. should
D. will
17. “ We always try to please you”. She says to me _________ .
A. we always tried to please me
B. they always tried to please me.
C. we always try to please me
D. they always try to please me.

18. “ Be careful! The paint is wet”, she shouted.
A. She said be careful because the paint was wet.
B. She told me be careful because the paint was wet.
C. She asked me to be careful because the paint is wet.
D. She told me to be careful because the paint was wet.
19. “Can I make an appointment to see the doctor?”
A. Jenny asked to see the doctor.
B. Jenny asked if the doctor could make an appointment.
C. Jenny asked whether she can make an appointment the doctor.
D. Jenny asked if she could make an appointment to see the doctor.
20. “Did they tell you when they left school?”, he said to me.
In reported speech, this could be read: _________
A. He asked me if they told me when they left school.
B. He asked me if they told me when they had left school.
C. He asked me if they had told me when they left school.
D. He asked me if they had told me when they had left school.
21. She asked me how old Jimmy was.
In direct speech, this could be read: _________

A. She asked, “How old Jimmy was?”
B. She asked, “How old Jimmy is?”
C. She asked, “How old was Jimmy?”
D. She asked, “How old is Jimmy?”
22. “When did your sister arrive?”, he asked.
A. He asked me when my sister arrived.
B. He wanted to know when my sister arrived.
C. He asked me when my sister had arrived.
D. He wanted to know when had my sister arrived.
23. Is she working here?-No, not any more, but she _________
A. use to be
B. used to
C. use to work D. used to work
24. My friends come to visit me _________time _________
A. by/ to
B. from/ to
C. for/ in
D. at/ to
25. He _________arrive at the office on time.
A. used always to
B. used to
C. always used to
D. used to always
26. The applications must be handed in _________ January1st.
A. at
B. through
C. since
D. by
27. Do you know _________?
A. how old was the earth

B. how old is the earth
C. how old the earth is
C. how old the earth was
28. “ Is he the man who came here yesterday?”. I wanted to know _________
A. if he is the man who came here yesterday
B. if he was the man who came here the day before
C. if he was the man who had come here the day before
D. if he was the man who had come there the day before
29. The police asked them where _________
A. does Jack stay
B. Jack stays
C. is Jack staying
D. Jack was staying
30. He said to me, “Shut this door, don’t lock it.”- He told me that_________
A. to shut the door, don’t lock it.
B. shut the door, not lock it.
C. shut the door, don’t lock it.
D. to shut the door, not to lock it.
31. He told me that _________
A. he has just finished typing.
B. he just finished typing.
C. he had just finished typing
D. had he just finished typing.
32. He said to us that everything_______all right.
A. will be
B. may be
C. can be
D. would be
33. The man asked me what my name was. He said, “_________?”
A. What your name is

B. What’s your name
C. What your name was
D. What was your name
34. I don’t think he’s qualified _______the job.
A. to
B. with
C. for
D. of

35. He asked me _______to her birthday party the night before.
A. whether I come
B. if I would come C. if I come
D. whether I had come
36. She asked me _________ .
A. where did I come from ?
B. where I came from
C. where I came from ?
D. where I came from .
37. ________to attend the course , you have to pass the exam .
A. If you will want B. If you should want C. If you may want D. If you want
38. They want to know __________ .
A. which grade was I in
B. which grade was I on.
C. which grade I was in
D. which grade I was on.
39. He told me __________ .
A. He will have to leave the city tomorrow .
B. He will have to leave the city the following day .
C. He would have to leave the city tomorrow .

D. he would have to leave the city the following day .
40. He wants to know _________ .
A. whether I would come back from school the next day .
B. whether I would come back from school tomorrow.
C. whether I will come back from school the next day .
D. whether I will come back from school tomorrow.
41. I wonder ___________ .
A. why he doesn’t love his family . B. why doesn’t he love his family .
C. why does he love his family ?
D. why loves his family ?
42. The village __________near the foot of a mountain and by a river .
A. goes
B. lies
C. comes
D. stands
43. The journey to the village is very _______________
A. interested
B. interesting
C. disinterested
D. interest
44. It is an ___________day to me at the seaside with my friends .
A. enjoyable
B. enjoyment
C. enjoyably
D. enjoy
45. After a long walking , they feel tired and ____________ .
A. hunger
B. hungryly
C. hungrily
D. hungry

46. He wishes he _________the exam .
A. passes
B. passed
C. have passed
D. pass
47. She loves to watch the stars _________night .
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. of
48. Learning a_________language is not easy
A. foreiner
B. foreign
C. foreigning
D. foreigned
49. She asked me _________
A. Where do you come from
B. where I came from
C. Where you come from
D. Where I did come from
50. Oh, dear! Let me try _________
A. remember
B. remembering
C. to remember
D. remembered
IV. Find the mistake then correct it.
1. She wishes she will go to the party with her sister tomorrow.
2. They asked him not give that new information to anyone else.
3. It took me so many time to learn this lesson.
4. Do you know what was she doing at this time yesterday?

5. The doctor advised her to go for a diet to lose weight.
6. He said that he would visit me tomrrow.
7. They were complete right when they said that
8. The Browns decide going to school tomorrow.
9. Peter has two brother, the older is a policeman the younger is an engineer.
10. We have just finish our homework.
V. Reading the following passage and choose the best answers

Speech is one of the most important (1)_________of communicating. It consists of far more than just
making noises. To talk and also to (2)_________by other people, we have to speak a language, that is, we have
to use combinations of (3)_________that everyone agrees stand for a particular object or idea. Communication
would be impossible if everyone made up their own language.
Learning a language properly is very (4)_________. The basic (6)_________ of English is not very
large, and only about 2000 words are needed to speak it quite …56…. But the more words you know, the more
ideas you can (7)_________and the more precise you can be about their exact meaning.
Words are the (8)_________ thing we use in communicating what we want to say. The way we
(9)_________ the words is also very important. Our tone of voice can express many emotions and
(10)_________whether we are pleased of angry, for instance.
A. ways
B. reasons
C. rules
D. tests
A. be examined
B. be talked
C. be understood
D. be spoken

A. sounds
B. languages
C. systems
D. talks
A. important
B. expensive
C. simple
D. easy
A. word
B. vocabulary
C. grammar
D. structure
A. good
B. fluent
C. well
D. perfect
A. grow
B. need
C. pass
D. express
A. most
B. main
C. certain
D. full

A. send
B. talk
C. say
D. pass
A. asks
B. understandsC. knows
D. shows
VI. Rewrite these following sentences, do not change meaning
1. Mary doesn’t spend much money this month, but she spent much money last month
 Mary doesn’t ………………………………………………………………………….………….
2. He works hard and he will pass the exam
 If he …………………………………………………………………………………….…….
3. Ba is a new comer, and so was Tom
 Both ………………………………………………………………………………….……….
4. This lecture bores me
 I am ………………………………………………………………………………….……….
5. This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted
 I …………………………………………………………………………………….…………
6. She left university 2 years ago
 It’s ………………………………………………………………………………….………….
7. They had sold the house at the end of the road
 The house……………………………………………………………………………….……
8. It’s careless of you to leave the window open last night.
 You should not………………………………………………………………………….……
9. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry
 Unless………………………………………………………………………………….……
10. We couldn’t go to shool because it rained
 Because of…………………………………………………………………………….……

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